(;GM[1]FF[3] RU[Chinese]SZ[19]HA[0]KM[5.5] PW[White] PB[Black] GN[White (W) vs. Black (B)] DT[2003-03-04] SY[Cgoban 1.9.12]TM[10:00(5x1:00)] C[Class 0 semiai. White outside libs= 3 Black outside libs= 3 Shared libs= 2 Seki unconditionally. If one fills one outside lib the other has to answer by doing the same. Black and white to play pass. Both have 3 ko threads of value 16 for white and 14 for black. ] ; AW[jf][kf][lf][mf][nf][ig][lg][hh][ih][lh][hi][li][gj][hj][lj][gk][kk][lk][hl][il][jl][kl][hm][hn][ho] AB[gf][hf][if][fg][gg][jg][kg][fh][jh][fi][ji][fj][jj][fk][hk][ik][jk][fl][gl] C[Class 0 semiai. White outside libs= 3 Black outside libs= 3 Shared libs= 2 Seki unconditionally. If one fills one outside lib the other has to answer by doing the same. Black and white to play pass. Both have 3 ko threads of value 16 for white and 14 for black. ] )