(;GM[1]FF[4] SZ[9]KM[7.50] PW[GNU]WR[13k] PB[viking5]PC[The Kiseido Go Server (KGS) at http://kgs.kiseido.com/] DT[2006-01-08]AP[CGoban:2] EV[Tenth KGS Computer Go Tournament - Formal division]RE[W+Resign] TM[480]RU[Chinese] C[GNU [13k\]: GTP Engine for GNU (white): GNU Go version 3.7.7 viking5 [?\]: GTP Engine for viking5 (black): Viking version 5.3.1 ] CA[UTF-8]RO[4]ST[2] ;B[ef];W[dc];B[ed];W[ec];B[fc];W[fb];B[gc];W[gg];B[fh];W[gb] C[gunnar [?\]: GNU thinks the lower right was killed by F2. ];B[ge] ;W[ce]C[burtabel [3d\]: thats not too unreasonable ];B[cg];W[hb] C[gunnar [?\]: But too pessimistic if it wants to win the game. ] ;B[bf];W[be];B[he] C[zapp [?\]: Viking is still worried about the lower left ];W[cf] C[gunnar [?\]: I'm starting to think that GNU's biggest problem in 9x9 games is that it's foo fond of early second line moves. ] ;B[bg];W[dd];B[hc] C[burtabel [3d\]: well, only h8 was questionable here ];W[ee] C[burtabel [3d\]: g8 was pretty big I think ];B[fe];W[af] C[zapp [?\]: Actually I had a version of viking that played a lot on the 2nd line and won surprisingly often ] ;B[de]C[zapp [?\]: 2nd line on 9x9 is not as bas one might think ] ;W[ag];B[bh];W[df];B[ah]C[burtabel [3d\]: both missed danger of d3 ] ;W[dg]C[burtabel [3d\]: (instead of d4) ];B[dh];W[eg];B[fg];W[ee] ;B[ae];W[ff];B[gf];W[ad] C[zapp [?\]: Black plays unreasonable because it thouht white was ahead ] ;B[af];W[bc];B[ib];W[eh];B[ei];W[ef];B[fd];W[ha];B[ci];W[ia] C[gunnar [?\]: W+0.5 according to GNU. zapp [?\]: No bugs this time zapp [?\]: viking also evaluated it to .5 loss burtabel [3d\]: hmm burtabel [3d\]: seems it trusts its counting a lot ] )