(;GM[1]FF[4] SZ[9]KM[7.50] PW[GNU]WR[13k] PB[NeuroGo]PC[The Kiseido Go Server (KGS) at http://kgs.kiseido.com/] DT[2006-01-08]EV[Tenth KGS Computer Go Tournament - Formal division] RE[W+Resign] TM[480]RU[Chinese] C[GNU [13k\]: GTP Engine for GNU (white): GNU Go version 3.7.7 NeuroGo [?\]: GTP Engine for NeuroGo (black): NeuroGo version Dec 22 2005 ] CA[UTF-8]RO[3] ;B[df];W[gc];B[dc];W[cg];B[gf];W[eb];B[cf];W[dg];B[eg];W[eh];B[fg] ;W[fh];B[gh];W[bf];B[bg];W[bh];B[ch];W[dh];B[be];W[db];B[cc];W[ag] ;B[hd];W[hc];B[gd];W[cb];B[bb];W[ec];B[dd];W[fd];B[fe];W[id];B[ed] ;W[ie];B[fc];W[fb];B[ca];W[ae];B[ad];W[bd];B[af];W[bg] C[gunnar [?\]: B6 overplay. ];B[ae];W[gi];B[hi];W[fi];B[hg];W[fd] ;B[ha];W[he];B[ge];W[ig];B[hb];W[ih];B[hh];W[fc];B[ii];W[hf];B[if] ;W[ig];B[ib];W[ic];B[ba];W[ga];B[gg];W[da];B[ih];W[ac];B[ce];W[bc] ;B[fa];W[ab];B[gb];W[aa];B[cd];W[ba];B[if];W[ee] C[tromp [-\]: wa7 is cool tromp [-\]: hi, gunnar:) gunnar [?\]: I never quite understood what was going on there. gunnar [?\]: Hi. tromp [-\]: gnugo saw under the stones tromp [-\]: i mean wb7 gunnar [?\]: Ah, that cool. :-) tromp [-\]: it captures b8 gunnar [?\]: Not every day you see that in a game. tromp [-\]: certainly not tromp [-\]: you can be proud of your baby:) ] )