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PB[viking5]PC[The Kiseido Go Server (KGS) at]
EV[Eleventh KGS Computer Go Tournament - Formal division]RE[W+Resign]
C[viking5 [?\]: GTP Engine for viking5 (black): Viking version 5.3.1
GNU [13k\]: GTP Engine for GNU (white): GNU Go version 3.7.8
C[zapp [?\]: Since Viking only searches 1 ply on 13x13 it appears to vervalue sente moves
C[burtabel [3d\]: well GNU Go only "searches" 1 ply too
C[burtabel [3d\]: but has a lot of special code to guess the value of (reverse) sente moves
zapp [?\]: On 9x9 however viking searches 2-4 ply depending on position and stage of the game
;W[bf];B[eg];W[gj];B[hk]C[zapp [?\]: Another bad sente move
C[gunnar [?\]: GNU says B+6.
C[burtabel [3d\]: I think W is leading
gunnar [?\]: Now B+0.10.
;B[fl];W[el]C[zapp [?\]: Viking thinks white is ahead
;B[hf]C[gunnar [?\]: GNU agrees now. W+3.
C[burtabel [3d\]: well of course W should have gotten F2
C[zapp [?\]: Now viking is starting to get desperate
gunnar [?\]: Viking blundered away some points and now the C7 cut aji is gone.
;B[bh];W[ch]C[zapp [?\]: Yes, it is to weak tactically in the endgame
zapp [?\]: I need to use time more efficient
burtabel [3d\]: before that GNU Go played some negative moves.. (K3, E6)
C[trogdor [-\]: zapp: tried splitting vikings simulations to several computers?
C[zapp [?\]: This is a thought that is in my mind
C[zapp [?\]: But right now I only have my laptop
C[burtabel [3d\]: easier thought than done..
C[trogdor [-\]: well, for montecarlo it should be easy.
C[zapp [?\]: But a multicore stationary PC is on the wishlist
C[zapp [?\]: Actually viking code might be unusually easy to parallelize
C[zapp [?\]: Ok, gnu is still the king :-)
burtabel [3d\]: well Black had a chance in lower left
burtabel [3d\]: d2 instead of b1 lives?
gunnar [?\]: No.
zapp [?\]: If C5 is sent?
gunnar [?\]: It's not.
burtabel [3d\]: how can White kill?
burtabel [3d\]: after D2?
gunnar [?\]: Down to C1.
burtabel [3d\]: then Black B1 and A2
zapp [?\]: I need to enter my bathtub quickly
zapp [?\]: see you
gunnar [?\]: Uh, yeah, I was thinking false eye when it wasn't.
gunnar [?\]: So C2 should have been C1?