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# incident 2
loadsgf games/incident2.sgf 212
1 attack E3
#? [0]
# These are all trivialities.
2 attack F1
#? [1 G1]
3 defend F1
#? [1 G1]
4 attack E19
#? [2 D19]
5 defend E19
#? [1 D19]
6 attack S5
#? [1 (S4|T5)]
7 defend S5
#? [0]
8 attack O3
#? [1 O4]
9 defend O3
#? [0]
# incident 79
loadsgf games/incident79.sgf 168
10 attack L19
#? [0]
11 attack K18
#? [1 J17]
# FIXME: Not sure whether defense at J16 works without ko.
12 defend K18
#? [1 J16]
# incident 67 (slightly modified)
loadsgf games/incident67.sgf 21
13 defend G3
#? [1 H1]
# incident 64
loadsgf games/incident64.sgf 52
14 attack F7
#? [0]
15 attack F9
#? [1 G9]
16 defend F9
#? [0]
# incident 55
loadsgf games/incident55.sgf 98
17 defend L5
#? [0]
# incident 80
loadsgf games/incident80.sgf 141
18 attack T10
#? [0]
# incident 82
loadsgf games/incident82.sgf 184
19 attack B16
#? [1 A14]
# incident 114
loadsgf games/incident114.sgf 36
20 attack S4
#? [1 (R4|T4|T5)]
# incident 231
# Three space nakade in the corner.
loadsgf games/incident231.sgf 206
21 attack B4
#? [1 A1]
# incident 84 (slightly modified)
loadsgf games/incident84.sgf 57
22 defend A8
#? [1 (B5|A7)]
# incident 86
loadsgf games/incident85.sgf 214
23 attack H17
#? [0]
# incident 92
# Double snapback. Also see tests 89, 90.
loadsgf games/incident92.sgf 250
24 attack O2
#? [1 Q1]
# incident 93
# Defense available by backfilling. Also see test 91.
loadsgf games/incident93.sgf 42
25 attack E1
#? [0]
# incident 144
loadsgf games/incident144.sgf 98
trymove W F17
26 defend J19
#? [1 G19]
# incident 42
# Indirect defense causing shortage of liberties available. See also
# test 92.
loadsgf games/incident42.sgf 58
trymove B S15
27 defend P16
#? [1 T15|O13|P12]
# incident 43
# Essentially identical to incident 42. See also test 92.
loadsgf games/incident42.sgf 88
trymove B S15
28 defend P16
#? [1 T15]
# incident 118
# This is a ko reading mistake. See also tests 93--96.
loadsgf games/incident118.sgf 252
29 attack J10
#? [1 (F1|F2|N1)]
30 defend J10
#? [2 J1]
# incident 119
# This is a ko reading mistake. See also tests 97 and 98.
loadsgf games/incident118.sgf 256
# Technically N1 also works with ko, but it's inferior since we have
# to win the ko twice.
31 attack J10
#? [3 (F1|F2)]
# This test passes if ko depth is increased to 9.
32 defend J10
#? [2 J1]
# incident 125
loadsgf games/incident121.sgf 74
33 attack O3
#? [1 P3]
34 defend O3
#? [1 (P3|O2|P2)]
# incident 239
# Ko is involved here too, if trying to defend at B1.
loadsgf games/incident239.sgf 58
35 attack A3
#? [1 B1]
36 defend A3
#? [1 A5]
# incident 167b
# Another ko reading mistake.
loadsgf games/incident165.sgf 212
37 attack J14
#? [2 (L11|K9|L9|N4)]
38 defend J14
#? [1 (N4|O2|P2|N1)]*
# This is a reading mistake from the first game of the Honinbo title
# match 2000, between O Meien (white) and Cho Sonjin (black). White
# resigned after move 59.
loadsgf games/ladder1.sgf 59
39 attack G12
#? [1 K13]
# The same position a few moves earlier.
loadsgf games/ladder1.sgf 55
40 attack G12
#? [1 H12]
# incident 185
# This mistake can be solved by increasing the backfill depth to 11.
loadsgf games/incident185.sgf 204
41 defend O19
#? [0]
# incident 186
loadsgf games/incident186.sgf
42 attack E9
#? [1 F9]
# incident 194 (slightly modified)
loadsgf games/incident189.sgf 222
43 attack S12
#? [0]
# incident 195
loadsgf games/incident189.sgf 252
44 attack A9
#? [0]
# incident 225
# Ko reading mistake.
loadsgf games/incident225.sgf 252
45 defend H18
#? [2 H17]
# incident 226
# Ko reading mistake.
loadsgf games/incident225.sgf 254
46 defend H18
#? [2 H17]
# incident 246
loadsgf games/incident246.sgf 74
trymove B L9
47 defend M12
#? [1 M11]
48 defend M10
#? [1 M11]
49 attack N11
#? [1 M11]
# incident 247
loadsgf games/incident246.sgf 76
50 attack M12
#? [0]
# This is a cleaned up version of incident 247
loadsgf games/reading01.sgf
51 attack D6
#? [0]
# This is a simplified version of the reading problem in incident 59.
# Still it's a very tough problem for a computer.
loadsgf games/reading02.sgf
52 attack C3
#? [1 H2]
53 attack D1
#? [1 H2]
54 defend E2
#? [1 H2]
loadsgf games/owl03.sgf
55 attack D19
#? [1 E19]*
loadsgf games/reading03.sgf
# Should find ko attack. Also a life and death problem
56 attack J7
#? [3 J8]
# incident 252
loadsgf games/incident252.sgf 134
57 attack H3
#? [0]
# incident 272
# This mistake can be solved by increasing the fourlib depth to 11.
loadsgf games/incident272.sgf 24
58 defend M17
#? [0]*
# incident 276
# This ko is quite messy with respect to internal ko threats. Awaiting
# further analysis, we accept both return codes 2 and 3.
loadsgf games/incident272.sgf 252
59 defend N2
#? [(2|3) P5]
# incident 280
loadsgf games/incident278.sgf 160
60 defend F16
#? [0]
loadsgf games/strategy5.sgf 44
61 defend S5
#? [1 (S3|S4)]
loadsgf games/reading04.sgf 237
trymove B E1
62 defend D6
#? [2 (F2|G3)]
# Position from Tim's game
loadsgf games/reading05.sgf
63 defend A9
#? [0]
loadsgf games/nicklas/nicklas11.sgf 244
64 defend P8
#? [3 N1|R3|R2]
loadsgf games/reading06.sgf
65 defend S5
#? [0]*
# Ko tests.
loadsgf games/reading07.sgf 1
66 attack G9
#? [2 E7]
67 defend F8
#? [2 E7]
68 defend E9
#? [2 E7]
loadsgf games/reading07.sgf 2
69 defend G9
#? [3 E8]
70 attack F8
#? [3 E8]
71 attack E9
#? [3 E8]
# A simplification of incident 225. Ko tests.
loadsgf games/reading08.sgf
72 attack G9
#? [1 E6]
73 defend G9
#? [1 E6]
74 attack E8
#? [3 E9]
75 defend E8
#? [1 (E6|E9|D9|D8)]
76 attack C9
#? [1 E6]
77 defend C9
#? [1 E6]
# A simplification of incident 119. Ko tests.
loadsgf games/reading09.sgf 1
78 attack C5
#? [3 (C1|C2)]
79 defend C5
#? [2 F1]
80 attack E5
#? [2 F1]
81 defend E5
#? [3 (C1|C2)]
# More ko tests.
loadsgf games/reading09.sgf 3
82 attack C5
#? [3 G1]
83 defend C5
#? [1 F3]
84 attack E5
#? [1 F3]
85 defend E5
#? [3 G1]
# Failure to consider double atari on surrounding chain.
loadsgf games/reading10.sgf
86 defend E5
#? [0]
# Crawling along the edge.
loadsgf games/strategy5.sgf 45
87 attack T7
#? [1 S4]
# Necessary to start by reinforcing surrounding chain.
loadsgf games/reading11.sgf
88 attack G6
#? [1 (D5|E4)]
# Simplification of test 24, double snapback.
loadsgf games/reading12.sgf
89 attack D2
#? [1 F1]
90 attack H2
#? [1 F1]
# Simplification of test 25, backfilling defense.
loadsgf games/reading12.sgf
91 attack A6
#? [0]
# Simplification of tests 27 and 28, indirect defense.
loadsgf games/incident42.sgf 89
92 defend P16
#? [1 T15]
# Simplification of tests 29 and 30, ko mistakes.
loadsgf games/reading13.sgf 1
93 attack B5
#? [1 (A3|E6)]
94 defend B5
#? [2 D1]
# Ko mistake
loadsgf games/reading13.sgf 2
95 attack B5
#? [3 E1]
# Ko mistake
loadsgf games/reading13.sgf 3
96 defend B5
#? [2 F1]
# Simplification of tests 31 and 32, ko mistakes.
loadsgf games/reading13.sgf 4
97 attack B5
#? [3 (A3|E6)]
98 defend B5
#? [2 D1]
# Well-known tesuji.
loadsgf games/reading14.sgf
99 attack D4
#? [1 D6]
# Tests for net3
loadsgf games/net3.sgf
100 attack J18
#? [1 H16]
101 attack L18
#? [1 M16]
102 attack B11
#? [1 D12]
103 attack B9
#? [1 D8]
104 attack R11
#? [1 Q12]
105 attack R9
#? [1 Q8]
106 attack J3
#? [1 H4]
107 attack L3
#? [1 M4]
loadsgf games/reading16.sgf
# test for draw_back
108 attack L3
#? [1 K2]
109 defend L3
#? [1 (K2|M2|N3)]
# Simplification of test 21.
loadsgf games/reading12.sgf
110 attack G9
#? [1 J9]
111 defend G9
#? [1 J9]
# Well-known tesuji.
loadsgf games/reading15.sgf
112 attack H5
#? [1 H2]
113 defend H5
#? [1 H2]
114 attack A5
#? [1 (A3|B2)]
115 defend A5
#? [1 B2]
116 attack B9
#? [1 (D9|E8)]
117 defend B9
#? [1 E8]
118 attack G9
#? [1 (D9|E8)]
119 defend G9
#? [1 E8]
# Small scale semeai.
loadsgf games/reading17.sgf
120 attack E8
#? [1 C7]
# Ko can be avoided.
loadsgf games/reading18.sgf
121 attack E5
#? [1 C4]
# Small scale semeai.
loadsgf games/reading18.sgf
122 defend J9
#? [1 (F7|F9)]
# based on test 12 (incident79.sgf)
loadsgf games/reading19.sgf
123 attack K18
#? [1 G19]
# based on strategy test 18
loadsgf games/reading20.sgf
124 attack G3
#? [1 K3]
# Ko can not be avoided.
loadsgf games/reading21.sgf
125 attack D1
#? [2 E1]
126 defend D1
#? [1 E1]
127 attack D9
#? [1 F7]
128 defend D9
#? [3 F7]
# Backfilling insufficient, need to back-capture.
loadsgf games/reading22.sgf
129 attack H2
#? [1 (F5|F6)]
loadsgf games/TSa.sgf 298
130 attack E19
#? [0]
# Derived from strategy2 test 78. See also test case 138.
loadsgf games/strategy21.sgf 96
trymove black H2
131 attack F4
#? [0]
loadsgf games/reading22.sgf
132 attack J8
#? [2 J9]
133 defend J8
#? [3 F9]
# See also test case 137.
loadsgf games/strategy27.sgf 62
134 attack H2
#? [1 J2]*
loadsgf games/nicklas/nicklas18.sgf 45
135 attack A7
#? [2 A6]
loadsgf games/explorer.sgf 64
136 attack S8
#? [2 (T6|T12)]
loadsgf games/reading23.sgf
137 attack C2
#? [1 (H2|G1)]
138 defend E8
#? [2 F9]*
# incident 156
loadsgf games/incident156.sgf 186
139 attack B13
#? [0]
loadsgf games/reading24.sgf 48
140 attack E2
#? [0]
# superstring problem with double ko
loadsgf games/reading26.sgf
141 attack D1
#? [0]*
loadsgf games/reading27.sgf 66
142 attack N16
#? [1 O16]
loadsgf games/reading28.sgf
143 attack F9
#? [1 (D9|G8)]
144 defend F9
#? [0]
loadsgf games/ko5.sgf
145 attack J13
#? [1 H12]
146 defend J13
#? [2 H12]
147 attack M3
#? [1 H1]*
148 defend M3
#? [2 K2]
loadsgf games/gwe.sgf 225
149 attack T1
#? [0]
loadsgf games/reading29.sgf
150 attack B18
#? [1 B17]*
loadsgf games/reading29.sgf
151 attack M2
#? [1 M3]
loadsgf games/reading30.sgf
152 attack L18
#? [1 (K18|L17|M18)]
loadsgf games/reading31.sgf
153 attack C3
#? [0]
# Ko depth needs to be increased to 11 before the ko is detected.
loadsgf games/trevor/trevor_03.sgf 29
154 attack E4
#? [2 G4]*
loadsgf games/reading32.sgf
155 attack G9
#? [0]
loadsgf games/reading33.sgf
156 attack B3
#? [1 B2]*
157 attack R3
#? [0]
loadsgf games/strategy11.sgf 77
158 attack H2
#? [1 G2]*
loadsgf games/trevor/auto/d12.sgf 66
159 attack B14
#? [0]
loadsgf games/ssstator.sgf 133
trymove black C1
160 attack D1
#? [0]
loadsgf games/reading34.sgf
161 attack C9
#? [0]
loadsgf games/reading34.sgf
162 attack D7
#? [0]
# See also trevorb:840.
loadsgf games/trevor/auto/b75.sgf 62
163 attack E12
#? [0]
loadsgf games/reading35.sgf
164 defend B6
#? [1 C7]
# See also 13x13:78
loadsgf games/reading36.sgf 23
165 attack L4
#? [1 (K3|L3)]*
# See also semeai:36
loadsgf games/nngs/Lazarus-gnugo-3.1.19-200201092246.sgf 66
166 attack R11
#? [1 R12]*
# Gets it right if F5 is filled, so the issue is finding the
# backfilling move.
loadsgf games/doubleko.sgf
167 attack J1
#? [1 F5]*
# This position can reveal komaster scheme weaknesses.
loadsgf games/reading37.sgf
168 defend B5
#? [2 B2]
# See also trevorb:430
# After B:F13, W:D13, B:H13, W:G13, B:G12, white G11 would be self-atari.
loadsgf games/trevor/auto/b28.sgf 80
169 defend F12
#? [1 F13]
# See also owl:237
loadsgf games/owl33.sgf 212
170 attack S13
#? [0]
# See also connect:4,54,55
loadsgf golois/Basique990715-1.sgf
trymove W Q4
trymove B R4
trymove W P4
trymove B R5
trymove W R3
171 attack R3
#? [1 R2]
loadsgf games/reading38.sgf
172 defend N14
#? [1 Q10]
# See also nngs2:1.
loadsgf games/nngs/gnugo-3.3.2-Zahlman-200205221717.sgf 207
trymove white A4
173 defend B2
#? [1 (A2|C7|B1)]
# Although gnugo plays N16, the fact it doesn't see that the move
# is also a defense for N13 causes owl misreads.
loadsgf games/nngs/Lazarus-gnugo-3.1.19-200201092246.sgf 258
trymove black T8
trymove white P16
174 defend N13
#? [1 N16]*
loadsgf games/reading39.sgf
175 defend O3
#? [1 (N1|N2)]
# See also nngs3:1170
loadsgf games/nngs/gnugo-3.3.9-nailer-200210192227.sgf 242
trymove white B1
176 attack B1
#? [0]*
loadsgf games/mertin13x13/katsunari-gnugo2.W+4.sgf 126
trymove black L4
trymove white N3
trymove black N2
177 defend K4
#? [1 N1]
loadsgf games/reading40.sgf
178 attack C9
#? [0]
loadsgf games/nngs/halti-gnugo-3.3.17-200303162357.sgf 228
179 attack P1
#? [1 Q1]
180 defend P1
#? [2 Q3]
# See also trevora:480. F5 doesn't work.
loadsgf games/trevor/auto/a031.sgf 40
181 defend E3
#? [1 E4]*
# A18 only attacks with bad ko (extremely bad since the whole semeai
# is lost if white ignores the ko threat). A17 also attacks with bad
# ko but here a lost ko means seki. A19 gives a good ko but losing it
# costs the whole semeai.
# The distinction between these results is too subtle for the tactical
# reading code so for now we only check that it realizes that there is
# no attack without ko.
loadsgf games/reading41.sgf 118
182 attack C19
#? [(2|3) (A17|A19|A18)]
183 defend C19
#? [1 (A19|E11)]
# Playing E11 immediately gives bad ko. A18 obviously is totally
# ineffective. Necessary to start at A16.
loadsgf games/reading41.sgf 130
184 attack C19
#? [2 A16]
185 attack A19
#? [2 A16]*
186 defend C19
#? [1 E11]
187 defend A19
#? [1 E11]
loadsgf games/reading40.sgf
188 defend B4
#? [1 A2]
loadsgf games/nngs/tommmal-gnugo-3.5.1-200310071202.sgf 194
trymove black A14
trymove white A15
189 defend C19
#? [1 A17]
loadsgf games/reading42.sgf 62
190 attack E16
#? [1 F15]
# A3 wins the semeai. This is very ugly since it requires backfilling
# of a large number of superstring liberties. See also gifu03:310.
loadsgf games/cgf2003/GnuGo-GoInt.sgf 237
191 defend B6
#? [1 A3]*
loadsgf games/reading43.sgf
192 attack D4
#? [0]
loadsgf games/reading44.sgf
193 defend D3
#? [1 F3]
# See also strategy:13.
loadsgf games/incident108b.sgf 292
194 attack L16
#? [0]*
# See also semeai:58.
loadsgf games/test4lose.sgf
195 defend H6
#? [1 J4]
# Standard corner tesuji (sacrifice two stones at H8 and J8 later). /ab
# Maybe F9 works, too?
loadsgf games/nngs/evand-gnugo-3.5.2gf1-200312130817.sgf 28
196 attack E8
#? [1 (H8|E9)]
# See also blunder:30.
loadsgf games/blunder23.sgf
197 defend O8
#? [0]
# See also connection:113 and blunder:24.
loadsgf games/blunder17.sgf
trymove B P5
trymove W L4
198 attack L5
#? [0]
loadsgf games/reading45.sgf
199 defend D2
#? [0]
# Ladder reading problem. See also kgs:290 and kgs:300
# This is more or less a duplicate of reading:156.
loadsgf games/kgs/yagr-czarny.sgf 17
200 attack B4
#? [1 B2]*
# See also arend:29
loadsgf games/arend/gnugo-gnugo7.sgf 24
trymove W E17
201 attack E17
#? [1 G17]*
# See also trevorc:880,890
loadsgf games/trevor/auto/c51.sgf 82
trymove W E12
202 attack E13
#? [2 F13]*
loadsgf games/reading46.sgf
203 attack H9
#? [1 E9]
204 defend H9
#? [1 (C6|E9|G9)]
loadsgf games/reading47.sgf
205 attack G2
#? [0]
loadsgf games/reading47.sgf
206 attack B3
#? [0]
# See also 9x9:250.
loadsgf games/nngs/evand-gnugo-3.5.2gf1-200312161910.sgf 52
207 attack A6
#? [3 (B4|C4|C1)]*
208 defend A6
#? [1 (A2|C2|C1)]
209 attack D4
#? [3 (B4|C4)]*
210 defend D4
#? [1 (A2|C2|C1)]
211 defend A3
#? [3 (B4|C4|C1)]*
212 attack A3
#? [1 (A2|C2|C1)]
213 defend B2
#? [3 (B4|C4)]*
214 attack B2
#? [1 (A2|C2|C1)]
215 defend A1
#? [3 (B4|C4)]*
216 attack A1
#? [1 (A2|C2|C1)]
# GNU Go 3.7.2 thinks white has an attack at D3.
loadsgf games/kgs/maproom-gnugo3pt6.sgf 37
217 attack C4
#? [2 D4]*
trymove W D3
218 defend C4
#? [1 B5]
# See also connection:119.
loadsgf games/kgs/llk-GNU.sgf 150
trymove W N10
trymove B M10
trymove W M9
trymove B L10
trymove W M11
trymove B L14
219 defend K12
#? [1 M14]*
# See also nando:33
loadsgf games/nando/auto023.sgf 170
trymove W H11
trymove B K13
trymove W K12
220 attack K12
#? [0]*
# See also olympiad2004:112
loadsgf games/olympiad2004/19x19/int-gnu.sgf 96
trymove white T13
221 defend Q16
#? [1 Q14]*
# See also ninestones:370
loadsgf games/nngs/leftd-gnugo-3.3.16-200302072009.sgf 78
trymove black T3
trymove white S1
trymove black R5
222 defend S4
#? [1 S5]
loadsgf games/9handicap.sgf 280
223 attack O18
#? [3 T19]
# See also semeai:143-144.
loadsgf games/semeai/semeai22.sgf 7
224 attack A4
#? [2 PASS]*
225 defend A4
#? [3 (F1|F3)]
226 defend E3
#? [2 PASS]*
227 attack E3
#? [3 (F1|F3)]
# See also thrash:20.
loadsgf games/cgos/879.sgf 68
play black F4
228 attack F6
#? [1 (A9|A8|PASS)]*
# See also 9x9:640.
loadsgf games/cgos/25811.sgf 52
229 attack E9
#? [3 (A7|B9)]*
230 defend E9
#? [2 PASS]*
# The send-two-return-one move at J1 is totally ineffective but
# causes horizon effects.
# See also 9x9:650.
loadsgf games/cgos/14198.sgf 53
231 attack G2
#? [2 E1]*
# See also semeai:147.
loadsgf games/semeai/semeai6.sgf
play white A15
play black D13
232 defend A12
#? [1 (B15|C15|D15|E15)]*
# See also gifu05:1200
loadsgf games/gifu2005/mfg-gnugo.sgf 195
233 attack C19
#? [0]*
loadsgf games/reading48.sgf
234 attack C1
#? [1 A1]