/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\ * This is GNU Go, a Go program. Contact gnugo@gnu.org, or see * * http://www.gnu.org/software/gnugo/ for more information. * * * * Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, * * 2008 and 2009 by the Free Software Foundation. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation - version 3 or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License in file COPYING for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free * * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * * Boston, MA 02111, USA. * \* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /* Parts of this code were given to us by Tommy Thorn */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #if TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME # include <sys/time.h> # include <time.h> #else # if HAVE_SYS_TIME_H # include <sys/time.h> # else # include <time.h> # endif #endif #include "sgftree.h" #include "gg_utils.h" #define STRICT_SGF 's' #define LAX_SGF 'l' /* Set this to 1 if you want warnings for missing GM and FF properties. */ #define VERBOSE_WARNINGS 0 /* ================================================================ */ /* Some utility functions. */ /* ================================================================ */ /* * Utility: a checking, initializing malloc */ void * xalloc(unsigned int size) { void *pt = malloc(size); if (!pt) { fprintf(stderr, "xalloc: Out of memory!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } memset(pt, 0, (unsigned long) size); return pt; } void * xrealloc(void *pt, unsigned int size) { void *ptnew = realloc(pt, size); if (!ptnew) { fprintf(stderr, "xrealloc: Out of memory!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return ptnew; } /* ================================================================ */ /* SGF Nodes */ /* ================================================================ */ /* * Allocate memory for a new SGF node. */ SGFNode * sgfNewNode() { SGFNode *newnode; newnode = xalloc(sizeof(SGFNode)); newnode->next = NULL; newnode->props = NULL; newnode->parent = NULL; newnode->child = NULL; return newnode; } /* * Recursively free an sgf node */ void sgfFreeNode(SGFNode *node) { if (node == NULL) return; sgfFreeNode(node->next); sgfFreeNode(node->child); sgfFreeProperty(node->props); free(node); } /* * Add a generic text property to an SGF node. */ void sgfAddProperty(SGFNode *node, const char *name, const char *value) { SGFProperty *prop = node->props; if (prop) while (prop->next) prop = prop->next; sgfMkProperty(name, value, node, prop); } /* * Add an integer property to an SGF node. */ void sgfAddPropertyInt(SGFNode *node, const char *name, long val) { char buffer[10]; gg_snprintf(buffer, 10, "%ld", val); sgfAddProperty(node, name, buffer); } /* * Add a float property to an SGF node. */ void sgfAddPropertyFloat(SGFNode *node, const char *name, float val) { char buffer[10]; gg_snprintf(buffer, 10, "%3.1f", val); sgfAddProperty(node, name, buffer); } /* * Read a property as int from an SGF node. */ int sgfGetIntProperty(SGFNode *node, const char *name, int *value) { SGFProperty *prop; short nam = name[0] | name[1] << 8; for (prop = node->props; prop; prop = prop->next) if (prop->name == nam) { *value = atoi(prop->value); return 1; } return 0; } /* * Read a property as float from an SGF node. */ int sgfGetFloatProperty(SGFNode *node, const char *name, float *value) { SGFProperty *prop; short nam = name[0] | name[1] << 8; for (prop = node->props; prop; prop = prop->next) if (prop->name == nam) { *value = (float) atof(prop->value); /* MS-C warns of loss of data (double to float) */ return 1; } return 0; } /* * Read a property as text from an SGF node. */ int sgfGetCharProperty(SGFNode *node, const char *name, char **value) { SGFProperty *prop; short nam = name[0] | name[1] << 8; for (prop = node->props; prop; prop = prop->next) if (prop->name == nam) { *value = prop->value; return 1; } return 0; } /* * Is there a property of this type in the node? */ static int sgfHasProperty(SGFNode *node, const char *name) { SGFProperty *prop; short nam = name[0] | name[1] << 8; for (prop = node->props; prop; prop = prop->next) if (prop->name == nam) return 1; return 0; } /* * Overwrite a property from an SGF node with text or create a new * one if it does not exist. */ void sgfOverwriteProperty(SGFNode *node, const char *name, const char *text) { SGFProperty *prop; short nam = name[0] | name[1] << 8; for (prop = node->props; prop; prop = prop->next) if (prop->name == nam) { prop->value = xrealloc(prop->value, strlen(text)+1); strcpy(prop->value, text); return; } sgfAddProperty(node, name, text); } /* * Overwrite an int property in an SGF node with val or create a new * one if it does not exist. */ void sgfOverwritePropertyInt(SGFNode *node, const char *name, int val) { SGFProperty *prop; short nam = name[0] | name[1] << 8; for (prop = node->props; prop; prop = prop->next) if (prop->name == nam) { prop->value = xrealloc(prop->value, 12); gg_snprintf(prop->value, 12, "%d", val); return; } sgfAddPropertyInt(node, name, val); } /* * Overwrite a float property in the gametree with val or create * a new one if it does not exist. */ void sgfOverwritePropertyFloat(SGFNode *node, const char *name, float val) { SGFProperty *prop; short nam = name[0] | name[1] << 8; for (prop = node->props; prop; prop = prop->next) if (prop->name == nam) { prop->value = xrealloc(prop->value, 15); gg_snprintf(prop->value, 15, "%3.1f", val); return; } sgfAddPropertyFloat(node, name, val); } /* * Goto previous node. */ SGFNode * sgfPrev(SGFNode *node) { SGFNode *q; SGFNode *prev; if (!node->parent) return NULL; q = node->parent->child; prev = NULL; while (q && q != node) { prev = q; q = q->next; } return prev; } /* * Goto root node. */ SGFNode * sgfRoot(SGFNode *node) { while (node->parent) node = node->parent; return node; } /* ================================================================ */ /* SGF Properties */ /* ================================================================ */ /* * Make an SGF property. */ static SGFProperty * do_sgf_make_property(short sgf_name, const char *value, SGFNode *node, SGFProperty *last) { SGFProperty *prop; prop = (SGFProperty *) xalloc(sizeof(SGFProperty)); prop->name = sgf_name; prop->value = xalloc(strlen(value) + 1); strcpy(prop->value, value); prop->next = NULL; if (last == NULL) node->props = prop; else last->next = prop; return prop; } /* Make an SGF property. In case of a property with a range it * expands it and makes several properties instead. */ SGFProperty * sgfMkProperty(const char *name, const char *value, SGFNode *node, SGFProperty *last) { static const short properties_allowing_ranges[12] = { /* Board setup properties. */ SGFAB, SGFAW, SGFAE, /* Markup properties. */ SGFCR, SGFMA, SGFSQ, SGFTR, SGFDD, SGFSL, /* Miscellaneous properties. */ SGFVW, /* Go-specific properties. */ SGFTB, SGFTW }; int k; short sgf_name; if (strlen(name) == 1) sgf_name = name[0] | (short) (' ' << 8); else sgf_name = name[0] | name[1] << 8; for (k = 0; k < 12; k++) { if (properties_allowing_ranges[k] == sgf_name) break; } if (k < 12 && strlen(value) == 5 && value[2] == ':') { char x1 = value[0]; char y1 = value[1]; char x2 = value[3]; char y2 = value[4]; char new_value[] = "xy"; if (x1 <= x2 && y1 <= y2) { for (new_value[0] = x1; new_value[0] <= x2; new_value[0]++) { for (new_value[1] = y1; new_value[1] <= y2; new_value[1]++) last = do_sgf_make_property(sgf_name, new_value, node, last); } return last; } } /* Not a range property. */ return do_sgf_make_property(sgf_name, value, node, last); } /* * Recursively free an SGF property. * */ void sgfFreeProperty(SGFProperty *prop) { if (prop == NULL) return; sgfFreeProperty(prop->next); free(prop->value); free(prop); } /* ================================================================ */ /* High level functions */ /* ================================================================ */ /* * Add a stone to the current or the given node. * Return the node where the stone was added. */ SGFNode * sgfAddStone(SGFNode *node, int color, int movex, int movey) { char move[3]; sprintf(move, "%c%c", movey + 'a', movex + 'a'); sgfAddProperty(node, (color == BLACK) ? "AB" : "AW", move); return node; } /* * Add a move to the gametree. */ SGFNode * sgfAddPlay(SGFNode *node, int who, int movex, int movey) { char move[3]; SGFNode *new; /* a pass move? */ if (movex == -1 && movey == -1) move[0] = 0; else sprintf(move, "%c%c", movey + 'a', movex + 'a'); if (node->child) new = sgfStartVariantFirst(node->child); else { new = sgfNewNode(); node->child = new; new->parent = node; } sgfAddProperty(new, (who == BLACK) ? "B" : "W", move); return new; } /* * Add a move to the gametree. New variations are added after the old * ones rather than before. */ SGFNode * sgfAddPlayLast(SGFNode *node, int who, int movex, int movey) { char move[3]; SGFNode *new; /* a pass move? */ if (movex == -1 && movey == -1) move[0] = 0; else sprintf(move, "%c%c", movey + 'a', movex + 'a'); new = sgfAddChild(node); sgfAddProperty(new, (who == BLACK) ? "B" : "W", move); return new; } SGFNode * sgfCreateHeaderNode(int boardsize, float komi, int handicap) { SGFNode *root = sgfNewNode(); sgfAddPropertyInt(root, "SZ", boardsize); sgfAddPropertyFloat(root, "KM", komi); sgfAddPropertyInt(root, "HA", handicap); return root; } /* * Add a comment to an SGF node. */ SGFNode * sgfAddComment(SGFNode *node, const char *comment) { sgfAddProperty(node, "C ", comment); return node; } /* * Place text on the board at position (i, j). */ SGFNode * sgfBoardText(SGFNode *node, int i, int j, const char *text) { void *str = xalloc(strlen(text) + 3); sprintf(str, "%c%c:%s", j+'a', i+'a', text); sgfAddProperty(node, "LB", str); free(str); return node; } /* * Place a character on the board at position (i, j). */ SGFNode * sgfBoardChar(SGFNode *node, int i, int j, char c) { char text[2] = ""; text[0] = c; text[1] = 0; return sgfBoardText(node, i, j, text); } /* * Place a number on the board at position (i, j). */ SGFNode * sgfBoardNumber(SGFNode *node, int i, int j, int number) { char text[10]; gg_snprintf(text, 10, "%c%c:%i", j+'a', i+'a', number); sgfAddProperty(node, "LB", text); return node; } /* * Place a triangle mark on the board at position (i, j). */ SGFNode * sgfTriangle(SGFNode *node, int i, int j) { char text[3]; gg_snprintf(text, 3, "%c%c", j+'a', i+'a'); sgfAddProperty(node, "TR", text); return node; } /* * Place a label on the board at position (i, j). */ SGFNode * sgfLabel(SGFNode *node, const char *label, int i, int j) { /* allows 12 chars labels - more than enough */ char text[16]; gg_snprintf(text, 16, "%c%c:%s", j+'a', i+'a', label); sgfAddProperty(node, "LB", text); return node; } /* * Place a numeric label on the board at position (i, j). */ SGFNode * sgfLabelInt(SGFNode *node, int num, int i, int j) { char text[16]; gg_snprintf(text, 16, "%c%c:%d", j+'a', i+'a', num); sgfAddProperty(node, "LB", text); return node; } /* * Place a circle mark on the board at position (i, j). */ SGFNode * sgfCircle(SGFNode *node, int i, int j) { char text[3]; gg_snprintf(text, 3, "%c%c", j+'a', i+'a'); sgfAddProperty(node, "CR", text); return node; } /* * Place a square mark on the board at position (i, j). */ SGFNode * sgfSquare(SGFNode *node, int i, int j) { return sgfMark(node, i, j); /* cgoban 1.9.5 does not understand SQ */ } /* * Place a (square) mark on the board at position (i, j). */ SGFNode * sgfMark(SGFNode *node, int i, int j) { char text[3]; gg_snprintf(text, 3, "%c%c", j+'a', i+'a'); sgfAddProperty(node, "MA", text); return node; } /* * Start a new variant. Returns a pointer to the new node. */ SGFNode * sgfStartVariant(SGFNode *node) { assert(node); assert(node->parent); while (node->next) node = node->next; node->next = sgfNewNode(); node->next->parent = node->parent; return node->next; } /* * Start a new variant as first child. Returns a pointer to the new node. */ SGFNode * sgfStartVariantFirst(SGFNode *node) { SGFNode *old_first_child = node; SGFNode *new_first_child = sgfNewNode(); assert(node); assert(node->parent); new_first_child->next = old_first_child; new_first_child->parent = old_first_child->parent; new_first_child->parent->child = new_first_child; return new_first_child; } /* * If no child exists, add one. Otherwise add a sibling to the * existing children. Returns a pointer to the new node. */ SGFNode * sgfAddChild(SGFNode *node) { SGFNode *new_node = sgfNewNode(); assert(node); new_node->parent = node; if (!node->child) node->child = new_node; else { node = node->child; while (node->next) node = node->next; node->next = new_node; } return new_node; } /* * Write result of the game to the game tree. */ void sgfWriteResult(SGFNode *node, float score, int overwrite) { char text[8]; char winner; float s; int dummy; /* If not writing to the SGF file, skip everything and return now. */ if (!node) return; /* If not overwriting and there already is a result property, return. */ if (!overwrite) if (sgfGetIntProperty(node, "RE", &dummy)) return; if (score > 0.0) { winner = 'W'; s = score; } else if (score < 0.0) { winner = 'B'; s = -score; } else { winner = '0'; s = 0; } if (winner == '0') gg_snprintf(text, 8, "0"); else if (score < 1000.0 && score > -1000.0) gg_snprintf(text, 8, "%c+%3.1f", winner, s); else gg_snprintf(text, 8, "%c+%c", winner, 'R'); sgfOverwriteProperty(node, "RE", text); } static void sgf_write_header_reduced(SGFNode *root, int overwrite) { time_t curtime = time(NULL); struct tm *loctime = localtime(&curtime); char str[128]; int dummy; gg_snprintf(str, 128, "%4.4i-%2.2i-%2.2i", loctime->tm_year+1900, loctime->tm_mon+1, loctime->tm_mday); if (overwrite || !sgfGetIntProperty(root, "DT", &dummy)) sgfOverwriteProperty(root, "DT", str); if (overwrite || !sgfGetIntProperty(root, "AP", &dummy)) sgfOverwriteProperty(root, "AP", "GNU Go:"VERSION); sgfOverwriteProperty(root, "FF", "4"); } void sgf_write_header(SGFNode *root, int overwrite, int seed, float komi, int handicap, int level, int rules) { char str[128]; int dummy; gg_snprintf(str, 128, "GNU Go %s Random Seed %d level %d", VERSION, seed, level); if (overwrite || !sgfGetIntProperty(root, "GN", &dummy)) sgfOverwriteProperty(root, "GN", str); if (overwrite || !sgfGetIntProperty(root, "RU", &dummy)) sgfOverwriteProperty(root, "RU", rules ? "Chinese" : "Japanese"); sgfOverwritePropertyFloat(root, "KM", komi); sgfOverwritePropertyInt(root, "HA", handicap); sgf_write_header_reduced(root, overwrite); } /* ================================================================ */ /* Read SGF tree */ /* ================================================================ */ #define MAX_FILE_BUFFER 200000 /* buffer for reading SGF file. */ /* * SGF grammar: * * Collection = GameTree { GameTree } * GameTree = "(" Sequence { GameTree } ")" * Sequence = Node { Node } * Node = ";" { Property } * Property = PropIdent PropValue { PropValue } * PropIdent = UcLetter { UcLetter } * PropValue = "[" CValueType "]" * CValueType = (ValueType | Compose) * ValueType = (None | Number | Real | Double | Color | SimpleText | * Text | Point | Move | Stone) * * The above grammar has a number of simple properties which enables us * to write a simpler parser: * 1) There is never a need for backtracking * 2) The only recursion is on gametree. * 3) Tokens are only one character * * We will use a global state to keep track of the remaining input * and a global char variable, `lookahead' to hold the next token. * The function `nexttoken' skips whitespace and fills lookahead with * the new token. */ static void parse_error(const char *msg, int arg); static void nexttoken(void); static void match(int expected); static FILE *sgffile; #define sgf_getch() (getc(sgffile)) static char *sgferr; #ifdef TEST_SGFPARSER static int sgferrarg; #endif static int sgferrpos; static int lookahead; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Parsing primitives */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void parse_error(const char *msg, int arg) { fprintf(stderr, msg, arg); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } static void nexttoken() { do lookahead = sgf_getch(); while (isspace(lookahead)); } static void match(int expected) { if (lookahead != expected) parse_error("expected: %c", expected); else nexttoken(); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* The parser proper */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void propident(char *buffer, int size) { if (lookahead == EOF || !isupper(lookahead)) parse_error("Expected an upper case letter.", 0); while (lookahead != EOF && isalpha(lookahead)) { if (isupper(lookahead) && size > 1) { *buffer++ = lookahead; size--; } nexttoken(); } *buffer = '\0'; } static void propvalue(char *buffer, int size) { char *p = buffer; match('['); while (lookahead != ']' && lookahead != EOF) { if (lookahead == '\\') { lookahead = sgf_getch(); /* Follow the FF4 definition of backslash */ if (lookahead == '\r') { lookahead = sgf_getch(); if (lookahead == '\n') lookahead = sgf_getch(); } else if (lookahead == '\n') { lookahead = sgf_getch(); if (lookahead == '\r') lookahead = sgf_getch(); } } if (size > 1) { *p++ = lookahead; size--; } lookahead = sgf_getch(); } match(']'); /* Remove trailing whitespace. The double cast below is needed * because "char" may be represented as a signed char, in which case * characters between 128 and 255 would be negative and a direct * cast to int would cause a negative value to be passed to isspace, * possibly causing an assertion failure. */ --p; while (p > buffer && isspace((int) (unsigned char) *p)) --p; *++p = '\0'; } static SGFProperty * property(SGFNode *n, SGFProperty *last) { char name[3]; char buffer[4000]; propident(name, sizeof(name)); do { propvalue(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); last = sgfMkProperty(name, buffer, n, last); } while (lookahead == '['); return last; } static void node(SGFNode *n) { SGFProperty *last = NULL; match(';'); while (lookahead != EOF && isupper(lookahead)) last = property(n, last); } static SGFNode * sequence(SGFNode *n) { node(n); while (lookahead == ';') { SGFNode *new = sgfNewNode(); new->parent = n; n->child = new; n = new; node(n); } return n; } static void gametree(SGFNode **p, SGFNode *parent, int mode) { if (mode == STRICT_SGF) match('('); else for (;;) { if (lookahead == EOF) { parse_error("Empty file?", 0); break; } if (lookahead == '(') { while (lookahead == '(') nexttoken(); if (lookahead == ';') break; } nexttoken(); } /* The head is parsed */ { SGFNode *head = sgfNewNode(); SGFNode *last; head->parent = parent; *p = head; last = sequence(head); p = &last->child; while (lookahead == '(') { gametree(p, last, STRICT_SGF); p = &((*p)->next); } if (mode == STRICT_SGF) match(')'); } } /* * Fuseki readers * Reads an SGF file for extract_fuseki in a compact way */ static void gametreefuseki(SGFNode **p, SGFNode *parent, int mode, int moves_per_game, int i) { if (mode == STRICT_SGF) match('('); else for (;;) { if (lookahead == EOF) { parse_error("Empty file?", 0); break; } if (lookahead == '(') { while (lookahead == '(') nexttoken(); if (lookahead == ';') break; } nexttoken(); } /* The head is parsed */ { SGFNode *head = sgfNewNode(); SGFNode *last; head->parent = parent; *p = head; last = sequence(head); p = &last->child; while (lookahead == '(') { if (last->props && (last->props->name == SGFB || last->props->name == SGFW)) i++; /* break after number_of_moves moves in SGF file */ if (i >= moves_per_game) { last->child = NULL; last->next = NULL; break; } else { gametreefuseki(p, last, mode, moves_per_game, i); p = &((*p)->next); } } if (mode == STRICT_SGF) match(')'); } } SGFNode * readsgffilefuseki(const char *filename, int moves_per_game) { SGFNode *root; int tmpi = 0; if (strcmp(filename, "-") == 0) sgffile = stdin; else sgffile = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!sgffile) return NULL; nexttoken(); gametreefuseki(&root, NULL, LAX_SGF, moves_per_game, 0); fclose(sgffile); if (sgferr) { fprintf(stderr, "Parse error: %s at position %d\n", sgferr, sgferrpos); sgfFreeNode(root); return NULL; } /* perform some simple checks on the file */ if (!sgfGetIntProperty(root, "GM", &tmpi)) { if (VERBOSE_WARNINGS) fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find the game type (GM) attribute!\n"); } else if (tmpi != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "SGF file might be for game other than go: %d\n", tmpi); fprintf(stderr, "Trying to load anyway.\n"); } if (!sgfGetIntProperty(root, "FF", &tmpi)) { if (VERBOSE_WARNINGS) fprintf(stderr, "Can not determine SGF spec version (FF)!\n"); } else if ((tmpi < 3 || tmpi > 4) && VERBOSE_WARNINGS) fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported SGF spec version: %d\n", tmpi); return root; } /* * Wrapper around readsgf which reads from a file rather than a string. * Returns NULL if file will not open, or some other parsing error. * Filename "-" means read from stdin, and leave it open when done. */ SGFNode * readsgffile(const char *filename) { SGFNode *root; int tmpi = 0; if (strcmp(filename, "-") == 0) sgffile = stdin; else sgffile = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!sgffile) return NULL; nexttoken(); gametree(&root, NULL, LAX_SGF); if (sgffile != stdin) fclose(sgffile); if (sgferr) { fprintf(stderr, "Parse error: %s at position %d\n", sgferr, sgferrpos); sgfFreeNode(root); return NULL; } /* perform some simple checks on the file */ if (!sgfGetIntProperty(root, "GM", &tmpi)) { if (VERBOSE_WARNINGS) fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find the game type (GM) attribute!\n"); } else if (tmpi != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "SGF file might be for game other than go: %d\n", tmpi); fprintf(stderr, "Trying to load anyway.\n"); } if (!sgfGetIntProperty(root, "FF", &tmpi)) { if (VERBOSE_WARNINGS) fprintf(stderr, "Can not determine SGF spec version (FF)!\n"); } else if ((tmpi < 3 || tmpi > 4) && VERBOSE_WARNINGS) fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported SGF spec version: %d\n", tmpi); return root; } /* ================================================================ */ /* Write SGF tree */ /* ================================================================ */ #define OPTION_STRICT_FF4 0 static int sgf_column = 0; static void sgf_putc(int c, FILE *file) { if (c == '\n' && sgf_column == 0) return; fputc(c, file); if (c == '\n') sgf_column = 0; else sgf_column++; if (c == ']' && sgf_column > 60) { fputc('\n', file); sgf_column = 0; } } static void sgf_puts(const char *s, FILE *file) { for (; *s; s++) { if (*s == '[' || *s == ']' || *s == '\\') { fputc('\\', file); sgf_column++; } fputc((int) *s, file); sgf_column++; } } /* Print all properties with the given name in a node to file and mark * them as printed. * * If is_comment is 1, multiple properties are concatenated with a * newline. I.e. we write * * C[comment1 * comment2] * * instead of * * C[comment1][comment2] * * Most other property types should be written in the latter style. */ static void sgf_print_name(FILE *file, short name) { sgf_putc(name & 0xff, file); if (name >> 8 != ' ') sgf_putc(name >> 8, file); } static void sgf_print_property(FILE *file, SGFNode *node, short name, int is_comment) { int n = 0; SGFProperty *prop; for (prop = node->props; prop; prop = prop->next) { if (prop->name == name) { prop->name |= 0x20; /* Indicate already printed. */ if (n == 0) { sgf_print_name(file, name); sgf_putc('[', file); } else if (is_comment) sgf_putc('\n', file); else { sgf_putc(']', file); sgf_putc('[', file); } sgf_puts(prop->value, file); n++; } } if (n > 0) sgf_putc(']', file); /* Add a newline after certain properties. */ if (name == SGFAB || name == SGFAW || name == SGFAE || (is_comment && n > 1)) sgf_putc('\n', file); } /* * Print all remaining unprinted property values at node N to file. */ static void sgfPrintRemainingProperties(FILE *file, SGFNode *node) { SGFProperty *prop; for (prop = node->props; prop; prop = prop->next) if (!(prop->name & 0x20)) sgf_print_property(file, node, prop->name, 0); } /* * Print the property values of NAME at node N and mark it as printed. */ static void sgfPrintCharProperty(FILE *file, SGFNode *node, const char *name) { short nam = name[0] | name[1] << 8; sgf_print_property(file, node, nam, 0); } /* * Print comments from Node node. * * NOTE: cgoban does not print "C[comment1][comment2]" and I don't know * what the sgfspec says. */ static void sgfPrintCommentProperty(FILE *file, SGFNode *node, const char *name) { short nam = name[0] | name[1] << 8; sgf_print_property(file, node, nam, 1); } static void unparse_node(FILE *file, SGFNode *node) { sgf_putc(';', file); sgfPrintCharProperty(file, node, "B "); sgfPrintCharProperty(file, node, "W "); sgfPrintCommentProperty(file, node, "N "); sgfPrintCommentProperty(file, node, "C "); sgfPrintRemainingProperties(file, node); } static void unparse_root(FILE *file, SGFNode *node) { sgf_putc(';', file); if (sgfHasProperty(node, "GM")) sgfPrintCharProperty(file, node, "GM"); else { fputs("GM[1]", file); sgf_column += 5; } sgfPrintCharProperty(file, node, "FF"); sgf_putc('\n', file); sgfPrintCharProperty(file, node, "SZ"); sgf_putc('\n', file); sgfPrintCharProperty(file, node, "GN"); sgf_putc('\n', file); sgfPrintCharProperty(file, node, "DT"); sgf_putc('\n', file); sgfPrintCommentProperty(file, node, "PB"); sgfPrintCommentProperty(file, node, "BR"); sgf_putc('\n', file); sgfPrintCommentProperty(file, node, "PW"); sgfPrintCommentProperty(file, node, "WR"); sgf_putc('\n', file); sgfPrintCommentProperty(file, node, "N "); sgfPrintCommentProperty(file, node, "C "); sgfPrintRemainingProperties(file, node); sgf_putc('\n', file); } /* * p->child is the next move. * p->next is the next variation */ static void unparse_game(FILE *file, SGFNode *node, int root) { if (!root) sgf_putc('\n', file); sgf_putc('(', file); if (root) unparse_root(file, node); else unparse_node(file, node); node = node->child; while (node != NULL && node->next == NULL) { unparse_node(file, node); node = node->child; } while (node != NULL) { unparse_game(file, node, 0); node = node->next; } sgf_putc(')', file); if (root) sgf_putc('\n', file); } /* Printed properties are marked by adding the 0x20 bit to the * property name (changing an upper case letter to lower case). This * function removes this mark so that we can print the property next * time too. It recurses to all properties in the linked list. */ static void restore_property(SGFProperty *prop) { if (prop) { restore_property(prop->next); prop->name &= ~0x20; } } /* When called with the tree root, recurses to all properties in the * tree and removes all print marks. */ static void restore_node(SGFNode *node) { if (node) { restore_property(node->props); restore_node(node->child); restore_node(node->next); } } /* * Opens filename and writes the game stored in the sgf structure. */ int writesgf(SGFNode *root, const char *filename) { FILE *outfile; if (strcmp(filename, "-") == 0) outfile = stdout; else outfile = fopen(filename, "w"); if (!outfile) { fprintf(stderr, "Can not open %s\n", filename); return 0; } sgf_write_header_reduced(root, 0); sgf_column = 0; unparse_game(outfile, root, 1); if (outfile != stdout) fclose(outfile); /* Remove "printed" marks so that the tree can be written multiple * times. */ restore_node(root); return 1; } #ifdef TEST_SGFPARSER int main() { static char buffer[25000]; static char output[25000]; SGFNode *game; sgffile = stdin; nexttoken(); gametree(&game, LAX_SGF); if (sgferr) { fprintf(stderr, "Parse error:"); fprintf(stderr, sgferr, sgferrarg); fprintf(stderr, " at position %d\n", sgferrpos); } else { unparse_game(stdin, game, 1); write(1, output, outputp - output); } } #endif /* * Local Variables: * tab-width: 8 * c-basic-offset: 2 * End: */