#include "gamedata.h" #include "mathutils.h" #include "debug.h" #include <list> #include <algorithm> #include <cassert> using std::list; int GameData::PLAYER1_COLOUR = 0x4a483f; int GameData::PLAYER2_COLOUR = 0x090c7a; int GameData::BASE_MOVE_RADIUS = 75; GameData::GameData() : Graph(true) { current = NULL; player = PLAYER1; mode = MODE_MOVE; } GameData::~GameData() { } void GameData::toggle_turn() { mode = MODE_MOVE; current = NULL; if (!endgame()) { if (player == PLAYER1) player = PLAYER2; else if (player == PLAYER2) player = PLAYER1; } } void GameData::do_vertex(int x, int y, int r) { if (current != NULL && (MathUtils::distance(current->x, current->y, x, y) > get_range())) { select_vertex(x, y); return; } int colour; if (player == PLAYER1) colour = PLAYER1_COLOUR; if (player == PLAYER2) colour = PLAYER2_COLOUR; if (mode == MODE_MOVE) { if (point_in_vertex(x, y)) select_vertex(x, y); else add_vertex(x, y, r, colour); } if (mode == MODE_ATTACK) { Vertex* v = vertex_at(x, y); if (v == NULL) return; if (v->colour == colour) select_vertex(x, y); else attack_vertex(v); } } void GameData::select_vertex(int x, int y) { for (list<Vertex*>::iterator cursor = vertices.begin(); cursor != vertices.end(); cursor++) { Vertex* v = *cursor; if ((MathUtils::distance(v->x, v->y, x, y) <= v->r) && (v->colour == PLAYER1_COLOUR && player == PLAYER1 || v->colour == PLAYER2_COLOUR && player == PLAYER2)) { current = v; return; } } } bool GameData::add_vertex(int x, int y, int r, int colour) { if (mode == MODE_ATTACK) return false; if (current == NULL) { // this is the special case for adding the first vertex for each player if ((player == PLAYER1 && !player1_played) || (player == PLAYER2 && !player2_played)) { Graph::add_vertex(x, y, r, colour, 10); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "debug: GameData::add_vertex(): strength=%2.f\n", calculate_strength(*(vertices.rbegin()))); #endif if (player == PLAYER1) player1_played = true; if (player == PLAYER2) player2_played = true; toggle_turn(); return true; } return false; } if (Graph::add_vertex(x, y, r, colour, 10, current)) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "debug: GameData::add_vertex(): strength=%.2f\n", calculate_strength(*(vertices.rbegin()))); #endif toggle_turn(); return true; } return false; } float GameData::calculate_strength(Vertex* node) { list<Vertex*> visited; // Special case - a one-node tree just returns its own score! list<Vertex*> all_nodes = get_colour(node->colour); if (all_nodes.size() == 1) return (float)node->score; return calculate_strength_r(node, 0, visited); } // Oh the recursive recursion! float GameData::calculate_strength_r(Vertex* node, unsigned int depth, list<Vertex*>& visited) { // Find which vertices we need to visit from here list<Vertex*> neighbors = node->neighbors; list<Vertex*> to_visit; visited.push_back(node); for (list<Vertex*>::iterator cursor = neighbors.begin(); cursor != neighbors.end(); cursor++) { Vertex* v = *cursor; // if this is true, we haven't visited the vertex on the other end of // this edge yet if (find(visited.begin(), visited.end(), v) == visited.end()) { to_visit.push_back(v); } } // This is the base case - this node has no unvisited neighbors if (to_visit.empty()) { assert(depth > 0); return (float)(node->score) / depth; } // Else, iterate through to_visit and visit them all, summing their // effective strengths adjusted for depth. // Since our trees are acyclic, this can't loop. float modscore = (float)node->score; if (depth > 0) modscore /= depth; for (list<Vertex*>::iterator cursor = to_visit.begin(); cursor != to_visit.end(); cursor++) { Vertex* v = *cursor; modscore += calculate_strength_r(v, depth+1, visited); } return modscore; } int GameData::get_range(Vertex* node) { if (node == NULL) node = current; if (node == NULL) return 0; else if (mode == MODE_MOVE) return BASE_MOVE_RADIUS; else if (mode == MODE_ATTACK) { int range = BASE_MOVE_RADIUS; list<Vertex*> neighbors = node->neighbors; for(list<Vertex*>::iterator cursor = neighbors.begin(); cursor != neighbors.end(); cursor++) { Vertex* v = *cursor; range -= (100 - MathUtils::distance(v->x, v->y, node->x, node->y)) / 2; } if (range < 0) range = 0; return range; } } void GameData::attack_vertex(Vertex* target) { float atk_str = calculate_strength(current); float def_str = calculate_strength(target); float armor = def_str / 10; // how much energy it takes to deal 1 damage int damage = (int)(atk_str / armor); target->score -= damage; if (target->score <= 0) remove_vertex(target); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "debug: GameData::attack_vertex(): atk_str=%.2f, def_str=%.2f, armor=%.2f, damage=%d\n", atk_str, def_str, armor, damage); #endif toggle_turn(); } bool GameData::endgame() { if (!(player1_played && player2_played)) return false; if (get_colour(PLAYER1_COLOUR).empty()) { player = WIN2; debug("Gamedata::endgame(): player 2 wins\n"); return true; } if (get_colour(PLAYER2_COLOUR).empty()) { player = WIN1; debug("Gamedata::endgame(): player 1 wins\n"); return true; } return false; }