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2016-04-11 22:01:00 +00:00
2016-05-04 18:41:25 +00:00
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category: media
2016-04-11 22:01:00 +00:00
layout: post
title: 'D&D Post-mortem: Getting creative with your mage hands'
date: '2011-07-02T08:00:00.000-04:00'
author: Anna Wiggins
- dungeons amp; dragons
- game balance
- Yord
- Gaming
- narrative approaches
modified_time: '2013-10-22T11:19:51.100-04:00'
<em>In D&amp;D Post-mortem, I talk about my experiences running D&amp;D 4e games, about 4e as a whole, and about collaborative storytelling in general.<br/></em><br/><br/>Our most recent D&amp;D session was pretty short - a small amount of cave exploration, and a single encounter. During that encounter, however, a few things happened that highlighted two fundamentally different approaches to roleplaying games. The scenario in question was this: the party's Wizard wanted to use Mage Hand to disarm an enemy spellcaster. I had several objections to this idea:<br/><ol><br/> <li>The enemy spellcaster isn't likely to give his wand up without a fight. Assuming, for the sake of argument, that we want to make rules for this attempt, it seems reasonable to me that a Mage Hand would have a Str 2, and would have to make an opposed grab roll, with at least a -5 penalty for the act of snatching an object out of the opponent's grasp.</li><br/> <li>It sets a nasty precedent. If we allow such a simple and repeatable disarm, the game ceases to be challenging. Following this to its logical conclusion, well - the characters' actions don't happen in a vacuum. Word of this tactic would get around (indeed, if such a tactic worked, it would likely already be in widespread use). People would start creating defenses against it - locking gloves, magical barriers, whatever. It would necessitate an arms race between the setting and the character that would potentially alter the landscape of my setting in a way that's not very appealing to me. I'm all for player characters leaving their mark on the world, but I don't much care for this reactive manner. This would also make enemies with natural weapons fundamentally more useful, which would reduce the amount of variety in encounters. Which, I suspect, isn't something anyone wants.</li><br/> <li>There simply are no printed rules for disarming an opponent. More importantly, I believe this was an intentional design decision on the part of Wizards of the Coast. A disarmed opponent is effectively defeated; so disarming an opponent is something that you should only be capable of doing when an enemy is reduced to 0 hit points (as anything that is tantamount to defeat should only be possible when the enemy is actually beaten, i.e. deprived of hit points).</li><br/></ol><br/>Now, I brought up the first objection during play, and the player countered with 'well, the enemy spellcaster would be surprised by the Mage Hand suddenly appearing'. By that logic, it seemed to me that arrows from a concealed target should always hit their targets, and enemies should likewise be able to surprise and completely defeat the PCs with a good stealth check. That doesn't sound like a good logic to use when running a combat to me. In a combat situation, everyone involved is, to borrow a quote from <a href="">Alexandra Erin</a>, "exceptional combatants trying very hard not to get killed". I didn't raise the second objection directly, nor did I think of the third until I'd had some time to think about it.<br/><br/>And it's the third point that I really want to focus on, because it highlights, as I said above, a fundamental divide in how one approaches gaming. On the one hand, you have an approach that focuses on simulating a realistic world (albeit with high fantasy-style magic and other trappings of the genre) in as much detail as possible. This is called (or, at least, I am calling it) <em>simulationist</em> roleplaying.<br/><br/>Simulationist gaming systems tend to be heavy on rules. A game with rules that govern everything a player can possibly do is accurately described as simulationist. This is the style of gaming that leads to damage location, rules to determine exactly where missed arrows end up (and whether they break), and a very precise set of rules governing how magic works in the setting (and categorizing it, explaining how different types of magic do or don't work together, etc). Simulationist games give you rules for how good your character is at any skill common to the