510 lines
10 KiB
510 lines
10 KiB
# Life and death test problems.
loadsgf games/life_and_death/ld1.sgf
1 dragon_status B18
#? [critical (A15|A18) (A15|A18)]
2 dragon_status S18
#? [critical (T18|O18) T18]
3 dragon_status S2
#? [critical S1 (S1|S7)]
4 dragon_status B2
#? [critical (A2|F2) (A2|F2|C1)]
loadsgf games/life_and_death/ld2.sgf
5 dragon_status B18
#? [critical (B19|E19) (B19|E19|F18|F19)]
6 dragon_status S18
#? [dead]
7 dragon_status S2
#? [dead]
8 dragon_status B2
#? [critical A2 (A2|A5|B6|A6)]
loadsgf games/life_and_death/ld3.sgf
9 dragon_status B18
#? [critical A14 (A17|A14|B13|A13)]
10 dragon_status S18
#? [critical T15 (T15|S14|T14)]
11 dragon_status S2
#? [critical (S6|T6|T7|T2) S6]
# Attacking on F1 only gives a ko, which is a failure.
12 dragon_status B2
#? [critical B1 (E1|E2|B1|F1)]
loadsgf games/life_and_death/ld4.sgf
13 dragon_status B18
#? [dead]
14 dragon_status S18
#? [critical P18 (P18|R19)]
15 dragon_status S2
#? [critical T5 (S5|T6|T5)]
16 dragon_status B2
#? [critical A2 (B5|A6|A5|A2)]
loadsgf games/life_and_death/ld5.sgf
17 dragon_status B18
#? [critical A14 (A14|B17|A17|A18)]
18 dragon_status S18
#? [critical T17 (S17|T17|T18)]
19 dragon_status S2
#? [critical (S3|T5) (S3|T5)]
20 dragon_status B2
#? [critical (B3|A2|A6) (A2|A4|B3)]
loadsgf games/life_and_death/ld6.sgf
21 dragon_status B18
#? [critical (A14|A17|B19) A17]
22 dragon_status S18
#? [critical T18 (T18|R18|R19|Q19)]
23 dragon_status S2
#? [dead]
24 dragon_status B2
#? [critical F1 (F1|D2|D1|B1)]
loadsgf games/life_and_death/ld7.sgf
25 dragon_status B18
#? [dead]
26 dragon_status S18
#? [alive]
27 dragon_status S2
#? [critical (Q2|T2|N2) Q1]
28 dragon_status B2
#? [alive]
loadsgf games/life_and_death/ld8.sgf
29 dragon_status B16
#? [critical C18 (C18|B18|D18)]
30 dragon_status S18
#? [critical Q18 (Q18|S19|R19|S14)]
31 dragon_status S4
#? [alive]
32 dragon_status B2
#? [critical (C1|A5|A2) (A5|C1|A2)]
loadsgf games/life_and_death/ld9.sgf
33 dragon_status C16
#? [dead]
34 dragon_status R16
#? [critical (Q19|S18|T18|T16) (T18|S18|Q19)]
35 dragon_status R3
#? [critical (T5|S2) (S2|T2|T3)]
36 dragon_status C4
#? [alive]
loadsgf games/life_and_death/ld10.sgf
37 dragon_status C16
#? [critical (A17|C19) (A17|C19|A16|A18)]
38 dragon_status R16
#? [dead]
39 dragon_status R3
#? [dead]
40 dragon_status C4
#? [critical (A5|B2) (B2|A2)]
loadsgf games/life_and_death/ld11.sgf
41 dragon_status C16
#? [critical B19 (B19|A16|B18|C19)]
42 dragon_status R16
#? [dead]
43 dragon_status R3
#? [critical (R1|S2|T7) S2]
# B2 lives but allows the opponent to make seki (or ko).
44 dragon_status C4
#? [critical D1 (A2|D1|B2)]
loadsgf games/life_and_death/ld12.sgf
45 dragon_status C16
#? [alive]
46 dragon_status R16
#? [alive]
47 dragon_status R3
#? [dead]
48 dragon_status C4
#? [alive]
loadsgf games/life_and_death/ld13.sgf
49 dragon_status C16
#? [critical B18 (A18|B18)]
50 dragon_status R16
#? [critical (T18|T16) (T18|S18|Q19)]
51 dragon_status R3
#? [critical S1 (R1|S1|T5|T4|T3|S2|S3|T1)]
# B1 is a better defense than D1 because the latter only lives by double ko.
# FIXME: D1 and A5 only attack with ko since black can reply at A2.
52 dragon_status C4
#? [critical (D1|A5) (B1|D1|B2)]
loadsgf games/life_and_death/ld14.sgf
53 dragon_status C16
#? [critical (C19|B19|B18|A18) (A18|B18)]
54 dragon_status R16
#? [critical (T16|O19|T17|T18|S18) T18]
55 dragon_status R3
#? [critical (S2|T5|S3|T3|T2|R1|S1) S2]
56 dragon_status C4
#? [critical (D1|A5|A2) B1]
loadsgf games/life_and_death/ld15.sgf
57 dragon_status C16
#? [critical (A16|A17|A18|B18) A18]
58 dragon_status R16
#? [critical Q19 (T18|S18|Q19|S19)]
59 dragon_status R3
#? [alive]
60 dragon_status C4
#? [alive]
loadsgf games/life_and_death/ld16.sgf
61 dragon_status C16
#? [critical (B12|D13|D14|A14|A12|B11|C19|B18|A18|B19) (A18|B18|A14|B12)]
62 dragon_status R16
#? [alive]
63 dragon_status R3
#? [critical (S2|Q2|R2|R1|S1|T5) S2]
64 dragon_status C4
#? [alive]
loadsgf games/life_and_death/ld17.sgf
65 dragon_status B2
#? [critical A2 A2]
loadsgf games/life_and_death/ld18.sgf 1
66 dragon_status C9
#? [alive]
loadsgf games/life_and_death/ld18.sgf
67 dragon_status C9
#? [critical A9 A7]
# No need to play ko with B2
loadsgf games/life_and_death/ld13.sgf
play white A5
play black A4
play white D1
play black A2
68 owl_attack C4
#? [1 B1]
# Clean capture, no ko.
loadsgf games/life_and_death/ld13.sgf
69 owl_attack R16
#? [1 (T16|T18)]
# Two-stage ko.
loadsgf games/life_and_death/ld9.sgf
play white E1
70 owl_attack C4
#? [2 B2]*
loadsgf games/life_and_death/lunches.sgf
101 dragon_status A17
#? [dead]
102 dragon_status A11
#? [critical (C14|E14|F13|E11) E14]
103 dragon_status A5
#? [critical (A1|E7|M2|M1|N2|N1|O2|O1|P1) (A1|E7|M2|A8|C8|F4)]
104 dragon_status S1
#? [critical T6 (T6|T8)]
105 dragon_status H18
#? [dead]
106 dragon_status M7
#? [critical (O8|L8) O8]
# Life and death problems derived from the tripod group.
loadsgf games/life_and_death/tripod1.sgf
151 dragon_status C17
#? [alive]
152 dragon_status R17
#? [critical (S17|Q18|T16) T17]
153 dragon_status R3
#? [alive]
154 dragon_status C3
#? [critical (B3|D2|B1|A2) B1]
loadsgf games/life_and_death/tripod2.sgf
155 dragon_status C17
#? [critical (B16|B18) B18]
156 dragon_status R17
#? [alive]
157 owl_attack R3
#? [1 Q1]
158 owl_defend R3
#? [1 T1]
159 dragon_status C3
#? [critical (D2|A4) B1]
loadsgf games/life_and_death/tripod3.sgf
160 dragon_status C17
#? [critical B19 (B18|B19|C19)]
161 dragon_status R17
#? [dead]
162 dragon_status R3
#? [critical P1 R1]
163 owl_attack C3
#? [3 B1]
164 owl_defend C3
#? [1 (B2|B1|A2)]
loadsgf games/life_and_death/tripod4.sgf
165 owl_attack C17
#? [1 (A16|B18)]
166 owl_defend C17
#? [2 B18]
167 owl_attack R17
#? [3 T15]
168 owl_defend R17
#? [1 (R19|T16|T18|T19)]
169 owl_attack R3
#? [1 Q1]
170 owl_defend R3
#? [2 Q1]
171 owl_attack C3
#? [3 A2]
172 owl_defend C3
#? [1 (C1|A2)]
loadsgf games/life_and_death/tripod5.sgf
173 dragon_status C17
#? [critical (C18|D19|A16) C19]
174 dragon_status R17
#? [alive]
175 dragon_status R3
#? [critical (T4|S2) S2]
176 dragon_status C3
#? [alive]
loadsgf games/life_and_death/tripod6.sgf
# This is an extremely good ko for white. Black has to ignore 3 ko
# threats to be able to live.
177 owl_attack C17
#? [2 D19]
178 owl_defend C17
#? [1 (A19|A17)]
179 owl_attack R17
#? [3 T17]
180 owl_defend R17
#? [1 (Q18|T17|S18|T18|S17|S19)]
181 owl_attack R3
#? [1 (R2|S4|P1)]
182 owl_defend R3
#? [2 S1]
183 owl_attack C3
#? [3 B2]
184 owl_defend C3
#? [1 (B1|B2|B3|A4|D2)]
loadsgf games/life_and_death/tripod7.sgf
185 owl_attack C17
#? [1 (A19|A18)]
186 owl_defend C17
#? [2 (A18|C18)]
187 owl_attack R17
#? [1 (Q19|S19)]
188 owl_defend R17
#? [2 Q19]
189 dragon_status R3
#? [critical S1 (S4|S1|T2)]
190 dragon_status C3
#? [critical (B3|D2|B5|A5|A4) A2]
loadsgf games/life_and_death/tripod8.sgf
191 dragon_status C17
#? [alive]
192 dragon_status R17
#? [critical (T19|S19) (S17|S19)]
193 dragon_status R3
#? [critical (S4|T4|T5) S4]
194 owl_attack C3
#? [3 B1]
195 owl_defend C3
#? [1 (C1|A5|A3|A2|B1)]
loadsgf games/life_and_death/tripod9.sgf
196 owl_attack C17
#? [1 B19]
197 owl_defend C17
#? [2 B19]
198 dragon_status R17
#? [dead]
199 dragon_status R3
#? [alive]
200 dragon_status C3
#? [dead]
# More life and death problems around tripod group.
loadsgf games/life_and_death/tripod4.sgf
# Black tries a bad defense. He must be punished.
play black Q19
201 owl_attack Q19
#? [3 T15]
# Mixed life and death problems.
loadsgf games/life_and_death/mixed1.sgf
300 owl_attack C17
#? [1 (E19|D19|C19|B18|B19|A18|A19)]
301 owl_defend C17
#? [1 C19]*
302 dragon_status R17
#? [critical T19 (Q19|R18)]
303 dragon_status R3
#? [critical (S3|Q3|Q1|T2|T3) S3]
304 dragon_status C3
#? [critical (A2|E1) A2]
loadsgf games/life_and_death/comb1.sgf
305 dragon_status C3
#? [critical E2 (E2|E1)]
loadsgf games/life_and_death/ld19.sgf
306 owl_attack C17
#? [1 B19]
307 owl_defend C17
#? [1 (E19|C19|B19|A18|A16)]
308 owl_attack R17
#? [1 T17]
309 owl_defend R17
#? [1 (T17|S19|Q19)]
310 owl_attack R3
#? [1 T2]
311 owl_defend R3
#? [1 (T2|R1|P1)]
312 owl_attack C3
#? [1 B1]
313 owl_defend C3
#? [1 (B1|A4)]
loadsgf games/owl49.sgf 1
314 owl_defend R17
#? [1 P18]*
play black P17
315 owl_attack P17
#? [1 P18]
loadsgf games/owl49.sgf 7
316 owl_defend Q17
#? [1 T16]
loadsgf games/life_and_death/mixed2.sgf
317 owl_attack C13
#? [1 E13]*
318 owl_attack L12
#? [1 L10]
319 owl_defend C3
#? [3 D2]
320 owl_attack L5
#? [3 M5]
loadsgf games/life_and_death/mixed3.sgf
321 owl_attack D11
#? [2 B12]
322 owl_attack K13
#? [1 (N11|N13|PASS)]*
323 owl_defend K13
#? [0]
324 owl_attack L4
#? [1 N2]
325 owl_defend B3
#? [1 E1]*
loadsgf games/life_and_death/mixed4.sgf
326 owl_attack B11
#? [1 B13]
327 owl_attack L12
#? [1 M13]
328 owl_attack K5
#? [1 (N5|N3|J2)]*
329 owl_defend K5
#? [1 N3]*
# tough under the stones problem from Sensei's Library
loadsgf games/owl47.sgf 5
404 owl_attack Q4
#? [1 S4]
loadsgf games/owl47.sgf 6
405 owl_defend Q4
#? [0]
loadsgf games/owl47.sgf 7
406 owl_attack Q4
#? [1 R3]
loadsgf games/owl47.sgf 8
407 owl_defend Q4
#? [0]
loadsgf games/owl47.sgf 9
408 owl_attack Q4
#? [1 T3]
loadsgf games/owl47.sgf 10
409 owl_defend Q4
#? [0]
loadsgf games/owl47.sgf 11
410 owl_attack Q4
#? [1 (R3|T2)]
loadsgf games/owl47.sgf 12
411 owl_defend Q4
#? [0]
loadsgf games/owl47.sgf 13
412 owl_attack Q4
#? [1 T2]
loadsgf games/owl47.sgf 14
413 owl_defend Q4
#? [0]
loadsgf games/owl47.sgf 15
414 owl_attack Q4
#? [1 S2]
# Problems arising from a 3-3 invasion.
loadsgf games/life_and_death/invasion1.sgf
501 owl_defend C17
#? [1 C15]
502 owl_defend R17
#? [1 (R14|S14|R16)]
503 owl_defend R3
#? [1 S2]*
504 owl_attack C3
#? [1 B1]
loadsgf games/life_and_death/invasion2.sgf
505 owl_attack C17
#? [1 (C19|B19)]
506 owl_defend R17
#? [1 S16]
507 owl_defend R3
#? [1 S2]*
508 owl_defend R5
#? [1 (S2|S7)]
509 owl_defend C5
#? [1 A5]*
loadsgf games/life_and_death/invasion3.sgf
510 owl_defend C15
#? [1 B15]*
511 owl_defend R15
#? [1 (R12|R11)]*
512 owl_defend R3
#? [1 S5]
513 owl_defend C3
#? [1 C2]*
loadsgf games/life_and_death/invasion4.sgf
514 owl_defend C17
#? [1 B16]
515 owl_defend R15
#? [1 S15]
516 owl_defend R3
#? [1 S2]
517 owl_defend C3
#? [1 C8]*
loadsgf games/life_and_death/ld20.sgf
520 owl_defend B4
#? [2 B3]*
loadsgf games/life_and_death/eye1.sgf
530 owl_attack B9
#? [1 D9]*
531 owl_defend B9
#? [1 (D9|E9|E8)]
532 owl_attack F2
#? [1 J2]*
533 owl_defend F2
#? [1 J2]*