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# Expects a list of directories that contain ogg|flac
# Directories should be of the form: artist/album
# (i.e., not full paths or relative paths other than this)
# Changelog:
# 0.2.4: Initial release
$VERSION = "0.2.4";
$HELP_MSG = "# Copy files to DAP, converting flac to ogg v$VERSION\n\tusage: copy_top_dap artist1/album1 artist2/album2 ...";
use File::Path qw(make_path remove_tree);
2010-09-14 03:14:57 +00:00
use Cwd;
my $dest='/mnt/dap/MUSIC';
my $tmpdir='/tmp/copy_to_dap';
# Do we need help?
foreach (@ARGV)
if (/^(--help)|(-h)$/) { die $HELP_MSG; }
# Abort if dest doesn't exist - its existence should be a prereq
die "Destination directory not found. Is the DAP mounted?" unless -d $dest;
# Clean out any tmpdir cruft
remove_tree $tmpdir;
foreach (@ARGV)
next unless (-d);
# Are any of the files flac?
my $has_flac;
my @files = `ls $_`;
foreach (@files)
if (/\.flac$/i)
$has_flac = true;
# If we have flac, copy to tmpdir and convert first, then copy to
# dest
if ($has_flac)
make_path "$tmpdir/$_";
make_path "$dest/$_";
system("cp -r $_/* $tmpdir/$_/");
system("conv2ogg $tmpdir/$_/*.flac");
2010-09-14 03:14:57 +00:00
my $dir = cwd;
chdir "$tmpdir/$_";
system("tagfromfilename *");
chdir $dir;
system("cp -r $tmpdir/$_/* $dest/$_/");
make_path "$dest/$_";
system("cp -r $_/* $dest/$_/");
undef $has_flac;
remove_tree $tmpdir;