PB[firstgo]PC[The Kiseido Go Server (KGS) at http://kgs.kiseido.com/]
EV[Eleventh KGS Computer Go Tournament - Formal division]RE[W+148.50]
C[GNU [13k\]: GTP Engine for GNU (white): GNU Go version 3.7.8
firstgo [?\]: GTP Engine for firstgo (black): FirstGo version 1.112
C[gunnar [?\]: I'm not entirely impressed by GNU's play.
C[greymatter [24k?\]: Gnu should have no problem to win with a large amount
;W[cm]C[greymatter [24k?\]: Hi gunnar
;W[bc];B[cb]C[burtabel [3d\]: not a big tournament...
gunnar [?\]: No, 9x9 seems more popular.
;W[bb];B[da];W[am];B[ij]C[burtabel [3d\]: huh?
burtabel [3d\]: a1?
gunnar [?\]: No idea.
trogdor [-\]: :)
;W[ik];B[jj];W[gj];B[gm]C[gunnar [?\]: G4 wasn't stellar either.
C[gunnar [?\]: On the other, neither was K2. :-)
C[burtabel [3d\]: or G1 or L4...
C[gunnar [?\]: Pretty bad fight in other words.
C[burtabel [3d\]: e12 is the best move i have seen so far :)
;B[lj]C[gunnar [?\]: It was the second choice when A1 was played.
;B[ml]C[gunnar [?\]: Shouldn't have been necessary to let black live.
burtabel [3d\]: yes but m9 was big too
gunnar [?\]: GNU is down to level 12 now but playing quite slowly.
C[gunnar [?\]: Now level 8 and the speed is up.
C[gunnar [?\]: Hm, back to 12. Time might become a problem.
burtabel [3d\]: ko always dangerous for time
;W[kb]C[al2 [7k\]: there is no ko here
C[burtabel [3d\]: L12 will turn up as ko in many reading sequences
;B[hd];W[gc];B[fd];W[ig]C[al2 [7k\]: ok :)
C[burtabel [3d\]: I think we need alpha-beta cut in all our reading so we dont get killed by kos at higher levels
C[al2 [7k\]: do this reading at high level is in cache ?
gunnar [?\]: Only one dragon now. That's good for speed.
C[al2 [7k\]: whao 
C[greymatter [24k?\]: well, congratulations
burtabel [3d\]: thanks
greymatter [24k?\]: till next time...