#include "game.h" #include "mathutils.h" #include "drawutils.h" #include "debug.h" #include "itos.h" #include int Game::NODE_RADIUS = 10; Game::Game(stack* state_stack, SDL_Surface* display) : GameState(state_stack, display) { background = NULL; font = NULL; } Game::~Game() { if (background != NULL) SDL_FreeSurface(background); if (font != NULL) TTF_CloseFont(font); } bool Game::init() { background = DrawUtils::load("background.bmp"); if (background == NULL) { debug("Game::init(): error: Couldn't load background image"); return false; } font = TTF_OpenFont("LiberationSans-Regular.ttf", 12); if (font == NULL) { debug("Game::init(): error: Couldn't load font"); return false; } return GameState::init(); } void Game::render() { int range = data.get_range(); int range_colour = 0x888888; switch(data.get_mode()) { case MODE_MOVE: range_colour = 0x0000ff; break; case MODE_ATTACK: range_colour = 0xff0000; break; } // Background image first DrawUtils::draw(display, background, 0, 0); list vertices = data.get_vertices(); // Now paint on the targeting circle if (data.get_current_vertex() != NULL) { Vertex* v = data.get_current_vertex(); DrawUtils::draw_circle_filled(display, v->x, v->y, range, range_colour); } // Now paint each vertex, and any edges that it needs for (list::iterator cursor = vertices.begin(); cursor != vertices.end(); cursor++) { Vertex* v = *cursor; DrawUtils::draw_circle_filled(display, v->x, v->y, v->r, v->colour); DrawUtils::draw_text(display, "str " + itos(data.calculate_strength(v)), v->x, v->y, font, 0, 0); DrawUtils::draw_text(display, "hp " + itos(v->score), v->x, v->y + 13, font, 0, 0); for (list::iterator subcursor = v->neighbors.begin(); subcursor != v->neighbors.end(); subcursor++) { Vertex* v1 = *subcursor; DrawUtils::draw_line(display, v->x, v->y, v1->x, v1->y, 2, v->colour); } } SDL_Flip(display); } void Game::on_lbutton_down(int x, int y) { data.do_vertex(x, y, NODE_RADIUS); } void Game::on_rbutton_down(int mX, int mY) { data.clear_current_vertex(); } void Game::on_key_down(SDLKey sym, SDLMod mod, Uint16 unicode) { if (sym == SDLK_q && mod & KMOD_CTRL) throw StateExit(); if (sym == SDLK_a) data.set_mode(MODE_ATTACK); if (sym == SDLK_m) data.set_mode(MODE_MOVE); }