# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # This is GNU Go, a Go program. Contact gnugo@gnu.org, or see # # http://www.gnu.org/software/gnugo/ for more information. # # # # Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, # # 2008 and 2009 by the Free Software Foundation. # # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # # as published by the Free Software Foundation - version 3, # # or (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be # # useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied # # warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # # PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License in file COPYING # # for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public # # License along with this program; if not, write to the Free # # Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, # # Boston, MA 02111, USA # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Eye Shape Database # # # # . - ordinary eye space # # * - ordinary eye space and key point, attack/defense # # < - ordinary eye space and attack key point (shrinks) # # > - ordinary eye space and defense key point (expands) # # ! - marginal eye space # # @ - marginal eye space and key point, attack/defense # # $ - marginal eye space containing an opponent stone # # ( - marginal eye space and attack key point # # ) - marginal eye space and defense key point # # X - dead opponent stone # # x - . or X # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # The patterns are sorted as follows within each size, with the primary # criterium first: # # 1. Edge and corner specific patterns. # 2. Number of rows, lowest first. # 3. Number of marginal vertices. # 4. Number of possible eyes # # In addition to 2, there is also the requirement that all patterns # with the same topology come together. E.g. among the four vertices, # two rows patterns, those with topology # # . # ... # # come together and those with topology # # .. # .. # # follows later. # # Similarly, in addition to 3, patterns with the same configuration of # marginal vertices are grouped together. # # To make best use of the "x" wildcard, it is occasionally # advantageous to have a specific exceptional pattern before a more # general one. In these cases criterium 4 above may be violated. # # ####### # # The colon line below the pattern gives the eye value of the matched # eye shape. This consists of four digits, each of which is the number # of eyes obtained during the following conditions: # # 1. The attacker moves first and is allowed yet another move because # the defender plays tenuki. # 2. The attacker moves first and the defender responds locally. # 3. The defender moves first and the attacker responds locally. # 4. The defender moves first and is allowed yet another move because # the attacker plays tenuki. # # Notice that 1 does not necessarily mean that the attacker is # allowed two consecutive moves. This is explained with an example # later. # # Also, since two eyes suffice to live, all higher numbers also count # as two. # # The following 15 cases are of interest: # # 0000 0 eyes. # 0001 0 eyes, but the defender can threaten to make one eye. # 0002 0 eyes, but the defender can threaten to make two eyes. # 0011 1/2 eye, 1 eye if defender moves first, 0 eyes if attacker does. # 0012 3/4 eyes, 3/2 eyes if defender moves first, 0 eyes if attacker does. # 0022 1* eye, 2 eyes if defender moves first, 0 eyes if attacker does. # 0111 1 eye, attacker can threaten to destroy the eye. # 0112 1 eye, attacker can threaten to destroy the eye, # defender can threaten to make another eye. # 0122 5/4 eyes, 2 eyes if defender moves first, 1/2 eye if attacker does. # 0222 2 eyes, attacker can threaten to destroy both. # 1111 1 eye. # 1112 1 eye, defender can threaten to make another eye. # 1122 3/2 eyes, 2 eyes if defender moves first, 1 eye if attacker does. # 1222 2 eyes, attacker can threaten to destroy one eye. # 2222 2 eyes. # # The 3/4, 5/4, and 1* eye values are the same as in Howard Landman's paper # Eyespace Values in Go. Attack and defense points are only marked in # the patterns when they have definite effects on the eye value, # i.e. pure threats are not marked. # # # Examples of all different cases can be found among the patterns in # this file. Some of them might be slightly counterintuitive, so we # explain one important case here. Consider # # Pattern 6141 # # X # XX.@x # # :1122 # # which e.g. matches in this position: # # .OOOXXX # OOXOXOO # OXXba.O # OOOOOOO # # Now it may look like X could take away both eyes by playing a # followed by b, giving 0122 as eye value. This is where the subtlety # of the definition of the first digit in the eye value comes into # play. It does not say that the attacker is allowed two consecutive # moves but only that he is allowed to play "another move". The # crucial property of this shape is that when X plays at a to destroy # (at least) one eye, O can answer at b, giving: # # .OOOXXX # OO.OXOO # O.cOX.O # OOOOOOO # # Now X has to continue at c in order to keep O at one eye. After this # O plays tenuki and X cannot destroy the remaining eye by another # move. Thus the eye value is indeed 1122. # # # As a final note, some of the eye values indicating a threat depend # on suicide to be allowed, e.g. # # Pattern 301 # # X.X # # :1222 # # We always assume suicide to be allowed in this database. It is easy # enough to sort out such moves at a higher level when suicide is # disallowed. ############################### # 1 element # ############################### Pattern 101 x :1111 Pattern 102 $ :0000 Pattern 103 ! :0000 ############################### # 2 elements # ############################### Pattern 201 xx :1111 Pattern 202 @x :0011 Pattern 203 $. :0000 ############################### # 3 elements # ############################### Pattern 301 # Must be matched before 302. X.X :1222 Pattern 302 x*x :1122 Pattern 303 xXx :1111 Pattern 304 !.x :0111 Pattern 305 @Xx :0011 Pattern 306 # A chimera. x@x :0022 Pattern 307 $*. :0011 Pattern 308 $.X :1111 Pattern 309 $X. :0001 Pattern 310 !x! :0001 ############################### # 4 elements # ############################### # Special cases in corners and on edges. These must be matched before # the same shape is matched in the center. Pattern 401 # Bent four in the corner. The attack depends on a ko and sufficiently # few outer liberties. |. |.*. +--- :1122 Pattern 402 #tm new pattern (3.1.14) #see trevor:1001 @ ..! --- :0011 # # Topology: .... # Pattern 410 # The XXXX pattern is a special case. It can only come up when dealing # with false marginals. In that case it is equivalent # to .... which yields 2 eyes. XxxX :2222 Pattern 411 x... :1222 Pattern 412 x*Xx :1122 Pattern 413 XXX. :1112 Pattern 414 .XX. :1111 Pattern 416 @X.X :0122 Pattern 417 x@.x :0122 Pattern 418 x@Xx :0022 Pattern 419 !.Xx :0111 Pattern 420 !..x :1112 Pattern 421 !X.. :0112 Pattern 422 @XXX :0012 Pattern 423 @XX. :0011 Pattern 424 @..@ :0011 Pattern 425 (.X@ :0011 Pattern 426 !x@x :0012 Pattern 427 !XX! :0001 Pattern 428 !.x$ :0001 Pattern 429 @X.$ :0011 Pattern 430 .XX$ :1111 Pattern 431 $.X$ :0001 Pattern 432 $xx$ :0000 # . # Topology: ... # Pattern 441 # Match before 442 X X.X :1222 Pattern 442 x x*x :1122 Pattern 443 . XXX :1112 Pattern 444 x xXx :1111 Pattern 445 ! X*X :1122 Pattern 446 ! x*x :0122 Pattern 447 x x@x :0022 Pattern 448 ) )*x :0011 Pattern 449 X @XX :0012 Pattern 450 x @Xx :0011 Pattern 451 x !X! :0001 # .. # Topology: .. # Pattern 461 *X X. :1122 Pattern 462 .. x. :1112 Pattern 463 XX X. :1112 Pattern 464 xx xx :1111 Pattern 465 # Must be matched before 466. @X X. :0022 Pattern 466 @x x. :0012 Pattern 467 @X XX :0012 Pattern 468 @x xX :0011 Pattern 469 !@ .x :0011 # # Completely dead patterns. # Pattern 491 !! XX :0001 Pattern 492 !x x! :0002 Pattern 493 ! !x! :0000 ############################### # 5 elements # ############################### # # 5 vertices. Now it is getting tricky... # At least we will get all the linear patterns correct. # # Special cases in corners and on edges. These must be matched before # the same shape is matched in the center. # # Special care must be taken to get these patterns in the right order. # In particular the bent four in the corner patterns must be matched # before the patterns of topology # # |... # |. . # +--- Pattern 5001 # Bent four in the corner. |. |X |.X. +--- :1112 Pattern 5002 # Bent four in the corner. |. |X |XX. +--- :1111 Pattern 5003 # Bent four in the corner. |. |XXX. +--- :1111 Pattern 5004 # Bent four in the corner. # # This one is tricky. Black has two certain eyes if there are at least # two outside liberties, but at most one if they are fewer. # It seems likely that calling this only one eye leads to the fewest # errors in the surrounding code. (Unfortunately we have no provisions # to check the number of liberties at this point.) |. |X |.XX +--- :1111 Pattern 5005 # Bent four in the corner. # # This pattern is similar to the previous one. Black has two certain eyes # if there are at least two outside liberties, but needs to fight a ko # if there is only one. |. |X |XXX +--- :1111 Pattern 5006 # Bent four in the corner. # # This pattern behaves identically to the previous one. |X |XXX. +--- :1111 Pattern 5007 # Bent four in the corner. The attack depends on ko and sufficiently # few outer liberties if the corner vertex is empty. |. |xX*. +--- :1122 Pattern 5008 # Bent four in the corner. The attack depends on ko and sufficiently # few outer liberties if the corner vertex is empty. |. |x*X. +--- :1122 Pattern 5009 # Bent four in the corner. An O move in the corner may or may not give # another eye (depending on ko and/or outer liberties). An X move in # the corner definitely settles the number of eyes to 1. |. |.XX. +--- :1111 Pattern 5010 # Bent four in the corner. |. |* |xX. +--- :1122 Pattern 5011 # Bent four shape that X must fight. Ko if at most one outer liberty. |X |XX*. +--- :1122 Pattern 5012 xxxxx ----- :2222 Pattern 5021 |XX* |. . +--- :1122 Pattern 5022 |X*X |. . +--- :1122 Pattern 5023 |*XX |. . +--- :1122 Pattern 5024 |.X> |< X +--- :1122 Pattern 5025 |XXX |. . +--- :1111 Pattern 5031 |.X | X*. +---- :1122 Pattern 5032 |.X | *X. +---- :1122 Pattern 5033 |.* | XX. +---- :1122 Pattern 5034 |.X | XX. +---- :1111 # # Topology: ..... # # # Linear, no marginal vertices. # Pattern 5101 # Usually at least seki. # # There are rare exceptions where this is only # one eye. See strategy test 38 for an example # where .XXX. gives only one eye since one of # the . is not a liberty of the dragon. xxxxx :2222 # # Linear, one marginal vertex. # Pattern 5111 @X.<. :1122 Pattern 5112 @..<x :1122 Pattern 5113 @x..x :1122 Pattern 5114 !.X*x :1122 Pattern 5115 @XXXX :0022 Pattern 5116 @XXX. :0011 Pattern 5117 @X.XX :0122 Pattern 5118 !X.X. :0112 Pattern 5119 @XX.X :0122 Pattern 5120 !XX.. :0112 Pattern 5121 !..Xx :1112 Pattern 5122 !.XXX :1112 Pattern 5123 !.XX. :0111 Pattern 5131 x@.Xx :0122 Pattern 5132 x@..x :1122 Pattern 5133 x@X.x :0122 Pattern 5134 x@XXx :0022 Pattern 5141 x.@.x :1122 Pattern 5142 x.@Xx :0122 Pattern 5143 xX@Xx :0022 # # Linear, two marginal vertices. # Pattern 5151 !.x.! :0111 Pattern 5152 !.>X@ :0011 Pattern 5153 @X.X@ :0011 Pattern 5154 !XXX! :0001 Pattern 5155 @Xxx! :0011 Pattern 5156 !x!.x :0112 Pattern 5157 !x@Xx :0012 Pattern 5158 # Must be matched before 5159. !.x@x :0022 Pattern 5159 !x.@x :0012 Pattern 5160 !XX@x :0012 Pattern 5161 x!x!x :0112 # # Linear, three marginal vertices. # Pattern 5171 !x@x! :0011 Pattern 5181 xx.x$ :1111 Pattern 5182 x*XX$ :1122 # . # Topology: .... # Pattern 5201 x x..X :2222 Pattern 5202 x x... :1222 Pattern 5203 x xXXX :2222 Pattern 5204 X XXX. :1112 Pattern 5205 x xXX. :1111 Pattern 5211 x xX*. :1122 Pattern 5212 x x*X. :1122 Pattern 5213 # Must be matched before 5214. X !..X :1222 Pattern 5214 x )*.x :1122 Pattern 5215 # Must be matched before 5216. X !.XX :0222 Pattern 5216 x !*Xx :0122 Pattern 5217 X @X.X :0122 Pattern 5218 x !X.x :0112 Pattern 5219 X @XXX :0022 Pattern 5220 x @XXx :0011 Pattern 5221 x x@.x :0122 Pattern 5222 x x@Xx :0022 Pattern 5223 x x.!x :0222 Pattern 5224 x xX@x :0022 Pattern 5225 X XX.! :1112 Pattern 5226 x xX.! :0111 Pattern 5227 X XXX@ :0012 Pattern 5228 x xXX@ :0011 Pattern 5231 ! !..x :0111 Pattern 5232 ! !*Xx :0011 Pattern 5233 ) )X<X :0011 Pattern 5234 ) )X<. :0011 Pattern 5235 ! !XXx :0001 Pattern 5236 x !..! :0112 Pattern 5237 x @X.( :0011 Pattern 5238 x !*X! :0012 Pattern 5239 x !XX! :0001 Pattern 5240 x !.@x :0122 Pattern 5241 x !X@x :0012 Pattern 5242 x x*.! :1122 Pattern 5243 X X*X! :1122 Pattern 5244 x x*X! :0122 Pattern 5245 x x@x! :0022 Pattern 5251 ! !x@x :0011 Pattern 5252 ! !.x! :0001 Pattern 5253 ! !X.! :0001 # .. # Topology: ... # Pattern 5301 X. XXX :1222 Pattern 5302 XX X.X :1222 Pattern 5303 Xx xxX :2222 Pattern 5304 xx x*x :1122 Pattern 5305 x. .Xx :1112 Pattern 5306 .X XXX :1112 Pattern 5307 xx xXx :1111 Pattern 5311 .. @.x :1122 Pattern 5312 X. @.x :0122 Pattern 5313 Xx @XX :0022 Pattern 5314 x. @Xx :0012 Pattern 5315 xX @Xx :0011 Pattern 5316 .X !*x :0122 Pattern 5317 XX @.X :0122 Pattern 5318 xX !.x :0112 Pattern 5321 xx x@x :0022 Pattern 5331 .X X*! :0122 Pattern 5332 .x x.! :0112 Pattern 5333 XX X.! :0112 Pattern 5334 Xx x.! :0111 Pattern 5335 X. .X@ :0012 Pattern 5336 xx xX@ :0011 Pattern 5341 @X XXX :0012 Pattern 5342 @x xXx :0011 Pattern 5343 @X X.X :0122 Pattern 5344 !x x.x :0112 Pattern 5351 !. !.x :0112 Pattern 5352 .. !@. :0022 Pattern 5353 xx @.! :0011 Pattern 5354 X. @X( :0011 Pattern 5355 .. @X( :0011 Pattern 5356 xx !X! :0001 Pattern 5357 @X X.( :0012 Pattern 5358 @x x.( :0011 Pattern 5359 !x xX! :0001 Pattern 5360 !x x@x :0012 Pattern 5361 x) )<x :0011 Pattern 5362 x! !Xx :0002 Pattern 5371 !X !X! :0000 Pattern 5372 !x !x! :0001 Pattern 5373 x! !x! :0001 # . # Topology: ... # . Pattern 5401 # This pattern must be matched before 5402. The vital point would be # suicide for X. X X.X X :1222 Pattern 5402 x x*x x :1122 Pattern 5403 X XXX . :1112 Pattern 5404 x xXx x :1111 Pattern 5411 ! X*X X :1122 Pattern 5412 ! x*x x :0122 Pattern 5413 @ XXX X :0012 Pattern 5414 @ xXx x :0011 Pattern 5421 x x*! ! :0022 Pattern 5422 x xX! ! :0001 Pattern 5431 ! x*! ! :0011 ############################### # 6 elements # ############################### # # Topology: ...... # Pattern 6000 # Bent four in the corner. |. |* |...! +--- :1122 Pattern 6001 # Bent four in the corner. |. |*X..! +--- :1122 Pattern 6002 # Bent four in the corner. ! |. |.XX. +--- :1111 Pattern 6003 # Bent four in the corner. ! |. |X |.*. +--- :1122 Pattern 6004 # Special corner shape |*X. |. .) +---- :1122 Pattern 6005 $X>.*x :1122 Pattern 6006 $X..Xx :1112 Pattern 6011 xxxxxx :2222 Pattern 6021 !.x..x :1222 Pattern 6022 @..xXx :1122 Pattern 6023 @.XX>. :1122 Pattern 6024 !..X.x :1222 Pattern 6026 !.XXXX :0222 Pattern 6028 !.XxxX :1222 Pattern 6029 @.X.X. :1122 Pattern 6030 @.XXX. :0122 Pattern 6031 @X.XXX :1122 Pattern 6032 !X.X.X :1222 Pattern 6033 @X.XX. :0122 Pattern 6034 @X.xxx :1122 Pattern 6035 @XX.Xx :0122 Pattern 6036 @Xx.xx :1122 Pattern 6037 @XXX.x :0122 Pattern 6038 @XXXXx :0022 Pattern 6041 x!.X.X :1222 Pattern 6042 x@.XX. :0122 Pattern 6043 x@.XXX :1122 Pattern 6044 x@.xxx :1122 Pattern 6045 x@X.Xx :0122 Pattern 6046 x@X..x :1122 Pattern 6047 x@XX.x :0122 Pattern 6048 x@XXXx :0022 Pattern 6051 x.!..x :1222 Pattern 6052 x.@.Xx :1122 Pattern 6053 x.@XXx :0122 Pattern 6054 x.@X.x :1122 Pattern 6055 xX@.Xx :0122 Pattern 6056 xX@..x :1122 Pattern 6057 xX@X.x :0122 Pattern 6058 xX@XXx :0022 Pattern 6061 !x@..x :1122 Pattern 6062 !x@X.x :0122 Pattern 6063 !x!.Xx :0112 Pattern 6064 !x@XXX :0022 Pattern 6065 !x@XX. :0012 Pattern 6066 !.x@.x :0122 Pattern 6067 !Xx!.x :0112 Pattern 6068 !Xx@Xx :0012 Pattern 6069 !.x@Xx :0022 Pattern 6070 !XX.@x :0012 Pattern 6071 !xx.@x :0122 Pattern 6072 !XXX@x :0012 Pattern 6073 !xxX@x :0022 Pattern 6074 !....! :1112 Pattern 6075 !.X.x! :0112 Pattern 6076 !.XX.! :0111 Pattern 6077 !x..X! :0112 Pattern 6078 @XX>X! :0011 Pattern 6079 @XXx.! :0011 Pattern 6080 !XXXX! :0002 Pattern 6082 x@x!.x :1122 Pattern 6083 x!x!Xx :0112 Pattern 6084 x@..@x :1122 Pattern 6085 x@X.!x :0122 Pattern 6086 x!XX!x :0112 Pattern 6087 x@x!x! :0012 Pattern 6091 !....$ :0111 Pattern 6092 @Xx..$ :0011 # . # Topology: ..... # Pattern 6101 X X..x! :1222 Pattern 6102 x x*x.! :1122 Pattern 6103 X XX*.( :1122 Pattern 6104 X XX>X@ :1122 Pattern 6105 x xX..! :1112 Pattern 6106 X XXX.! :1112 Pattern 6107 x xXX.! :0111 Pattern 6108 x xX.X@ :0122 Pattern 6109 x xXXX@ :0022 Pattern 6111 x x@..x :1122 Pattern 6112 x x@XXx :0022 Pattern 6113 x x@xxx :0122 Pattern 6121 x @X..x :1122 Pattern 6122 x @XXXx :0022 Pattern 6123 x @Xxxx :0122 Pattern 6131 x xX@.x :0122 Pattern 6132 x xX@Xx :0022 Pattern 6141 X XX.@x :1122 Pattern 6142 x xX.@x :0122 Pattern 6143 x xXX@x :0022 Pattern 6151 ! x*x.! :0122 Pattern 6152 ! !..x@ :0011 # . # Topology: ..... # Pattern 6201 x .*X.! :1122 Pattern 6202 . X>X.@ :1122 Pattern 6203 x .X*.! :1122 Pattern 6204 X XXX.! :0222 Pattern 6205 . XXX.@ :0122 Pattern 6206 x .XX.! :0111 Pattern 6207 x ..*X) :1122 Pattern 6208 x .X*X! :0122 Pattern 6209 x ..XX! :0112 Pattern 6210 x .XXX@ :0011 Pattern 6211 x X.XX@ :0122 Pattern 6212 x XXXX@ :0022 Pattern 6221 x x.@.x :1122 Pattern 6222 x x.@Xx :0122 Pattern 6223 x xX@Xx :0022 Pattern 6231 x x@X.x :0122 Pattern 6232 x x@XXx :0022 Pattern 6241 @ x.X.x :1122 Pattern 6242 @ x.XXx :0122 Pattern 6243 @ xXXXx :0022 Pattern 6251 x !.*.! :1122 Pattern 6252 x !X*X! :0022 Pattern 6253 x !.*X! :0122 Pattern 6254 ! X...! :1112 Pattern 6255 ! X.<X) :0122 Pattern 6256 ! ...X! :0112 Pattern 6261 # tm New Pattern (3.1.22) (see owl:111) ) @.>.@ :0011 Pattern 6262 # FIXME: I don't understand this pattern. Is it correct? -pp ! !x..! --- :0000 Pattern 6263 # tm modified (3.1.22) ! @X*.! :0011 # .. # Topology: .... # Pattern 6301 .X !.*. ---- :0122 Pattern 6302 xx XXXX :2222 Pattern 6303 *x XXX. :1122 Pattern 6304 XX XXX. :1112 Pattern 6305 xx xXXx :1111 Pattern 6306 xX X.XX :2222 Pattern 6307 .X X.X. :1222 Pattern 6308 XX X*X. :1122 Pattern 6309 xX x*Xx :1122 Pattern 6310 X. X*X. :1122 Pattern 6311 x. .*X. :1122 Pattern 6312 Xx !..X :1222 Pattern 6313 xx !.*x :1122 Pattern 6314 XX !*XX :1122 Pattern 6315 X. !.XX :0222 Pattern 6316 x. !.Xx :0112 Pattern 6317 xX !.Xx :0111 Pattern 6318 XX @X.X :0122 Pattern 6319 .x !X*x :0122 Pattern 6320 Xx @X.X :0122 Pattern 6321 Xx !X.. :0112 Pattern 6322 X. @XXX :0022 Pattern 6323 XX @XXX :0012 Pattern 6324 xx @XXx :0011 Pattern 6331 .x x@.x :1122 Pattern 6332 Xx x@.x :0122 Pattern 6333 xx x@Xx :0022 Pattern 6341 !x .*.x :1122 Pattern 6342 !. .*Xx :0122 Pattern 6343 (. X>Xx :1122 Pattern 6344 @X x..x :1122 Pattern 6345 @X X.Xx :0122 Pattern 6346 !X ..Xx :0112 Pattern 6347 !x .X.x :0112 Pattern 6348 @x XX.x :0122 Pattern 6349 @x .XXx :0011 Pattern 6350 @x XXXx :0022 Pattern 6361 !! !.*. :0011 Pattern 6362 .@ !..! :0011 # .. # Topology: .... # Pattern 6400 |.x |xX*. +---- :1122 Pattern 6401 |XX |<XX> +---- :1122 Pattern 6402 |.x |X.*. +---- :1122 Pattern 6403 |.X |x.*. +---- :1122 Pattern 6404 |.< |.>X. +---- :1122 Pattern 6405 # Not possible to do better than bent four in the corner. |.. |.XX. +---- :1111 Pattern 6406 # Nothing to do. |.X |..X. +---- :1111 Pattern 6407 # Nothing to do. |.x |X.X. +---- :1111 Pattern 6411 xX X*X. :1122 Pattern 6412 .* XXX. :1122 Pattern 6413 .. .XX. :1222 Pattern 6414 XX *XX> :1122 Pattern 6416 XX XXX. :1112 Pattern 6417 xX XXX. :1111 Pattern 6418 xX XX*. :1122 Pattern 6421 .x x*.! :1122 Pattern 6422 .x x*X! :0122 Pattern 6423 XX X*x! :1122 Pattern 6424 Xx x.X@ :0122 Pattern 6425 XX XXX@ :0012 Pattern 6426 Xx xXX@ :0022 Pattern 6427 X. x..! :1112 Pattern 6429 X. .X.! :1112 Pattern 6430 .. .X.! :0112 Pattern 6431 xx xX.! :0111 Pattern 6432 .x xXX@ :0011 Pattern 6433 xx @..x :1122 Pattern 6434 .x @.Xx :1122 Pattern 6435 xx @.Xx :0122 Pattern 6436 xx @X.x :0122 Pattern 6437 xx @XXx :0022 Pattern 6441 @x x..x :1122 Pattern 6442 @x x.XX :0122 Pattern 6443 !x x.X. :0112 Pattern 6444 @. .X.X :0122 Pattern 6445 !. .X.. :0112 Pattern 6446 !X xX.. :0112 Pattern 6447 @X xX.X :0122 Pattern 6448 @X xXX. :0011 Pattern 6449 @x xXXX :0022 Pattern 6450 @x xXX. :0011 Pattern 6461 xx x@.x :0122 Pattern 6462 xx x@Xx :0022 Pattern 6471 XX X.@x :1122 Pattern 6472 .X X.!x :0222 Pattern 6473 .x x.@x :1122 Pattern 6474 xx x.@x :0122 Pattern 6475 xx xX@x :0022 # ... # Topology: ... # Pattern 6501 >XX X<X --- :1122 Pattern 6502 .*. ..X --- :1122 Pattern 6503 .x. X.X --- :1111 Pattern 6504 .X. x.X --- :1111 Pattern 6511 XX. ..X :1222 Pattern 6512 XXX X.X :2222 Pattern 6513 xXx x*x :1122 Pattern 6514 # Need to mark both empty vertices. In the corner one of them may not # be a valid defense (suicide move). XX* *XX :1122 Pattern 6515 XXX XX. :1112 Pattern 6516 xXx xXx :1111 Pattern 6521 !.x ..x :0112 Pattern 6522 @XX X.x :0022 Pattern 6523 @Xx x.x :0012 Pattern 6524 @XX XXX :0012 Pattern 6525 @XX XX. :0022 Pattern 6526 @Xx xXx :0011 Pattern 6527 @.X X.. :0122 Pattern 6528 @.X X.X :0022 Pattern 6529 !.. X.x :0112 Pattern 6530 !.x .X. :0112 Pattern 6531 @xX .XX :0011 Pattern 6532 @x. xXx :0011 Pattern 6533 @xX XXx :0022 Pattern 6541 .@. x.x :0122 Pattern 6542 x@x xXx :0022 Pattern 6543 x@x x.x :0022 Pattern 6551 !.x !.x :0111 # ... # Topology: ... # Pattern 6601 ... ... :2222 Pattern 6602 *Xx .XX :1122 Pattern 6603 X*X .XX :1122 Pattern 6604 X*. xXX :1122 Pattern 6605 XX. .XX :1111 Pattern 6606 XXX .XX :1112 Pattern 6611 x*x !.x :1122 Pattern 6612 XXX !.X :1112 Pattern 6613 xXx !.x :0111 Pattern 6614 x.. !Xx :0112 Pattern 6615 x.X @Xx :0122 Pattern 6616 XXX @XX :0012 Pattern 6617 xXX @Xx :0022 Pattern 6618 xX. @Xx :0011 Pattern 6621 x.x x@x :0122 Pattern 6622 xXx x@x :0022 Pattern 6631 x.x x.@ :1122 Pattern 6632 x.x xX@ :0122 Pattern 6633 xXx xX@ :0022 # . # Topology: .... # . Pattern 6701 x xX*. x :1122 Pattern 6702 x x*X. x :1122 Pattern 6703 X XXX. X :1112 Pattern 6704 x xXX. x :1111 Pattern 6711 x !*.. x :1122 Pattern 6712 x !..X x :1222 Pattern 6713 x !.XX x :0222 Pattern 6714 x !*Xx x :0122 Pattern 6715 x @X.X x :0122 Pattern 6716 x !X.. x :0112 Pattern 6717 x @XXX x :0022 Pattern 6718 x @XX. x :0011 Pattern 6721 # Cannot exist. x x.!x x :0222 Pattern 6722 # Cannot exist. x xX@x x :0022 Pattern 6731 x x*.! x :1122 Pattern 6732 X X*X! X :1122 Pattern 6733 x x*X! x :0122 Pattern 6734 X XX.! X :1112 Pattern 6735 x xX.! x :0111 Pattern 6736 X XXX@ X :0012 Pattern 6737 x xXX@ x :0011 # . # Topology: .... # . Pattern 6801 x xX.! X :0222 Pattern 6802 x xX*! . :0122 Pattern 6803 x x.X! X :0222 Pattern 6804 x x*X! . :0122 Pattern 6805 x xXX@ . :0011 Pattern 6806 x xXX@ X :0022 Pattern 6811 # Cannot exist. x x.!x x :0222 Pattern 6812 # Cannot exist. x xX@x x :0022 # .. # Topology: ... # . Pattern 6901 # This pattern must be matched before 6902. XX X.X X :1222 Pattern 6902 .x x*x x :1122 Pattern 6903 XX X*x x :1122 Pattern 6904 X. .XX X :2222 Pattern 6905 X. .Xx x :1222 Pattern 6906 XX .XX X :1222 Pattern 6907 XX *Xx x :1122 Pattern 6908 .. .Xx x :1112 Pattern 6909 XX XXX . :1112 Pattern 6910 .X XXX X :1112 Pattern 6911 xx xXx x :1111 Pattern 6912 !. .*x x :0122 Pattern 6913 !X X*X X :1122 Pattern 6914 !x x*x x :0122 Pattern 6915 @. .Xx x :0011 Pattern 6916 @X XXX X :0012 Pattern 6917 @x xXx x :0011 Pattern 6921 .! .*x x :1122 Pattern 6922 .! X*x x :0122 Pattern 6923 .@ .Xx x :0012 Pattern 6924 .@ XXx x :0011 Pattern 6925 X@ xXx x :0022 Pattern 6931 .x x*! x :0122 Pattern 6932 Xx x*! . :0122 Pattern 6933 XX X*! X :1122 Pattern 6934 Xx x.! X :0222 Pattern 6935 .x xX@ x :0011 Pattern 6936 XX XX@ X :0012 Pattern 6937 Xx xX@ X :0022 Pattern 6938 Xx xX@ x :0011 ############################### # 7 elements # ############################### # # Topology: ....... # Pattern 70000 # There is some ko potential here. |. |X |X |...@ +---- :1122 Pattern 70001 # tm added (3.1.15) # Though pattern 7003 matches with a defense point at # the proper place, the code doesn't seem to provide # more than one defense point. |( |. |. |>..( +---- :1122 Pattern 70002 # Special corner shape. |X*. |. ..$ +----- :1122 Pattern 70003 # Special corner shape. |XX. |. ..$ +----- :1112 Pattern 70010 @..>X.( :1122 Pattern 70011 @..>..@ :1122 Pattern 70012 (.x..X@ :1122 Pattern 70013 @..X..@ :1122 Pattern 70014 (.X*X.( :1122 Pattern 70015 @X.X.X@ :0122 Pattern 70016 @X.X..! :0122 Pattern 70017 @XXXX.! :0022 Pattern 70018 @XxxX.( :0122 Pattern 70019 !Xx..x! :0112 Pattern 70020 !.XX..! :0112 Pattern 70021 !.XXX.! :0111 Pattern 70022 @XXX.x! :0012 Pattern 70023 @XX*XX@ :0011 Pattern 70024 !XXXXX! :0002 Pattern 70030 # FIXME: This pattern looks like 1112 to me. "$...<." seems to be # attackable at '<'. -pp $.....@ :1122 # . # Topology: ...... # Pattern 70500 x !<XXX) :0022 Pattern 70501 X !..X.! :1222 Pattern 70502 X !.XX.! :0222 Pattern 70503 x !..XX@ :0122 Pattern 70504 . !*X.X) :0122 Pattern 70505 . !*XX.! :0122 Pattern 70506 x !*xxx! :1122 Pattern 70507 ) )*x..x :1122 # . # Topology: ...... # Pattern 71000 . @| !...x| -----+ :1122 Pattern 71010 ! !..X.X :1222 Pattern 71011 ! @.>XXX :1122 Pattern 71012 # Defending the other marginal vertex is sometimes incorrect, # see regression/games/owl27.sgf. ) (..x.x :1122 Pattern 71013 ( @...Xx :1122 Pattern 71014 ! )X<XXx :0022 Pattern 71015 ! )x<xXx :0122 Pattern 71016 ! @X*..x :1122 Pattern 71017 ! !X*X.x :0122 Pattern 71020 x !X*XX! :0022 Pattern 71021 X !.>xX( :1122 Pattern 71022 . !.*XX! :0122 Pattern 71023 . !X*.x! :0122 Pattern 71024 x !X*X.! :0122 Pattern 71025 x !x*xx! :1122 Pattern 71030 ) ..>..@ :1122 Pattern 71040 ! !..x.! :0112 # . . # Topology: ..... # Pattern 71500 . ! !...! :0112 # . # Topology: ..... # . Pattern 72000 x x*X.! x :1122 Pattern 72001 x x..X! x :1222 Pattern 72002 X X...! X :1222 Pattern 72003 x x*..) x :1122 # . # Topology: ..... # . # Pattern 72500 # . # Topology: ..... # . # Pattern 73000 # . # Topology: . # ..... Pattern 73500 @ . x...@ :1122 Pattern 73501 ! . .*X.! :1122 # .. # Topology: ..... # Pattern 74000 # Bent four in the corner |.. |.*..! +---- :1122 Pattern 74001 XX X*x.! :1122 Pattern 74002 X. x.X.! :1222 Pattern 74003 Xx x>x.@ :1122 # .. # Topology: ..... # Pattern 74500 |. |X |XX. |.X +-- :1111 Pattern 74510 .. .X*.! :1122 Pattern 74511 .x ....! :1222 Pattern 74512 xx .*x.! :1122 Pattern 74513 Xx .X..! :1112 Pattern 74514 Xx .XX.! :0111 Pattern 74515 .x !...! :1112 Pattern 74516 xX !.X.! :0111 Pattern 74517 xx !.x.! :0112 # ... # Topology: .... # Pattern 75000 |. |X |XX |.*. +--- :1122 Pattern 75001 |. |* |XX |.X. +--- :1122 Pattern 75002 |. |* |Xx |x.! +--- :1122 Pattern 75003 |. |X |XX |.X. +--- :1111 Pattern 75004 |. |* |X. |..! +--- :1122 Pattern 75010 XX. !..X :1112 Pattern 75011 XXX (.*X :1122 Pattern 75012 xXx @..x :1122 Pattern 75020 X.( (.*X :1122 Pattern 75021 x.! !..x :0112 Pattern 75022 x.! !.Xx :0111 # .. # Topology: .... # . Pattern 75500 xX XX*. x :1122 Pattern 75501 # O here may give ko. xX X*X. x :1122 Pattern 75502 # X here gives ko. .* X.X. x :1122 Pattern 75504 # X here gives ko. .X X.*. x :1122 Pattern 75505 xX *XX. x :1122 Pattern 75506 XX XXX. X :1112 Pattern 75507 xX XXX. x :1111 # .. # Topology: .... # . Pattern 76000 Xx x*X. x :1122 Pattern 76001 Xx xX*. x :1122 Pattern 76002 *x xXX. x :1122 Pattern 76003 XX XXX. X :1112 Pattern 76004 Xx xXX. x :1111 # . # Topology: ... # ... Pattern 76500 x x*X XX. :1122 Pattern 76501 x xXX X*. :1122 Pattern 76502 X XX* XX> :1122 Pattern 76503 x xX* XX. :1122 Pattern 76504 X XXX XX. :1112 Pattern 76505 x xXX XX. :1111 # . # Topology: .. # .... Pattern 77000 x XX .*.! :1122 Pattern 77001 x XX .X.! :0111 Pattern 77010 ! .x !.*x :1122 # . # Topology: .... # .. # Pattern 77500 # .. # Topology: ... # .. Pattern 78000 .. XXX X. :1111 Pattern 78001 .* *X* X. :1122 Pattern 78002 .. xXx X. :1112 Pattern 78003 .X x.X X. :1112 Pattern 78004 .X x*x X. :1122 Pattern 78005 .x x*X Xx :1122 Pattern 78006 .x xX* Xx :1122 Pattern 78010 .X xXx X. :1111 Pattern 78011 .X .XX XX :1111 Pattern 78012 .x xXX Xx :1112 # ... # Topology: .... # Pattern 78500 --- X.X .XX. :1111 Pattern 78501 --- X.X .X*. :1122 Pattern 78502 ---- X.X. .Xx :1111 Pattern 78503 ---- X.X. xX. :1111 Pattern 78504 ---- X.*. .Xx :1122 Pattern 78505 ---- ..*. .XX :1122 Pattern 78506 ---- X.*. xX. :1122 Pattern 78507 ---- *.X. .Xx :1122 Pattern 78508 ---- *.X. xX. :1122 Pattern 78509 ---- X.X. .*x :1122 Pattern 78510 ---- X.X. x*. :1122 Pattern 78511 ---- ..*. .XX :1122 Pattern 78520 |. |Xx |XX |.X +-- :1111 Pattern 78521 |xx |XX |.X. +--- :1111 Pattern 78522 |X |XX. |.X. +--- :1111 Pattern 78523 |. |XX |*X |.X +-- :1122 Pattern 78524 . |XX |*X |.X +-- :1122 Pattern 78525 |XX |*X |.X. +--- :1122 Pattern 78526 |xx |XX |.*. +--- :1122 Pattern 78527 . |XX |XX |.X +-- :1111 Pattern 78550 ..X X..! :1222 Pattern 78551 X.X X..! :0222 Pattern 78552 x.x x..@ :1122 Pattern 78553 .XX ...! :0112 Pattern 78554 .XX X>*) :1122 Pattern 78555 .xx x*.! :1122 # . # Topology: ... # ... Pattern 79000 |X. |XX. |.X +-- :1111 Pattern 79010 # Big nakade. x .X. .*. :1122 Pattern 79011 # Big nakade. . .X. .*X :1122 Pattern 79012 # Big nakade. X ..x XX. :1222 Pattern 79013 # Big nakade. x x*x xX. :1122 Pattern 79014 # X here may give ko. . X.X X.. :1222 Pattern 79015 # X here may give ko. . X>X .*. :1122 Pattern 79016 # Big nakade. x XXx x*. :1122 Pattern 79017 # Big nakade. X XX. ..X :1222 Pattern 79018 # Big nakade. x XXx .*x :1122 Pattern 79019 # Big nakade. X XX* .XX :1122 Pattern 79020 # Big nakade. . XX. .XX :1112 Pattern 79021 # Big nakade. X xX* .XX :1122 Pattern 79022 # Big nakade. X .X. .X. :1112 Pattern 79023 # Big nakade. . .X. XX. :1112 Pattern 79024 # Big nakade. . xX. xX. :1111 Pattern 79025 # Big nakade. x xXx .X. :1111 Pattern 79026 # Big nakade. X XXX XX. :1112 Pattern 79027 # Big nakade. x XXX xX. :1111 Pattern 79028 # Big nakade. x XXx XX. :1111 ############################### # 8 elements # ############################### # # Topology: ........ # Pattern 80000 # Bent four in the corner, some ko potential ! . |X |X |...! +--- :1111 Pattern 80010 # Special corner shape. |) |*.. |. ..$ +----- :1122 # .... # Topology: .... # Pattern 80100 !... ...! :1112 # . # Topology: . # ...... Pattern 80200 ! . !..X.X :2222 Pattern 80201 ! . !..Xxx :1222 Pattern 80202 ! . !.X.XX :1222 Pattern 80203 @ . @.X>X. :1122 Pattern 80204 ! . !.x..x :1222 Pattern 80205 ( . (.*..( :1122 # .. # Topology: ...... # Pattern 80300 .. @.>>.@ :1122 Pattern 80301 .. !.X*.! :1122 # .. # Topology: ...... # Pattern 80400 # nn New pattern (3.3.12) |@ .. |....! +----- :1122 Pattern 80401 X. !..X.! :1222 Pattern 80402 .. )>>..@ :1122 Pattern 80403 X. !*>..@ :1122 Pattern 80404 XX )*>X.! :1122 Pattern 80405 xx !.*x.@ :1122 # ... # Topology: ..... # Pattern 80500 ! |. |. |XX |.*. +--- :1122 Pattern 80501 !.x x*x.! :1122 Pattern 80502 # in some cases this could become seki !.x xX..! :0112 Pattern 80503 # in some cases this could become seki !.x xXX.! :0111 # . # Topology: ....... # Pattern 80600 ! (..*..( :1122 # .... # Topology: .... # Pattern 80700 |. |* |XX |...! +---- :1122 Pattern 80701 |. |X |XX |...! +---- :1111 # . . # Topology: . . # .... Pattern 80800 # tm New Pattern (3.1.20) (see viking:9) ! @ . . .X.. :1122 # . # Topology: ... # .... Pattern 80900 # gf New pattern. (3.3.18) . |XX. |.XX. +---- :1111 # . # Topology: ... # .... Pattern 81000 # gf New pattern. (3.3.18) |. |XX. |.XX. +---- :1111 # .. # Topology: .. # .... Pattern 81100 # gf New pattern. (3.3.18) |.. |XX |.XX. +---- :1111 # .. # Topology: ... # ... Pattern 81200 # gf New pattern. (3.3.18) |.. |XX. |.XX +--- :1111 ############################### # 9 elements # ############################### Pattern 90100 @.>.. ...! :1122 Pattern 90200 ! . !.....! :1222 Pattern 90300 ! . .. !...! :1112 Pattern 90400 ! .. !.*..! :1122 Pattern 90500 .....! !.. :1222 Pattern 90600 ! |. |. |*X |...! +---- :1122 Pattern 90700 ! @..>...! :1122 Pattern 90800 |! |. |X. |X |...@ +--- :1122 ############################### # 10 elements # ############################### Pattern 100001 |! |. |.*. |.*..$ +----- :1122 Pattern 100002 # `analyze_eyegraph' believes it is 0012, but I doubt. Must be some # liberty shortage artifact or something. /pp |! |. |.X. |....$ +----- :0112 Pattern 100100 @ . .. xX* x. ! :1122 Pattern 100200 ! ! . ..* !... :1122 Pattern 100300 ! *. .> @...@ :1122 Pattern 100400 ( .. *. (.X.( :1122 Pattern 100401 ( .. >. @...( :1122 Pattern 100500 ) @.> . .> )*. :1122