# Takes a directory tree and breaks it down, displaying in this format:
# first_dir:
# sub_dir1
# sub_dir2
# second_dir:
# sub_dir3
# This information is printed to stdout.
# Further, the script only goes two levels deep.
# ChangeLog:
# 0.2 - aligned version with ds-audiotools
# 0.1 - initial version
$VERSION = "0.2.3";
$HELP_MSG = "# dirclean v$VERSION\n\tusage: dirclean <directory>\n\t";
foreach (@ARGV)
$target = $_ unless /(-[Hh])|(--help)/;
foreach (`ls -1 $target`)
$full_name = "$target/$_";
next unless (-d $full_name);
print " $_:\n";
foreach (`ls -1 $full_name`)
my $full_name = "$full_name/$_";
print "\t$_\n";