;;; gnugo.el
;;; This is GNU Go, a Go program. Contact gnugo@gnu.org, or see
;;; http://www.gnu.org/software/gnugo/ for more information.   
;;; Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007
;;; and 2008 by the Free Software Foundation.
;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
;;; as published by the Free Software Foundation - version 3
;;; or (at your option) any later version.
;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be    
;;; useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied 
;;; PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License in file COPYING
;;; for more details.                                          
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
;;; License along with this program; if not, write to the Free 
;;; Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,    
;;; Boston, MA 02111, USA.
;;; This Emacs mode for GNU Go may work with Emacs 20.x but
;;; the graphical display requires Emacs 21.x.
;;; Maintainer: Thien-Thi Nguyen
;;; Rel:standalone-gnugo-el-2-2-8
;;; Description: Run GNU Go in a buffer.

;;; Commentary:

;; Playing
;; -------
;; This file provides the command `gnugo' which allows you to play the game of
;; go against the external program "gnugo" (http://www.gnu.org/software/gnugo)
;; in a dedicated Emacs buffer, or to resume a game in progress.  NOTE: In
;; this file, to avoid confusion w/ elisp vars and funcs, we use the term "GNU
;; Go" to refer to the process object created by running the external program.
;; At the start of a new game, you can pass additional command-line arguments
;; to GNU Go to specify level, board size, color, komi, handicap, etc.  By
;; default GNU Go plays at level 10, board size 19, color white, and zero for
;; both komi and handicap.
;; To play a stone, move the cursor to the desired vertice and type `SPC' or
;; `RET'; to pass, `P' (note: uppercase); to quit, `q'; to undo one of your
;; moves (as well as a possibly intervening move by GNU Go), `u'.  To undo
;; back through an arbitrary stone that you played, place the cursor on a
;; stone and type `U' (note: uppercase).  Other keybindings are described in
;; the `gnugo-board-mode' documentation, which you may view with the command
;; `describe-mode' (normally `C-h m') in that buffer.  The buffer name shows
;; the last move and who is currently to play.  Capture counts and other info
;; are shown on the mode line immediately following the major mode name.
;; While GNU Go is pondering its next move, certain commands that rely on its
;; assistence will result in a "still waiting" error.  Do not be alarmed; that
;; is normal.  When it is your turn again you may retry the command.  In the
;; meantime, you can use Emacs for other tasks, or start an entirely new game
;; with `C-u M-x gnugo'.  (NOTE: A new game will slow down all games. :-)
;; If GNU Go should crash during a game the mode line will show "no process".
;; Please report the event to the GNU Go maintainers so that they can improve
;; the program.
;; This code was tested with:
;; - GNU Emacs: 21.3 / 21.3.50 (from CVS)
;; - GNU Go: 3.3.15 / 3.4 / 3.6-pre3
;; Meta-Playing (aka Customizing)
;; ------------------------------
;; Customization is presently limited to
;;   vars:                 `gnugo-program'
;;                         `gnugo-animation-string'
;;                         `gnugo-mode-line'
;;                         `gnugo-xpms'
;;   normal hooks:         `gnugo-board-mode-hook'
;;                         `gnugo-post-move-hook'
;;   and the keymap:       `gnugo-board-mode-map'
;; The variable `gnugo-xpms' is a special case.  To set it you need to load
;; gnugo-xpms.el (http://www.emacswiki.org) or some other library w/ congruent
;; interface.
;; Meta-Meta-Playing (aka Hacking)
;; -------------------------------
;; You may wish to first fix the bugs:
;; - `gnugo-toggle-dead-group' only half-complete; see docstring for details
;; - probably sgf handling is not 100% to spec (excuse: written w/o spec!)
;; - subprocess should provide scoring details, gnugo.el not yet blissful
;; - no move history and sgf tree re-init in the case of mid-session loadsgf
;; Otherwise (we can live w/ some bugs), here are some ideas:
;; - talk GTP over the network
;; - "assist minor mode" (see gnugo-extra.el for work in progress)
;; - using assist minor mode, gnugo-v-gnugo (ibid)
;; - extract GNU Go Board mode and sgf stuff into sgf.el; make gnugo.el use it
;; - make gnugo (the external program) support query (read-only) thread
;;   so as to be able to lift "still waiting" restriction
;; - alternatively, extend GNU Go Board mode to manage another subprocess
;;   dedicated to analysis (no genmove)
;; - command `C' to add a comment to the sgf tree
;; - command `C-u =' to label a position
;; - sgf tree display, traversal (belongs in sgf.el); review game history
;;   in another buffer; branch subgame tree at arbitrary point
;; - subgame branch matriculation (maturity: child leaves the family)
;; - dribble the sgf tree
;; - "undo undo undoing"; integrate Emacs undo, GTP undo, subgame branching
;; - make buffer name format configurable (but enforce uniqueness)
;; - more tilde escapes for `gnugo-mode-line'
;; - make veneration configurable
;; - make animation more configurable; lift same-color-stones-only
;;   restriction; allow sequencing rather than lock-step; include sound
;; - [your hacking ideas here]
;; Some gnugo.el hackers update http://www.emacswiki.org -- check it out!
;; History
;; -------
;; Originally gnugo.el was written to interact w/ "gnugo --mode text" and then
;; "gnugo --mode emacs" as the subprocess.  Those versions were released as
;; 1.x, w/ x < 14.  In Novemeber 2002, gnugo.el was changed to interact w/
;; "gnugo --mode gtp", but was released as 1.14 through 1.26, even though the
;; proper versions should be 2.0.x for "--mode gtp", and 2.1.x for XPM image
;; support.  (Sorry about the confusion.)
;; Thus we arrive at at the current version.  The first gnugo.el to be
;; released w/ a `gnugo-version' variable is "2.2.0".  The versioning scheme
;; is strictly monotonically increasing numbers and dots, no letters or other
;; suffixes (and none of this even/odd crap).  Here we list, aside from the
;; bugfixes, some of the notable changes introduced in each released version:
;; 2.2.x -- uncluttered, letters and numbers hidden, board centered
;;          buffer name shows last move and current player
;;          mode-line customization (var `gnugo-mode-line')
;;          new commands: `=', `h', `s', `F', `R', `l', `U'
;;          program option customization (var `gnugo-program')
;;          new hooks (vars `gnugo-post-move-hook', `gnugo-board-mode-hook')
;;          multiple independent buffers/games
;;          XPM set can be changed on the fly (global and/or local)
;;          font-locking for "X", "O", "[xo]"
;;          undo by N moves, by "move pair", or by board position
;; History Predicted
;; -----------------
;; If you are an elisp programmer, this section might not apply to you;
;; the GPL allows you to define the future of the code you receive under
;; its terms, as long as you do not deny that freedom to subsequent users.
;; For users who are not elisp programmers, you can look forward to gradual
;; refinement in 2.x, splitting into gnugo.el and sgf.el in 3.x, and then
;; eventual merging into GNU Emacs for 4.x (if RMS gives it the thumbs-up).
;; If it is not accepted into Emacs at that time, a new maintainer will be
;; sought.  In any case, it will no longer be bundled w/ ttn-pers-elisp.

;;; Code:

(require 'cl)                           ; use the source luke!
(ignore-errors (require 'time-date))    ; for `time-subtract'

;;; ==========================================================================

; Modifications to gnugo.el-2.2.8:
; * Grid display implemented
; * SGF handling improved
; * Undo and Redo related enhancements
; * Primitive edit mode
; * Regression view mode

;;; Political arts

(defconst gnugo-version "2.2.8.b5"
  "Version of gnugo.el currently loaded.
Note that more than two dots in the value indicates \"pre-release\",
or \"alpha\" or \"hackers-invited-all-else-beware\"; use at your own risk!
The more dots the more courage/foolishness you must find to continue.
See source code for a history of what means what version-wise.")

;;; Variables for the uninquisitive programmer

(defvar gnugo-program "gnugo"
  "*Command to start an external program that speaks GTP, such as \"gnugo\".
The value may also be in the form \"PROGRAM OPTIONS...\" in which case the
the command `gnugo' will prefix OPTIONS in its default offering when it
queries you for additional options.  It is an error for \"--mode\" to appear

For more information on GTP and GNU Go, feel free to visit:

(defvar gnugo-board-mode-map nil
  "Keymap for GNU Go Board mode.")

(defvar gnugo-board-mode-hook nil
  "*Hook run when entering GNU Go Board mode.")

(defvar gnugo-post-move-hook nil
  "*Normal hook run after a move and before the board is refreshed.
Hook functions can prevent the call to `gnugo-refresh' by evaluating:
  (setq inhibit-gnugo-refresh t)
Initially, when `run-hooks' is called, the current buffer is the GNU Go
Board buffer of the game.  Hook functions that switch buffers must take
care not to call (directly or indirectly through some other function)
`gnugo-put' or `gnugo-get' after the switch.")

(defvar gnugo-animation-string
  (let ((jam "*#") (blink " #") (spin "-\\|/") (yada "*-*!"))
    (concat jam jam jam jam jam
            ;; "SECRET MESSAGE HERE"
            blink blink blink blink blink blink blink blink
            ;; Playing go is like fighting ignorance: when you think you have
            ;; surrounded something by knowing it very well it often turns
            ;; out that in the time you spent deepening this understanding,
            ;; other areas of ignorance have surrounded you.
            spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin
            ;; Playing go is not like fighting ignorance: what one person
            ;; knows many people may come to know; knowledge does not build
            ;; solely move by move.  Wisdom, on the other hand...
            yada yada yada))
  "*String whose individual characters are used for animation.
Specifically, the `gnugo-worm-stones' and `gnugo-dragon-stones' commands
render the stones in their respective (computed) groups as the first
character in the string, then the next, and so on until the string (and/or
the viewer) is exhausted.")

(defvar gnugo-mode-line "~b ~w :~m ~n :~u"
  "*A `mode-line-format'-compliant value for GNU Go Board mode.
If a single string, the following special escape sequences are
replaced with their associated information:
  ~b,~w  black,white captures (a number)
  ~p     current player (black or white)
  ~m     move number
  ~n     size of undo stack
  ~t     time waiting for the current move
  ~u     time taken for the Ultimate (most recent) move
The times are in seconds, or \"-\" if that information is not available.
For ~t, the value is a snapshot, use `gnugo-refresh' to update it.")

(defvar gnugo-font-lock-keywords
  '(("X" . font-lock-string-face)
    ("O" . font-lock-builtin-face))
  "*Font lock keywords for `gnugo-board-mode'.")

;;; Variables for the inquisitive programmer

(defvar gnugo-option-history nil)

(defvar gnugo-state nil) ; (let ((proc (get-process "gnugo")))
                         ;   (when proc
                         ;     (with-current-buffer (process-buffer proc)
                         ;       (when (hash-table-p gnugo-state)
                         ;         (let (acc)
                         ;           (maphash (lambda (&rest args)
                         ;                      (setq acc (cons args acc)))
                         ;                    gnugo-state)
                         ;           (reverse acc))))))

(defvar gnugo-regression-directory nil)

  (defvar gnugo-xpms nil))

;;; In case Emacs is lacking

(unless (fboundp 'delete-dups)
  (defun delete-dups (list)             ; from repo 2004-10-29
    "Destructively remove `equal' duplicates from LIST.
Store the result in LIST and return it.  LIST must be a proper list.
Of several `equal' occurrences of an element in LIST, the first
one is kept."
    (let ((tail list))
      (while tail
        (setcdr tail (delete (car tail) (cdr tail)))
        (setq tail (cdr tail))))

(unless (fboundp 'time-subtract)
  (defun time-subtract (t1 t2)          ; from repo 2004-10-29
    "Subtract two time values.
Return the difference in the format of a time value."
    (let ((borrow (< (cadr t1) (cadr t2))))
      (list (- (car t1) (car t2) (if borrow 1 0))
            (- (+ (if borrow 65536 0) (cadr t1)) (cadr t2))))))

;;; Support functions

(put  'gnugo-put 'lisp-indent-function 1)
(defun gnugo-put (key value) (puthash key value gnugo-state))
(defun gnugo-get (key)       (gethash key gnugo-state))

(let ((docs "Put or get move/game/board-specific properties.
\(This docstring is shared by `gnugo-put' and `gnugo-get'.\)

There are many properties, each named by a keyword, that record and control
how gnugo.el manages each game.  Each GNU Go Board buffer has its own set
of properties, stored in the hash table `gnugo-state'.  Here we document
some of the more stable properties.  You may wish to use them as part of
a `gnugo-post-move-hook' function, for example.  Be careful to preserve
the current buffer as `gnugo-state' is made into a buffer-local variable.
NOTE: In the following, \"see foo\" actually means \"see foo source or
you may never really understand to any degree of personal satisfaction\".

 :proc -- subprocess named \"gnugo\", \"gnugo<1>\" and so forth

 :diamond -- the part of the subprocess name after \"gnugo\", may be \"\"

 :board-size -- numbers; see `gnugo-board-mode'

 :game-over -- nil until game over at which time its value is set to
               the alist `((live GROUP ...) (dead GROUP ...))'

 :sgf-tree -- the (very simple) list of nodes, each node a list of
              properties of the form `(:XY . VALUE)'; see functions
              `gnugo-push-move', `gnugo-note' and `gnugo-write-sgf-file'
 :future-history -- an undo stack (so moves undone may be redone)

 :gnugo-color -- either \"black\" or \"white\"

 :last-waiting  -- seconds and time value, respectively; see `gnugo-push-move'

 :black-captures -- these are strings since gnugo.el doesn't do anything
 :white-captures    w/ the information besides display it in the mode line;
                    gory details in functions `gnugo-propertize-board-buffer'
                    and `gnugo-merge-showboard-results' (almost more effort
                    than they are worth!)

 :display-using-images -- XPMs, to be precise; see functions `gnugo-yy',
                          `gnugo-toggle-image-display' and `gnugo-refresh',
                          as well as gnugo-xpms.el (available elsewhere)
 :show-grid -- display the grid

 :all-yy -- list of 46 keywords used as the `category' text property
            (so that their plists, typically w/ property `display' or
            `do-not-display') are consulted by the Emacs display engine;
            46 = 9 places * (4 moku + 1 empty) + 1 hoshi; see functions
            `gnugo-toggle-image-display', `gnugo-yy' and `gnugo-yang'

 :lparen-ov -- overlays shuffled about to indicate the last move; only
 :rparen-ov    one is used when displaying using images

 :last-user-bpos -- board position; keep the hapless human happy

If you browse the source you will see a form for extracting all the
properties from `gnugo-state' (even those not documented here).  As
things stabilize probably more of them will be added to this docstring."))
  (put 'gnugo-put 'function-documentation docs)
  (put 'gnugo-get 'function-documentation docs))

(defun gnugo-board-buffer-p (&optional buffer)
  "Return non-nil if BUFFER is a GNU Go Board buffer."
  (with-current-buffer (or buffer (current-buffer)) gnugo-state))

(defun gnugo-board-user-play-ok-p (&optional buffer)
  "Return non-nil if BUFFER is a GNU Go Board buffer ready for a user move."
  (with-current-buffer (or buffer (current-buffer))
    (and gnugo-state (not (gnugo-get :waitingp)))))

(defun gnugo-other (color)
  (if (string= "black" color) "white" "black"))

(defun gnugo-gate (&optional in-progress-p)
  (unless (gnugo-board-buffer-p)
    (error "Wrong buffer -- try M-x gnugo"))
  (unless (gnugo-get :proc)
    (error "No \"gnugo\" process!"))
  (when (gnugo-get :waitingp)
    (error "Not your turn yet -- please wait for \"\(%s to play\)\""
           (gnugo-get :user-color)))
  (when (and (gnugo-get :game-over) in-progress-p)
    (error "Sorry, game over")))

(defun gnugo-sentinel (proc string)
  (let ((status (process-status proc)))
    (when (or (eq status 'exit)
              (eq status 'signal))
      (let ((buf (process-buffer proc)))
        (when (buffer-live-p buf)
          (with-current-buffer buf
            (setq mode-line-process '( " [%s]"))
            (when (eq proc (gnugo-get :proc))
              (gnugo-put :proc nil))))))))

(defun gnugo-send-line (line)
  (process-send-string (gnugo-get :proc) (concat line "\n")))

(defun gnugo-synchronous-send/return (message)
  "Return (TIME . STRING) where TIME is that returned by `current-time' and
STRING omits the two trailing newlines.  See also `gnugo-query'."
  (when (gnugo-get :waitingp)
    (error "Sorry, still waiting for %s to play" (gnugo-get :gnugo-color)))
  (gnugo-put :sync-return "")
  (let ((proc (gnugo-get :proc)))
     proc (lambda (proc string)
            (let* ((so-far (gnugo-get :sync-return))
                   (start  (max 0 (- (length so-far) 2))) ; backtrack a little
                   (full   (gnugo-put :sync-return (concat so-far string))))
              (when (string-match "\n\n" full start)
                (gnugo-put :sync-return
                  (cons (current-time) (substring full 0 -2)))))))
    (gnugo-send-line message)
    (let (rv)
      ;; type change => break
      (while (stringp (setq rv (gnugo-get :sync-return)))
        (accept-process-output proc))
      (gnugo-put :sync-return "")

(defun gnugo-query (message-format &rest args)
  "Return cleaned-up value of a call to `gnugo-synchronous-send/return', q.v.
The TIME portion is omitted as well as the first two characters of the STRING
portion (corresponding to the status indicator in the Go Text Protocol).  Use
this function when you are sure the command cannot fail.  The first arg is
a format string applied to the rest of the args."
  (substring (cdr (gnugo-synchronous-send/return
                   (apply 'format message-format args)))

(defun gnugo-goto-pos (pos)
  "Move point to board position POS, a letter-number string."
  (unless (string= pos "PASS")
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (forward-line (- (+ 2 (gnugo-get :board-size))
		     (string-to-number (substring pos 1))))
    (forward-char 2)
    (forward-char (+ (if (= 32 (following-char)) 1 2)
		     (* 2 (- (let ((letter (aref pos 0)))
			       (if (> ?I letter)
				 (1- letter)))

(defun gnugo-f (frag)
  (intern (format ":gnugo-%s%s-props" (gnugo-get :diamond) frag)))

(defun gnugo-yang (c)
  (case c
    (?+ 'hoshi)
    (?. 'empty)
    (?X '(bmoku . bpmoku))
    (?O '(wmoku . wpmoku))
    (t (error "badness"))))

(defun gnugo-yy (yin yang &optional momentaryp)
  (gnugo-f (format "%d-%s"
                   yin (cond ((and (consp yang) momentaryp) (cdr yang))
                             ((consp yang) (car yang))
                             (t yang)))))

(defun gnugo-toggle-image-display ()
  (unless (and (fboundp 'display-images-p) (display-images-p))
    (error "Display does not support images, sorry"))
  (require 'gnugo-xpms)
  (unless (and (boundp 'gnugo-xpms) gnugo-xpms)
    (error "Could not load `gnugo-xpms', sorry"))
  (let ((fresh (or (gnugo-get :local-xpms) gnugo-xpms)))
    (unless (eq fresh (gnugo-get :xpms))
      (gnugo-put :xpms fresh)
      (gnugo-put :all-yy nil)))
  (let* ((new (not (gnugo-get :display-using-images)))
         (act (if new 'display 'do-not-display)))
    (mapc (lambda (yy)
            (setcar (symbol-plist yy) act))
          (or (gnugo-get :all-yy)
              (gnugo-put :all-yy
                (prog1 (mapcar (lambda (ent)
                                 (let* ((k (car ent))
                                        (yy (gnugo-yy (cdr k) (car k))))
                                   (setplist yy `(not-yet ,(cdr ent)))
                               (gnugo-get :xpms))
                  (let ((imul (image-size (get (gnugo-yy 5 (gnugo-yang ?+))
                    (gnugo-put :w-imul (car imul))
                    (gnugo-put :h-imul (cdr imul)))))))
    (setplist (gnugo-f 'ispc) (and new
                                   ;; `(display (space :width 0))'
                                   ;; works as well, for newer emacs
                                   '(invisible t)))
    (setplist (gnugo-f 'jspc)
	      (and new `(display (space :width ,(- (gnugo-get :w-imul) 1)))))
    (gnugo-put :highlight-last-move-spec
      (if new
          '((lambda (p)
              (get (gnugo-yy (get-text-property p 'gnugo-yin)
                             (get-text-property p 'gnugo-yang)
            0 delete-overlay)
        (gnugo-get :default-highlight-last-move-spec)))
    ;; a kludge to be reworked another time perhaps by another gnugo.el lover
    (dolist (group (cdr (assq 'dead (gnugo-get :game-over))))
      (mapc 'delete-overlay (cdar group))
      (setcdr (car group) nil))
    (gnugo-put :wmul (if new (gnugo-get :w-imul) 1))
    (gnugo-put :hmul (if new (gnugo-get :h-imul) 1))
    (gnugo-put :display-using-images new)))

(defun gnugo-toggle-grid ()
  "Turn the grid around the board on or off."
  (gnugo-put :show-grid (not (gnugo-get :show-grid)))
  (gnugo-refresh t))

(defun gnugo-propertize-grid-line (size)
  (put-text-property (point) (+ 1 (point)) 
		     'category (gnugo-f 'lpad))
  (do ((p (+ 4 (point)) (+ 2 p)) (ival 'even (if (eq 'even ival) 'odd 'even)))
      ((< (+ (* 2 size) 3 (point)) p))
    (add-text-properties p (1+ p)
			   (gnugo-position gnugo-yin)))
    (add-text-properties (- p 1) p
			   ,(gnugo-f 'jspc)
    (put-text-property (- p 2) p 'intangible ival)))

(defun gnugo-propertize-board-buffer ()
  (insert (substring (cdr (gnugo-synchronous-send/return "showboard")) 3))
  (let* ((size (gnugo-get :board-size))
         (size-string (number-to-string size)))
    (insert " \n")
    (put-text-property (point-min) (+ 1 (point-min)) 'category (gnugo-f 'tpad))
    (insert " ")
    (gnugo-propertize-grid-line size)
    (forward-line 1)
    (insert " ")
    (while (looking-at "\\s-*\\([0-9]+\\)[ ]")
      (let* ((row (match-string-no-properties 1))
             (edge (match-end 0))
             (other-edge (+ edge (* 2 size) -1))
             (top-p (string= size-string row))
             (bot-p (string= "1" row)))
        (put-text-property (point) (1+ (point)) 'category (gnugo-f 'lpad))
        (do ((p edge (+ 2 p)) (ival 'even (if (eq 'even ival) 'odd 'even)))
            ((< other-edge p))
          (let* ((position (format "%c%s" (aref [?A ?B ?C ?D ?E ?F ?G ?H
                                                    ?J ?K ?L ?M ?N ?O ?P
                                                    ?Q ?R ?S ?T]
                                                (ash (- p edge) -1))
                 (yin (let ((A-p (= edge p))
                            (Z-p (= (1- other-edge) p)))
                        (cond ((and top-p A-p) 1)
                              ((and top-p Z-p) 3)
                              ((and bot-p A-p) 7)
                              ((and bot-p Z-p) 9)
                              (top-p 2)
                              (bot-p 8)
                              (A-p 4)
                              (Z-p 6)
                              (t 5))))
                 (yang (gnugo-yang (char-after p))))
            (add-text-properties p (1+ p)
                                   ,(gnugo-yy yin yang)
                                   (gnugo-position gnugo-yin))))
          (unless (= (1- other-edge) p)
            (add-text-properties (1+ p) (+ 2 p)
                                   ,(gnugo-f 'ispc)
            (put-text-property p (+ 2 p) 'intangible ival)))
        (goto-char (+ other-edge (length row) 1))
        (when (looking-at "\\s-+\\(WH\\|BL\\).*capt.* \\([0-9]+\\).*$")
	(unless (gnugo-get :show-grid)
	      (put-text-property (line-beginning-position)
				 (+ 3 (line-beginning-position))
				 'invisible t)
	      (put-text-property (+ 3 (* 2 size) (line-beginning-position))
				 'invisible t)
	      (forward-line 1)
	      (put-text-property (point) (line-end-position) 'invisible t)
	       (line-beginning-position) (point) 'invisible t)))
        ;(put-text-property other-edge (point) 'category (gnugo-f 'rpad))
        (forward-char 1)
	(insert " ")
      (gnugo-propertize-grid-line size)))

(defun gnugo-merge-showboard-results ()
  (let ((aft (substring (cdr (gnugo-synchronous-send/return "showboard")) 3))
        (adj 1)                         ; string to buffer position adjustment
        (sync "[0-9]+ stones$")
        (bef (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)))
        (bef-start 0) (bef-idx 0)
        (aft-start 0) (aft-idx 0)
        aft-sync-backtrack mis inc cut new very-strange)
    (while (numberp (setq mis (compare-strings bef bef-start nil
                                               aft aft-start nil)))
      (setq aft-sync-backtrack nil
            inc (if (> 0 mis)
                    (- (+ 1 mis))
                  (- mis 1))
            bef-idx (+ bef-start inc)
            aft-idx (+ aft-start inc)
            bef-start (if (eq bef-idx (string-match sync bef bef-idx))
                          (match-end 0)
                        (1+ bef-idx))
            aft-start (if (and (eq aft-idx (string-match sync aft aft-idx))
                               (let ((peek (1- aft-idx)))
                                 (while (not (= 32 (aref aft peek)))
                                   (setq peek (1- peek)))
                                 (setq aft-sync-backtrack (1+ peek))))
                          (match-end 0)
                        (1+ aft-idx))
            cut (+ bef-idx adj
                   (if aft-sync-backtrack
                       (- aft-sync-backtrack aft-idx)
      (goto-char cut)
      (if aft-sync-backtrack
          (let* ((asb aft-sync-backtrack)
                 (old-len (let ((look (1+ cut))) ; fields are weird
                            (- (field-end look) (field-beginning look))))
                 (keep (text-properties-at cut)))
            (setq new (substring aft asb (string-match " " aft asb)))
            (gnugo-put (get-text-property cut 'field) new)
            (delete-char old-len)
            (insert (apply 'propertize new keep))
            (setq adj (+ adj (- (length new) old-len))))
        (setq new (aref aft aft-idx))
        (insert-and-inherit (char-to-string new))
        (let ((yin (get-text-property cut 'gnugo-yin))
              (yang (gnugo-yang new)))
          (add-text-properties cut (1+ cut)
                                 ,(gnugo-yy yin yang))))
        (delete-char 1)
        ;; do this last to avoid complications w/ font lock
        ;; (this also means we cannot include `intangible' in `front-sticky')
        (when (setq very-strange (get-text-property (1+ cut) 'intangible))
          (put-text-property cut (1+ cut) 'intangible very-strange))))))

(defun gnugo-sgf-to-gtp (cc) 
  "Convert board locations from the format used by sgf to the format used by gtp."
  (if (string= "tt" cc)
    (let ((col (aref cc 0)))
      (format "%c%d"
	      (+ ?A (- (if (> ?i col) col (1+ col)) ?a))
	      (- (gnugo-get :board-size) (- (aref cc 1) ?a))))))

(defun gnugo-gtp-to-sgf (value)
  "Convert board locations from the format used by gtp to the format used by sgf."
  (if (string= "PASS" value)
    (let* ((col (aref value 0))
	   (one (+ ?a (- (if (< ?H col) (1- col) col) ?A)))
	   (two (+ ?a (- (gnugo-get :board-size) 
			 (string-to-number (substring value 1))))))
      (format "%c%c" one two))))

(defun gnugo-move-history (&optional rsel)
  "Determine and return the game's move history.
Optional arg RSEL controls side effects and return value.
If nil, display the history in the echo area as \"(N moves)\"
followed by the space-separated list of moves.  When called
interactively with a prefix arg (i.e., RSEL is `(4)'), display
similarly, but prefix with the mover (either \"B:\" or \"W:\").
If RSEL is the symbol `car' return the most-recent move; if
`cadr', the next-to-most-recent move.

For all other values of RSEL, do nothing and return nil."
  (interactive "P")
  (let ((size (gnugo-get :board-size))
        (sgf (gnugo-get :sgf-tree))
        acc node mprop move)
    (flet ((as-pos (cc) (if (string= "tt" cc)
                          (setq col (aref cc 0))
                          (format "%c%d"
                                  (+ ?A (- (if (> ?i col) col (1+ col)) ?a))
                                  (- size (- (aref cc 1) ?a)))))
           (next (propp) (when (setq node (car sgf)
                                     mprop (or (assq :B node)
                                               (assq :W node))
                                     move (cdr mprop))
                           (setq move (as-pos move)
                                 sgf (cdr sgf))
                           (push (if propp
                                     (propertize move :by (case (car mprop)
                                                            (:B "black")
                                                            (:W "white")))
       ((not rsel)
        (while (next nil))
        (message "(%d moves) %s"
                 (length acc)
                 (mapconcat 'identity (nreverse acc) " ")))
       ((equal '(4) rsel)
        (while (next t))
        (message "(%d moves) %s"
                 (length acc)
                 (mapconcat (lambda (x)
                              (format "%s:%s"
                                        (get-text-property 0 :by x)
                                        0 1))
                            (nreverse acc) " ")))
       ((eq 'car rsel)
        (car (next nil)))
       ((eq 'cadr rsel)
        (next nil)
        (car (next nil)))))))

(defun gnugo-note (property value &optional new mogrifyp)
  (when mogrifyp
    (setq value
          ;; todo: write sgf.el; call to it here
          (if (string= "PASS" value)
            (let* ((col (aref value 0))
                   (one (+ ?a (- (if (< ?H col) (1- col) col) ?A)))
                   (two (+ ?a (- (gnugo-get :board-size)
                                 (string-to-number (substring value 1))))))
              (format "%c%c" one two)))))
  (let ((tree (gnugo-get :sgf-tree))
        (pair (cons property value)))
    (gnugo-put :sgf-tree
      (if new
          (cons (list pair) tree)
        (cons (cons pair (car tree)) (cdr tree))))))

(defun gnugo-push-move (userp move)
  (let* ((color (gnugo-get (if userp :user-color :gnugo-color)))
         (start (gnugo-get :waiting-start))
         (now (current-time))
         (resignp (string= "resign" move))
         (passp (string= "PASS" move))
         (head (gnugo-move-history 'car))
         (onep (and head (string= "PASS" head)))
         (donep (or resignp (and onep passp))))
;    (unless passp
;      (gnugo-merge-showboard-results))
    (gnugo-put :last-mover color)
    (when userp
      (gnugo-put :last-user-bpos (and (not passp) (not resignp) move)))
    (gnugo-put :future-history nil)
    (gnugo-note (if (string= "black" color) :B :W) move t (not resignp))
    (when resignp
      (gnugo-note :EV "resignation"))
    (when start
      (gnugo-put :last-waiting (cadr (time-subtract now start))))
    (when donep
      (gnugo-put :game-end-time now)
      (gnugo-put :scoring-seed (logior (ash (logand (car now) 255) 16)
                                       (cadr now)))
      (gnugo-put :game-over
        (if resignp
            (flet ((ls (color) (mapcar
                                (lambda (x)
                                  (cons (list color)
                                        (split-string x)))
                                 (gnugo-query "worm_stones %s"
              (let ((live (append (ls "black") (ls "white"))))
                `((live ,@live)
          (let ((dd (gnugo-query "dragon_data"))
                (start 0) mem color ent live dead)
            (while (string-match "\\(.+\\):\n[^ ]+[ ]+\\(black\\|white\\)\n"
                                 dd start)
              (setq mem (match-string 1 dd)
                    color (match-string 2 dd)
                    start (match-end 0)
                    ent (cons (list color)
                              (sort (split-string
                                     (gnugo-query "dragon_stones %s" mem))
              (string-match "\nstatus[ ]+\\(\\(ALIVE\\)\\|[A-Z]+\\)\n"
                            dd start)
              (if (match-string 2 dd)
                  (push ent live)
                (push ent dead))
              (setq start (match-end 0)))
            `((live ,@live)
              (dead ,@dead))))))
    (gnugo-put :waiting-start (and (not donep) now))
    (gnugo-put :black-captures (gnugo-query "captures black"))
    (gnugo-put :white-captures (gnugo-query "captures white"))
    (gnugo-refresh t)

(defun gnugo-toggle-edit-mode ()
  "Toggle :edit-mode. When true, GNU Go is not called to generate moves."
  (gnugo-put :edit-mode (not (gnugo-get :edit-mode)))
  (if (gnugo-get :edit-mode)
      (setq mode-name "Editing SGF File")
    (setq mode-name "Playing GNU Go"))

(defun gnugo-venerate (yin yang)
  (let* ((fg-yy (gnugo-yy yin yang))
         (fg-disp (or (get fg-yy 'display)
                      (get fg-yy 'do-not-display)))
         (fg-data (plist-get (cdr fg-disp) :data))
         (bg-yy (gnugo-yy yin (gnugo-yang ?.)))
         (bg-disp (or (get bg-yy 'display)
                      (get bg-yy 'do-not-display)))
         (bg-data (plist-get (cdr bg-disp) :data))
         (bop (lambda (s)
                (let* ((start 0)
                        (when (string-match "\\([0-9]+\\)\\s-+[0-9]+\"," s)
                          (setq start (match-end 0))
                          (string-to-number (match-string 1 s)))))
                  (while (and (<= 0 ncolors) (string-match ",\n" s start))
                    (setq start (match-end 0)
                          ncolors (1- ncolors)))
                  (string-match "\"" s start)
                  (match-end 0))))
         (new (copy-sequence fg-data))
         (lx (length fg-data))
         (lb (length bg-data))
         (sx (funcall bop fg-data))
         (sb (funcall bop bg-data))
         (color-key (aref new sx)))     ; blech, heuristic
    (while (< sx lx)
      (when (and (not (= color-key (aref new sx)))
                 (< 0 (random 4)))
        (aset new sx (aref bg-data sb)))
      (incf sx)
      (incf sb))
    (create-image new 'xpm t :ascent 'center)))

(defun gnugo-refresh (&optional nocache)
  "Update GNU Go Board buffer display.
While a game is in progress, parenthesize the last-played stone (no parens
for pass).  If the buffer is currently displayed in the selected window,
recenter the board (presuming there is extra space in the window).  Update
the mode line.  Lastly, move point to the last position played by the user,
if that move was not a pass.

Prefix arg NOCACHE requests complete reconstruction of the display, which may
be slow.  (This should normally be unnecessary; specify it only if the display
seems corrupted.)  NOCACHE is silently ignored when GNU Go is thinking about
its move."
  (interactive "P")
  (when (and nocache (not (gnugo-get :waitingp)))
  (let* ((last-mover (gnugo-get :last-mover))
         (other (gnugo-other last-mover))
         (move (gnugo-move-history 'car))
         (game-over (gnugo-get :game-over))
         window last)
    ;; last move
    (when move
      (let ((l-ov (gnugo-get :lparen-ov))
            (r-ov (gnugo-get :rparen-ov)))
        (if (member move '("PASS" "resign"))
            (mapc 'delete-overlay (list l-ov r-ov))
          (gnugo-goto-pos move)
          (let* ((p (point))
                 (hspec (gnugo-get :highlight-last-move-spec))
                 (display-value (nth 0 hspec))
                 (l-offset (nth 1 hspec))
                 (l-new-pos (+ p l-offset))
                 (r-action (nth 2 hspec)))
            (overlay-put l-ov 'display
                         (if (functionp display-value)
                             (funcall display-value p)
            (move-overlay l-ov l-new-pos (1+ l-new-pos))
            (if r-action
                (funcall r-action r-ov)
              (move-overlay r-ov (+ l-new-pos 2) (+ l-new-pos 3)))))))
    ;; buffer name
    (rename-buffer (concat (gnugo-get :diamond)
                           (if game-over
                               (format "%s(game over)"
                                       (if (string= move "resign")
                                           (concat move "ation ")
                             (format "%s(%s to play)"
                                     (if move (concat move " ") "")
    ;; pall of death
    (when game-over
      (let ((live (cdr (assq 'live game-over)))
            (dead (cdr (assq 'dead game-over)))
            p pall)
        (unless (eq game-over (get-text-property 1 'game-over))
          (dolist (group (append live dead))
            (dolist (pos (cdr group))
              (gnugo-goto-pos pos)
              (setq p (point))
              (put-text-property p (1+ p) 'group group)))
          (put-text-property 1 2 'game-over game-over))
        (dolist (group live)
          (when (setq pall (cdar group))
            (mapc 'delete-overlay pall)
            (setcdr (car group) nil)))
        (dolist (group dead)
          (unless (cdar group)
            (let (ov pall c (color (caar group)))
              (setq c (if (string= "black" color) "x" "o"))
              (dolist (pos (cdr group))
                (gnugo-goto-pos pos)
                (setq p (point) ov (make-overlay p (1+ p)))
                 ov 'display
                 (if (gnugo-get :display-using-images)
                     ;; respect the dead individually; it takes more time
                     ;; but that's not a problem (for them)
                     (gnugo-venerate (get-text-property p 'gnugo-yin)
                                     (gnugo-yang (aref (upcase c) 0)))
                   (propertize c 'face 'font-lock-warning-face)))
                (push ov pall))
              (setcdr (car group) pall))))))
    ;; window update
    (when (setq window (get-buffer-window (current-buffer)))
      (let* ((size (gnugo-get :board-size))
             (h (ash (- (window-height window)
                        (round (* size (gnugo-get :hmul)))
             (edges (window-edges window))
             (right-w-edge (nth 2 edges))
             (avail-width (- right-w-edge (nth 0 edges)))
             (w (/ (- avail-width
                      (+ (* size (gnugo-get :wmul))
                         (if (symbol-plist (gnugo-f 'ispc))
                           (1- size)))
        (dolist (pair `((tpad . ,(if (and h (< 0 h))
                                     `(display ,(make-string h 10))
                                   '(invisible t)))
                        (lpad . ,(if (< 0 w)
                                     `(display (space :align-to ,w))
                                   '(invisible t)))
                        (rpad . (display
                                 (space :align-to ,(1- avail-width))))))
          (setplist (gnugo-f (car pair)) (cdr pair)))))
    ;; mode line update
    (let ((cur (gnugo-get :mode-line)))
      (unless (equal cur gnugo-mode-line)
        (setq cur gnugo-mode-line)
        (gnugo-put :mode-line cur)
        (gnugo-put :mode-line-form
          (cond ((stringp cur)
                 (setq cur (copy-sequence cur))
                 (let (acc cut c)
                   (while (setq cut (string-match "~[bwmnptu]" cur))
                     (aset cur cut ?%)
                     (setq cut (1+ cut) c (aref cur cut))
                     (aset cur cut ?s)
                      `(,(intern (format "squig-%c" c))
                        ,(case c
                           (?b '(or (gnugo-get :black-captures) 0))
                           (?w '(or (gnugo-get :white-captures) 0))
                           (?m '(length (cdr (gnugo-get :sgf-tree))))
                           (?n '(length (gnugo-get :future-history)))
                           (?p '(gnugo-other (gnugo-get :last-mover)))
                           (?t '(let ((ws (gnugo-get :waiting-start)))
                                  (if ws
                                      (cadr (time-since ws))
                           (?u '(or (gnugo-get :last-waiting) "-"))))
                   `(let ,(delete-dups (copy-sequence acc))
                      (format ,cur ,@(reverse (mapcar 'car acc))))))
                (t cur))))
      (let ((form (gnugo-get :mode-line-form)))
        (setq mode-line-process
              (and form
                   ;; this dynamicism is nice but excessive in its wantonness
                   ;;- `(" [" (:eval ,form) "]")
                   ;; this dynamicism is ok because the user triggers it
                   (list (format " [%s]" (eval form))))))
    ;; last user move
    (when (setq last (gnugo-get :last-user-bpos))
      (gnugo-goto-pos last))))

;;; Game play actions

(defun gnugo-get-move-insertion-filter (proc string)
  (with-current-buffer (process-buffer proc)
    (let* ((so-far (gnugo-get :get-move-string))
           (full   (gnugo-put :get-move-string (concat so-far string))))
      (when (string-match "^= \\(.+\\)\n\n" full)
        (let ((pos-or-pass (match-string 1 full)))
          (gnugo-put :get-move-string nil)
          (gnugo-put :waitingp nil)
          (gnugo-push-move nil pos-or-pass)
          (let ((buf (current-buffer)))
            (let (inhibit-gnugo-refresh)
              (run-hooks 'gnugo-post-move-hook)
              (unless inhibit-gnugo-refresh
                (with-current-buffer buf

(defun gnugo-get-move (color)
  (gnugo-put :waitingp t)
  (set-process-filter (gnugo-get :proc) 'gnugo-get-move-insertion-filter)
  (gnugo-send-line (concat "genmove " color))

(defun gnugo-cleanup ()
  (when (gnugo-board-buffer-p)
    (unless (= 0 (buffer-size))
      (message "Thank you for playing GNU Go."))
    (mapc (lambda (sym)
            (setplist sym nil)          ; "...is next to fordliness." --Huxley
            (unintern sym))
          (append (gnugo-get :all-yy)
                  (mapcar 'gnugo-f
    (setq gnugo-state nil)))

(defun gnugo-position ()
  (or (get-text-property (point) 'gnugo-position)
      (error "Not a proper position point")))

(defun gnugo-move ()
  "Make a move on the GNU Go Board buffer.
The position is computed from current point.
Signal error if done out-of-turn or if game-over.
To start a game try M-x gnugo."
  (gnugo-gate t)
  (let* ((buf (current-buffer))
         (pos (gnugo-position))
         (move (format "play %s %s" (gnugo-get :user-color) pos))
         (accept (cdr (gnugo-synchronous-send/return move))))
    (unless (= ?= (aref accept 0))
      (error accept))
    (gnugo-push-move t pos)             ; value always nil for non-pass move
    (let (inhibit-gnugo-refresh)
      (run-hooks 'gnugo-post-move-hook)
      (unless inhibit-gnugo-refresh
        (with-current-buffer buf
    (if (not (gnugo-get :edit-mode))
	(with-current-buffer buf
	  (gnugo-get-move (gnugo-get :gnugo-color)))
	(gnugo-put :user-color (gnugo-other (gnugo-get :user-color)))
	(gnugo-put :gnugo-color (gnugo-other (gnugo-get :gnugo-color)))))))

(defun gnugo-mouse-move (e)
  "Do `gnugo-move' at mouse location."
  (interactive "@e")
  (mouse-set-point e)
  (when (looking-at "[.+]")

(defun gnugo-pass ()
  "Make a pass on the GNU Go Board buffer.
Signal error if done out-of-turn or if game-over.
To start a game try M-x gnugo."
  (gnugo-gate t)
  (let ((accept (cdr (gnugo-synchronous-send/return
                      (format "play %s PASS" (gnugo-get :user-color))))))
    (unless (= ?= (aref accept 0))
      (error accept)))
  (let ((donep (gnugo-push-move t "PASS"))
        (buf (current-buffer)))
    (let (inhibit-gnugo-refresh)
      (run-hooks 'gnugo-post-move-hook)
      (unless inhibit-gnugo-refresh
        (with-current-buffer buf
    (unless donep
      (with-current-buffer buf
        (gnugo-get-move (gnugo-get :gnugo-color))))))

(defun gnugo-mouse-pass (e)
  "Do `gnugo-pass' at mouse location."
  (interactive "@e")
  (mouse-set-point e)

(defun gnugo-resign ()
  (gnugo-gate t)
  (if (not (y-or-n-p "Resign? "))
      (message "(not resigning)")
    (gnugo-push-move t "resign")

(defun gnugo-animate-group (command)
  (message "Computing %s ..." command)
  (let ((stones (cdr (gnugo-synchronous-send/return
                      (format "%s %s" command (gnugo-position))))))
    (unless (= ?= (aref stones 0))
      (error stones))
    (setq stones (split-string (substring stones 1)))
    (message "Computing %s ... %s in group." command (length stones))
    (setplist (gnugo-f 'anim) nil)
    (let* ((spec (let ((spec
                        ;; `(split-string gnugo-animation-string "" t)'
                        ;; works as well, for newer emacs versions
                        (delete "" (split-string gnugo-animation-string ""))))
                   (cond ((gnugo-get :display-using-images)
                          (let* ((yin (get-text-property (point) 'gnugo-yin))
                                 (yang (gnugo-yang (char-after)))
                                 (up (get (gnugo-yy yin yang t) 'display))
                                 (dn (get (gnugo-yy yin yang) 'display))
                            (mapcar (lambda (c)
                                      (if (setq flip-flop (not flip-flop))
                                          dn up))
                                    (mapcar 'string-to-char spec))))
                         (t spec))))
           (cell (list spec))
           (ovs (save-excursion
                  (mapcar (lambda (pos)
                            (gnugo-goto-pos pos)
                            (let* ((p (point))
                                   (ov (make-overlay p (1+ p))))
                              (overlay-put ov 'category (gnugo-f 'anim))
                              (overlay-put ov 'priority most-positive-fixnum)
      (setplist (gnugo-f 'anim) (cons 'display cell))
      (while (and (cdr spec)            ; let last linger lest levity lost
                  (sit-for 0.08675309)) ; jenny jenny i got your number...
        (setcar cell (setq spec (cdr spec)))
        (set-buffer-modified-p t))
      (sit-for 5)
      (mapc 'delete-overlay ovs)

(defun gnugo-display-group-data (command buffer-name)
  (message "Computing %s ..." command)
  (let ((data (cdr (gnugo-synchronous-send/return
                    (format "%s %s" command (gnugo-position))))))
    (switch-to-buffer buffer-name)
    (insert data))
  (message "Computing %s ... done." command))

(defun gnugo-worm-stones ()
  "In the GNU Go Board buffer, animate \"worm\" at current position.
Signal error if done out-of-turn or if game-over.
See variable `gnugo-animation-string' for customization."
  (gnugo-animate-group "worm_stones"))

(defun gnugo-worm-data ()
  "Display in another buffer data from \"worm\" at current position.
Signal error if done out-of-turn or if game-over."
  (gnugo-display-group-data "worm_data" "*gnugo worm data*"))

(defun gnugo-dragon-stones ()
  "In the GNU Go Board buffer, animate \"dragon\" at current position.
Signal error if done out-of-turn or if game-over.
See variable `gnugo-animation-string' for customization."
  (gnugo-animate-group "dragon_stones"))

(defun gnugo-dragon-data ()
  "Display in another buffer data from \"dragon\" at current position.
Signal error if done out-of-turn or if game-over."
  (gnugo-display-group-data "dragon_data" "*gnugo dragon data*"))

(defun gnugo-toggle-dead-group ()
  "In a GNU Go Board buffer, during game-over, toggle a group as dead.
The group is selected from current position (point).  Signal error if
not in game-over or if there is no group at that position.

In the context of GNU Go, a group is called a \"dragon\" and may be
composed of more than one \"worm\" (set of directly-connected stones).
It is unclear to the gnugo.el author whether or not GNU Go supports
 - considering worms as groups in their own right; and
 - toggling group aliveness via GTP.
Due to these uncertainties, this command is only half complete; the
changes you may see in Emacs are not propagated to the gnugo subprocess.
Thus, GTP commands like `final_score' may give unexpected results.

If you are able to expose via GTP `change_dragon_status' in utils.c,
you may consider modifying the `gnugo-toggle-dead-group' source code
to enable full functionality."
  (let ((game-over (or (gnugo-get :game-over)
                       (error "Sorry, game still in play")))
        (group (or (get-text-property (point) 'group)
                   (error "No stone at that position")))
        (now (current-time)))
    (gnugo-put :scoring-seed (logior (ash (logand (car now) 255) 16)
                                     (cadr now)))
    (let ((live (assq 'live game-over))
          (dead (assq 'dead game-over))
          bef now)
      (if (memq group live)
          (setq bef live now dead)
        (setq bef dead now live))
      (setcdr bef (delq group (cdr bef)))
      (setcdr now (cons group (cdr now)))
      ;; disabled permanently -- too wrong
      (when nil
        (flet ((populate (group)
                         (let ((color (caar group)))
                           (dolist (stone (cdr group))
                             (gnugo-query "play %s %s" color stone)))))
          (if (eq now live)
              (populate group)
            ;; drastic (and wrong -- clobbers capture info, etc)
            (gnugo-query "clear_board")
            (mapc 'populate (cdr live)))))
      ;; here is the desired interface (to be enabled Some Day)
      (when nil
        (gnugo-query "change_dragon_status %s %s"
                     (cadr group) (if (eq now live)

(defun gnugo-estimate-score ()
  "Display estimated score of a game of GNU Go.
Output includes number of stones on the board and number of stones
captured by each player, and the estimate of who has the advantage (and
by how many stones)."
  (message "Est.score ...")
  (let ((black (length (split-string (gnugo-query "list_stones black"))))
        (white (length (split-string (gnugo-query "list_stones white"))))
        (black-captures (gnugo-query "captures black"))
        (white-captures (gnugo-query "captures white"))
        (est (gnugo-query "estimate_score")))
    ;; might as well update this
    (gnugo-put :black-captures black-captures)
    (gnugo-put :white-captures white-captures)
    (message "Est.score ... B %s %s | W %s %s | %s"
             black black-captures white white-captures est)))

(defun gnugo-write-sgf-file (filename)
  "Save the game history to FILENAME (even if unfinished).
If FILENAME already exists, Emacs confirms that you wish to overwrite it."
  (interactive "FWrite game as SGF file: ")
  (when (and (file-exists-p filename)
             (not (y-or-n-p "File exists. Continue? ")))
    (error "Not writing %s" filename))
  ;; todo: write sgf.el; call to it here
  (let ((bef-newline-appreciated '(:C :PB :PW :AB :AW))
        (aft-newline-appreciated '(:C :B :AB :AW :W :PB :PW :SZ))
        (sz (gnugo-get :board-size))
        (tree (gnugo-get :sgf-tree))
      (insert "(")
      (dolist (node (reverse tree))
        (insert ";")
        (dolist (prop (reverse node))
          (let ((name (car prop))
                (v (cdr prop)))
	     (if (and (memq name bef-newline-appreciated) 
		      (not newline-just-printed)) "\n" "")
	     (substring (symbol-name name) 1)
	     (if (not (memq name '(:AB :AW))) "[" "")
	     (format "%s" v)
	     (if (not (memq name '(:AB :AW))) "]" "")
	     (if (or (memq name aft-newline-appreciated)
		     (> (current-column) 60)) "\n" ""))
	    (setq newline-just-printed
		  (memq name aft-newline-appreciated)))))
      (insert ")\n")
      (write-file filename))))

(defun gnugo-warp-point ()
  "Move the cursor to the next-to-last move."
  (let ((moves (cdr (gnugo-get :sgf-tree))))
    (if (memq (car (car (car moves))) '(:B :W))
	(gnugo-goto-pos (gnugo-sgf-to-gtp (cdr (car (car moves))))))))

(defun gnugo-initialize-sgf-tree ()
  "Start a new sgf tree"
  (gnugo-put :sgf-tree (list (list)))
  (let ((g-blackp (string= "black" (gnugo-get :gnugo-color)))
	(black-stones (split-string (gnugo-query "list_stones black") " "))
	(white-stones (split-string (gnugo-query "list_stones white") " ")))
    (mapc (lambda (x) (apply 'gnugo-note x))
          `((:GM 1)
            (:FF 4)                     ; hmm maybe better: 3
            (:DT ,(format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d"))
            (:RU ,(gnugo-get :rules))
            (:HA ,(gnugo-get :handicap))
            (:SZ ,(gnugo-get :board-size))
            (:KM ,(gnugo-get :komi))
            (:AP ,(format "gnugo.el:%s" gnugo-version))
            (,(if g-blackp :PW :PB) ,(user-full-name))
            (,(if g-blackp :PB :PW) ,(concat "GNU Go "
                                             (gnugo-query "version")))))
    (if black-stones
	(gnugo-note :AB
		    (apply 'concat
			    (lambda (x) (format "[%s]" (gnugo-gtp-to-sgf x)))
    (if white-stones
	(gnugo-note :AW
		    (apply 'concat
			    (lambda (x) (format "[%s]" (gnugo-gtp-to-sgf x)))

(defun gnugo-read-sgf-file (filename)
  "Load a game tree from FILENAME, a file in SGF format."
  (interactive "fSGF file to load: ")
  (gnugo-command (format "loadsgf %s 1" (expand-file-name filename)))
  (gnugo-put :board-size 
    (string-to-number (gnugo-query "query_boardsize")))
  (gnugo-put :handicap 
    (string-to-number (gnugo-query "get_handicap")))
  (gnugo-put :komi 
    (string-to-number (gnugo-query "get_komi")))
  (gnugo-put :future-history nil)
  (gnugo-command (format "loadsgf %s" (expand-file-name filename)))
  (let* ((colorhistory 
	   (lambda (x) (split-string x " ")) 
	    (cdr (gnugo-synchronous-send/return "move_history")) "[=\n]")))
	 (k (length colorhistory)))
    (unless (equal colorhistory '(nil)) ; empty move history gives this
      (gnugo-put :last-mover
	(car (car colorhistory)))
      (let ((half (ash (1+ (gnugo-get :board-size)) -1)))
	(gnugo-goto-pos (format "A%d" half))
	(forward-char (* 2 (1- half)))
	(gnugo-put :last-user-bpos
	  (gnugo-put :center-position
	    (get-text-property (point) 'gnugo-position))))
      (while (> k 0)
	(decf k)
	(gnugo-note (if (string= (car (nth k colorhistory)) "black") :B :W)
		    (nth 1 (nth k colorhistory)) t t))))
  (gnugo-refresh t)

(defun gnugo-undo (&optional norefresh)
  "Undo one move. Interchange the colors of the two players."
  (unless (and (gnugo-get :game-over) ; engine should undo pass but not resign
		(string= "PASS" 
			 (nth 1 
			      (split-string (gnugo-query "last_move") " ")))))
    (if (equal
	   (cdr (gnugo-synchronous-send/return "undo")) " ")) "?")
	(error "cannot undo")
      (gnugo-put :future-history
	(cons (car (gnugo-get :sgf-tree)) (gnugo-get :future-history)))))
  (gnugo-put :sgf-tree (cdr (gnugo-get :sgf-tree)))
  (gnugo-put :user-color (gnugo-get :last-mover))
  (gnugo-put :gnugo-color (gnugo-other (gnugo-get :last-mover)))
  (gnugo-put :last-mover (gnugo-get :gnugo-color))
  (gnugo-put :game-over nil)
; (gnugo-merge-showboard-results)
  (unless norefresh
    (gnugo-refresh t)

(defun gnugo-redo (&optional norefresh)
  "Redo one move from the undo-stack (future-history).
   Interchange the colors of the two players."
  (if (equal (gnugo-get :future-history) nil)
      (error "no more undone moves left to redo!"))
  (let* ((buf (current-buffer))
        (pos (gnugo-sgf-to-gtp (cdr (car (car (gnugo-get :future-history))))))
	(color (if (equal (car (car (car (gnugo-get :future-history)))) :B) 
		   "black" "white"))
	(move (format "play %s %s" color pos))
	(accept (cdr (gnugo-synchronous-send/return move))))
    (gnugo-note (if (string= "black" color) :B :W) pos t t)
    (gnugo-put :future-history (cdr (gnugo-get :future-history)))
    (gnugo-put :user-color (gnugo-other color))
    (gnugo-put :gnugo-color color)
    (gnugo-put :last-mover color)
;    (gnugo-merge-showboard-results)
    (unless norefresh
      (gnugo-refresh t)

(defun gnugo-redo-two-moves ()
  "Redo a pair of moves (yours and GNU Go's).
If two moves cannot be found, do nothing. (If there is
exactly one move in the undo stack, you can still redo
it using gnugo-redo.)"
  (if (cdr (gnugo-get :future-history))
    (error "can't redo two moves\n"))

(defun gnugo-magic-undo (spec &optional noalt)
  "Undo moves on the GNU Go Board, based on SPEC, a string or number.
If SPEC is a string in the form of a board position (e.g., \"T19\"),
check that the position is occupied by a stone of the user's color,
and if so, remove moves from the history until that position is clear.
If SPEC is a positive number, remove exactly that many moves from the
history, signaling an error if the history is exhausted before finishing.
If SPEC is not recognized, signal \"bad spec\" error.

Refresh the board for each move undone.  If (in the case where SPEC is
a number) after finishing, the color to play is not the user's color,
schedule a move by GNU Go.

After undoing the move(s), schedule a move by GNU Go if it is GNU Go's
turn to play.  Optional second arg NOALT non-nil inhibits this."
  (let ((n 0) done ans)
    (cond ((and (numberp spec) (< 0 spec))
           (setq n spec done (lambda () (= 0 n))))
          ((string-match "^[a-z]" spec)
           (let ((pos (upcase spec)))
             (setq done `(lambda () 
			    (gnugo-query ,(concat "color " pos)) "empty")))
             (when (funcall done)
               (error "%s already clear" pos))
             (let ((u (gnugo-get :user-color)))
               (when (= (save-excursion
                          (gnugo-goto-pos pos)
                        (if (string= "black" u)
                 (error "%s not occupied by %s" pos u)))))
          (t (error "bad spec: %S" spec)))
    (while (not (funcall done))
      (if (gnugo-get :game-over)
	  (gnugo-put :game-over nil)
	  (setq ans (cdr (gnugo-synchronous-send/return "undo")))
	  (unless (= ?= (aref ans 0))
	    (gnugo-refresh t)
	    (error ans))
	  (gnugo-put :future-history
	    (cons (car (gnugo-get :sgf-tree)) (gnugo-get :future-history)))))
      (gnugo-put :sgf-tree (cdr (gnugo-get :sgf-tree)))
      (gnugo-put :last-mover (gnugo-other (gnugo-get :last-mover)))
;     (gnugo-merge-showboard-results)   ; all
;     (gnugo-refresh t)                 ; this
      (decf n)                          ; is
      (sit-for 0)))                     ; eye candy
  (let* ((ulastp (string= (gnugo-get :last-mover) (gnugo-get :user-color)))
         (ubpos (gnugo-move-history (if ulastp 'car 'cadr))))
    (gnugo-put :last-user-bpos (if (and ubpos (not (string= "PASS" ubpos)))
                                 (gnugo-get :center-position)))
    (gnugo-refresh t)
    (when (and ulastp (not noalt))
      (gnugo-get-move (gnugo-get :gnugo-color)))))

(defun gnugo-undo-one-move ()
  "Undo exactly one move (perhaps GNU Go's, perhaps yours).
Do not schedule a move by GNU Go even if it is GNU Go's turn to play.
See also `gnugo-undo-two-moves'."
  (gnugo-magic-undo 1 t))

(defun gnugo-undo-two-moves ()
  "Undo a pair of moves (GNU Go's and yours).
However, if you are the last mover, undo only one move.
Regardless, after undoing, it is your turn to play again."
  (gnugo-magic-undo (if (string= (gnugo-get :user-color)
                                 (gnugo-get :last-mover))

(defun gnugo-jump-to-move (movenum)
  "Jump to move number MOVENUM."
       (>= movenum 0)
       (<= movenum (+ (length (cdr (gnugo-get :sgf-tree)))
		      (length (gnugo-get :future-history)))))
    (error "invalid move number"))
  (while (not (= movenum (length (cdr (gnugo-get :sgf-tree)))))
    (if (< movenum (length (cdr (gnugo-get :sgf-tree))))
	(gnugo-undo t)
      (gnugo-redo t)))
  (gnugo-refresh t)

(defun gnugo-jump-to-beginning ()
  "Jump to the beginning of the game."
  (gnugo-jump-to-move 0))

(defun gnugo-jump-to-end ()
  "Jump to the end of the game"
  (gnugo-jump-to-move (+ (length (cdr (gnugo-get :sgf-tree)))
	 (length (gnugo-get :future-history)))))

(defun gnugo-get-regression-directory (filename)
  "Prompt the user for the regression directory."
  (interactive "fRegression directory: ")
  (setq gnugo-regression-directory (expand-file-name filename)))

(defun gnugo-view-regression (test)
  "View one of the standard gnugo regressions.
   Enter the name of the test in the format filename:testnumber.
   The filename must be a file in the regression directory. The
   first time the function is run, you will be prompted for the
   path to that directory."
  (interactive "sTest: ")
  (let* ((file (car (split-string test ":")))
	(testnumber (nth 1 (split-string test ":")))
	(gnugo-buffer (current-buffer))
	(file-already-open nil))
    (unless gnugo-regression-directory
      (call-interactively 'gnugo-get-regression-directory))
    (unless gnugo-regression-directory
      (error "directory not found"))
    (let ((filename
	   (concat gnugo-regression-directory file ".tst")))
      (if (find-buffer-visiting filename)
	  (setq file-already-open t))
      (find-file filename))
	(re-search-forward (concat "^" testnumber " ") nil t)
      (unless file-already-open (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))
      (switch-to-buffer gnugo-buffer)
      (error "test not found"))
    (let* ((second-line (buffer-substring
	   (third-line (progn
	   (first-line (progn (re-search-backward "loadsgf")
	   (first-line-split (split-string first-line)))
      ; don't close the file if the user was visiting it
      (unless file-already-open (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))
      (switch-to-buffer gnugo-buffer)
       (concat gnugo-regression-directory (nth 1 first-line-split)))
      (if (> (length first-line-split) 2)
	  (gnugo-jump-to-move (1- (string-to-number 
				   (nth 2 first-line-split)))))
      (setq mode-name "running test ...")
      (gnugo-put :show-grid t)
      (gnugo-refresh t)
      (insert "\n\n ")
      (insert first-line)
      (insert "\n ")
      (insert (format "%s:%s" file second-line))
      (insert "\n ")
      (insert third-line)
      (insert "\n ")
      (setq mode-name (format "%s" test))
      (insert (cdr (gnugo-synchronous-send/return second-line))))))

(defun gnugo-display-final-score ()
  "Display final score and other info in another buffer (when game over).
If the game is still ongoing, Emacs asks if you wish to stop play (by
making sure two \"pass\" moves are played consecutively, if necessary).
This info is also added to the game tree.  See `gnugo-write-sgf-file'."
  (unless (or (gnugo-get :game-over)
              (and (not (gnugo-get :waitingp))
                   (y-or-n-p "Game still in play. Stop play now? ")))
    (error "Sorry, game still in play"))
  (unless (gnugo-get :game-over)
    (flet ((pass (userp)
                 (message "Playing PASS for %s ..."
                          (gnugo-get (if userp :user-color :gnugo-color)))
                 (sit-for 1)
                 (gnugo-push-move userp "PASS")))
      (unless (pass t)
        (pass nil)))
    (sit-for 3))
  (let ((b=  "   Black = ")
        (w=  "   White = ")
        (n1p (last (gnugo-get :sgf-tree)))
        (res (let* ((node (car (gnugo-get :sgf-tree)))
                    (event (and node (cdr (assq :EV node)))))
               (and event (string= "resignation" event)
                    (if (assq :B node) "black" "white"))))
        blurb result)
    (if res
        (setq blurb (list
                     (format "%s wins.\n"
                             (substring (if (= ?b (aref res 0)) w= b=)
                                        3 8))
                     "The game is over.\n"
                     (format "Resignation by %s.\n" res))
              result (concat (upcase (substring (gnugo-other res) 0 1))
      (message "Computing final score ...")
      (let* ((live   (cdr (assq 'live (gnugo-get :game-over))))
             (dead   (cdr (assq 'dead (gnugo-get :game-over))))
             (seed   (gnugo-get :scoring-seed))
             (result (gnugo-query "final_score %d" seed))
             (terr-q (format "final_status_list %%s_territory %d" seed))
             (terr   "territory")
             (capt   "captures")
             (b-terr (length (split-string (gnugo-query terr-q "black"))))
             (w-terr (length (split-string (gnugo-query terr-q "white"))))
             (b-capt (string-to-number (gnugo-get :black-captures)))
             (w-capt (string-to-number (gnugo-get :white-captures)))
             (komi   (gnugo-get :komi)))
        (setq blurb (list "The game is over.  Final score:\n"))
        (cond ((string= "Chinese" (gnugo-get :rules))
               (dolist (group live)
                 (let ((count (length (cdr group))))
                   (if (string= "black" (caar group))
                       (setq b-terr (+ b-terr count))
                     (setq w-terr (+ w-terr count)))))
               (dolist (group dead)
                 (let* ((color (caar group))
                        (count (length (cdr group))))
                   (if (string= "black" color)
                       (setq w-terr (+ count w-terr))
                     (setq b-terr (+ count b-terr)))))
               (push (format "%s%d %s = %3.1f\n" b= b-terr terr b-terr) blurb)
               (push (format "%s%d %s + %3.1f %s = %3.1f\n" w=
                             w-terr terr komi 'komi (+ w-terr komi))
               (dolist (group dead)
                 (let* ((color (caar group))
                        (adjust (* 2 (length (cdr group)))))
                   (if (string= "black" color)
                       (setq w-terr (+ adjust w-terr))
                     (setq b-terr (+ adjust b-terr)))))
               (push (format "%s%d %s + %s %s = %3.1f\n" b=
                             b-terr terr
                             b-capt capt
                             (+ b-terr b-capt))
               (push (format "%s%d %s + %s %s + %3.1f %s = %3.1f\n" w=
                             w-terr terr
                             w-capt capt
                             komi 'komi
                             (+ w-terr w-capt komi))
        (push (if (string= "0" result)
                  "The game is a draw.\n"
                (format "%s wins by %s.\n"
                        (substring (if (= ?B (aref result 0)) b= w=) 3 8)
                        (substring result 2)))
        (message "Computing final score ... done")))
    ;; extra info
    (push "\n" blurb)
    (dolist (spec '(("Game start" . :game-start-time)
                    ("       end" . :game-end-time)))
      (push (format-time-string
             (concat (car spec) ": %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z\n")
             (gnugo-get (cdr spec)))
    (setq blurb (apply 'concat (reverse blurb)))
    (unless (eq :RE (caaar n1p))
      (gnugo-note :C blurb)
      (setcar n1p (append `((:RE . ,result)
                            (:C . ,blurb))
                          (car n1p))))
    (switch-to-buffer (format "%s*GNU Go Final Score*"
                              (gnugo-get :diamond)))
    (when (= 0 (buffer-size))
      (insert blurb))))

;;; Command properties and gnugo-command

;; GTP commands entered by the user are never issued directly to GNU Go;
;; instead, their behavior and output are controlled by the property
;; `:gnugo-gtp-command-spec' hung off of each (interned/symbolic) command.
;; The value of this property is a sub-plist, w/ sub-properties as follows:
;; :full -- completely interpret the command string; the value is a
;;          func that takes the list of words derived from splitting the
;;          command string (minus the command) and handles everything.
;; :output -- either a keyword specifying the preferred output method:
;;              :message -- show output in minibuffer
;;              :discard -- sometimes you just don't care;
;;            or a function that takes one arg, the output string, and
;;            handles it completely.   default is to switch to buffer
;;            "*gnugo command output*" if the output has a newline,
;;            otherwise use `message'.
;; :post-hook -- normal hook run after output processing (at the very end).

(defun gnugo-command (command)
  "Send the Go Text Protocol COMMAND (a string) to GNU Go.
Output and Emacs behavior depend on which command is given (some
commands are handled completely by Emacs w/o using the subprocess;
some commands have their output displayed in specially prepared
buffers or in the echo area; some commands are instrumented to do
gnugo.el-specific housekeeping).

For example, for the command \"help\", Emacs visits the
GTP command reference info page.

NOTE: At this time, GTP command handling specification is still
      incomplete.  Thus, some commands WILL confuse gnugo.el."
  (interactive "sCommand: ")
  (if (string= "" command)
      (message "(no command given)")
    (let* ((split (split-string command))
           (cmd (intern (car split)))
           (spec (get cmd :gnugo-gtp-command-spec))
           (full (plist-get spec :full))
           (last-message nil))
      (if full
          (funcall full (cdr split))
        (message "Doing %s ..." command)
        (let* ((ans (cdr (gnugo-synchronous-send/return command)))
               (where (plist-get spec :output)))
          (if (string-match "unknown.command" ans)
              (message ans)
            (cond ((functionp where) (funcall where ans))
                  ((eq :discard where) (message ""))
                  ((or (eq :message where)
                       (not (string-match "\n" ans)))
                   (message ans))
                  (t (switch-to-buffer "*gnugo command output*")
                     (insert ans)
                     (message "Doing %s ... done." command)))
            (let ((hook
                   ;; do not elide this binding; `run-hooks' needs it
                   (plist-get spec :post-hook)))
              (run-hooks 'hook))))))))

;;; Major mode for interacting with a GNU Go subprocess

(put 'gnugo-board-mode 'mode-class 'special)
(defun gnugo-board-mode ()
  "Major mode for playing GNU Go.
Entering this mode runs the normal hook `gnugo-board-mode-hook'.
In this mode, keys do not self insert. You can get further help
describing any particular function with `C-h f <function-name>',
for example `C-h f gnugo-move'.
Default keybindings:

  ?             View this help.

  RET or SPC    Run `gnugo-move'.

  q or Q        Quit (the latter without confirmation).

  R             Resign.

  u             Run `gnugo-undo-two-moves'.

  r             Redo two moves.

  U             Pass to `gnugo-magic-undo' either the board position
                at point (if no prefix arg), or the prefix arg converted
                to a number.  E.g., to undo 16 moves: `C-u C-u U' (see
                `universal-argument'); to undo 42 moves: `M-4 M-2 U'.

  f             Scroll forward (redo one undone move); 
                potentially switch colors.

  b             Scroll backward (undo one move); potentially switch colors.

  <             Go to the beginning of the game

  >             Go to the end of the game

  j <n> RET     Jump to move number <n>

  g             toggle the grid on or off.

  C-l           Run `gnugo-refresh' to redraw the board.
  _ or M-_      Bury the Board buffer (when the boss is near).

  P             Run `gnugo-pass'.

  i             Toggle display using XPM images (if supported).

  w             Run `gnugo-worm-stones'.
  d             Run `gnugo-dragon-stones'.

  W             Run `gnugo-worm-data'.
  D             Run `gnugo-dragon-data'.

  t             Run `gnugo-toggle-dead-group'.

  !             Run `gnugo-estimate-score'.

  : or ;        Run `gnugo-command' (for GTP commands to GNU Go).

  =             Display board position under point (if valid).

  h             Run `gnugo-move-history'.

  F             Run `gnugo-display-final-score'.

  s             Run `gnugo-write-sgf-file'.

  v             Run `gnugo-view-regression'.
  or C-x C-w
  or C-x C-s

  l             Run `gnugo-read-sgf-file'."
  (switch-to-buffer (generate-new-buffer "(Uninitialized GNU Go Board)"))
  (buffer-disable-undo)                 ; todo: undo undo undoing
  (setq truncate-lines t)
  (use-local-map gnugo-board-mode-map)
  (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
       '(gnugo-font-lock-keywords t))
  (setq major-mode 'gnugo-board-mode)
  (setq mode-name "Playing GNU Go")
  (add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'gnugo-cleanup nil t)
  (make-local-variable 'gnugo-state)
  (setq gnugo-state (make-hash-table :size (1- 42) :test 'eq))
  (mapc (lambda (prop)
          (gnugo-put prop nil))         ; todo: separate display/game aspects;
        '(:game-over                    ;       move latter to func `gnugo'
  (let ((name (if (string-match "[ ]" gnugo-program)
                  (let ((p (substring gnugo-program 0 (match-beginning 0)))
                        (o (substring gnugo-program (match-end 0)))
                        (h (or (car gnugo-option-history) "")))
                    (when (string-match "--mode" o)
                      (error "Found \"--mode\" in `gnugo-program'"))
                    (when (and o (< 0 (length o))
                               h (< 0 (length o))
                               (or (< (length h) (length o))
                                   (not (string= (substring h 0 (length o))
                      (push (concat o " " h) gnugo-option-history))
        (args (read-string "GNU Go options: "
                           (car gnugo-option-history)
    (mapc (lambda (x)
            (apply (lambda (prop default opt &optional rx)
                     (gnugo-put prop
                       (or (when (string-match opt args)
                             (let ((start (match-end 0)) s)
                               (string-match (or rx "[0-9.]+") args start)
                               (setq s (match-string 0 args))
                               (if rx s (string-to-number s))))
          '((:board-size      19 "--boardsize")
            (:user-color "black" "--color" "\\(black\\|white\\)")
            (:handicap         0 "--handicap")
            (:komi           0.0 "--komi")
            (:minus-l        nil "\\([^-]\\|^\\)-l[ ]*" "[^ ]+")
            (:infile         nil "--infile" "[ ]*[^ ]+")))
    (gnugo-put :rules (if (string-match "--chinese-rules" args)
    (let ((proc-args (split-string args)))
      (gnugo-put :proc-args proc-args)
      (gnugo-put :proc (apply 'start-process "gnugo" nil name
                              "--mode" "gtp" "--quiet"
    (when (setq pre (or (gnugo-get :minus-l) (gnugo-get :infile)))
      (mapc (lambda (x)
              (apply (lambda (prop q)
                       (gnugo-put prop (string-to-number (gnugo-query q))))
            '((:board-size "query_boardsize")
              (:komi       "get_komi")
              (:handicap   "get_handicap")))))
  (remhash :minus-l gnugo-state)        ; (ab)used as local var only
  (remhash :infile gnugo-state)         ; likewise
  (gnugo-put :diamond (substring (process-name (gnugo-get :proc)) 5))
  (gnugo-put :gnugo-color (gnugo-other (gnugo-get :user-color)))
  (gnugo-put :highlight-last-move-spec
    (gnugo-put :default-highlight-last-move-spec '("(" -1 nil)))
  (gnugo-put :lparen-ov (make-overlay 1 1))
  (gnugo-put :rparen-ov (let ((ov (make-overlay 1 1)))
                          (overlay-put ov 'display ")")
  (if (< 0 (gnugo-get :handicap))
	 (gnugo-query (format "fixed_handicap %d" (gnugo-get :handicap))))
  (set-process-sentinel (gnugo-get :proc) 'gnugo-sentinel)
  (set-process-buffer (gnugo-get :proc) (current-buffer))
  (gnugo-put :waiting-start (current-time))
  (gnugo-put :hmul 1)
  (gnugo-put :wmul 1)
  (run-hooks 'gnugo-board-mode-hook)
  (gnugo-refresh t))

;;; Entry point

(defun gnugo (&optional new-game)
  "Run gnugo in a buffer, or resume a game in progress.
Prefix arg means skip the game-in-progress check and start a new
game straight away.

You are queried for additional command-line options (Emacs supplies
\"--mode gtp --quiet\" automatically).  Here is a list of options
that gnugo.el understands and handles specially:

    --boardsize num   Set the board size to use (5--19)
    --color <color>   Choose your color ('black' or 'white')
    --handicap <num>  Set the number of handicap stones (0--9)

If there is already a game in progress you may resume it instead of
starting a new one.  See `gnugo-board-mode' documentation for more info."
  (interactive "P")
  (let* ((all (let (acc)
                (dolist (buf (buffer-list))
                  (when (gnugo-board-buffer-p buf)
                    (push (cons (buffer-name buf) buf) acc)))
         (n (length all)))
    (if (and (not new-game)
             (< 0 n)
             (y-or-n-p (format "GNU Go game%s in progress, resume play? "
                               (if (= 1 n) "" "s"))))
        ;; resume
         (cdr (if (= 1 n)
                  (car all)
                (let ((sel (completing-read "Which one? " all nil t)))
                  (if (string= "" sel)
                      (car all)
                    (assoc sel all))))))
      ;; set up a new board
      (let ((half (ash (1+ (gnugo-get :board-size)) -1)))
        (gnugo-goto-pos (format "A%d" half))
        (forward-char (* 2 (1- half)))
        (gnugo-put :last-user-bpos
          (gnugo-put :center-position
            (get-text-property (point) 'gnugo-position))))
      ;; first move
      (if (and (fboundp 'display-images-p) (display-images-p))
	    (gnugo-refresh t)))
      (gnugo-put :game-start-time (current-time))
      (let ((g (gnugo-get :gnugo-color))
            (n (gnugo-get :handicap))
            (u (gnugo-get :user-color)))
        (gnugo-put :last-mover g)
        (when (or (and (string= "black" u) (< 1 n))
                  (and (string= "black" g) (< n 2)))
          (gnugo-put :last-mover u)
          (gnugo-refresh t)
          (gnugo-get-move g))))))

;;; Load-time actions

(unless gnugo-board-mode-map
  (setq gnugo-board-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
  (suppress-keymap gnugo-board-mode-map)
  (mapcar (lambda (pair)
            (define-key gnugo-board-mode-map (car pair) (cdr pair)))
          '(("?"        . describe-mode)
            ("\C-m"     . gnugo-move)
            (" "        . gnugo-move)
            ("P"        . gnugo-pass)
            ("R"        . gnugo-resign)
            ("q"        . (lambda () (interactive)
                            (if (or (gnugo-get :game-over)
                                    (y-or-n-p "Quit? "))
                                (kill-buffer nil)
                              (message "(not quitting)"))))
            ("Q"        . (lambda () (interactive)
                            (kill-buffer nil)))
            ("U"        . (lambda (x) (interactive "P")
                             (cond ((numberp x) x)
                                   ((consp x) (car x))
                                   (t (gnugo-position))))))
            ("u"        . gnugo-undo-two-moves)
            ("r"        . gnugo-redo-two-moves)
            ("f"        . gnugo-redo)
            ("b"        . gnugo-undo)
            ("j"        . (lambda (x) (interactive "nJump to move number: ")
			    (gnugo-jump-to-move x)))
            ("<"        . gnugo-jump-to-beginning)
	    (">"        . gnugo-jump-to-end)
            ("\C-l"     . gnugo-refresh)
            ("\M-_"     . bury-buffer)
            ("_"        . bury-buffer)
            ("h"        . gnugo-move-history)
            ("i"        . (lambda () (interactive)
                            (save-excursion (gnugo-refresh))))
	    ("e"        . gnugo-toggle-edit-mode)
            ("w"        . gnugo-worm-stones)
            ("W"        . gnugo-worm-data)
            ("d"        . gnugo-dragon-stones)
            ("D"        . gnugo-dragon-data)
            ("t"        . gnugo-toggle-dead-group)
            ("g"        . gnugo-toggle-grid)
            ("v"        . gnugo-view-regression)
            ("!"        . gnugo-estimate-score)
            (":"        . gnugo-command)
            (";"        . gnugo-command)
            ("="        . (lambda () (interactive)
                            (message (gnugo-position))))
            ("s"        . gnugo-write-sgf-file)
            ("\C-x\C-s" . gnugo-write-sgf-file)
            ("\C-x\C-w" . gnugo-write-sgf-file)
            ("l"        . gnugo-read-sgf-file)
            ("F"        . gnugo-display-final-score)
            ;; mouse
            ([(down-mouse-1)] . gnugo-mouse-move)
            ([(down-mouse-3)] . gnugo-mouse-pass))))

(unless (get 'help :gnugo-gtp-command-spec)
  (flet ((sget (x) (get x :gnugo-gtp-command-spec))
         (jam (cmd prop val) (put cmd :gnugo-gtp-command-spec
                                  (plist-put (sget cmd) prop val)))
         (add (cmd prop val) (jam cmd prop (let ((cur (plist-get
                                                       (sget cmd)
                                             (append (delete val cur)
                                                     (list val)))))
         (defgtp (x &rest props) (dolist (cmd (if (symbolp x) (list x) x))
                                   (let ((ls props))
                                     (while ls
                                       (funcall (if (eq :post-hook (car ls))
                                                cmd (car ls) (cadr ls))
                                       (setq ls (cddr ls)))))))

    (defgtp 'help :full
      (lambda (sel)
        (info "(gnugo)GTP command reference")
        (when sel (setq sel (intern (car sel))))
        (let (buffer-read-only pad cur spec output found)
          (flet ((note (s) (insert pad "[NOTE: gnugo.el " s ".]\n")))
            (goto-char (point-min))
              (while (re-search-forward "^ *[*] \\([a-zA-Z_]+\\)\\(:.*\\)*\n"
                                        (point-max) t)
                (unless pad
                  (setq pad (make-string (- (match-beginning 1)
                                            (match-beginning 0))
                (when (plist-get
                       (setq spec
                             (get (setq cur (intern (match-string 1)))
                  (note "handles this command completely"))
                (when (setq output (plist-get spec :output))
                  (cond ((functionp output)
                         (note "handles the output specially"))
                        ((eq :discard output)
                         (note "discards the output"))
                        ((eq :message output)
                         (note "displays the output in the echo area"))))
                (when (eq sel cur)
                  (setq found (match-beginning 0))))))
          (cond (found (goto-char found))
                ((not sel))
                (t (message "(no such command: %s)" sel))))))

    (defgtp 'final_score :full
      (lambda (sel) (gnugo-display-final-score)))

    (defgtp '(boardsize
      :output :discard
      :post-hook (lambda ()
                   (dolist (prop '(:game-over
                     (gnugo-put prop nil))
                   (flet ((n! (p q) (gnugo-put p
                                       (gnugo-query q)))))
                     (n! :komi "get_komi")
                     (n! :handicap "get_handicap")
                     (n! :board-size "query_boardsize"))
                   (gnugo-refresh t)))

    (defgtp 'loadsgf
      :output (lambda (ans)
                (unless (= ?= (aref ans 0))
                  (error ans))
                (let* ((play (substring ans 2))
                       (wait (gnugo-other play))
                       (samep (string= (gnugo-get :user-color) play)))
                  (unless samep
                    (gnugo-put :gnugo-color wait)
                    (gnugo-put :user-color play))
                  ;; fixme: re-init :sgf-tree here.
                  (message "GNU Go %splays as %s, you as %s (%s)"
                           (if samep "" "now ")
                           wait play (if samep
                                         "as before"
                                       "NOTE: this is a switch!")))))

    (defgtp '(undo gg-undo) :full
      (lambda (sel) (gnugo-magic-undo
                     (let (n)
                       (cond ((not sel) 1)
                             ((< 0 (setq n (string-to-number (car sel)))) n)
                             (t (car sel)))))))))

(provide 'gnugo)

;;; ttn-sez: worth-compiling
;;; gnugo.el ends here