# This suite of semeai problems came from the package STS-RV # available at http://gobase.org/reading/preview/Semeai/#STS # # It is a very comprehensive semeai problems suite # compiled by Ricard VilĂ . The associated tests are in GTP # format but it's not a perfect match for GNU Go because # it uses a custom command called solve-semeaiS. # (More info at http://trac.gnugo.org/gnugo/ticket/41) # # This file instead is based on the normal GNU Go commands # (analyze_semeai) and enable the execution of the tests # in the semeais_Misc.tst file from STS-RV suite of semeai problems. # # For any of the problems below, if PASS is a solution it is the best # solution. However the other solutions are acceptable. ############## semeai tests ################# # # After analyze_semeai [dragon1] [dragon2] # the results are returned in the form (result1) (result2). # These are the results of the defense of dragon1 and the attack # of dragon2 assuming that the dragon1 player moves first. Thus # a result 1 0 typically means seki, while a 1 1 result means a kill # and 0 0 means the semeai is lost. In addition to seki, 1 0 may mean # that both dragons gain independent life. # The result [0 1] is not possible as a correct result but GNU Go # has been known to return that occasionally. # Result 2 mean success with good ko, 3 success with bad ko. # A good ko is characterized by the opponent having to make the first # external ko threat whereas a bad ko is the opposite. # # NOTE: In some problem GNU Go suggest a move instead to PASS # but the result of the semeai analysis is correct, so to avoid # a fail not relevant for the test, the move is ignored using # a regular expression: #? [x y (.*)] loadsgf games/STS-RV/MiscProblems/_semeai_C9_001.sgf 1 analyze_semeai K1 J1 #? [3 3 G2]* 2 analyze_semeai J1 K1 #? [1 1 G1] 3 analyze_semeai A7 A8 #? [1 1 B9] 4 analyze_semeai A8 A7 #? [1 1 A10]* 5 analyze_semeai T9 T10 #? [1 1 (T15|S13|S11)] 6 analyze_semeai T10 T9 #? [2 2 (S11|S13)]* loadsgf games/STS-RV/MiscProblems/_semeai_C9_002.sgf 7 analyze_semeai T6 T5 #? [1 1 N7] 8 analyze_semeai T5 T6 #? [1 1 T7]* loadsgf games/STS-RV/MiscProblems/_semeai_C9_003.sgf 9 analyze_semeai F2 G2 #? [1 1 J1]* 10 analyze_semeai G2 F2 #? [1 1 D4] loadsgf games/STS-RV/MiscProblems/_semeai_C9_004.sgf 11 analyze_semeai K9 J9 #? [1 1 L11] 12 analyze_semeai J9 K9 #? [1 0 L11]* loadsgf games/STS-RV/MiscProblems/_semeai_C9_005.sgf 13 analyze_semeai B12 B13 #? [1 1 B9] 14 analyze_semeai B13 B12 #? [1 0 B9]* loadsgf games/STS-RV/MiscProblems/_semeai_C9_006.sgf 15 analyze_semeai D18 D19 #? [1 1 (A18|C19)] 16 analyze_semeai D19 D18 #? [1 1 (B19|C19|A18)] loadsgf games/STS-RV/MiscProblems/_semeai_C9_007.sgf 17 analyze_semeai P17 P16 #? [1 1 (Q15|R15)] 18 analyze_semeai P16 P17 #? [1 1 N19] 19 analyze_semeai T3 T4 #? [1 1 (T5|S5|R5|Q5|O1)] 20 analyze_semeai T4 T3 #? [1 1 (O1|S2|R2|Q2)] 21 analyze_semeai E19 D19 #? [1 1 (C17|C16)] 22 analyze_semeai D19 E19 #? [1 1 (F17|F16)] 23 analyze_semeai C9 C10 #? [1 1 (D11|A10)] 24 analyze_semeai C10 C9 #? [1 1 (D11|A10)] loadsgf games/STS-RV/MiscProblems/_semeai_C9_008.sgf 25 analyze_semeai P17 P16 #? [1 1 (P15|R15)] 26 analyze_semeai P16 P17 #? [1 1 (Q18|R18|S18)] 27 analyze_semeai T3 T4 #? [1 1 (R5|Q5)] 28 analyze_semeai T4 T3 #? [1 1 (R2|Q2)] 29 analyze_semeai E19 D19 #? [1 1 (C17|C16)] 30 analyze_semeai D19 E19 #? [1 1 (F17|F16)] 31 analyze_semeai C9 C10 #? [1 1 (D11|A10)] 32 analyze_semeai C10 C9 #? [1 1 (D11|A10)] loadsgf games/STS-RV/MiscProblems/_semeai_C9_009.sgf 33 analyze_semeai F2 G2 #? [3 3 G1]* 34 analyze_semeai G2 F2 #? [1 1 G1] loadsgf games/STS-RV/MiscProblems/_semeai_C9_010.sgf 35 analyze_semeai F2 G2 #? [1 1 J1]* 36 analyze_semeai G2 F2 #? [1 1 D4]* loadsgf games/STS-RV/MiscProblems/_semeai_C9_011.sgf 37 analyze_semeai F2 G2 #? [1 1 J1]* 38 analyze_semeai G2 F2 #? [1 1 D4] loadsgf games/STS-RV/MiscProblems/_semeai_C9_012.sgf 39 analyze_semeai K9 J9 #? [1 1 (L11|O10|O12)] 40 analyze_semeai J9 K9 #? [1 1 L11] loadsgf games/STS-RV/MiscProblems/_semeai_C9_013.sgf 41 analyze_semeai B12 B13 #? [1 1 (A9|C19)] 42 analyze_semeai B13 B12 #? [1 0 A9]* loadsgf games/STS-RV/MiscProblems/_semeai_C9_014.sgf 43 analyze_semeai B12 B13 #? [1 1 (B9|C19)] 44 analyze_semeai B13 B12 #? [1 0 B9]* loadsgf games/STS-RV/MiscProblems/_semeai_C9_015.sgf 45 analyze_semeai D18 E18 #? [1 1 (D19|F19|H18)]* 46 analyze_semeai E18 D18 #? [1 1 D19] loadsgf games/STS-RV/MiscProblems/_semeai_C9_016.sgf 47 analyze_semeai C11 C12 #? [1 1 A18] 48 analyze_semeai C12 C11 #? [1 1 A18] loadsgf games/STS-RV/MiscProblems/_semeai_C9_017.sgf 49 analyze_semeai J19 K19 #? [1 1 (S16|T19)] 50 analyze_semeai K19 J19 #? [1 1 S16] loadsgf games/STS-RV/MiscProblems/_semeai_C9_018.sgf 51 analyze_semeai K12 K13 #? [1 1 (O14|N14|M14|K14|H12|F11)] 52 analyze_semeai K13 K12 #? [1 1 H12]* loadsgf games/STS-RV/MiscProblems/_semeai_C9_019.sgf 53 analyze_semeai H18 G18 #? [1 1 E18]* 54 analyze_semeai G18 H18 #? [1 1 E18]*