import os import sys import math import pygame from pygame.locals import * import sgc from sgc.locals import * class GUI: def __init__(self, goban): # Basic screen init pygame.init() # screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1000, 800)) self.screen = sgc.surface.Screen((1000,800)) pygame.display.set_caption('pyGo') # SGC font color sgc.Font.col = (10,10,10) # Create the background object, make it blank # background = pygame.Surface(screen.get_size()) # background = background.convert() # background.fill((250, 250, 250)) # Build the dict of image objects self.img_res = _build_img_res() self.board_size = 800 self.board_inc = self.board_size / 19 self.screen.fill((250, 250, 250)) self.pass_btn = sgc.widgets.Button(label="Pass", pos=(850,500)) self.pass_btn.activate = goban.pass_move self.pass_btn.add() self.resign_btn = sgc.widgets.Button(label="Resign", pos=(850,600)) self.resign_btn.activate = goban.resign self.resign_btn.add() self.quit_btn = sgc.widgets.Button(label="Quit", pos=(850,700)) self.quit_btn.activate = sys.exit self.quit_btn.add() # pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT, 1000) def do_event(self, goban, network_mode, our_color): event = pygame.event.wait() sgc.widgets.event(event) if event.type == QUIT: return # This set of events should only be called if we can currently play if network_mode == False or goban.to_move == our_color: # Hover a transparent stone over our # cursor position, assuming play is legal if event.type == MOUSEMOTION: x, y = event.pos row = y / self.board_inc col = x / self.board_inc if _magnitude(event.rel) < 3: if x <= self.board_size: goban.set_hover((row,col)) else: goban.clear_hover() elif goban.hover != goban._real_pos((row,col)): goban.clear_hover() # Place a stone on left-click if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: x, y = event.pos row = y / self.board_inc col = x / self.board_inc if x <= self.board_size: if event.button == 1: goban.play_move((row, col)) # if event.type == USEREVENT: # goban.elapsed_time += 1 # Cleanup removed windows # for widget in dialogs: # if not # dialogs.remove(widget) def update(self, goban): board = goban.draw_board(self.board_size, self.img_res) self.screen.blit(board, (0,0)) text = goban.draw_info() self.screen.blit(text, (815, 25)) sgc.widgets.update(0) pygame.display.flip() def _magnitude(vector): x,y = vector return math.sqrt(x*x + y*y) def _load_png(name, alpha=None): """ Load image and return image object""" fullname = os.path.join('res', name) try: image = pygame.image.load(fullname) if image.get_alpha() is None: image = image.convert() else: image = image.convert_alpha() if alpha is not None: image.set_alpha(alpha) except pygame.error, message: print 'Cannot load image:', fullname raise SystemExit, message return image def _build_img_res(): ret = {} triangle = _load_png('go_t.png') ret['w'] = _load_png('go_w.png') ret['wT'] = _load_png('go_w.png') ret['wT'].blit(triangle, (0,0)) ret['wH'] = _load_png('go_w.png', 128) ret['b'] = _load_png('go_b.png') ret['bT'] = _load_png('go_b.png') ret['bT'].blit(triangle, (0,0)) ret['bH'] = _load_png('go_b.png', 128) circle = _load_png('go_c.png') for d in ('u', 'd', 'l', 'r', 'm', 'dl', 'dr', 'ul', 'ur', 'h'): ret[d] = _load_png('go_' + d + '.png') ret[d + 'C'] = _load_png('go_' + d + '.png') ret[d + 'C'].blit(circle, (0,0)) return ret