/* * src/gmp.h * Copyright (C) 1995-1997 William Shubert. * * You may use this code in any way you wish as long as you retain the * above copyright notice. * * This is based on David Fotland's Go Modem Protocol Code and the * "protocol.Z" info file from Bruce Wilcox. It has been pretty much * completely rewritten now, though. */ /* Modification by Daniel Bump for GNU Go: I made all GMP messages contingent on gmp_debug. Otherwise this is identical to Bill Shubert's version distributed with GoDummy. */ /* Modified by Paul Pogonyshev on 10.07.2003. * Added support for Simplified GTP. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #define _GMP_C_ 1 #include <assert.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #if TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME # include <sys/time.h> # include <time.h> #else # if HAVE_SYS_TIME_H # include <sys/time.h> # else # include <time.h> # endif #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H #include <sys/types.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include <unistd.h> #endif #ifdef __MINGW32__ #include <windows.h> #include <winsock.h> #include <io.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_WINSOCK_IO_H #include <winsock.h> #include <io.h> #endif /********************************************************************** * Constants **********************************************************************/ #define GMP_TIMEOUTRETRIES 60 #define GMP_RETRYSECS 1 #define SGMP_TIMEOUTRETRIES 9 #define SGMP_RETRYSECS 20 #define GMP_MAXSENDSQUEUED 16 /********************************************************************** * Data types **********************************************************************/ typedef enum { cmd_ack, cmd_deny, cmd_reset, cmd_query, cmd_respond, cmd_move, cmd_undo } Command; typedef enum { query_game, query_bufSize, query_protocol, query_stones, query_bTime, query_wTime, query_charSet, query_rules, query_handicap, query_boardSize, query_timeLimit, query_color, query_who, query_max } Query; typedef struct Gmp_struct { int inFile, outFile; int boardSize, sizeVerified; int handicap, handicapVerified; float komi; int komiVerified; int chineseRules, rulesVerified; int iAmWhite, colorVerified; Query lastQuerySent; int recvSoFar, sendsQueued; int sendFailures, noResponseSecs; int waitingHighAck; time_t lastSendTime; int myLastSeq, hisLastSeq; unsigned char recvData[4]; unsigned char sendData[4]; struct { int cmd, val; } sendsPending[GMP_MAXSENDSQUEUED]; int earlyMovePresent; int earlyMoveX, earlyMoveY; int simplified; } Gmp; /********************************************************************** * Globals **********************************************************************/ int gmp_debug = 0; static const char *commandNames[] = { "ACK", "DENY", "RESET", "QUERY", "RESPOND", "MOVE", "UNDO"}; static const char *queryNames[] = { "GAME", "BUFFER SIZE", "PROTOCOL", "STONES", "BLACK TIME", "WHITE TIME", "CHAR SET", "RULES", "HANDICAP", "BOARD SIZE", "TIME LIMIT", "COLOR", "WHO"}; /********************************************************************** * Forward Declarations **********************************************************************/ /* Get the forward declaration of externally visible functions. */ #include "gmp.h" static unsigned char checksum(unsigned char p[4]); static GmpResult gotQueryResponse(Gmp *ge, int val, const char **err); static void putCommand(Gmp *ge, Command cmd, int val); static GmpResult respond(Gmp *ge, Query query); static void askQuery(Gmp *ge); static int heartbeat(Gmp *ge); static GmpResult getPacket(Gmp *ge, int *out1, int *out2, const char **error); static GmpResult parsePacket(Gmp *ge, int *out1, int *out2, const char **error); static GmpResult processCommand(Gmp *ge, Command command, int val, int *out1, int *out2, const char **error); static void processQ(Gmp *ge); /********************************************************************** * Functions **********************************************************************/ #define gmp_verified(ge) \ ((ge)->sizeVerified && (ge)->colorVerified && \ (ge)->handicapVerified && (ge)->rulesVerified) Gmp *gmp_create(int inFile, int outFile) { Gmp *ge; ge = malloc(sizeof(Gmp)); ge->inFile = inFile; ge->outFile = outFile; ge->boardSize = -1; ge->sizeVerified = 0; ge->handicap = -1; ge->handicapVerified = 0; ge->komi = 0.0; ge->chineseRules = -1; ge->rulesVerified = 0; ge->iAmWhite = -1; ge->colorVerified = 0; ge->lastQuerySent = 0; ge->recvSoFar = 0; ge->sendsQueued = 0; ge->sendFailures = 0; ge->noResponseSecs = 0; ge->waitingHighAck = 0; ge->lastSendTime = 0; ge->myLastSeq = 0; ge->hisLastSeq = 0; ge->earlyMovePresent = 0; return(ge); } void gmp_destroy(Gmp *ge) { free(ge); } GmpResult gmp_check(Gmp *ge, int gsleep, int *out1, int *out2, const char **error) { fd_set readReady; struct timeval noTime; int intDummy; const char *charPtrDummy; GmpResult result; if (out1 == NULL) out1 = &intDummy; if (out2 == NULL) out2 = &intDummy; if (error == NULL) error = &charPtrDummy; if (gmp_verified(ge) && ge->earlyMovePresent) { *out1 = ge->earlyMoveX; *out2 = ge->earlyMoveY; ge->earlyMovePresent = 0; if (gmp_debug) { fprintf(stderr, "GMP: Returning early move.\n"); } return(gmp_move); } *out1 = 0; *out2 = 0; *error = NULL; do { if (time(NULL) != ge->lastSendTime) { if (!heartbeat(ge)) { *error = "GMP Timeout"; return(gmp_err); } } FD_ZERO(&readReady); FD_SET(ge->inFile, &readReady); noTime.tv_usec = 0; if (gsleep) noTime.tv_sec = 1; else noTime.tv_sec = 0; select(ge->inFile + 1, &readReady, NULL, NULL, &noTime); if (!gsleep && !FD_ISSET(ge->inFile, &readReady)) return(gmp_nothing); result = getPacket(ge, out1, out2, error); } while (result == gmp_nothing); return(result); } static GmpResult getPacket(Gmp *ge, int *out1, int *out2, const char **error) { unsigned char charsIn[4], c; int count = 0, cNum; static char errOut[200]; count = read(ge->inFile, charsIn, 4 - ge->recvSoFar); if (count <= 0) { sprintf(errOut, "System error."); *error = errOut; return(gmp_err); } for (cNum = 0; cNum < count; ++cNum) { c = charsIn[cNum]; if (!ge->recvSoFar) { /* idle, looking for start of packet */ if ((c & 0xfc) == 0) { /* start of packet */ ge->recvData[0] = c; ge->recvSoFar = 1; } else { if (gmp_debug) { fprintf(stderr, "GMP: Received invalid packet.\n"); } } } else { /* We're in the packet. */ if ((c & 0x80) == 0) { /* error */ if (gmp_debug) { fprintf(stderr, "GMP: Received invalid packet.\n"); } ge->recvSoFar = 0; if ((c & 0xfc) == 0) { ge->recvData[ge->recvSoFar++] = c; } } else { /* A valid character for in a packet. */ ge->recvData[ge->recvSoFar++] = c; if (ge->recvSoFar == 4) { /* check for extra bytes */ assert(cNum + 1 == count); ge->recvSoFar = 0; if (checksum(ge->recvData) == ge->recvData[1]) return(parsePacket(ge, out1, out2, error)); } } } } return(gmp_nothing); } static unsigned char checksum(unsigned char p[4]) { unsigned char sum; sum = p[0] + p[2] + p[3]; sum |= 0x80; /* set sign bit */ return(sum); } static GmpResult parsePacket(Gmp *ge, int *out1, int *out2, const char **error) { int seq, ack, val; Command command; GmpResult result; seq = ge->recvData[0] & 1; ack = (ge->recvData[0] & 2) >> 1; if (ge->recvData[2] & 0x08) { /* Not-understood command. */ if (gmp_debug) { fprintf(stderr, "GMP: Unknown command byte 0x%x received.\n", (unsigned int) ge->recvData[2]); } return(gmp_nothing); } command = (ge->recvData[2] >> 4) & 7; val = ((ge->recvData[2] & 7) << 7) | (ge->recvData[3] & 0x7f); if (gmp_debug) { if (command == cmd_query) { if (val >= query_max) { if (gmp_debug) fprintf(stderr, "GMP: Read in command: %s unkown value %d\n", commandNames[command], val); } else { if (gmp_debug) fprintf(stderr, "GMP: Read in command: %s %s\n", commandNames[command], queryNames[val]); } } else { if (gmp_debug) fprintf(stderr, "GMP: Read in command: %s\n", commandNames[command]); } } if (!ge->waitingHighAck) { if ((command == cmd_ack) || /* An ack. We don't need an ack now. */ (ack != ge->myLastSeq)) { /* He missed my last message. */ if (gmp_debug) fprintf(stderr, "GMP: Unexpected ACK.\n"); return(gmp_nothing); } else if (seq == ge->hisLastSeq) { /* Seen this one before. */ if (gmp_debug) fprintf(stderr, "GMP: Received repeated message.\n"); putCommand(ge, cmd_ack, ~0); } else { ge->hisLastSeq = seq; ge->sendFailures = 0; ge->noResponseSecs = 0; return(processCommand(ge, command, val, out1, out2, error)); } } else { /* Waiting for OK. */ if (command == cmd_ack) { if ((ack != ge->myLastSeq) || (seq != ge->hisLastSeq)) { /* Sequence error. */ fprintf(stderr, "Sequence error.\n"); return(gmp_nothing); } ge->sendFailures = 0; ge->noResponseSecs = 0; ge->waitingHighAck = 0; if (!gmp_verified(ge)) { askQuery(ge); } processQ(ge); } else if ((command == cmd_reset) && (ge->iAmWhite == -1)) { if (gmp_debug) fprintf(stderr, "gmp/his last seq = %d\n", seq); ge->hisLastSeq = seq; ge->waitingHighAck = 0; return(processCommand(ge, command, val, out1, out2, error)); } else if (seq == ge->hisLastSeq) { /* His command is old. */ } else if (ack == ge->myLastSeq) { ge->sendFailures = 0; ge->noResponseSecs = 0; ge->waitingHighAck = 0; ge->hisLastSeq = seq; result = processCommand(ge, command, val, out1, out2, error); processQ(ge); return(result); } else { /* Conflict with opponent. */ if (gmp_debug) fprintf(stderr, "Sending conflict.\n"); ge->myLastSeq = 1 - ge->myLastSeq; ge->waitingHighAck = 0; processQ(ge); } } return(gmp_nothing); } static GmpResult processCommand(Gmp *ge, Command command, int val, int *out1, int *out2, const char **error) { int s, x, y; switch(command) { case cmd_deny: putCommand(ge, cmd_ack, ~0); break; case cmd_query: return(respond(ge, val)); break; case cmd_reset: /* New game. */ if (gmp_debug) fprintf(stderr, "GMP: Resetted. New game.\n"); askQuery(ge); return(gmp_reset); break; case cmd_undo: /* Take back moves. */ putCommand(ge, cmd_ack, ~0); *out1 = val; return(gmp_undo); break; case cmd_move: s = val & 0x1ff; if (s == 0) { x = -1; y = 0; } else if (s == 0x1ff) { x = -2; y = 0; } else { --s; x = (s % ge->boardSize); y = ge->boardSize - 1 - (s / ge->boardSize); } putCommand(ge, cmd_ack, ~0); if (x == -1) return(gmp_pass); else { if (gmp_verified(ge)) { *out1 = x; *out2 = y; return(gmp_move); } else { assert(ge->earlyMovePresent == 0); ge->earlyMovePresent = 1; ge->earlyMoveX = x; ge->earlyMoveY = y; askQuery(ge); } } break; case cmd_respond: return(gotQueryResponse(ge, val, error)); break; default: /* Don't understand command. */ putCommand(ge, cmd_deny, 0); break; } return(gmp_nothing); } static void putCommand(Gmp *ge, Command cmd, int val) { if (ge->waitingHighAck && (cmd != cmd_ack) && (cmd != cmd_respond) && (cmd != cmd_deny)) { if (ge->sendsQueued < 1024) { ge->sendsPending[ge->sendsQueued].cmd = cmd; ge->sendsPending[ge->sendsQueued].val = val; ++ge->sendsQueued; } else { if (gmp_debug) fprintf(stderr, "GMP: Send buffer full. Catastrophic error."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return; } if ((cmd == cmd_ack) && (ge->sendsQueued)) { ge->waitingHighAck = 0; processQ(ge); return; } if (cmd != cmd_ack) ge->myLastSeq ^= 1; ge->sendData[0] = ge->myLastSeq | (ge->hisLastSeq << 1); ge->sendData[2] = 0x80 | (cmd << 4) | ((val >> 7) & 7); ge->sendData[3] = 0x80 | val; ge->sendData[1] = checksum(ge->sendData); ge->lastSendTime = time(NULL); if (gmp_debug) { if (cmd == cmd_query) fprintf(stderr, "GMP: Sending command: %s %s\n", commandNames[cmd], queryNames[val]); else fprintf(stderr, "GMP: Sending command: %s\n", commandNames[cmd]); } write(ge->outFile, ge->sendData, 4); ge->waitingHighAck = (cmd != cmd_ack); return; } static GmpResult respond(Gmp *ge, Query query) { int response; int wasVerified; wasVerified = gmp_verified(ge); if (query & 0x200) { /* Do you support this extended query? */ response = 0; /* No. */ } else { ge->waitingHighAck = 1; switch(query) { case query_game: response = 1; /* GO */ break; case query_rules: if (ge->chineseRules == -1) { response = 0; } else { ge->rulesVerified = 1; if (ge->chineseRules == 1) response = 2; else response = 1; } break; case query_handicap: if (ge->handicap == -1) response = 0; else { ge->handicapVerified = 1; response = ge->handicap; if (response == 0) response = 1; } break; case query_boardSize: if (ge->boardSize == -1) { response = 0; } else { response = ge->boardSize; ge->sizeVerified = 1; } break; case query_color: if (ge->iAmWhite == -1) { response = 0; } else { ge->colorVerified = 1; if (ge->iAmWhite) response = 1; else response = 2; } break; default: response = 0; break; } } putCommand(ge, cmd_respond, response); if (!wasVerified && gmp_verified(ge)) { if (gmp_debug) fprintf(stderr, "GMP: New game ready.\n"); return(gmp_newGame); } else { return(gmp_nothing); } } static void askQuery(Gmp *ge) { if (!ge->simplified) { if (!ge->rulesVerified) { ge->lastQuerySent = query_rules; } else if (!ge->sizeVerified) { ge->lastQuerySent = query_boardSize; } else if (!ge->handicapVerified) { ge->lastQuerySent = query_handicap; /* } else if (!ge->komiVerified) { ge->lastQuerySent = query_komi; query komi is not define in GMP !? */ } else { assert(!ge->colorVerified); ge->lastQuerySent = query_color; } } else { if (!ge->colorVerified) ge->lastQuerySent = query_color; else if (!ge->handicapVerified) ge->lastQuerySent = query_handicap; } putCommand(ge, cmd_query, ge->lastQuerySent); } static GmpResult gotQueryResponse(Gmp *ge, int val, const char **err) { static const char *ruleNames[] = {"Japanese", "Chinese"}; static const char *colorNames[] = {"Black", "White"}; static char errOut[200]; switch(ge->lastQuerySent) { case query_handicap: if (val <= 1) --val; if (ge->handicap == -1) { if (val == -1) { sprintf(errOut, "Neither player knows what the handicap should be."); *err = errOut; return(gmp_err); } else { ge->handicap = val; ge->handicapVerified = 1; } } else { ge->handicapVerified = 1; if ((val != -1) && (val != ge->handicap)) { sprintf(errOut, "Handicaps do not agree; I want %d, he wants %d.", ge->handicap, val); *err = errOut; return(gmp_err); } } break; case query_boardSize: if (ge->boardSize == -1) { if (val == 0) { sprintf(errOut, "Neither player knows what the board size should be."); *err = errOut; return(gmp_err); } else { ge->boardSize = val; ge->sizeVerified = 1; } } else { ge->sizeVerified = 1; if ((val != 0) && (val != ge->boardSize)) { sprintf(errOut, "Board sizes do not agree; I want %d, he wants %d.", ge->boardSize, val); *err = errOut; return(gmp_err); } } break; case query_rules: if (ge->chineseRules == -1) { if (val == 0) { sprintf(errOut, "Neither player knows what rule set to use."); *err = errOut; return(gmp_err); } else { ge->chineseRules = val - 1; ge->rulesVerified = 1; } } else { ge->rulesVerified = 1; if (val != 0) { if (ge->chineseRules != (val == 2)) { sprintf(errOut, "Rule sets do not agree; I want %s, he wants %s.", ruleNames[ge->chineseRules], ruleNames[val == 2]); *err = errOut; return(gmp_err); } } } break; case query_color: if (ge->iAmWhite == -1) { if (val == 0) { sprintf(errOut, "Neither player knows who is which color."); *err = errOut; return(gmp_err); } else { ge->iAmWhite = !(val == 1); ge->colorVerified = 1; } } else { ge->colorVerified = 1; if (val != 0) { if (ge->iAmWhite == (val == 1)) { sprintf(errOut, "Colors do not agree; we both want to be %s.", colorNames[ge->iAmWhite]); *err = errOut; return(gmp_err); } } } break; default: break; } if (!gmp_verified(ge)) { askQuery(ge); return(gmp_nothing); } else { putCommand(ge, cmd_ack, ~0); if (gmp_debug) fprintf(stderr, "GMP: New game ready.\n"); return(gmp_newGame); } } static int heartbeat(Gmp *ge) { Command cmd; if (ge->waitingHighAck) { if (++ge->noResponseSecs > (ge->simplified ? SGMP_RETRYSECS : GMP_RETRYSECS)) { if (++ge->sendFailures > (ge->simplified ? SGMP_TIMEOUTRETRIES : GMP_TIMEOUTRETRIES)) { return(0); } else { if (gmp_debug) { cmd = (ge->sendData[2] >> 4) & 7; if (cmd == cmd_query) { if (gmp_debug) fprintf(stderr, "GMP: Sending command: %s %s (retry)\n", commandNames[cmd], queryNames[ge->sendData[3] & 0x7f]); } else if (gmp_debug) fprintf(stderr, "GMP: Sending command: %s (retry)\n", commandNames[cmd]); } write(ge->outFile, ge->sendData, 4); } } } return(1); } void gmp_startGame(Gmp *ge, int size, int handicap, float komi, int chineseRules, int iAmWhite, int simplified) { assert((size == -1) || ((size > 1) && (size <= 22))); assert((handicap >= -1) && (handicap <= 27)); assert((chineseRules >= -1) && (chineseRules <= 1)); assert((iAmWhite >= -1) && (iAmWhite <= 1)); ge->boardSize = size; ge->sizeVerified = simplified; ge->handicap = handicap; ge->handicapVerified = 0; ge->komi = komi; ge->chineseRules = chineseRules; ge->rulesVerified = simplified; ge->iAmWhite = iAmWhite; ge->colorVerified = 0; ge->earlyMovePresent = 0; ge->simplified = simplified; if (iAmWhite != 1) { putCommand(ge, cmd_reset, 0); } } void gmp_sendPass(Gmp *ge) { int arg; if (ge->iAmWhite) arg = 0x200; else arg = 0; putCommand(ge, cmd_move, arg); } void gmp_sendMove(Gmp *ge, int x, int y) { int val; val = x + ge->boardSize * (ge->boardSize - 1 - y) + 1; if (ge->iAmWhite) val |= 0x200; putCommand(ge, cmd_move, val); } void gmp_sendUndo(Gmp *ge, int numUndos) { putCommand(ge, cmd_undo, numUndos); } const char *gmp_resultString(GmpResult result) { static const char *names[] = { "Nothing", "Move", "Pass", "Reset", "New game", "Undo", "Error"}; assert(result <= gmp_err); return(names[result]); } int gmp_size(Gmp *ge) { return(ge->boardSize); } int gmp_handicap(Gmp *ge) { return(ge->handicap); } float gmp_komi(Gmp *ge) { return(ge->komi); } int gmp_chineseRules(Gmp *ge) { return(ge->chineseRules); } int gmp_iAmWhite(Gmp *ge) { return(ge->iAmWhite); } static void processQ(Gmp *ge) { int i; if (!ge->waitingHighAck && ge->sendsQueued) { putCommand(ge, ge->sendsPending[0].cmd, ge->sendsPending[0].val); --ge->sendsQueued; for (i = 0; i < ge->sendsQueued; ++i) { ge->sendsPending[i] = ge->sendsPending[i + 1]; } } } /* * Local Variables: * tab-width: 8 * c-basic-offset: 2 * End: */