#include "gamedata.h"
#include "mathutils.h"

int GameData::PLAYER1_COLOUR = 0x4a483f;
int GameData::PLAYER2_COLOUR = 0x090c7a;

    : Graph(true)
    current = NULL;
    player = PLAYER1;

GameData::~GameData() { }

void GameData::toggle_turn()
    if (player == PLAYER1) player = PLAYER2;
    else if (player == PLAYER2) player = PLAYER1;

void GameData::do_vertex(int x, int y, int r)
    int colour;
    if (player == PLAYER1) colour = PLAYER1_COLOUR;
    if (player == PLAYER2) colour = PLAYER2_COLOUR;

    if (point_in_vertex(x, y, r)) select_vertex(x, y);
    else add_vertex(x, y, r, colour);

void GameData::select_vertex(int x, int y)

    for (list<Vertex*>::iterator cursor = vertices.begin();
	 cursor != vertices.end(); cursor++)
	Vertex* v = *cursor;
	if ((MathUtils::distance(v->x, v->y, x, y) <= v->r) &&
	    (v->colour == PLAYER1_COLOUR && player == PLAYER1 ||
	     v->colour == PLAYER2_COLOUR && player == PLAYER2))
	    current = v;

bool GameData::add_vertex(int x, int y, int r, int colour)
    // this is the special case for adding the first vertex for each player
    if (current == NULL)
	if ((player == PLAYER1 && !player1_played) ||
	    (player == PLAYER2 && !player2_played))
	    Graph::add_vertex(x, y, r, colour);
	    if (player == PLAYER1) player1_played = true;
	    if (player == PLAYER2) player2_played = true;
	    return true;
	return false;

    if (Graph::add_vertex(x, y, r, colour, current))
	return true;
    return false;