81 lines
2.1 KiB
81 lines
2.1 KiB
Command line
.. program:: ringmaster
.. index:: action; ringmaster
The ringmaster expects two command line arguments: the pathname of the control
file and an :dfn:`action`::
ringmaster [options] <code>.ctl run
ringmaster [options] <code>.ctl show
ringmaster [options] <code>.ctl reset
ringmaster [options] <code>.ctl check
ringmaster [options] <code>.ctl report
ringmaster [options] <code>.ctl stop
The default action is :action:`!run`, so running a competition is normally a
simple line like::
$ ringmaster competitions/test.ctl
See :ref:`Stopping competitions <stopping competitions>` for the various ways
to stop the ringmaster.
The following actions are available:
.. action:: run
Starts the competition running. If the competition has been run previously,
it continues from where it left off.
.. action:: show
Prints a :ref:`report <competition report file>` of the competition's
current status. This can be used for both running and stopped competitions.
.. action:: reset
Cleans up the competition completely. This deletes all output files,
including the competition's :ref:`state file <competition state>`.
.. action:: check
Runs a test invocation of the competition's players. This is the same as the
:ref:`startup checks`, except that any output the players send to their
standard error stream will be printed.
.. action:: report
Rewrites the :ref:`competition report file <competition report file>` based
on the current status. This can be used for both running and stopped
.. action:: stop
Tells a running ringmaster for the competition to stop as soon as the
current games have completed.
The following options are available:
.. option:: --parallel <N>, -j <N>
Play N :ref:`simultaneous games <simultaneous games>`.
.. option:: --quiet, -q
Disable the on-screen reporting; see :ref:`Quiet mode <quiet mode>`.
.. option:: --max-games <N>, -g <N>
Maximum number of games to play in the run; see :ref:`running
.. option:: --log-gtp
Log all |gtp| traffic; see :ref:`logging`.