/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\ * This is GNU Go, a Go program. Contact gnugo@gnu.org, or see * * http://www.gnu.org/software/gnugo/ for more information. * * * * Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, * * 2008 and 2009 by the Free Software Foundation. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation - version 3 or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License in file COPYING for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free * * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * * Boston, MA 02111, USA. * \* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ #include "gnugo.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "liberty.h" #include "influence.h" #include "patterns.h" #include "gg_utils.h" static void add_influence_source(int pos, int color, float strength, float attenuation, struct influence_data *q); static void print_influence(const struct influence_data *q, const char *info_string); static void print_numeric_influence(const struct influence_data *q, const float values[BOARDMAX], const char *format, int width, int draw_stones, int mark_epsilon); static void print_influence_areas(const struct influence_data *q); static void value_territory(struct influence_data *q); static void enter_intrusion_source(int source_pos, int strength_pos, float strength, float attenuation, struct influence_data *q); static void add_marked_intrusions(struct influence_data *q); /* Influence computed for the initial position, i.e. before making * some move. */ struct influence_data initial_black_influence; struct influence_data initial_white_influence; /* Influence computed after some move has been made. */ struct influence_data move_influence; struct influence_data followup_influence; /* Influence used for estimation of escape potential. */ static struct influence_data escape_influence; /* Pointer to influence data used during pattern matching. */ static struct influence_data *current_influence = NULL; /* Thresholds values used in the whose_moyo() functions */ static struct moyo_determination_data moyo_data; static struct moyo_determination_data moyo_restricted_data; /* Thresholds value used in the whose_territory() function */ static float territory_determination_value; /* This curve determines how much influence is needed at least to claim * an intersection as territory, in dependence of the "center value". * (In the center, more effort is needed to get territory!) * The center value is at the moment defined as follows: * If d1, d2 are the distance to vertical and horizontal border, resp., * with d1<d2, then * central = 3 * d1 + min(d2, 4) * So this is mainly a function of the distance to the border; the * distance to the second-nearest border gives a small correction of at * most 4. This distinguishes edge and corner positions. * * The values for intersections close to a corner or to the edge have * to be consistent such that standard corner enclosure etc. are * sufficient to claim territory. The center values are more arbitrary * suspect to tuning. */ static struct interpolation_data min_infl_for_territory = { 6, 0.0, 24.0, { 6.0, 15.0, 26.0, 36.0, 45.0, 50.0, 55.0 }}; /* Determines the territory correction factor in dependence of the ratio * ( influence of stronger color / min_infl_for_territory(intersection)) */ static struct interpolation_data territory_correction = { 5, (float) 0.0, 1.0, {0.0, 0.25, 0.45, 0.65, 0.85, 1.0}}; /* If set, print influence map when computing this move. Purely for * debugging. */ static int debug_influence = NO_MOVE; /* Assigns an id to all influence computations for reference in the * delta territory cache. */ static int influence_id = 0; /* This is the core of the influence function. Given the coordinates * and color of an influence source, it radiates the influence * outwards until it hits a barrier or the strength of the influence * falls under a certain threshold. * * The radiation is performed by a breadth first propagation, * implemented by means of an internal queue. * * Since this function has turned out be one of the bottlenecks, loop * unrolling makes a noticeable performance difference. It does, * however, make the code much harder to read and maintain. Therefore * we include both the original and the unrolled versions. */ #define EXPLICIT_LOOP_UNROLLING 1 #if EXPLICIT_LOOP_UNROLLING /* In addition to the parameters, this macro expects * m,n = original source of influence * ii = point influence is being spread from * delta_i = I(ii) - m * delta_j = J(ii) - n * current_strength combines strength and damping factor * b is 1/(square of distance from m,n to i,j) ; or halved * for diagonals * * arg is i + arg_di ; arg_j is j + arg_dj * arg_d is 1 for diagonal movement * */ #define code1(arg_di, arg_dj, arg, arg_d) do { \ if (!q->safe[arg] \ && ((arg_di)*(delta_i) + (arg_dj)*(delta_j) > 0 \ || queue_start == 1)) { \ float contribution; \ float permeability = permeability_array[ii]; \ if (arg_d) { \ permeability *= gg_max(permeability_array[ii + DELTA(arg_di, 0)], \ permeability_array[ii + DELTA(0, arg_dj)]); \ if (permeability == 0.0) \ continue; \ } \ contribution = current_strength * permeability; \ if (queue_start != 1) { \ int a = (arg_di)*(delta_i) + (arg_dj)*(delta_j); \ contribution *= (a*a) * b; /* contribution *= cos(phi) */ \ } \ if (contribution <= INFLUENCE_CUTOFF) \ continue; \ if (working[arg] == 0.0) { \ q->queue[queue_end] = (arg); \ queue_end++; \ } \ working[arg] += contribution; \ } } while (0) #endif static void accumulate_influence(struct influence_data *q, int pos, int color) { int ii; int m = I(pos); int n = J(pos); int k; #if !EXPLICIT_LOOP_UNROLLING int d; #endif float b; float inv_attenuation; float inv_diagonal_damping; float *permeability_array; /* Clear the queue. Entry 0 is implicitly (m, n). */ int queue_start = 0; int queue_end = 1; static float working[BOARDMAX]; static int working_area_initialized = 0; if (!working_area_initialized) { for (ii = 0; ii < BOARDMAX; ii++) working[ii] = 0.0; working_area_initialized = 1; } if (0) gprintf("Accumulating influence for %s at %m\n", color_to_string(color), m, n); /* Attenuation only depends on the influence origin. */ if (color == WHITE) inv_attenuation = 1.0 / q->white_attenuation[pos]; else inv_attenuation = 1.0 / q->black_attenuation[pos]; if (q->is_territorial_influence) inv_diagonal_damping = 1.0 / TERR_DIAGONAL_DAMPING; else inv_diagonal_damping = 1.0 / DIAGONAL_DAMPING; if (color == WHITE) permeability_array = q->white_permeability; else permeability_array = q->black_permeability; /* We put the original source into slot 0. */ q->queue[0] = pos; if (color == WHITE) working[pos] = q->white_strength[pos]; else working[pos] = q->black_strength[pos]; /* Spread influence until the stack is empty. */ while (queue_start < queue_end) { float current_strength; int delta_i, delta_j; ii = q->queue[queue_start]; delta_i = I(ii) - m; delta_j = J(ii) - n; queue_start++; if (permeability_array[ii] == 0.0) continue; if (0) gprintf("Picked %1m from queue. w=%f start=%d end=%d\n", ii, working[ii], queue_start, queue_end); if (queue_start == 1) b = 1.0; else b = 1.0 / ((delta_i)*(delta_i) + (delta_j)*(delta_j)); current_strength = working[ii] * inv_attenuation; #if !EXPLICIT_LOOP_UNROLLING /* Try to spread influence in each of the eight directions. */ for (d = 0; d < 8; d++) { int di = deltai[d]; int dj = deltaj[d]; int d_ii = delta[d]; /* Verify that (ii + d_ii) is * 1. Inside the board. * 2. Not occupied. * 3. Directed outwards. For the origin all directions are outwards. */ if (ON_BOARD(ii + d_ii) && (!q->safe[ii + d_ii]) && (di*(delta_i) + dj*(delta_j) > 0 || queue_start == 1)) { float contribution; float permeability = permeability_array[ii]; float dfactor; float inv_damping; /* Now compute the damping of the influence. * First we have the permeability at the point we are * spreading from. For diagonal movement we also take the * permeability of the vertices we are "passing by" into * account. */ if (d > 3) { /* diagonal movement */ permeability *= gg_max(permeability_array[ii + DELTA(di, 0)], permeability_array[ii + DELTA(0, dj)]); inv_damping = inv_diagonal_damping; dfactor = 0.5; } else { inv_damping = 1.0; dfactor = 1.0; } if (permeability == 0.0) continue; contribution = permeability * current_strength * inv_damping; /* Finally direction dependent damping. */ if (ii != pos) { int a = di*(delta_i) + dj*(delta_j); gg_assert(a > 0); contribution *= (a*a) * b * dfactor; } /* Stop spreading influence if the contribution becomes too low. */ if (contribution <= INFLUENCE_CUTOFF) continue; /* If no influence here before, add the point to the queue for * further spreading. */ if (0) gprintf(" Spreading %s influence from %1m to %1m, d=%d\n", color_to_string(color), ii, ii + d_ii, d); if (working[ii + d_ii] == 0.0) { q->queue[queue_end] = ii + d_ii; queue_end++; } working[ii + d_ii] += contribution; } } #else if (ON_BOARD(ii + delta[0])) code1(deltai[0], deltaj[0], ii + delta[0], 0); if (ON_BOARD(ii + delta[1])) code1(deltai[1], deltaj[1], ii + delta[1], 0); if (ON_BOARD(ii + delta[2])) code1(deltai[2], deltaj[2], ii + delta[2], 0); if (ON_BOARD(ii + delta[3])) code1(deltai[3], deltaj[3], ii + delta[3], 0); /* Update factors for diagonal movement. */ b *= 0.5; current_strength *= inv_diagonal_damping; if (ON_BOARD(ii + delta[4])) code1(deltai[4], deltaj[4], ii + delta[4], 1); if (ON_BOARD(ii + delta[5])) code1(deltai[5], deltaj[5], ii + delta[5], 1); if (ON_BOARD(ii + delta[6])) code1(deltai[6], deltaj[6], ii + delta[6], 1); if (ON_BOARD(ii + delta[7])) code1(deltai[7], deltaj[7], ii + delta[7], 1); #endif } /* Add the values in the working area to the accumulated influence * and simultaneously reset the working area. We know that all * influenced points were stored in the queue, so we just traverse * it. */ for (k = 0; k < queue_end; k++) { ii = q->queue[k]; if (color == WHITE) { if (working[ii] > 1.01 * INFLUENCE_CUTOFF || q->white_influence[ii] == 0.0) q->white_influence[ii] += working[ii]; } else { if (working[ii] > 1.01 * INFLUENCE_CUTOFF || q->black_influence[ii] == 0.0) q->black_influence[ii] += working[ii]; } working[ii] = 0.0; } } /* Initialize the influence_data structure. */ static void init_influence(struct influence_data *q, const signed char safe_stones[BOARDMAX], const float strength[BOARDMAX]) { int ii; float attenuation; /* Initialisation of some global positional values, based on * game stage. */ if (cosmic_gnugo) { float t; if ((board_size != 19) || (movenum <= 2) || ((movenum / 2) % 2)) cosmic_importance = 0.0; else { cosmic_importance = 1.0 - (movenum / 150.0)*(movenum / 150.0); cosmic_importance = gg_max(0.0, cosmic_importance); } t = cosmic_importance; moyo_data.influence_balance = t * 15.0 + (1.0-t) * 5.0; moyo_data.my_influence_minimum = t * 5.0 + (1.0-t) * 5.0; moyo_data.opp_influence_maximum = t * 30.0 + (1.0-t) * 30.0; /* we use the same values for moyo and moyo_restricted */ moyo_restricted_data = moyo_data; territory_determination_value = t * 0.95 + (1.0-t) * 0.95; min_infl_for_territory.values[0] = t * 6.0 + (1.0-t) * 10.0; min_infl_for_territory.values[1] = t * 10.0 + (1.0-t) * 15.0; min_infl_for_territory.values[2] = t * 20.0 + (1.0-t) * 15.0; min_infl_for_territory.values[3] = t * 20.0 + (1.0-t) * 20.0; min_infl_for_territory.values[4] = t * 20.0 + (1.0-t) * 20.0; min_infl_for_territory.values[5] = t * 15.0 + (1.0-t) * 15.0; min_infl_for_territory.values[6] = t * 10.0 + (1.0-t) * 15.0; } else { /* non-cosmic values */ cosmic_importance = 0.0; moyo_data.influence_balance = 7.0; moyo_data.my_influence_minimum = 5.0; moyo_data.opp_influence_maximum = 10.0; moyo_restricted_data.influence_balance = 10.0; moyo_restricted_data.my_influence_minimum = 10.0; moyo_restricted_data.opp_influence_maximum = 10.0; territory_determination_value = 0.95; min_infl_for_territory.values[0] = 6.0; min_infl_for_territory.values[1] = 15.0; min_infl_for_territory.values[2] = 26.0; min_infl_for_territory.values[3] = 36.0; min_infl_for_territory.values[4] = 45.0; min_infl_for_territory.values[5] = 50.0; min_infl_for_territory.values[6] = 55.0; } if (q->is_territorial_influence) attenuation = TERR_DEFAULT_ATTENUATION; else attenuation = 2 * DEFAULT_ATTENUATION; q->intrusion_counter = 0; /* Remember this for later. */ memcpy(q->safe, safe_stones, BOARDMAX * sizeof(*safe_stones)); q->captured = black_captured - white_captured; for (ii = BOARDMIN; ii < BOARDMAX; ii++) if (ON_BOARD(ii)) { /* Initialize. */ q->white_influence[ii] = 0.0; q->black_influence[ii] = 0.0; q->white_attenuation[ii] = attenuation; q->black_attenuation[ii] = attenuation; q->white_permeability[ii] = 1.0; q->black_permeability[ii] = 1.0; q->white_strength[ii] = 0.0; q->black_strength[ii] = 0.0; q->non_territory[ii] = EMPTY; if (IS_STONE(board[ii])) { if (!safe_stones[ii]) { if (board[ii] == WHITE) q->white_permeability[ii] = 0.0; else q->black_permeability[ii] = 0.0; } else { if (board[ii] == WHITE) { if (strength) q->white_strength[ii] = strength[ii]; else q->white_strength[ii] = DEFAULT_STRENGTH; q->black_permeability[ii] = 0.0; } else { if (strength) q->black_strength[ii] = strength[ii]; else q->black_strength[ii] = DEFAULT_STRENGTH; q->white_permeability[ii] = 0.0; } } } else /* Ideally, safe_stones[] should always be zero for empty * intersections. This is currently, however, sometimes not true * when an inessential worm gets captured. So we revise this * in our private copy here. */ q->safe[ii] = 0; } } /* Adds an influence source at position pos with prescribed strength * and attenuation. color can be BLACK, WHITE or both. If there * already exists an influence source of the respective color at pos * that is stronger than the new one, we do nothing. */ static void add_influence_source(int pos, int color, float strength, float attenuation, struct influence_data *q) { if ((color & WHITE) && (q->white_strength[pos] < strength)) { q->white_strength[pos] = strength; q->white_attenuation[pos] = attenuation; } if ((color & BLACK) && (q->black_strength[pos] < strength)) { q->black_strength[pos] = strength; q->black_attenuation[pos] = attenuation; } } /* Adds an intrusion as an entry in the list q->intrusions. */ static void enter_intrusion_source(int source_pos, int strength_pos, float strength, float attenuation, struct influence_data *q) { if (q->intrusion_counter >= MAX_INTRUSIONS) { DEBUG(DEBUG_INFLUENCE, "intrusion list exhausted\n"); return; } q->intrusions[q->intrusion_counter].source_pos = source_pos; q->intrusions[q->intrusion_counter].strength_pos = strength_pos; q->intrusions[q->intrusion_counter].strength = strength; q->intrusions[q->intrusion_counter].attenuation = attenuation; q->intrusion_counter++; } /* Comparison of intrusions datas, to sort them. */ static int compare_intrusions(const void *p1, const void *p2) { const struct intrusion_data *intr1 = p1; const struct intrusion_data *intr2 = p2; if (intr1->source_pos - intr2->source_pos != 0) return (intr1->source_pos - intr2->source_pos); else if (intr1->strength_pos - intr2->strength_pos != 0) return (intr1->strength_pos - intr2->strength_pos); else if (intr1->strength > intr2->strength) return 1; else return -1; } /* It may happen that we have a low intensity influence source at a * blocked intersection (due to an intrusion). This function resets the * permeabilities. */ static void reset_unblocked_blocks(struct influence_data *q) { int pos; for (pos = BOARDMIN; pos < BOARDMAX; pos++) if (ON_BOARD(pos)) { if (!q->safe[pos] && q->white_strength[pos] > 0.0 && q->white_permeability[pos] != 1.0) { DEBUG(DEBUG_INFLUENCE, " black block removed from %1m\n", pos); q->white_permeability[pos] = 1.0; } if (!q->safe[pos] && q->black_strength[pos] > 0.0 && q->black_permeability[pos] != 1.0) { DEBUG(DEBUG_INFLUENCE, " white block removed from %1m\n", pos); q->black_permeability[pos] = 1.0; } } } /* This function goes through the list of intrusion sources, and adds * the intrusion as influence sources for color. The strength is * corrected so that each stone's intrusions sources can have total * strength of at most 60%/100% of the strength of the stone. * (100% is if q == &followup_influence, 60% otherwise). */ static void add_marked_intrusions(struct influence_data *q) { int i; int j = 0; int source_pos; float strength_sum; float correction; float source_strength; float allowed_strength; int color = q->color_to_move; gg_sort(q->intrusions, q->intrusion_counter, sizeof(q->intrusions[0]), compare_intrusions); /* Go through all intrusion sources. */ for (i = 0; i < q->intrusion_counter; i = j) { strength_sum = 0.0; source_pos = q->intrusions[i].source_pos; /* "Anonymous" intrusios go in uncorrected. */ if (source_pos == NO_MOVE) { add_influence_source(q->intrusions[i].strength_pos, color, q->intrusions[j].strength, q->intrusions[j].attenuation, q); DEBUG(DEBUG_INFLUENCE, "Adding %s intrusion at %1m, value %f\n", (color == BLACK) ? "black" : "white", q->intrusions[j].strength_pos, q->intrusions[j].strength); j = i+1; continue; } if (color == BLACK) source_strength = q->black_strength[source_pos]; else source_strength = q->white_strength[source_pos]; /* First loop: Determine correction factor. */ for (j = i; (j < q->intrusion_counter) && (q->intrusions[j].source_pos == source_pos); j++) { /* Of identical strength positions, only take strongest value. */ if (j == i || q->intrusions[j].strength_pos != q->intrusions[j-1].strength_pos) strength_sum += q->intrusions[j].strength; } if (q == &followup_influence) allowed_strength = source_strength; else allowed_strength = 0.6 * source_strength; if (strength_sum > allowed_strength) correction = (allowed_strength / strength_sum); else correction = 1.0; /* Second loop: Add influence sources. */ for (j = i; (j < q->intrusion_counter) && (q->intrusions[j].source_pos == source_pos); j++) { /* Of identical strenght positions, only take strongest value. */ if (j == i || q->intrusions[j].strength_pos != q->intrusions[j-1].strength_pos) { add_influence_source(q->intrusions[j].strength_pos, color, correction * q->intrusions[j].strength, q->intrusions[j].attenuation, q); DEBUG(DEBUG_INFLUENCE, "Adding %s intrusion for %1m at %1m, value %f (correction %f)\n", (color == BLACK) ? "black" : "white", source_pos, q->intrusions[j].strength_pos, correction * q->intrusions[j].strength, correction); } } } } /* Callback for the matched patterns in influence.db and barriers.db. * The pattern classes used here are: * A - Barrier pattern, where O plays first and X tries to block influence. * D - Barrier pattern, where O plays first and O tries to block influence. * B - Intrusion patterns, adding a low intensity influence source. * E - Enhance patterns, FIXME: document this one! * t - Non-territory patterns, marking vertices as not territory. * I - Invasion patterns, adding a low intensity influence source. * e - Escape bonus. Used together with I to increase the value substantially * if escape influence is being computed. * * Classes A, D, and B are matched with color as O, and it is assumed * that O is in turn to move. Classes E and I are matched with either * color as O. */ static void influence_callback(int anchor, int color, struct pattern *pattern, int ll, void *data) { int pos = AFFINE_TRANSFORM(pattern->move_offset, ll, anchor); int k; struct influence_data *q = data; /* We also ignore enhancement patterns in territorial influence. */ if ((pattern->class & CLASS_E) && q->is_territorial_influence) return; /* Don't use invasion (I) patterns when scoring. */ if (doing_scoring && (pattern->class & CLASS_I)) return; /* Loop through pattern elements to see if an A or D pattern * can possibly have any effect. If not we can skip evaluating * constraint and/or helper. */ if (pattern->class & (CLASS_A | CLASS_D)) { int something_to_do = 0; gg_assert(q->is_territorial_influence); for (k = 0; k < pattern->patlen; ++k) { /* match each point */ int blocking_color; int ii; /* The order of elements is: All commas, all "!", then other. */ if (pattern->patn[k].att != ATT_comma && pattern->patn[k].att != ATT_not) break; ii = AFFINE_TRANSFORM(pattern->patn[k].offset, ll, anchor); if (pattern->class & CLASS_D) blocking_color = color; else blocking_color = OTHER_COLOR(color); if ((blocking_color == WHITE && q->black_permeability[ii] != 0.0) || (blocking_color == BLACK && q->white_permeability[ii] != 0.0)) { something_to_do = 1; break; } } if (!something_to_do) return; } /* Require that all O stones in the pattern have non-zero influence * strength for patterns of type D, E, B, t, and all X stones have * non-zero strength for patterns of type A and t. * * Patterns also having class s are an exception from this rule. */ if ((pattern->class & (CLASS_D | CLASS_A | CLASS_B | CLASS_E | CLASS_t)) && !(pattern->class & CLASS_s)) { for (k = 0; k < pattern->patlen; ++k) { /* match each point */ int ii = AFFINE_TRANSFORM(pattern->patn[k].offset, ll, anchor); if (pattern->patn[k].att == ATT_O) { if ((pattern->class & (CLASS_B | CLASS_t | CLASS_E | CLASS_D)) && ((color == WHITE && q->white_strength[ii] == 0.0) || (color == BLACK && q->black_strength[ii] == 0.0))) return; } else if (pattern->patn[k].att == ATT_X) { if ((pattern->class & (CLASS_A | CLASS_t)) && ((color == BLACK && q->white_strength[ii] == 0.0) || (color == WHITE && q->black_strength[ii] == 0.0))) return; /* Match failed. */ } } } /* If the pattern has a constraint, call the autohelper to see * if the pattern must be rejected. */ if ((pattern->autohelper_flag & HAVE_CONSTRAINT) && !pattern->autohelper(ll, pos, color, 0)) return; DEBUG(DEBUG_INFLUENCE, "influence pattern '%s'+%d matched at %1m\n", pattern->name, ll, anchor); /* For t patterns, everything happens in the action. */ if ((pattern->class & CLASS_t) && (pattern->autohelper_flag & HAVE_ACTION)) { pattern->autohelper(ll, pos, color, INFLUENCE_CALLBACK); return; } /* For I patterns, add a low intensity, both colored, influence * source at *. */ if (pattern->class & CLASS_I) { int this_color = EMPTY; float strength; float attenuation; if (q->color_to_move == EMPTY || (pattern->class & CLASS_s)) this_color = BLACK | WHITE; else if (q->color_to_move != color) this_color = q->color_to_move; if (cosmic_gnugo) { float t = 0.15 + (1.0 - cosmic_importance); t = gg_min(1.0, t); t = gg_max(0.0, t); strength = t * pattern->value; attenuation = 1.6; } else { strength = pattern->value; attenuation = 1.5; } /* Increase strength if we're computing escape influence. */ if (!q->is_territorial_influence && (pattern->class & CLASS_e)) add_influence_source(pos, this_color, 20 * strength, attenuation, q); else add_influence_source(pos, this_color, strength, attenuation, q); DEBUG(DEBUG_INFLUENCE, " low intensity influence source at %1m, strength %f, color %C\n", pos, strength, this_color); return; } /* For E patterns, add a new influence source of the same color and * pattern defined strength at *. */ if (pattern->class & CLASS_E) { add_influence_source(pos, color, pattern->value, DEFAULT_ATTENUATION, q); DEBUG(DEBUG_INFLUENCE, " extra %C source at %1m, strength %f\n", color, pos, pattern->value); return; } /* For B patterns add intrusions sources at "!" points. */ if (pattern->class & CLASS_B) { float strength; if (cosmic_gnugo) { float t = 0.15 + (1.0 - cosmic_importance); t = gg_min(1.0, t); t = gg_max(0.0, t); strength = t * pattern->value; } else strength = pattern->value; for (k = 0; k < pattern->patlen; ++k) /* match each point */ if (pattern->patn[k].att == ATT_not) { /* transform pattern real coordinate */ int ii = AFFINE_TRANSFORM(pattern->patn[k].offset, ll, anchor); /* Low intensity influence source for the color in turn to move. */ if (q->is_territorial_influence) enter_intrusion_source(anchor, ii, strength, TERR_DEFAULT_ATTENUATION, q); else add_influence_source(ii, color, strength, DEFAULT_ATTENUATION, q); DEBUG(DEBUG_INFLUENCE, " intrusion at %1m\n", ii); } return; } gg_assert(pattern->class & (CLASS_D | CLASS_A)); /* For A, D patterns, add blocks for all "," or "!" points. */ for (k = 0; k < pattern->patlen; ++k) { /* match each point */ if (pattern->patn[k].att == ATT_comma || pattern->patn[k].att == ATT_not) { /* transform pattern real coordinate */ int ii = AFFINE_TRANSFORM(pattern->patn[k].offset, ll, anchor); int blocking_color; if (pattern->class & CLASS_D) blocking_color = color; else blocking_color = OTHER_COLOR(color); DEBUG(DEBUG_INFLUENCE, " barrier for %s influence at %1m\n", color_to_string(OTHER_COLOR(blocking_color)), ii); if (pattern->patn[k].att == ATT_comma) { if (blocking_color == WHITE) q->black_permeability[ii] = 0.0; else q->white_permeability[ii] = 0.0; } /* Weak barrier at !-marked points. */ else { if (blocking_color == WHITE) q->black_permeability[ii] *= 0.7; else q->white_permeability[ii] *= 0.7; } } } } /* Callback for matched barriers patterns in followup influence. * This adds an intrusion source for all B patterns in barriers.db for * the color that has made a move if all the following conditions are * fulfilled: * - the anchor ("Q") is adjacent (directly or diagonally) to a "saved stone" * (this is ensured by matchpat before calling back here) * - at least one of the O stones in the pattern is a saved stone. * - the usual pattern constraint ("; oplay_attack_either(...)") is fulfilled * - the pattern action (typically ">return (!xplay_attack(...))") returns * true if called with parameter action = FOLLOWUP_INFLUENCE_CALLBACK. * "Saved stones" are: the move played + tactically rescued stones + stones * in a critcal dragon brought to life by this move */ static void followup_influence_callback(int anchor, int color, struct pattern *pattern, int ll, void *data) { int k; int t; struct influence_data *q = data; UNUSED(color); /* We use only B patterns in followup influence. */ if (!(pattern->class & CLASS_B)) return; t = AFFINE_TRANSFORM(pattern->move_offset, ll, anchor); /* If the pattern has a constraint, call the autohelper to see * if the pattern must be rejected. */ if (pattern->autohelper_flag & HAVE_CONSTRAINT && !pattern->autohelper(ll, t, color, 0)) return; /* Actions in B patterns are used as followup specific constraints. */ if ((pattern->autohelper_flag & HAVE_ACTION) && !pattern->autohelper(ll, t, color, FOLLOWUP_INFLUENCE_CALLBACK)) return; DEBUG(DEBUG_INFLUENCE, "influence pattern '%s'+%d matched at %1m\n", pattern->name, ll, anchor); for (k = 0; k < pattern->patlen; ++k) /* match each point */ if (pattern->patn[k].att == ATT_not) { /* transform pattern real coordinate */ int ii = AFFINE_TRANSFORM(pattern->patn[k].offset, ll, anchor); /* Low intensity influence source for the color in turn to move. */ enter_intrusion_source(anchor, ii, pattern->value, TERR_DEFAULT_ATTENUATION, q); DEBUG(DEBUG_INFLUENCE, " followup for %1m: intrusion at %1m\n", anchor, ii); } } /* Called from actions for t patterns. Marks (pos) as not being * territory for (color). */ void influence_mark_non_territory(int pos, int color) { DEBUG(DEBUG_INFLUENCE, " non-territory for %C at %1m\n", color, pos); current_influence->non_territory[pos] |= color; } /* Erases all territory for color at (pos), and all directly neighboring * fields. */ void influence_erase_territory(struct influence_data *q, int pos, int color) { int k; ASSERT1((color == WHITE && q->territory_value[pos] >= 0.0) || (color == BLACK && q->territory_value[pos] <= 0.0), pos); current_influence = q; q->territory_value[pos] = 0.0; influence_mark_non_territory(pos, color); for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) { if (ON_BOARD(pos + delta[k])) { q->territory_value[pos + delta[k]] = 0.0; influence_mark_non_territory(pos + delta[k], color); } } } /* Match the patterns in influence.db and barriers.db in order to add: * - influence barriers, * - extra influence sources at possible invasion and intrusion points, and * - extra influence induced by strong positions. * Reduce permeability around each living stone. * Reset permeability to 1.0 at intrusion points. */ static void find_influence_patterns(struct influence_data *q) { int ii; current_influence = q; matchpat(influence_callback, ANCHOR_COLOR, &influencepat_db, q, NULL); if (q->color_to_move != EMPTY) matchpat(influence_callback, q->color_to_move, &barrierspat_db, q, NULL); if (q->is_territorial_influence) add_marked_intrusions(q); /* Additionally, we introduce a weaker kind of barriers around living * stones. */ for (ii = BOARDMIN; ii < BOARDMAX; ii++) if (ON_BOARD(ii) && !q->safe[ii]) { int k; float black_reduction = 1.0; float white_reduction = 1.0; for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) { int d = delta[k]; if (IS_STONE(board[ii + d]) && q->safe[ii + d]) { /* Reduce less diagonally. */ float reduction = (k < 4) ? 0.25 : 0.65; if (board[ii + d] == BLACK) white_reduction *= reduction; else black_reduction *= reduction; } else if (IS_STONE(board[ii + d]) && !q->safe[ii + d]) { if (board[ii + d] == BLACK) white_reduction = -100.0; else black_reduction = -100.0; } } if (black_reduction > 0.0) q->black_permeability[ii] *= black_reduction; if (white_reduction > 0.0) q->white_permeability[ii] *= white_reduction; } reset_unblocked_blocks(q); } /* This function checks whether we have two or more adjacent blocks for * influence of color next to pos. If yes, it returns the position of the * least valuable blocks; otherwise, it returns NO_MOVE. */ static int check_double_block(int color, int pos, const struct influence_data *q) { int k; int block_neighbors = 0; const float *permeability = ((color == BLACK) ? q->black_permeability : q->white_permeability); /* Count neighboring blocks. */ for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) if (board[pos + delta[k]] == EMPTY && permeability[pos + delta[k]] == 0.0) block_neighbors++; if (block_neighbors >= 2) { /* Search for least valuable block. */ float smallest_value = 4.0 * MAX_BOARD * MAX_BOARD; int smallest_block = NO_MOVE; /* We count opponent's territory as positive. */ float sign = ((color == WHITE) ? -1.0 : 1.0); for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) { int neighbor = pos + delta[k]; if (board[neighbor] == EMPTY && permeability[neighbor] == 0.0) { /* Value is sum of opponents territory at this and all 4 neighboring * intersections. */ float this_value = sign * q->territory_value[neighbor]; int j; for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) if (ON_BOARD(neighbor + delta[j])) this_value += sign * q->territory_value[neighbor + delta[j]]; /* We use an artifical tie breaker to avoid possible platform * dependency. */ if (this_value + 0.0005 < smallest_value) { smallest_block = neighbor; smallest_value = this_value; } } } ASSERT1(ON_BOARD1(smallest_block), pos); return smallest_block; } return NO_MOVE; } #define MAX_DOUBLE_BLOCKS 20 /* This function checks for the situation where an influence source for * the color to move is direclty neighbored by 2 or more influence blocks. * It then removes the least valuable of these blocks, and re-runs the * influence accumulation for this position. * * See endgame:840 for an example where this is essential. */ static void remove_double_blocks(struct influence_data *q, const signed char inhibited_sources[BOARDMAX]) { int ii; float *strength = ((q->color_to_move == WHITE) ? q->white_strength : q->black_strength); int double_blocks[MAX_DOUBLE_BLOCKS]; int num_blocks = 0; for (ii = BOARDMIN; ii < BOARDMAX; ii++) if (board[ii] == EMPTY && !(inhibited_sources && inhibited_sources[ii]) && strength[ii] > 0.0) { double_blocks[num_blocks] = check_double_block(q->color_to_move, ii, q); if (double_blocks[num_blocks] != NO_MOVE) { num_blocks++; if (num_blocks == MAX_DOUBLE_BLOCKS) break; } } { int k; float *permeability = ((q->color_to_move == BLACK) ? q->black_permeability : q->white_permeability); for (k = 0; k < num_blocks; k++) { DEBUG(DEBUG_INFLUENCE, "Removing block for %s at %1m.\n", color_to_string(q->color_to_move), double_blocks[k]); permeability[double_blocks[k]] = 1.0; accumulate_influence(q, double_blocks[k], q->color_to_move); } } } /* Do the real work of influence computation. This is called from * compute_influence and compute_escape_influence. * * q->is_territorial_influence and q->color_to_move must be set by the caller. */ static void do_compute_influence(const signed char safe_stones[BOARDMAX], const signed char inhibited_sources[BOARDMAX], const float strength[BOARDMAX], struct influence_data *q, int move, const char *trace_message) { int ii; init_influence(q, safe_stones, strength); modify_depth_values(stackp - 1); find_influence_patterns(q); modify_depth_values(1 - stackp); for (ii = BOARDMIN; ii < BOARDMAX; ii++) if (ON_BOARD(ii) && !(inhibited_sources && inhibited_sources[ii])) { if (q->white_strength[ii] > 0.0) accumulate_influence(q, ii, WHITE); if (q->black_strength[ii] > 0.0) accumulate_influence(q, ii, BLACK); } value_territory(q); remove_double_blocks(q, inhibited_sources); value_territory(q); if ((move == NO_MOVE && (printmoyo & PRINTMOYO_INITIAL_INFLUENCE)) || (debug_influence && move == debug_influence)) print_influence(q, trace_message); } /* Compute the influence values for both colors. * * The caller must * - set up the board[] state * - mark safe stones with INFLUENCE_SAFE_STONE, dead stones with 0 * - mark stones newly saved by a move with INFLUENCE_SAVED_STONE * (this is relevant if the influence_data *q is reused to compute * a followup value for this move). * * Results will be stored in q. * * (move) has no effects except toggling debugging. Set it to -1 * for no debug output at all (otherwise it will be controlled by * the -m command line option). * * It is assumed that color is in turn to move. (This affects the * barrier patterns (class A, D) and intrusions (class B)). Color */ void compute_influence(int color, const signed char safe_stones[BOARDMAX], const float strength[BOARDMAX], struct influence_data *q, int move, const char *trace_message) { int save_debug = debug; VALGRIND_MAKE_WRITABLE(q, sizeof(*q)); q->is_territorial_influence = 1; q->color_to_move = color; /* Turn off DEBUG_INFLUENCE for influence computations we are not * interested in. */ if ((move == NO_MOVE && !(printmoyo & PRINTMOYO_INITIAL_INFLUENCE)) || (move != NO_MOVE && move != debug_influence)) debug = debug &~ DEBUG_INFLUENCE; influence_id++; q->id = influence_id; do_compute_influence(safe_stones, NULL, strength, q, move, trace_message); debug = save_debug; } /* Return the color of the territory at (pos). If it's territory for * neither color, EMPTY is returned. */ int whose_territory(const struct influence_data *q, int pos) { float bi = q->black_influence[pos]; float wi = q->white_influence[pos]; float terr = q->territory_value[pos]; ASSERT_ON_BOARD1(pos); if (bi > 0.0 && wi == 0.0 && terr < -territory_determination_value) return BLACK; if (wi > 0.0 && bi == 0.0 && terr > territory_determination_value) return WHITE; return EMPTY; } /* Return the color who has a moyo at (pos). If neither color has a * moyo there, EMPTY is returned. The definition of moyo in terms of the * influences is totally ad hoc. */ int whose_moyo(const struct influence_data *q, int pos) { float bi = q->black_influence[pos]; float wi = q->white_influence[pos]; int territory_color = whose_territory(q, pos); if (territory_color != EMPTY) return territory_color; if (bi > moyo_data.influence_balance * wi && bi > moyo_data.my_influence_minimum && wi < moyo_data.opp_influence_maximum) return BLACK; if (wi > moyo_data.influence_balance * bi && wi > moyo_data.my_influence_minimum && bi < moyo_data.opp_influence_maximum) return WHITE; return EMPTY; } /* Return the color who has a moyo at (pos). If neither color has a * moyo there, EMPTY is returned. * The definition of moyo in terms of the influences is totally ad * hoc. * * It has a slightly different definition of moyo than whose_moyo. */ int whose_moyo_restricted(const struct influence_data *q, int pos) { float bi = q->black_influence[pos]; float wi = q->white_influence[pos]; int territory_color = whose_territory(q, pos); /* default */ if (territory_color != EMPTY) return territory_color; else if (bi > moyo_restricted_data.influence_balance * wi && bi > moyo_restricted_data.my_influence_minimum && wi < moyo_restricted_data.opp_influence_maximum) return BLACK; else if (wi > moyo_restricted_data.influence_balance * bi && wi > moyo_restricted_data.my_influence_minimum && bi < moyo_restricted_data.opp_influence_maximum) return WHITE; else return EMPTY; } /* Return the color who has dominating influence ("area") at (pos). * If neither color dominates the influence there, EMPTY is returned. * The definition of area in terms of the influences is totally ad * hoc. */ int whose_area(const struct influence_data *q, int pos) { float bi = q->black_influence[pos]; float wi = q->white_influence[pos]; int moyo_color = whose_moyo(q, pos); if (moyo_color != EMPTY) return moyo_color; if (bi > 3.0 * wi && bi > 1.0 && wi < 40.0) return BLACK; if (wi > 3.0 * bi && wi > 1.0 && bi < 40.0) return WHITE; return EMPTY; } static void value_territory(struct influence_data *q) { int ii; int dist_i, dist_j; float central; float first_guess[BOARDMAX]; float ratio; int k; memset(first_guess, 0, BOARDMAX*sizeof(float)); memset(q->territory_value, 0, BOARDMAX*sizeof(float)); /* First loop: guess territory directly from influence. */ for (ii = BOARDMIN; ii < BOARDMAX; ii++) if (ON_BOARD(ii) && !q->safe[ii]) { float diff = 0.0; if (q->white_influence[ii] + q->black_influence[ii] > 0) diff = (q->white_influence[ii] - q->black_influence[ii]) / (q->white_influence[ii] + q->black_influence[ii]); first_guess[ii] = diff * diff * diff; /* If both side have small influence, we have to reduce this value. * What we consider "small influence" depends on how central this * intersection lies. * * The values of central on an 11x11 board become: * * 4 5 6 7 7 7 7 7 6 5 4 * 5 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 9 8 5 * 6 9 12 13 13 13 13 13 12 9 6 * 7 10 13 16 16 16 16 16 13 10 7 * 7 10 13 16 17 17 17 16 13 10 7 * 7 10 13 16 17 18 17 16 13 10 7 * 7 10 13 16 17 17 17 16 13 10 7 * 7 10 13 16 16 16 16 16 13 10 7 * 6 9 12 13 13 13 13 13 12 9 6 * 5 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 9 8 5 * 4 5 6 7 7 7 7 7 6 5 4 */ dist_i = gg_min(I(ii), board_size - I(ii) - 1); dist_j = gg_min(J(ii), board_size - J(ii) - 1); if (dist_i > dist_j) dist_i = gg_min(4, dist_i); else dist_j = gg_min(4, dist_j); central = (float) 2 * gg_min(dist_i, dist_j) + dist_i + dist_j; ratio = gg_max(q->black_influence[ii], q->white_influence[ii]) / gg_interpolate(&min_infl_for_territory, central); /* Do not make this adjustment when scoring unless both * players have non-zero influence. */ if (doing_scoring && (q->black_influence[ii] == 0.0 || q->white_influence[ii] == 0.0)) ratio = 1.0; first_guess[ii] *= gg_interpolate(&territory_correction, ratio); /* Dead stone, upgrade to territory. Notice that this is not * the point for a prisoner, which is added later. Instead * this is to make sure that the vertex is not regarded as * moyo or area. Also notice that the non-territory * degradation below may over-rule this decision. */ if (board[ii] == BLACK) first_guess[ii] = 1.0; else if (board[ii] == WHITE) first_guess[ii] = -1.0; q->territory_value[ii] = first_guess[ii]; } /* Second loop: Correct according to neighbour vertices. Each territory * value is degraded to the minimum value of its neighbors (unless this * neighbor has reduced permeability for the opponent's influence). */ for (ii = BOARDMIN; ii < BOARDMAX; ii++) if (ON_BOARD(ii) /* Do not overrule dead stone territory above. * FIXME: This does not do what it claims to do. Correcting it * seems to break some tests, though. */ && !q->safe[ii]) { /* Loop over all neighbors. */ for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) { if (!ON_BOARD(ii + delta[k])) continue; if (q->territory_value[ii] > 0.0) { /* White territory. */ if (!q->safe[ii + delta[k]]) { float neighbor_val = q->black_permeability[ii + delta[k]] * first_guess[ii + delta[k]] + (1.0 - q->black_permeability[ii + delta[k]]) * first_guess[ii]; q->territory_value[ii] = gg_max(0, gg_min(q->territory_value[ii], neighbor_val)); } } else { /* Black territory. */ if (!q->safe[ii + delta[k]]) { float neighbor_val = q->white_permeability[ii + delta[k]] * first_guess[ii + delta[k]] + (1 - q->white_permeability[ii + delta[k]]) * first_guess[ii]; q->territory_value[ii] = gg_min(0, gg_max(q->territory_value[ii], neighbor_val)); } } } } /* Third loop: Nonterritory patterns, points for prisoners. */ for (ii = BOARDMIN; ii < BOARDMAX; ii++) if (ON_BOARD(ii) && !q->safe[ii]) { /* If marked as non-territory for the color currently owning * it, reset the territory value. */ if (q->territory_value[ii] > 0.0 && (q->non_territory[ii] & WHITE)) q->territory_value[ii] = 0.0; if (q->territory_value[ii] < 0.0 && (q->non_territory[ii] & BLACK)) q->territory_value[ii] = 0.0; /* Dead stone, add one to the territory value. */ if (board[ii] == BLACK) q->territory_value[ii] += 1.0; else if (board[ii] == WHITE) q->territory_value[ii] -= 1.0; } } /* Segment the influence map into connected regions of territory, * moyo, or area. What to segment on is determined by the the function * pointer region_owner. The segmentation is performed for both * colors. The connected regions may include stones of the own color, * but only empty intersections (and dead opponent stones) count * toward the region size. */ static void segment_region(struct influence_data *q, owner_function_ptr region_owner, struct moyo_data *regions) { int ii; static signed char marked[BOARDMAX]; regions->number = 0; /* Reset the markings. */ for (ii = BOARDMIN; ii < BOARDMAX; ii++) { marked[ii] = 0; regions->segmentation[ii] = 0; } for (ii = BOARDMIN; ii < BOARDMAX; ii++) if (ON_BOARD(ii) && !marked[ii] && region_owner(q, ii) != EMPTY) { /* Found an unlabelled intersection. Use flood filling to find * the rest of the region. */ int size = 0; float terr_val = 0.0; int queue_start = 0; int queue_end = 1; int color = region_owner(q, ii); regions->number++; marked[ii] = 1; q->queue[0] = ii; while (queue_start < queue_end) { int tt = q->queue[queue_start]; int k; queue_start++; if (!q->safe[tt] || board[tt] != color) { size++; if (q->is_territorial_influence) terr_val += gg_abs(q->territory_value[tt]); } regions->segmentation[tt] = regions->number; for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) { int d = delta[k]; if (ON_BOARD(tt + d) && !marked[tt + d] && region_owner(q, tt + d) == color) { q->queue[queue_end] = tt + d; queue_end++; marked[tt + d] = 1; } } } regions->size[regions->number] = size; regions->territorial_value[regions->number] = terr_val; regions->owner[regions->number] = color; } } /* Export a territory segmentation. */ void influence_get_territory_segmentation(struct influence_data *q, struct moyo_data *moyos) { segment_region(q, whose_territory, moyos); } /* Export the territory valuation at an intersection from initial_influence; * it is given from (color)'s point of view. */ float influence_territory(const struct influence_data *q, int pos, int color) { if (color == WHITE) return q->territory_value[pos]; else return -q->territory_value[pos]; } int influence_considered_lively(const struct influence_data *q, int pos) { int color = board[pos]; ASSERT1(IS_STONE(color), pos); return (q->safe[pos] && ((color == WHITE && q->white_strength[pos] > 0) || (color == BLACK && q->black_strength[pos] > 0))); } /* Compute a followup influence. It is assumed that the stones that * deserve a followup have been marked INFLUENCE_SAVED_STONE in * base->safe. */ void compute_followup_influence(const struct influence_data *base, struct influence_data *q, int move, const char *trace_message) { int ii; signed char goal[BOARDMAX]; /* This is the color that will get a followup value. */ int color = OTHER_COLOR(base->color_to_move); int save_debug = debug; memcpy(q, base, sizeof(*q)); ASSERT1(IS_STONE(q->color_to_move), move); q->color_to_move = color; /* We mark the saved stones and their neighbors in the goal array. */ for (ii = BOARDMIN; ii < BOARDMAX; ii++) if (ON_BOARD(ii)) { if (q->safe[ii] == INFLUENCE_SAVED_STONE) goal[ii] = 1; else goal[ii] = 0; } /* Turn off DEBUG_INFLUENCE for influence computations we are not * interested in. */ if ((move == NO_MOVE && !(printmoyo & PRINTMOYO_INITIAL_INFLUENCE)) || (move != debug_influence)) debug = debug &~ DEBUG_INFLUENCE; q->intrusion_counter = 0; current_influence = q; /* Match B patterns for saved stones. */ matchpat_goal_anchor(followup_influence_callback, color, &barrierspat_db, q, goal, 1); debug = save_debug; /* Now add the intrusions. */ add_marked_intrusions(q); reset_unblocked_blocks(q); /* Spread influence for new influence sources. */ for (ii = BOARDMIN; ii < BOARDMAX; ii++) if (ON_BOARD(ii)) if ((color == BLACK && q->black_strength[ii] > base->black_strength[ii]) || (color == WHITE && q->white_strength[ii] > base->white_strength[ii])) accumulate_influence(q, ii, color); value_territory(q); if (debug_influence && debug_influence == move) print_influence(q, trace_message); } /* Compute influence based escape values and return them in the * escape_value array. */ void compute_escape_influence(int color, const signed char safe_stones[BOARDMAX], const signed char goal[BOARDMAX], const float strength[BOARDMAX], signed char escape_value[BOARDMAX]) { int k; int ii; int save_debug = debug; /* IMPORTANT: The caching relies on the fact that safe_stones[] and * strength[] will currently always be identical for identical board[] * states. Better check for these, too. */ static int cached_board[BOARDMAX]; static signed char escape_values[BOARDMAX][2]; static int active_caches[2] = {0, 0}; int cache_number = (color == WHITE); VALGRIND_MAKE_WRITABLE(&escape_influence, sizeof(escape_influence)); if (!goal) { /* Encode the values of color and dragons_known into an integer * between 0 and 3. */ int board_was_cached = 1; /* Notice that we compare the out of board markers as well, in * case the board size should have changed between calls. */ for (ii = BOARDMIN; ii < BOARDMAX; ii++) { if (cached_board[ii] != board[ii]) { cached_board[ii] = board[ii]; board_was_cached = 0; } } if (!board_was_cached) for (k = 0; k < 2; k++) active_caches[k] = 0; if (active_caches[cache_number]) { for (ii = BOARDMIN; ii < BOARDMAX; ii++) if (ON_BOARD(ii)) escape_value[ii] = escape_values[ii][cache_number]; return; } } /* Use enhance pattern and higher attenuation for escape influence. */ escape_influence.is_territorial_influence = 0; escape_influence.color_to_move = EMPTY; /* Turn off DEBUG_INFLUENCE unless we are specifically interested in * escape computations. */ if (!(debug & DEBUG_ESCAPE)) debug &= ~DEBUG_INFLUENCE; do_compute_influence(safe_stones, goal, strength, &escape_influence, -1, NULL); debug = save_debug; for (ii = BOARDMIN; ii < BOARDMAX; ii++) if (ON_BOARD(ii)) { if (whose_moyo(&escape_influence, ii) == color) escape_value[ii] = 4; else if (whose_area(&escape_influence, ii) == color) escape_value[ii] = 2; else if (whose_area(&escape_influence, ii) == EMPTY) { if (goal) { escape_value[ii] = 0; if (!goal[ii]) { int goal_proximity = 0; for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) { if (ON_BOARD(ii + delta[k])) { goal_proximity += 2 * goal[ii + delta[k]]; if (k < 4 && ON_BOARD(ii + 2 * delta[k])) goal_proximity += goal[ii + delta[k]]; } else goal_proximity += 1; } if (goal_proximity < 6) escape_value[ii] = 1; } } else escape_value[ii] = 1; } else escape_value[ii] = 0; } if (0 && (debug & DEBUG_ESCAPE) && verbose > 0) print_influence(&escape_influence, "escape influence"); if (!goal) { /* Save the computed values in the cache. */ for (ii = BOARDMIN; ii < BOARDMAX; ii++) if (ON_BOARD(ii)) escape_values[ii][cache_number] = escape_value[ii]; active_caches[cache_number] = 1; } } /* Cache of delta_territory_values. */ static float delta_territory_cache[BOARDMAX]; static float followup_territory_cache[BOARDMAX]; static Hash_data delta_territory_cache_hash[BOARDMAX]; static int territory_cache_position_number = -1; static int territory_cache_influence_id = -1; static int territory_cache_color = -1; /* We cache territory computations. This avoids unnecessary re-computations * when review_move_reasons is run a second time for the endgame patterns. * * (*base) points to the initial_influence data that would be used * to make the territory computation against. */ int retrieve_delta_territory_cache(int pos, int color, float *move_value, float *followup_value, const struct influence_data *base, Hash_data safety_hash) { ASSERT_ON_BOARD1(pos); ASSERT1(IS_STONE(color), pos); /* We check whether the color, the board position, or the base influence * data has changed since the cache entry got entered. */ if (territory_cache_position_number == position_number && territory_cache_color == color && territory_cache_influence_id == base->id && delta_territory_cache[pos] != NOT_COMPUTED) { int i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_HASHVALUES; i++) if (delta_territory_cache_hash[pos].hashval[i] != safety_hash.hashval[i]) return 0; *move_value = delta_territory_cache[pos]; *followup_value = followup_territory_cache[pos]; if (0) gprintf("%1m: retrieved territory value from cache: %f, %f\n", pos, *move_value, *followup_value); return 1; } return 0; } void store_delta_territory_cache(int pos, int color, float move_value, float followup_value, const struct influence_data *base, Hash_data safety_hash) { int i; ASSERT_ON_BOARD1(pos); ASSERT1(IS_STONE(color), pos); if (territory_cache_position_number != position_number || territory_cache_color != color || territory_cache_influence_id != base->id) { int ii; for (ii = BOARDMIN; ii < BOARDMAX; ii++) delta_territory_cache[ii] = NOT_COMPUTED; territory_cache_position_number = position_number; territory_cache_influence_id = base->id; territory_cache_color = color; if (0) gprintf("Cleared delta territory cache.\n"); } delta_territory_cache[pos] = move_value; followup_territory_cache[pos] = followup_value; for (i = 0; i < NUM_HASHVALUES; i++) delta_territory_cache_hash[pos].hashval[i] = safety_hash.hashval[i]; if (0) gprintf("%1m: Stored delta territory cache: %f, %f\n", pos, move_value, followup_value); } /* Compute the difference in territory between two influence data, * from the point of view of (color). * (move) is only passed for debugging output. */ float influence_delta_territory(const struct influence_data *base, const struct influence_data *q, int color, int move) { int ii; float total_delta = 0.0; float this_delta; ASSERT_ON_BOARD1(move); ASSERT1(IS_STONE(color), move); for (ii = BOARDMIN; ii < BOARDMAX; ii++) if (ON_BOARD(ii)) { float new_value = q->territory_value[ii]; float old_value = base->territory_value[ii]; this_delta = new_value - old_value; /* Negate values if we are black. */ if (color == BLACK) { new_value = -new_value; old_value = -old_value; this_delta = -this_delta; } if (move != -1 && (this_delta > 0.02 || -this_delta > 0.02)) DEBUG(DEBUG_TERRITORY, " %1m: - %1m territory change %f (%f -> %f)\n", move, ii, this_delta, old_value, new_value); total_delta += this_delta; } /* Finally, captured stones: */ this_delta = q->captured - base->captured; if (color == BLACK) this_delta = -this_delta; if (move != -1 && this_delta != 0.0) DEBUG(DEBUG_TERRITORY, " %1m: - captured stones %f\n", move, this_delta); total_delta += this_delta; return total_delta; } /* Estimate the score. A positive value means white is ahead. The * score is estimated influence data *q, which must have been * computed in advance. */ float influence_score(const struct influence_data *q, int use_chinese_rules) { float score = 0.0; int ii; for (ii = BOARDMIN; ii < BOARDMAX; ii++) if (ON_BOARD(ii)) score += q->territory_value[ii]; if (use_chinese_rules) score += stones_on_board(WHITE) - stones_on_board(BLACK) + komi + handicap; else score += black_captured - white_captured + komi; return score; } /* Uses initial_influence to estimate the game advancement (fuseki, * chuban, yose) returned as a value between 0.0 (start) and 1.0 (game * over) */ float game_status(int color) { struct influence_data *iq = INITIAL_INFLUENCE(color); struct influence_data *oq = OPPOSITE_INFLUENCE(color); int count = 0; int ii; for (ii = BOARDMIN; ii < BOARDMAX; ii++) if (ON_BOARD(ii)) { if (iq->safe[ii]) count += WEIGHT_TERRITORY; else if (whose_territory(iq, ii) != EMPTY && whose_territory(oq, ii) != EMPTY) count += WEIGHT_TERRITORY; else if (whose_moyo(oq, ii) != EMPTY) count += WEIGHT_MOYO; else if (whose_area(oq, ii) != EMPTY) count += WEIGHT_AREA; } return (float) count / (WEIGHT_TERRITORY * board_size * board_size); } /* Print the influence map when we have computed influence for the * move at (i, j). */ void debug_influence_move(int move) { debug_influence = move; } /* One more way to export influence data. This should only be used * for debugging. */ void get_influence(const struct influence_data *q, float white_influence[BOARDMAX], float black_influence[BOARDMAX], float white_strength[BOARDMAX], float black_strength[BOARDMAX], float white_attenuation[BOARDMAX], float black_attenuation[BOARDMAX], float white_permeability[BOARDMAX], float black_permeability[BOARDMAX], float territory_value[BOARDMAX], int influence_regions[BOARDMAX], int non_territory[BOARDMAX]) { int ii; for (ii = BOARDMIN; ii < BOARDMAX; ii++) { white_influence[ii] = q->white_influence[ii]; black_influence[ii] = q->black_influence[ii]; white_strength[ii] = q->white_strength[ii]; black_strength[ii] = q->black_strength[ii]; white_attenuation[ii] = q->white_attenuation[ii]; black_attenuation[ii] = q->black_attenuation[ii]; white_permeability[ii] = q->white_permeability[ii]; black_permeability[ii] = q->black_permeability[ii]; territory_value[ii] = q->territory_value[ii]; non_territory[ii] = q->non_territory[ii]; if (board[ii] == EMPTY) { if (whose_territory(q, ii) == WHITE) influence_regions[ii] = 3; else if (whose_territory(q, ii) == BLACK) influence_regions[ii] = -3; else if (whose_moyo(q, ii) == WHITE) influence_regions[ii] = 2; else if (whose_moyo(q, ii) == BLACK) influence_regions[ii] = -2; else if (whose_area(q, ii) == WHITE) influence_regions[ii] = 1; else if (whose_area(q, ii) == BLACK) influence_regions[ii] = -1; else influence_regions[ii] = 0; } else if (board[ii] == WHITE) influence_regions[ii] = 4; else if (board[ii] == BLACK) influence_regions[ii] = -4; } } /* Print influence for debugging purposes, according to * printmoyo bitmap (controlled by -m command line option). */ void print_influence(const struct influence_data *q, const char *info_string) { if (printmoyo & PRINTMOYO_ATTENUATION) { /* Print the attenuation values. */ fprintf(stderr, "white attenuation (%s):\n", info_string); print_numeric_influence(q, q->white_attenuation, "%3.2f", 3, 0, 0); fprintf(stderr, "black attenuation (%s):\n", info_string); print_numeric_influence(q, q->black_attenuation, "%3.2f", 3, 0, 0); } if (printmoyo & PRINTMOYO_PERMEABILITY) { /* Print the white permeability values. */ fprintf(stderr, "white permeability:\n"); print_numeric_influence(q, q->white_permeability, "%3.1f", 3, 0, 0); /* Print the black permeability values. */ fprintf(stderr, "black permeability:\n"); print_numeric_influence(q, q->black_permeability, "%3.1f", 3, 0, 0); } if (printmoyo & PRINTMOYO_STRENGTH) { /* Print the strength values. */ fprintf(stderr, "white strength:\n"); if (q->is_territorial_influence) print_numeric_influence(q, q->white_strength, "%5.1f", 5, 0, 0); else print_numeric_influence(q, q->white_strength, "%3.0f", 3, 0, 1); fprintf(stderr, "black strength:\n"); if (q->is_territorial_influence) print_numeric_influence(q, q->black_strength, "%5.1f", 5, 0, 0); else print_numeric_influence(q, q->black_strength, "%3.0f", 3, 0, 1); } if (printmoyo & PRINTMOYO_NUMERIC_INFLUENCE) { /* Print the white influence values. */ fprintf(stderr, "white influence (%s):\n", info_string); print_numeric_influence(q, q->white_influence, "%5.1f", 5, 1, 0); /* Print the black influence values. */ fprintf(stderr, "black influence (%s):\n", info_string); print_numeric_influence(q, q->black_influence, "%5.1f", 5, 1, 0); } if (printmoyo & PRINTMOYO_PRINT_INFLUENCE) { fprintf(stderr, "influence regions (%s):\n", info_string); print_influence_areas(q); } if (printmoyo & PRINTMOYO_VALUE_TERRITORY) { fprintf(stderr, "territory (%s)", info_string); print_numeric_influence(q, q->territory_value, "%5.2f", 5, 1, 0); } } /* * Print numeric influence values. */ static void print_numeric_influence(const struct influence_data *q, const float values[BOARDMAX], const char *format, int width, int draw_stones, int mark_epsilon) { int i, j; char ch; char format_stone[20]; memset(format_stone, ' ', 20); format_stone[(width + 1) / 2] = '%'; format_stone[(width + 3) / 2] = 'c'; format_stone[width + 2] = 0; fprintf(stderr, " "); for (i = 0, ch = 'A'; i < board_size; i++, ch++) { if (ch == 'I') ch++; fprintf(stderr, format_stone, ch); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); for (i = 0; i < board_size; i++) { int ii = board_size - i; fprintf(stderr, "%2d ", ii); for (j = 0; j < board_size; j++) { int ii = POS(i, j); if (draw_stones && q->safe[ii]) { if (board[ii] == WHITE) fprintf(stderr, format_stone, 'O'); else fprintf(stderr, format_stone, 'X'); } else { if (mark_epsilon && values[ii] > 0.0 && values[ii] < 1.0) fprintf(stderr, "eps"); else fprintf(stderr, format, values[ii]); fprintf(stderr, " "); } } fprintf(stderr, "%2d\n", ii); } fprintf(stderr, " "); for (i = 0, ch = 'A'; i < board_size; i++, ch++) { if (ch == 'I') ch++; fprintf(stderr, format_stone, ch); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } /* Draw colored board illustrating territory, moyo, and area. */ static void print_influence_areas(const struct influence_data *q) { int ii; start_draw_board(); for (ii = BOARDMIN; ii < BOARDMAX; ii++) if (ON_BOARD(ii)) { int c = EMPTY; int color = GG_COLOR_BLACK; if (q->safe[ii]) { color = GG_COLOR_BLACK; if (board[ii] == WHITE) c = 'O'; else c = 'X'; } else if (whose_territory(q, ii) == WHITE) { c = 'o'; color = GG_COLOR_CYAN; } else if (whose_territory(q, ii) == BLACK) { c = 'x'; color = GG_COLOR_CYAN; } else if (whose_moyo(q, ii) == WHITE) { c = 'o'; color = GG_COLOR_YELLOW; } else if (whose_moyo(q, ii) == BLACK) { c = 'x'; color = GG_COLOR_YELLOW; } else if (whose_area(q, ii) == WHITE) { c = 'o'; color = GG_COLOR_RED; } else if (whose_area(q, ii) == BLACK) { c = 'x'; color = GG_COLOR_RED; } draw_color_char(I(ii), J(ii), c, color); } end_draw_board(); } /* * Local Variables: * tab-width: 8 * c-basic-offset: 2 * End: */