Acknowledgements We would like to thank Arthur Britto, David Doshay, Tim Hunt, Matthias Krings, Piotr Lakomy, Paul Leonard, Jean-Louis Martineau, Andreas Roever, Pierce Wetter, Joseph Piche, and Emanuele Cisbani for helpful correspondence. Thanks to everyone who stepped on a bug (and sent us a report)! Thanks to Gary Boos, Wietze Brandsma, Peter Gucwa, Martijn van der Kooij, Michael Margolis, Trevor Morris, Mans Ullerstam, Don Wagner, Yin Zheng for help with Visual C++. Thanks to Allan Crossman, Pierce Wetter, Stephan Somogyi and Mathias Wagner for help with Macintosh. And thanks to Marco Scheurer and Shigeru Mabuchi for helping us find various problems. Thanks to Jessie Annala for the Handtalk games, and to Stefan Mertin for the games from his 13x13 tournament. Thanks to Ricard VilĂ for creating the STS-RV semeai regression test suite and to Emanuele Cisbani for helping to port it to GNU Go. Special thanks to Ebba Berggren for creating our logos, logo-34 and logo-36. Logo-34 is based on a design by Tanguy Urvoy and comments by Alan Crossman. The old GNU Go logo32 was adapted from Jamal Hannah's typing GNU: We would like to thank Stuart Cracraft, Richard Stallman and Man Lung Li for their interest in making this program a part of GNU, William Shubert for writing CGoban and gmp.c, Rene Grothmann for Jago and Erik van Riper and his collaborators for NNGS.