/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\ * This is GNU Go, a Go program. Contact gnugo@gnu.org, or see * * http://www.gnu.org/software/gnugo/ for more information. * * * * Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, * * 2008 and 2009 by the Free Software Foundation. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation - version 3 or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License in file COPYING for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free * * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * * Boston, MA 02111, USA. * \* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ #include "gnugo.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "liberty.h" #include "sgftree.h" #include "gg_utils.h" #include "random.h" #include <math.h> /* FIXME: Replace with a DEBUG_MC symbol for use with -d. */ static int mc_debug = 0; #define TURN_OFF_ASSERTIONS 1 /* Special board code for Monte Carlo simulations. * * A liberty edge is the combination of the position of the liberty * and the direction to a string given by the index into the delta[] * array. A liberty edge at lib with corresponding string in direction * delta[dir] is encoded as (lib << 2 | dir). * * The stones of a string are linked in a cyclic list through the * next_stone field, just like the global board does. * * Likewise the liberty edges corresponding to each string are * connected in a doubly linked cyclic list through the * previous_liberty_edge and next_liberty_edge fields. * * The reference stone has to be the same for every stone in a string * but it doesn't have to be a predictable one, in contrast to the * origin in the global board. The reference stone is the only one * which is guaranteed to have a valid pointer to the "first" liberty * edge (just an arbitrary element in the circular list). * * The local_context field contains information about the surrounding * 8 points. The bit layout is * * 23 : Black suicide. * 22 : White suicide. * 21 : Black self-atari. * 20 : White self-atari. * 19,18: Number of stones captured by black move. * 17,16: Number of stones captured by white move. * 15,14: Color to the southeast. * 13,12: Color to the northeast. * 11,10: Color to the northwest. * 9, 8: Color to the southwest. * 7, 6: Color to the east. * 5, 4: Color to the north. * 3, 2: Color to the west. * 1, 0: Color to the south. * * The number of stones in atari is 0 if empty or not atari, 1 if one * stone in atari, 2 if two stones in atari, and 3 if three or more stones * in atari. * * The queue array is used to form a linked single list data structure * with O(1) add, O(1) lookup, and O(n) delete operations. The * assumption is that v1 = queue[0] points to the first board vertex * in the list, v2 = queue[v1] points to the second vertex and so on. * The list ends when the next vertex is the off-board point 1. Board * vertices not included in the list have queue[v1] = 0. Thus an empty * list is characterized by queue[0] = 1 and queue[v] = 0 for all * vertices on the board. Generally queue[v] can be used to test for * membership in the list. The list is used to keep track of points * needing updated local context or value information. * * The move_values_*, partitioned_move_value_sums_*, * move_partition_lists_*, and move_value_sum_* fields are together * used to track move values and quickly sample according the * distribution determined by the move values. * * The move_values_* arrays naturally hold the values of each move. * * The move_partition_lists_* arrays form a two-level access to the * legal moves of respective color. Depending on the MAX_BOARD size, * the vertices are split into 2, 4, 8, or 16 partitions (see below) * where the partition number of each vertex is given by the 1, 2, 3, * or 4 least significant bits of the vertex index respectively. The * legal moves in each partition are linked together just like the * queue array described above. The only difference is that multiple * partition linked lists are represented in the same array by * starting from out of board indices 0..1, 0..3, 0..7, and 0..15 * respectively. * * The partitioned_move_value_sums_* arrays are simply the sums of * move values in each partition and the move_value_sum_white_* fields * are the sum of the values of all legal moves. */ #if MAX_BOARD < 4 #define NUM_MOVE_PARTITIONS 2 #elif MAX_BOARD < 8 #define NUM_MOVE_PARTITIONS 4 #elif MAX_BOARD < 16 #define NUM_MOVE_PARTITIONS 8 #else #define NUM_MOVE_PARTITIONS 16 #endif struct mc_board { Intersection board[BOARDSIZE]; int local_context[BOARDSIZE]; int queue[BOARDMAX]; unsigned int move_values_white[BOARDMAX]; unsigned int move_values_black[BOARDMAX]; unsigned int partitioned_move_value_sums_white[NUM_MOVE_PARTITIONS]; unsigned int partitioned_move_value_sums_black[NUM_MOVE_PARTITIONS]; int move_partition_lists_white[BOARDMAX]; int move_partition_lists_black[BOARDMAX]; unsigned int move_value_sum_white; unsigned int move_value_sum_black; int board_ko_pos; int reference_stone[BOARDMAX]; int next_stone[BOARDMAX]; int first_liberty_edge[BOARDMAX]; int previous_liberty_edge[4 * BOARDMAX]; int next_liberty_edge[4 * BOARDMAX]; Hash_data hash; }; #define MC_ADD_TO_UPDATE_QUEUE(mc, pos) \ do { \ if (!mc->queue[pos]) { \ mc->queue[pos] = mc->queue[0]; \ mc->queue[0] = pos; \ } \ } while (0) #define MC_ON_BOARD(pos) (mc->board[pos] != GRAY) /* Add a liberty edge for a string at pos with liberty at lib and * direction dir. */ static void mc_add_liberty_edge(struct mc_board *mc, int pos, int lib, int dir) { int this_liberty_edge = (lib << 2) | dir; int reference = mc->reference_stone[pos]; int first_liberty_edge = mc->first_liberty_edge[reference]; #if !TURN_OFF_ASSERTIONS gg_assert(lib + delta[dir] == pos); #endif if (first_liberty_edge) { int second_liberty_edge = mc->next_liberty_edge[first_liberty_edge]; mc->previous_liberty_edge[this_liberty_edge] = first_liberty_edge; mc->next_liberty_edge[this_liberty_edge] = second_liberty_edge; mc->next_liberty_edge[first_liberty_edge] = this_liberty_edge; mc->previous_liberty_edge[second_liberty_edge] = this_liberty_edge; } else { mc->first_liberty_edge[reference] = this_liberty_edge; mc->next_liberty_edge[this_liberty_edge] = this_liberty_edge; mc->previous_liberty_edge[this_liberty_edge] = this_liberty_edge; } } /* Remove a liberty edge for a string at pos with liberty at lib and * direction dir. */ static int mc_remove_liberty_edge(struct mc_board *mc, int pos, int lib, int dir) { int reference = mc->reference_stone[pos]; int this_liberty_edge = (lib << 2) | dir; int next = mc->next_liberty_edge[this_liberty_edge]; int previous = mc->previous_liberty_edge[this_liberty_edge]; #if !TURN_OFF_ASSERTIONS gg_assert(lib + delta[dir] == pos); #endif if (next == this_liberty_edge) { mc->first_liberty_edge[reference] = 0; return 0; } mc->next_liberty_edge[previous] = next; mc->previous_liberty_edge[next] = previous; if (mc->first_liberty_edge[reference] == this_liberty_edge) mc->first_liberty_edge[reference] = next; return next; } /* Join the strings at str1 and str2. It is assumed that str1 is a * newly placed stone (possibly already joined with other strings) and * that the liberty edge corresponding to the liberty at the newly * placed stone has not yet been removed. */ static void mc_join_strings(struct mc_board *mc, int str1, int str2) { int reference = mc->reference_stone[str2]; int liberty_edge2 = mc->first_liberty_edge[reference]; int liberty_edge1 = mc->first_liberty_edge[mc->reference_stone[str1]]; int next1; int next2; int pos = str1; /* Update the reference stone for str1. */ do { mc->reference_stone[pos] = reference; pos = mc->next_stone[pos]; } while (pos != str1); /* Switch next_stone pointers to join the strings. */ next1 = mc->next_stone[str1]; mc->next_stone[str1] = mc->next_stone[str2]; mc->next_stone[str2] = next1; /* Join the circular liberty_edge structures. We know that str2 * still has a liberty listed at the newly added stone so * liberty_edge2 is guaranteed to be non-zero. */ if (liberty_edge1 != 0) { next1 = mc->next_liberty_edge[liberty_edge1]; next2 = mc->next_liberty_edge[liberty_edge2]; mc->next_liberty_edge[liberty_edge1] = next2; mc->next_liberty_edge[liberty_edge2] = next1; mc->previous_liberty_edge[next1] = liberty_edge2; mc->previous_liberty_edge[next2] = liberty_edge1; } } /* Does the string at str have at most two liberties? In that case, * add them to the update queue. */ static void mc_queue_max_two_liberties(struct mc_board *mc, int str) { int reference = mc->reference_stone[str]; int first_liberty_edge = mc->first_liberty_edge[reference]; int first_liberty = first_liberty_edge >> 2; int liberty_edge = mc->next_liberty_edge[first_liberty_edge]; int second_liberty; #if !TURN_OFF_ASSERTIONS ASSERT1(IS_STONE(mc->board[str]), str); #endif if (first_liberty == NO_MOVE) return; while (liberty_edge != first_liberty_edge) { if ((liberty_edge >> 2) != first_liberty) { second_liberty = liberty_edge >> 2; while (liberty_edge != first_liberty_edge) { if ((liberty_edge >> 2) != first_liberty && (liberty_edge >> 2) != second_liberty) return; liberty_edge = mc->next_liberty_edge[liberty_edge]; } MC_ADD_TO_UPDATE_QUEUE(mc, first_liberty); MC_ADD_TO_UPDATE_QUEUE(mc, second_liberty); return; } liberty_edge = mc->next_liberty_edge[liberty_edge]; } MC_ADD_TO_UPDATE_QUEUE(mc, first_liberty); } /* Remove the string at str from the board. */ static int mc_remove_string(struct mc_board *mc, int str) { int color = mc->board[str]; int other = OTHER_COLOR(color); int pos = str; int num_removed_stones = 0; int k; do { for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) { if (k < 4 && mc->board[pos + delta[k]] == other) { mc_queue_max_two_liberties(mc, pos + delta[k]); mc_add_liberty_edge(mc, pos + delta[k], pos, k); } if (mc->board[pos + delta[k]] == EMPTY) MC_ADD_TO_UPDATE_QUEUE(mc, pos + delta[k]); } mc->board[pos] = EMPTY; mc->local_context[NW(pos)] ^= color << 14; mc->local_context[SW(pos)] ^= color << 12; mc->local_context[SE(pos)] ^= color << 10; mc->local_context[NE(pos)] ^= color << 8; mc->local_context[WEST(pos)] ^= color << 6; mc->local_context[SOUTH(pos)] ^= color << 4; mc->local_context[EAST(pos)] ^= color << 2; mc->local_context[NORTH(pos)] ^= color; hashdata_invert_stone(&(mc->hash), pos, color); MC_ADD_TO_UPDATE_QUEUE(mc, pos); num_removed_stones++; pos = mc->next_stone[pos]; } while (pos != str); return num_removed_stones; } /* Initialize a Monte Carlo board struct from the global board. */ static void mc_init_board_from_global_board(struct mc_board *mc) { int stones[BOARDMAX]; int num_stones; int pos; int k; int r; memcpy(mc->board, board, sizeof(mc->board)); mc->board_ko_pos = board_ko_pos; mc->hash = board_hash; memset(mc->queue, 0, sizeof(mc->queue)); mc->queue[0] = 1; memset(mc->next_stone, 0, sizeof(mc->next_stone)); for (pos = BOARDMIN; pos < BOARDMAX; pos++) { int geometry = ((mc->board[SE(pos)] << 14) | (mc->board[NE(pos)] << 12) | (mc->board[NW(pos)] << 10) | (mc->board[SW(pos)] << 8) | (mc->board[EAST(pos)] << 6) | (mc->board[NORTH(pos)] << 4) | (mc->board[WEST(pos)] << 2) | mc->board[SOUTH(pos)]); mc->local_context[pos] = geometry; if (board[pos] == EMPTY) { int s; int captured_black_stones = 0; int captured_white_stones = 0; if (is_self_atari(pos, WHITE)) mc->local_context[pos] |= 1 << 20; if (is_self_atari(pos, BLACK)) mc->local_context[pos] |= 1 << 21; if (is_suicide(pos, WHITE)) mc->local_context[pos] |= 1 << 22; if (is_suicide(pos, BLACK)) mc->local_context[pos] |= 1 << 23; for (s = 0; s < 4; s++) { if (board[pos + delta[s]] == BLACK && countlib(pos + delta[s]) == 1) captured_black_stones += countstones(pos + delta[s]); else if (board[pos + delta[s]] == WHITE && countlib(pos + delta[s]) == 1) captured_white_stones += countstones(pos + delta[s]); } if (captured_black_stones > 3) captured_black_stones = 3; if (captured_white_stones > 3) captured_white_stones = 3; mc->local_context[pos] |= captured_black_stones << 16; mc->local_context[pos] |= captured_white_stones << 18; } if (IS_STONE(board[pos]) && mc->next_stone[pos] == 0) { num_stones = findstones(pos, BOARDMAX, stones); mc->first_liberty_edge[pos] = 0; for (r = 0; r < num_stones; r++) { mc->next_stone[stones[r]] = stones[(r + 1) % num_stones]; mc->reference_stone[stones[r]] = pos; for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) { if (board[stones[r] + delta[k]] == EMPTY) mc_add_liberty_edge(mc, stones[r], stones[r] + delta[k], (k + 2) % 4); } } } } } #if 0 /* Debug tool. */ static void mc_check_consistency_with_global_board(struct mc_board *mc) { int pos; ASSERT1(board_ko_pos == mc->board_ko_pos, mc->board_ko_pos); for (pos = 0; pos < BOARDSIZE; pos++) { ASSERT1(board[pos] == mc->board[pos], pos); if (IS_STONE(board[pos])) { ASSERT1(same_string(pos, mc->reference_stone[pos]), pos); if (find_origin(pos) == pos) { int reference = mc->reference_stone[pos]; int pos2 = pos; int num_stones = 0; int first_liberty_edge; int liberty_edge; int num_liberty_edges = 0; int k; int ml[4 * BOARDMAX]; memset(ml, 0, sizeof(ml)); do { ASSERT1(mc->reference_stone[pos2] == reference, pos2); ASSERT1(num_stones < countstones(pos), pos); num_stones++; for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) if (board[pos2 + delta[k]] == EMPTY) { ml[(pos2 + delta[k]) << 2 | (k + 2) % 4] = 1; num_liberty_edges++; } pos2 = mc->next_stone[pos2]; } while (pos2 != pos); ASSERT1(num_stones == countstones(pos), pos); first_liberty_edge = mc->first_liberty_edge[reference]; liberty_edge = first_liberty_edge; do { int previous = mc->previous_liberty_edge[liberty_edge]; int next = mc->next_liberty_edge[liberty_edge]; ASSERT1(ml[liberty_edge] == 1, pos); ml[liberty_edge] = 0; num_liberty_edges--; ASSERT1(mc->next_liberty_edge[previous] == liberty_edge, pos); ASSERT1(mc->previous_liberty_edge[next] == liberty_edge, pos); ASSERT1(liberty_of_string(liberty_edge >> 2, pos), pos); liberty_edge = mc->next_liberty_edge[liberty_edge]; } while (liberty_edge != first_liberty_edge); ASSERT1(num_liberty_edges == 0, pos); } } } } #endif /* Write the Monte Carlo board to outfile. */ static void mc_showboard(struct mc_board *mc, FILE *outfile) { int i, j; draw_letter_coordinates(outfile); for (i = 0; i < board_size; i++) { fprintf(outfile, "\n%2d", board_size - i); for (j = 0; j < board_size; j++) { if (mc->board[POS(i, j)] == EMPTY) fprintf(outfile, " %c", is_hoshi_point(i, j) ? '+' : '.'); else fprintf(outfile, " %c", mc->board[POS(i, j)] == BLACK ? 'X' : 'O'); } } fprintf(outfile, "\n"); draw_letter_coordinates(outfile); } /* Count the number of stones in the string at str. Stop counting if * maxstones is reached. */ static int mc_countstones(struct mc_board *mc, int str, int maxstones) { int stone = str; int num_stones = 0; do { num_stones++; stone = mc->next_stone[stone]; } while (stone != str && num_stones < maxstones); return num_stones; } /* Suicide is incrementally tracked by the local context information. */ #define mc_is_suicide(mc, pos, color) \ ((mc->local_context[pos] >> (21 + color)) & 1) #if !TURN_OFF_ASSERTIONS /* Is a move at pos by color legal? */ static int mc_is_legal(struct mc_board *mc, int pos, int color) { if (pos == PASS_MOVE) return 1; if (mc->board[pos] != EMPTY) return 0; if (pos == mc->board_ko_pos) { if (mc->board[WEST(pos)] == OTHER_COLOR(color) || mc->board[EAST(pos)] == OTHER_COLOR(color)) { return 0; } } return !mc_is_suicide(mc, pos, color); } #endif /* Is the string at str in atari? Always place one liberty of the * string in lib, unless it's a null pointer. */ static int mc_is_in_atari(struct mc_board *mc, int str, int *lib) { int reference = mc->reference_stone[str]; int first_liberty_edge = mc->first_liberty_edge[reference]; int liberty = first_liberty_edge >> 2; int liberty_edge = mc->next_liberty_edge[first_liberty_edge]; #if !TURN_OFF_ASSERTIONS ASSERT1(IS_STONE(mc->board[str]), str); #endif if (lib) *lib = liberty; while (liberty_edge != first_liberty_edge) { if ((liberty_edge >> 2) != liberty) return 0; liberty_edge = mc->next_liberty_edge[liberty_edge]; } return 1; } /* Does the liberty edge chain at first_liberty_edge contain more than * one distinct liberty? */ static int mc_is_in_atari2(struct mc_board *mc, int first_liberty, int first_liberty_edge) { int liberty_edge = mc->next_liberty_edge[first_liberty_edge]; while (liberty_edge != first_liberty_edge) { if ((liberty_edge >> 2) != first_liberty) return 0; liberty_edge = mc->next_liberty_edge[liberty_edge]; } return 1; } /* Count the number of stones that would be captured if color played at move. * Return at most the number given by maxstones. */ static int mc_stones_in_atari(struct mc_board *mc, int move, int color, int maxstones) { int k; int stones_in_atari = 0; for (k = 0; k < 4 && stones_in_atari < maxstones; k++) { int pos = move + delta[k]; if (mc->board[pos] == OTHER_COLOR(color) && mc_is_in_atari(mc, pos, NULL)) stones_in_atari += mc_countstones(mc, pos, maxstones - stones_in_atari); } return stones_in_atari; } /* Does the string at str have exactly two liberties? One liberty is * assumed to be known and passed in first_liberty, whereas the second * is placed in second_liberty. */ static int mc_has_two_liberties_one_given(struct mc_board *mc, int str, int first_liberty, int *second_liberty) { int reference = mc->reference_stone[str]; int first_liberty_edge = mc->first_liberty_edge[reference]; int liberty_edge = first_liberty_edge; *second_liberty = NO_MOVE; do { int liberty = liberty_edge >> 2; if (liberty != first_liberty) { if (*second_liberty == NO_MOVE) *second_liberty = liberty; else if (liberty != *second_liberty) return 0; } liberty_edge = mc->next_liberty_edge[liberty_edge]; } while (liberty_edge != first_liberty_edge); return (*second_liberty != NO_MOVE); } /* Is a move at pos by color a self atari? */ static int mc_is_self_atari(struct mc_board *mc, int pos, int color) { int k; int captured = NO_MOVE; int liberty = NO_MOVE; int reference; int other; /* Quick test which is often effective. */ if (((mc->board[SOUTH(pos)] == EMPTY) + (mc->board[WEST(pos)] == EMPTY) + (mc->board[NORTH(pos)] == EMPTY) + (mc->board[EAST(pos)] == EMPTY)) > 1) return 0; /* Otherwise look closer. */ for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) { int first_liberty_edge; int liberty_edge; int additional_liberty = 0; int pos2 = pos + delta[k]; if (mc->board[pos2] == EMPTY) { if (pos2 != liberty) { if (liberty != NO_MOVE) return 0; else liberty = pos2; } } else if (IS_STONE(mc->board[pos2])) { first_liberty_edge = (pos << 2) | k; liberty_edge = mc->next_liberty_edge[first_liberty_edge]; while (liberty_edge != first_liberty_edge) { int lib = liberty_edge >> 2; if (lib != pos) { additional_liberty = 1; if (mc->board[pos2] == color) { if (lib != liberty) { if (liberty != NO_MOVE) return 0; else liberty = lib; } } else break; } liberty_edge = mc->next_liberty_edge[liberty_edge]; } if (mc->board[pos2] != color && additional_liberty == 0) { captured = pos2; if (pos2 != liberty) { if (liberty != NO_MOVE) return 0; else liberty = pos2; } } } } if (liberty == NO_MOVE || captured == NO_MOVE) return 1; /* Now only the difficult case remains where there was no adjacent * empty stone, no adjacent friendly stone with an extra liberty, * and exactly one neighbor was captured. Then the question is * whether the capture produced a second liberty elsewhere. */ reference = mc->reference_stone[captured]; other = OTHER_COLOR(color); for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) { if (mc->board[pos + delta[k]] == color) { int stone = pos + delta[k]; do { int m; for (m = 0; m < 4; m++) { int pos2 = stone + delta[m]; if (mc->board[pos2] == other && pos2 != captured && mc->reference_stone[pos2] == reference) return 0; } stone = mc->next_stone[stone]; } while (stone != pos + delta[k]); } } return 1; } /* Update the local context information at pos, except the geometric * information, by recomputing it. Most of the information is obtained * by analyzing the presence of empty vertices or stones in atari * adjacent to pos. * * FIXME: There's some computations wasted by calling the full * mc_is_self_atari() and mc_stones_in_atari() functions when parts of * the relevant information is already available. */ static void mc_update_local_context(struct mc_board *mc, int pos) { int min_white_liberties = 0; int min_black_liberties = 0; int white_liberty_through_stones = 0; int black_liberty_through_stones = 0; int min_white_captured_stones = 0; int min_black_captured_stones = 0; int white_suicide = 0; int black_suicide = 0; int white_self_atari = 0; int black_self_atari = 0; int white_captured_stones = 0; int black_captured_stones = 0; int k; for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) { int pos2 = pos + delta[k]; switch (mc->board[pos2]) { case EMPTY: min_white_liberties++; min_black_liberties++; break; case WHITE: if (mc_is_in_atari2(mc, pos, (pos << 2) | k)) { min_black_liberties++; min_white_captured_stones++; } else white_liberty_through_stones = 1; break; case BLACK: if (mc_is_in_atari2(mc, pos, (pos << 2) | k)) { min_white_liberties++; min_black_captured_stones++; } else black_liberty_through_stones = 1; break; } } if (min_white_liberties + white_liberty_through_stones == 0) { white_suicide = 1; white_self_atari = 1; } else if (min_white_liberties <= 1) white_self_atari = mc_is_self_atari(mc, pos, WHITE); if (min_black_liberties + black_liberty_through_stones == 0) { black_suicide = 1; black_self_atari = 1; } else if (min_black_liberties <= 1) black_self_atari = mc_is_self_atari(mc, pos, BLACK); if (min_white_captured_stones >= 3) white_captured_stones = 3; else if (min_white_captured_stones > 0) white_captured_stones = mc_stones_in_atari(mc, pos, BLACK, 3); if (min_black_captured_stones >= 3) black_captured_stones = 3; else if (min_black_captured_stones > 0) black_captured_stones = mc_stones_in_atari(mc, pos, WHITE, 3); mc->local_context[pos] &= 0xffff; mc->local_context[pos] |= black_captured_stones << 16; mc->local_context[pos] |= white_captured_stones << 18; mc->local_context[pos] |= white_self_atari << 20; mc->local_context[pos] |= black_self_atari << 21; mc->local_context[pos] |= white_suicide << 22; mc->local_context[pos] |= black_suicide << 23; } /* Play the move at pos by color. */ static int mc_play_move(struct mc_board *mc, int pos, int color) { int k; int captured_stones = 0; int num_direct_liberties = 0; int pos2; /* Clear the update queue. */ while (mc->queue[0] != 1) { pos2 = mc->queue[0]; mc->queue[0] = mc->queue[pos2]; mc->queue[pos2] = 0; } if (pos == PASS_MOVE) { if (mc->board_ko_pos != NO_MOVE) hashdata_invert_ko(&mc->hash, mc->board_ko_pos); mc->board_ko_pos = NO_MOVE; return 1; } /* The move must not be the ko point. */ if (pos == mc->board_ko_pos) { if (mc->board[WEST(pos)] == OTHER_COLOR(color) || mc->board[EAST(pos)] == OTHER_COLOR(color)) { return 0; } } /* Test for suicide. */ if (mc_is_suicide(mc, pos, color)) return 0; if (mc->board_ko_pos != NO_MOVE) hashdata_invert_ko(&mc->hash, mc->board_ko_pos); mc->board_ko_pos = NO_MOVE; #if !TURN_OFF_ASSERTIONS ASSERT1(mc->board[pos] == EMPTY, pos); #endif mc->board[pos] = color; hashdata_invert_stone(&mc->hash, pos, color); mc->next_stone[pos] = pos; /* Update the geometry part of the local context. */ mc->local_context[NW(pos)] |= color << 14; mc->local_context[SW(pos)] |= color << 12; mc->local_context[SE(pos)] |= color << 10; mc->local_context[NE(pos)] |= color << 8; mc->local_context[WEST(pos)] |= color << 6; mc->local_context[SOUTH(pos)] |= color << 4; mc->local_context[EAST(pos)] |= color << 2; mc->local_context[NORTH(pos)] |= color; mc->reference_stone[pos] = pos; mc->first_liberty_edge[pos] = 0; for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) { pos2 = pos + delta[k]; if (mc->board[pos2] == EMPTY) { mc_add_liberty_edge(mc, pos, pos2, (k + 2) % 4); num_direct_liberties++; MC_ADD_TO_UPDATE_QUEUE(mc, pos2); } } for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) { int liberty; pos2 = pos + delta[k]; if (mc->board[pos2] == color) { if (mc->reference_stone[pos] != mc->reference_stone[pos2]) { if (mc_has_two_liberties_one_given(mc, pos2, pos, &liberty)) MC_ADD_TO_UPDATE_QUEUE(mc, liberty); mc_join_strings(mc, pos, pos2); } mc_remove_liberty_edge(mc, pos2, pos, k); } } for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) { pos2 = pos + delta[k]; if (mc->board[pos2] == OTHER_COLOR(color)) { if (mc_remove_liberty_edge(mc, pos2, pos, k) == 0) captured_stones += mc_remove_string(mc, pos2); else mc_queue_max_two_liberties(mc, pos2); } } if (captured_stones == 1 && mc->next_stone[pos] == pos && num_direct_liberties == 0) { mc->board_ko_pos = mc->first_liberty_edge[pos] >> 2; hashdata_invert_ko(&mc->hash, mc->board_ko_pos); } mc_queue_max_two_liberties(mc, pos); /* Traverse the update queue and update the local context for queued * points. */ for (pos2 = mc->queue[0]; pos2 != 1; pos2 = mc->queue[pos2]) if (pos2 != pos) mc_update_local_context(mc, pos2); /* Add the immediate neighborhood of the move to the update queue * for recomputation of move values later on. */ MC_ADD_TO_UPDATE_QUEUE(mc, pos); for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) if (mc->board[pos + delta[k]] == EMPTY) MC_ADD_TO_UPDATE_QUEUE(mc, pos + delta[k]); return 1; } /***************************************************/ #define NUM_GEOMETRIES 1107 #define NUM_PROPERTIES 256 struct mc_pattern_table { unsigned short geometry_table[65536]; unsigned int values[(NUM_GEOMETRIES + 1) * NUM_PROPERTIES]; }; static struct mc_pattern_table mc_patterns; /* The pattern number is determined by the following bit layout: * 18-8: Geometry number (range 1..1107) * 7 : Opponent suicide * 6 : Our self-atari * 5 : Opponent self-atari * 4,3 : Our captures * 2,1 : Opponent captures * 0 : Near */ static int mc_find_pattern_number(struct mc_board *mc, int move, int color, int near_previous_move) { int local_context = mc->local_context[move]; int properties; int geometry; if (color == WHITE) { properties = (((local_context >> 16) & 0xa0) | ((local_context >> 14) & 0x40) | ((local_context >> 17) & 0x06) | ((local_context >> 13) & 0x18)); geometry = local_context & 0xffff; } else { properties = (local_context >> 15) & 0xfe; geometry = (((local_context & 0x5555) << 1) | ((local_context & 0xaaaa) >> 1)); } return ((mc_patterns.geometry_table[geometry] << 8) | properties | near_previous_move); } /* Geometry patterns have the neighborhood defined by the order * * 637 * 2*4 * 518 * * where * is the point to play. The reason for this seemingly * arbitrary order is to be consistent with the delta[] array * of point offsets. * * The 8 rotation/mirror transformations are given by reordering the * points like this: * 12345678 no transform * 41238567 rotation 90 * 34127856 rotation 180 * 23416785 rotation 270 * 14328765 mirror * 21435876 mirror + rotation 90 * 32146587 mirror + rotation 180 * 43217658 mirror + rotation 270 * * The geometry is encoded by a 16-bit integer where point 1 goes into * the 2 least significant bits and point 8 into the 2 most * significant bits. Each pair of bits contain the corresponding * EMPTY, WHITE, BLACK, GRAY (off board) values. */ static unsigned short mc_register_geometry_pattern(unsigned int pattern, unsigned short n) { int k; int j; unsigned int transformed_pattern; if (mc_patterns.geometry_table[pattern] != 0) return 0; for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) { transformed_pattern = pattern; if (k >= 4) { /* Mirror pattern. */ transformed_pattern = (((pattern & 0x0300) << 6) | ((pattern & 0x000c) << 4) | ((pattern & 0x0c00) << 2) | (pattern & 0x0033) | ((pattern & 0x3000) >> 2) | ((pattern & 0x00c0) >> 4) | ((pattern & 0xc000) >> 6)); } /* Rotate pattern. */ for (j = 0; j < k % 4; j++) { transformed_pattern = (((transformed_pattern & 0xc0c0) >> 6) | ((transformed_pattern & 0x3f3f) << 2)); } mc_patterns.geometry_table[transformed_pattern] = n; } return 1; } /* Compute the mapping from 8-point local neighborhoods to rotation * invariant geometry numbers. */ static void mc_init_pattern_geometries(void) { unsigned int pattern; unsigned short n = 1; static int initialized = 0; if (initialized) return; initialized = 1; memset(mc_patterns.geometry_table, 0, sizeof(mc_patterns.geometry_table)); for (pattern = 0; pattern < 65536; pattern++) { unsigned int off_board = (pattern & (pattern >> 1)) & 0x5555; if (off_board == 0x0 || off_board == 0x1410 || off_board == 0x5450) n += mc_register_geometry_pattern(pattern, n); } gg_assert(n == NUM_GEOMETRIES + 1); } /* Determine which geometry numbers are matched by a pattern with * possible wildcards, for use when loading pattern databases. * * This function is recursive with the argument n determining which * point in the neighborhood is expanded for wildcards. */ static void mc_match_geometries(int pattern[8], int *matching_geometries, int n) { int k; int geometry = 0; if (n == 8) { /* The pattern has been fully expanded. Find the geometry number. */ for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) { if (pattern[k] == 'O') geometry |= WHITE << (2 * k); else if (pattern[k] == 'X') geometry |= BLACK << (2 * k); else if (pattern[k] == '+' || pattern[k] == '|' || pattern[k] == '-') geometry |= (WHITE | BLACK) << (2 * k); } if (mc_patterns.geometry_table[geometry] != 0) { matching_geometries[mc_patterns.geometry_table[geometry]] = 1; } } else { /* Recurse with all possible expansions of the current * neighborhood point. */ int new_pattern[8]; memcpy(new_pattern, pattern, sizeof(new_pattern)); switch (pattern[n]) { case '.': case 'O': case 'X': case '|': case '-': case '+': mc_match_geometries(new_pattern, matching_geometries, n + 1); break; case 'o': new_pattern[n] = '.'; mc_match_geometries(new_pattern, matching_geometries, n + 1); new_pattern[n] = 'O'; mc_match_geometries(new_pattern, matching_geometries, n + 1); break; case 'x': new_pattern[n] = '.'; mc_match_geometries(new_pattern, matching_geometries, n + 1); new_pattern[n] = 'X'; mc_match_geometries(new_pattern, matching_geometries, n + 1); break; case '?': new_pattern[n] = '.'; mc_match_geometries(new_pattern, matching_geometries, n + 1); new_pattern[n] = 'O'; mc_match_geometries(new_pattern, matching_geometries, n + 1); new_pattern[n] = 'X'; mc_match_geometries(new_pattern, matching_geometries, n + 1); break; case '%': new_pattern[n] = '.'; mc_match_geometries(new_pattern, matching_geometries, n + 1); new_pattern[n] = 'O'; mc_match_geometries(new_pattern, matching_geometries, n + 1); new_pattern[n] = 'X'; mc_match_geometries(new_pattern, matching_geometries, n + 1); new_pattern[n] = '+'; mc_match_geometries(new_pattern, matching_geometries, n + 1); break; } } } /* Clear a subset of the property combinations determined by shift, * mask, and value. */ static void mc_clear_properties(int *properties, int shift, int mask, int value) { int k; for (k = 0; k < NUM_PROPERTIES; k++) if (((k >> shift) & mask) == value) properties[k] = 0; } /* Find which property combinations are consistent with the rules * given in buf. */ static void mc_analyze_properties(char *buf, int *properties) { int k; /* First set all properties. */ for (k = 0; k < NUM_PROPERTIES; k++) properties[k] = 1; /* Then reset the ones which are inconsistent. */ if (strstr(buf, "near")) mc_clear_properties(properties, 0, 1, 0); if (strstr(buf, "far")) mc_clear_properties(properties, 0, 1, 1); if (strstr(buf, "xcap0")) { mc_clear_properties(properties, 1, 3, 1); mc_clear_properties(properties, 1, 3, 2); mc_clear_properties(properties, 1, 3, 3); } if (strstr(buf, "xcap1+")) mc_clear_properties(properties, 1, 3, 0); else if (strstr(buf, "xcap1-")) { mc_clear_properties(properties, 1, 3, 2); mc_clear_properties(properties, 1, 3, 3); } else if (strstr(buf, "xcap1")) { mc_clear_properties(properties, 1, 3, 0); mc_clear_properties(properties, 1, 3, 2); mc_clear_properties(properties, 1, 3, 3); } if (strstr(buf, "xcap2+")) { mc_clear_properties(properties, 1, 3, 0); mc_clear_properties(properties, 1, 3, 1); } else if (strstr(buf, "xcap2-")) mc_clear_properties(properties, 1, 3, 3); else if (strstr(buf, "xcap2")) { mc_clear_properties(properties, 1, 3, 0); mc_clear_properties(properties, 1, 3, 1); mc_clear_properties(properties, 1, 3, 3); } if (strstr(buf, "xcap3")) { mc_clear_properties(properties, 1, 3, 0); mc_clear_properties(properties, 1, 3, 1); mc_clear_properties(properties, 1, 3, 2); } if (strstr(buf, "ocap0")) { mc_clear_properties(properties, 3, 3, 1); mc_clear_properties(properties, 3, 3, 2); mc_clear_properties(properties, 3, 3, 3); } if (strstr(buf, "ocap1+")) mc_clear_properties(properties, 3, 3, 0); else if (strstr(buf, "ocap1-")) { mc_clear_properties(properties, 3, 3, 2); mc_clear_properties(properties, 3, 3, 3); } else if (strstr(buf, "ocap1")) { mc_clear_properties(properties, 3, 3, 0); mc_clear_properties(properties, 3, 3, 2); mc_clear_properties(properties, 3, 3, 3); } if (strstr(buf, "ocap2+")) { mc_clear_properties(properties, 3, 3, 0); mc_clear_properties(properties, 3, 3, 1); } else if (strstr(buf, "ocap2-")) mc_clear_properties(properties, 3, 3, 3); else if (strstr(buf, "ocap2")) { mc_clear_properties(properties, 3, 3, 0); mc_clear_properties(properties, 3, 3, 1); mc_clear_properties(properties, 3, 3, 3); } if (strstr(buf, "ocap3")) { mc_clear_properties(properties, 3, 3, 0); mc_clear_properties(properties, 3, 3, 1); mc_clear_properties(properties, 3, 3, 2); } if (strstr(buf, "xsafe")) mc_clear_properties(properties, 5, 1, 1); if (strstr(buf, "xunsafe")) mc_clear_properties(properties, 5, 1, 0); if (strstr(buf, "osafe")) mc_clear_properties(properties, 6, 1, 1); if (strstr(buf, "ounsafe")) mc_clear_properties(properties, 6, 1, 0); if (strstr(buf, "xsuicide")) mc_clear_properties(properties, 7, 1, 0); if (strstr(buf, "xnosuicide")) mc_clear_properties(properties, 7, 1, 1); } /* Export the size of the array mc_patterns.values so that external * callers of mc_load_patterns_from_db() know how big arrays to * allocate. */ int mc_get_size_of_pattern_values_table(void) { return (NUM_GEOMETRIES + 1) * NUM_PROPERTIES; } /* Load Monte Carlo patterns from file in .db format. If values is * NULL, load directly into mc_patterns.values. */ int mc_load_patterns_from_db(const char *filename, unsigned int *values) { FILE *pattern_file; char buf[80]; unsigned int value; int pattern_line = 0; int current_pattern[8]; int patterns_expanded = 0; int *matching_geometries; int properties[NUM_PROPERTIES]; int k; int m; if (!values) values = mc_patterns.values; mc_init_pattern_geometries(); pattern_file = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!pattern_file) { gprintf("Failed to open %s file.\n", filename); return 0; } matching_geometries = malloc((NUM_GEOMETRIES + 1) * sizeof(*matching_geometries)); /* Set unloaded patterns to a "-1" value. */ for (k = 1; k <= NUM_GEOMETRIES; k++) for (m = 0; m < NUM_PROPERTIES; m++) values[k * NUM_PROPERTIES + m] = 0xffffffffU; /* Loop over the rows of the pattern database. */ while (fgets(buf, 80, pattern_file)) { if (strchr(".xXoO|+-?%", buf[0])) { /* Pattern line found */ patterns_expanded = 0; if (pattern_line == 0) { current_pattern[5] = buf[0]; current_pattern[2] = buf[1]; current_pattern[6] = buf[2]; } else if (pattern_line == 1) { current_pattern[1] = buf[0]; current_pattern[3] = buf[2]; } else if (pattern_line == 2) { current_pattern[4] = buf[0]; current_pattern[0] = buf[1]; current_pattern[7] = buf[2]; } pattern_line++; } else if (sscanf(buf, ":%u", &value) == 1) { /* Colon line found. */ if (value > 10000000) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: pattern values should be at most 10000000."); if (!patterns_expanded) { /* Find the set of rotation invariant geometries matching the * pattern. */ memset(matching_geometries, 0, (NUM_GEOMETRIES + 1) * sizeof(*matching_geometries)); mc_match_geometries(current_pattern, matching_geometries, 0); patterns_expanded = 1; } /* Find the set of matching property values. */ mc_analyze_properties(buf, properties); /* Set the value for the combinations of matched geometries and * properties, except those which have already been matched by a * previous pattern. */ for (k = 1; k <= NUM_GEOMETRIES; k++) if (matching_geometries[k]) for (m = 0; m < NUM_PROPERTIES; m++) if (properties[m] && values[k * NUM_PROPERTIES + m] == 0xffffffffU) values[k * NUM_PROPERTIES + m] = value; pattern_line = 0; } } fclose(pattern_file); /* Set unmatched patterns/properties to a value of 1. */ for (k = 1; k <= NUM_GEOMETRIES; k++) for (m = 0; m < NUM_PROPERTIES; m++) if (values[k * NUM_PROPERTIES + m] == 0xffffffffU) values[k * NUM_PROPERTIES + m] = 1; free(matching_geometries); return 1; } /* Set up local pattern values. */ void mc_init_patterns(const unsigned int *values) { mc_init_pattern_geometries(); memcpy(mc_patterns.values, values, sizeof(mc_patterns.values)); } /* Initialize the data structures used to keep track of the local * pattern values. */ static void mc_init_move_values(struct mc_board *mc) { int pos; int k; memset(mc->move_values_white, 0, sizeof(mc->move_values_white)); memset(mc->move_values_black, 0, sizeof(mc->move_values_black)); memset(mc->partitioned_move_value_sums_white, 0, sizeof(mc->partitioned_move_value_sums_white)); memset(mc->partitioned_move_value_sums_black, 0, sizeof(mc->partitioned_move_value_sums_black)); memset(mc->move_partition_lists_white, 0, sizeof(mc->move_partition_lists_white)); memset(mc->move_partition_lists_black, 0, sizeof(mc->move_partition_lists_black)); mc->move_value_sum_white = 0.0; mc->move_value_sum_black = 0.0; for (k = 0; k < NUM_MOVE_PARTITIONS; k++) { mc->move_partition_lists_white[k] = 1; mc->move_partition_lists_black[k] = 1; } for (pos = BOARDMIN; pos < BOARDMAX; pos++) { if (mc->board[pos] == EMPTY) { int partition = pos & (NUM_MOVE_PARTITIONS - 1); if (!mc_is_suicide(mc, pos, WHITE)) { int pattern = mc_find_pattern_number(mc, pos, WHITE, 0); unsigned int value = mc_patterns.values[pattern]; mc->move_values_white[pos] = value; mc->partitioned_move_value_sums_white[partition] += value; mc->move_value_sum_white += value; mc->move_partition_lists_white[pos] = mc->move_partition_lists_white[partition]; mc->move_partition_lists_white[partition] = pos; } if (!mc_is_suicide(mc, pos, BLACK)) { int pattern = mc_find_pattern_number(mc, pos, BLACK, 0); unsigned int value = mc_patterns.values[pattern]; mc->move_values_black[pos] = value; mc->partitioned_move_value_sums_black[partition] += value; mc->move_value_sum_black += value; mc->move_partition_lists_black[pos] = mc->move_partition_lists_black[partition]; mc->move_partition_lists_black[partition] = pos; } } } } /* Add a move at a vertex which was previously not a legal move. */ static void mc_add_move(struct mc_board *mc, int pos, int color, int partition, unsigned int *move_values, int *partition_lists, unsigned int *partition_sums, unsigned int *move_value_sum) { int pattern = mc_find_pattern_number(mc, pos, color, 0); unsigned int value = mc_patterns.values[pattern]; partition_lists[pos] = partition_lists[partition]; partition_lists[partition] = pos; move_values[pos] = value; partition_sums[partition] += value; *move_value_sum += value; } /* Update a move value. */ static void mc_update_move(struct mc_board *mc, int pos, int color, int partition, unsigned int *move_values, unsigned int *partition_sums, unsigned int *move_value_sum) { int pattern = mc_find_pattern_number(mc, pos, color, 0); unsigned int value = mc_patterns.values[pattern]; partition_sums[partition] += value - move_values[pos]; *move_value_sum += value - move_values[pos]; move_values[pos] = value; } /* Remove a move because it has been played or has become suicide. */ static void mc_remove_move(int pos, int partition, unsigned int *move_values, int *partition_lists, unsigned int *partition_sums, unsigned int *move_value_sum) { int pos2; int pos3; for (pos2 = partition; partition_lists[pos2] != 1; pos2 = partition_lists[pos2]) { if (partition_lists[pos2] == pos) break; } pos3 = partition_lists[pos2]; partition_lists[pos2] = partition_lists[pos3]; partition_lists[pos3] = 0; partition_sums[partition] -= move_values[pos]; *move_value_sum -= move_values[pos]; move_values[pos] = 0.0; } /* Update move values for the moves listed in the update queue. */ static void mc_update_move_values(struct mc_board *mc) { int pos; int partition; for (pos = mc->queue[0]; pos != 1; pos = mc->queue[pos]) { partition = pos & (NUM_MOVE_PARTITIONS - 1); if ((mc->board[pos] != EMPTY || mc_is_suicide(mc, pos, WHITE))) { if (mc->move_partition_lists_white[pos] != 0) { mc_remove_move(pos, partition, mc->move_values_white, mc->move_partition_lists_white, mc->partitioned_move_value_sums_white, &mc->move_value_sum_white); } } else { if (mc->move_partition_lists_white[pos] == 0) mc_add_move(mc, pos, WHITE, partition, mc->move_values_white, mc->move_partition_lists_white, mc->partitioned_move_value_sums_white, &mc->move_value_sum_white); else mc_update_move(mc, pos, WHITE, partition, mc->move_values_white, mc->partitioned_move_value_sums_white, &mc->move_value_sum_white); } if ((mc->board[pos] != EMPTY || mc_is_suicide(mc, pos, BLACK))) { if (mc->move_partition_lists_black[pos] != 0) { mc_remove_move(pos, partition, mc->move_values_black, mc->move_partition_lists_black, mc->partitioned_move_value_sums_black, &mc->move_value_sum_black); } } else { if (mc->move_partition_lists_black[pos] == 0) mc_add_move(mc, pos, BLACK, partition, mc->move_values_black, mc->move_partition_lists_black, mc->partitioned_move_value_sums_black, &mc->move_value_sum_black); else mc_update_move(mc, pos, BLACK, partition, mc->move_values_black, mc->partitioned_move_value_sums_black, &mc->move_value_sum_black); } } } /***************************************************/ #define ASSERT_LEGAL 1 struct mc_game { struct mc_board mc; int move_history[600]; unsigned char settled[BOARDMAX]; int color_to_move; int last_move; int consecutive_passes; int consecutive_ko_captures; int depth; }; /* Generate a random move. */ static int mc_generate_random_move(struct mc_game *game) { struct mc_board *mc = &game->mc; int last_move = game->last_move; int color = game->color_to_move; int depth = game->depth; int pos; int near_moves[BOARDMAX]; unsigned int saved_near_move_values[BOARDMAX]; int num_near_moves; unsigned int *move_values; unsigned int *partition_sums; int *partition_lists; unsigned int *move_value_sum; unsigned int saved_ko_value = 0; int partition; int move; int k; int x; /* If we get this deep we are almost certainly playing triple ko * without alternative options, so just give up and score as is. * * FIXME: Handle this in some proper way. */ if (depth > 600) { if (mc_debug) { int pos; fprintf(stderr, "Reached 600 iterations.\n"); mc_showboard(mc, stderr); for (k = 0; k < game->depth; k++) gprintf("%1m ", game->move_history[k]); gprintf("\n"); for (pos = BOARDMIN; pos < BOARDMAX; pos++) if (mc->board[pos] == EMPTY) { gprintf("%1m ", pos); fprintf(stderr, "white %7d black %7d white near %7d black near %7d\n", (int) mc->move_values_white[pos], (int) mc->move_values_black[pos], mc_patterns.values[mc_find_pattern_number(mc, pos, WHITE, 1)], mc_patterns.values[mc_find_pattern_number(mc, pos, BLACK, 1)]); } } return PASS_MOVE; } if (color == WHITE) { move_values = mc->move_values_white; partition_sums = mc->partitioned_move_value_sums_white; partition_lists = mc->move_partition_lists_white; move_value_sum = &mc->move_value_sum_white; } else { move_values = mc->move_values_black; partition_sums = mc->partitioned_move_value_sums_black; partition_lists = mc->move_partition_lists_black; move_value_sum = &mc->move_value_sum_black; } /* Temporarily update pattern values for NEAR moves. We define * NEAR moves as those which had their values updated during the * previous mc_play_move() call and can be found by traversing the * update queue. */ num_near_moves = 0; if (last_move != PASS_MOVE) { for (pos = mc->queue[0]; pos != 1; pos = mc->queue[pos]) { if (mc->board[pos] == EMPTY && partition_lists[pos] != 0) { unsigned int old_value = move_values[pos]; int pattern = mc_find_pattern_number(mc, pos, color, 1); unsigned int new_value = mc_patterns.values[pattern]; partition = pos & (NUM_MOVE_PARTITIONS - 1); saved_near_move_values[num_near_moves] = old_value; near_moves[num_near_moves++] = pos; move_values[pos] = new_value; partition_sums[partition] += new_value - old_value; *move_value_sum += new_value - old_value; } } } /* Temporarily clear the move value of an illegal ko capture. */ if (mc->board_ko_pos != NO_MOVE) { if (mc->board[WEST(mc->board_ko_pos)] == OTHER_COLOR(color) || mc->board[EAST(mc->board_ko_pos)] == OTHER_COLOR(color)) { partition = mc->board_ko_pos & (NUM_MOVE_PARTITIONS - 1); saved_ko_value = move_values[mc->board_ko_pos]; move_values[mc->board_ko_pos] = 0; partition_sums[partition] -= saved_ko_value; *move_value_sum -= saved_ko_value; } } /* Sample a move randomly according to the distribution given by * the move values. */ if (*move_value_sum == 0) move = PASS_MOVE; else { /* First choose a partition. */ x = (int) (gg_drand() * *move_value_sum); for (k = 0; k < NUM_MOVE_PARTITIONS; k++) { x -= partition_sums[k]; if (x < 0) break; } /* Then choose a move in that partition. */ x = (unsigned int) (gg_drand() * partition_sums[k]); for (pos = partition_lists[k]; pos != 1; pos = partition_lists[pos]) { x -= move_values[pos]; if (x < 0) break; } move = pos; #if !TURN_OFF_ASSERTIONS ASSERT1(move == PASS_MOVE || move_values[move] > 0, move); ASSERT1(move == PASS_MOVE || mc->board[move] == EMPTY, move); ASSERT1(mc_is_legal(mc, move, color), move); #endif } /* Reset the value of an illegal ko capture. */ if (saved_ko_value > 0) { partition = mc->board_ko_pos & (NUM_MOVE_PARTITIONS - 1); partition_sums[partition] += saved_ko_value - move_values[mc->board_ko_pos]; *move_value_sum += saved_ko_value - move_values[mc->board_ko_pos]; move_values[mc->board_ko_pos] = saved_ko_value; } /* Reset move values for NEAR moves. */ for (k = 0; k < num_near_moves; k++) { unsigned int old_value; unsigned int new_value; pos = near_moves[k]; partition = pos & (NUM_MOVE_PARTITIONS - 1); old_value = move_values[pos]; new_value = saved_near_move_values[k]; move_values[pos] = new_value; partition_sums[partition] += new_value - old_value; *move_value_sum += new_value - old_value; } return move; } static int mc_play_random_move(struct mc_game *game, int move) { int result = mc_play_move(&game->mc, move, game->color_to_move); mc_update_move_values(&game->mc); if (result) { if (is_pass(move)) game->consecutive_passes++; else { game->consecutive_passes = 0; } if (game->mc.board_ko_pos != NO_MOVE) game->consecutive_ko_captures++; else game->consecutive_ko_captures = 0; game->move_history[game->depth] = move; game->last_move = move; game->color_to_move = OTHER_COLOR(game->color_to_move); game->depth++; } return result; } static int mc_play_random_game(struct mc_game *game) { struct mc_board *mc = &game->mc; int score = 0; int pos; int k; int result; int move; /* First finish the game, if it isn't already. */ while (game->consecutive_passes < 3) { move = mc_generate_random_move(game); result = mc_play_random_move(game, move); ASSERT1(result, move); } for (pos = BOARDMIN; pos < BOARDMAX; pos++) if (MC_ON_BOARD(pos)) { if (game->settled[pos] == WHITE) score++; else if (game->settled[pos] == BLACK) score--; else { int pos2 = pos; if (mc->board[pos] == EMPTY) for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) { pos2 = pos + delta[k]; if (IS_STONE(mc->board[pos2])) break; } score += 2 * (mc->board[pos2] == WHITE) - 1; } } return score; } /******************* UCT search ***********************/ #define UCT_MAX_SEARCH_DEPTH BOARDMAX struct bitboard { /* FIXME: Do this properly. */ unsigned int bits[1 + BOARDMAX / 32]; }; struct uct_arc { int move; struct uct_node *node; struct uct_arc *next; }; struct uct_node { int wins; int games; float sum_scores; float sum_scores2; struct uct_arc *child; struct bitboard untested; Hash_data boardhash; }; struct uct_tree { struct uct_node *nodes; struct uct_arc *arcs; unsigned int *hashtable_odd; unsigned int *hashtable_even; unsigned int hashtable_size; int num_nodes; int num_used_nodes; int num_arcs; int num_used_arcs; int *forbidden_moves; struct mc_game game; int move_score[BOARDSIZE]; int move_ordering[BOARDSIZE]; int inverse_move_ordering[BOARDSIZE]; int num_ordered_moves; }; static struct uct_node * uct_init_node(struct uct_tree *tree, int *allowed_moves) { int pos; struct uct_node *node = &tree->nodes[tree->num_used_nodes++]; node->wins = 0; node->games = 0; node->sum_scores = 0.0; node->sum_scores2 = 0.0; node->child = NULL; memset(node->untested.bits, 0, sizeof(node->untested.bits)); for (pos = BOARDMIN; pos < BOARDMAX; pos++) { if (tree->game.mc.board[pos] == EMPTY && !tree->forbidden_moves[pos] && (!allowed_moves || allowed_moves[pos])) { node->untested.bits[pos / 32] |= 1 << pos % 32; } } node->boardhash = tree->game.mc.hash; return node; } static struct uct_node * uct_find_node(struct uct_tree *tree, struct uct_node *parent, int move) { struct uct_node *node = NULL; Hash_data *boardhash = &tree->game.mc.hash; unsigned int hash_index = hashdata_remainder(*boardhash, tree->hashtable_size); unsigned int *hashtable = tree->hashtable_even; if (tree->game.depth & 1) hashtable = tree->hashtable_odd; while (hashtable[hash_index] != 0) { int node_index = hashtable[hash_index]; gg_assert(node_index > 0 && node_index < tree->num_nodes); if (hashdata_is_equal(tree->nodes[node_index].boardhash, *boardhash)) { node = &tree->nodes[node_index]; break; } hash_index++; if (hash_index >= tree->hashtable_size) hash_index = 0; } if (!node) { node = uct_init_node(tree, NULL); gg_assert(hash_index < tree->hashtable_size); hashtable[hash_index] = node - tree->nodes; } /* Add the node as the first of the siblings. */ if (parent) { struct uct_arc *arc = &tree->arcs[tree->num_used_arcs++]; gg_assert(tree->num_used_arcs < tree->num_arcs); arc->move = move; arc->node = node; if (parent->child) arc->next = parent->child; else arc->next = NULL; parent->child = arc; } return node; } static void uct_update_move_ordering(struct uct_tree *tree, int move) { int score = ++tree->move_score[move]; while (1) { int n = tree->inverse_move_ordering[move]; int preceding_move; if (n == 0) return; preceding_move = tree->move_ordering[n - 1]; if (tree->move_score[preceding_move] >= score) return; /* Swap move ordering. */ tree->move_ordering[n - 1] = move; tree->move_ordering[n] = preceding_move; tree->inverse_move_ordering[move] = n - 1; tree->inverse_move_ordering[preceding_move] = n; } } static void uct_init_move_ordering(struct uct_tree *tree) { int pos; int k = 0; /* FIXME: Exclude forbidden moves. */ memset(tree->move_score, 0, sizeof(tree->move_score)); for (pos = BOARDMIN; pos < BOARDMAX; pos++) if (ON_BOARD(pos)) { tree->move_ordering[k] = pos; tree->inverse_move_ordering[pos] = k; k++; } tree->num_ordered_moves = k; /* FIXME: Quick and dirty experiment. */ for (pos = BOARDMIN; pos < BOARDMAX; pos++) { if (ON_BOARD(pos)) { tree->move_score[pos] = (int) (10 * potential_moves[pos]) - 1; uct_update_move_ordering(tree, pos); } } } static float uct_finish_and_score_game(struct mc_game *game) { return komi + mc_play_random_game(game); } static struct uct_node * uct_play_move(struct uct_tree *tree, struct uct_node *node, float alpha, float *gamma, int *move) { struct uct_arc *child_arc; int pos; struct uct_arc *next_arc = NULL; struct uct_arc *best_winrate_arc = NULL; float best_uct_value = 0.0; float best_winrate = 0.0; for (child_arc = node->child; child_arc; child_arc = child_arc->next) { struct uct_node *child_node = child_arc->node; float winrate = (float) child_node->wins / child_node->games; float uct_value; float log_games_ratio = log(node->games) / child_node->games; float x = winrate * (1.0 - winrate) + sqrt(2.0 * log_games_ratio); if (x < 0.25) x = 0.25; uct_value = winrate + sqrt(2 * log_games_ratio * x / (1 + tree->game.depth)); if (uct_value > best_uct_value) { next_arc = child_arc; best_uct_value = uct_value; } if (winrate > best_winrate) { best_winrate_arc = child_arc; best_winrate = winrate; } } *gamma = best_winrate; if (best_winrate > alpha) next_arc = best_winrate_arc; else { /* First play a random previously unplayed move, if any. */ int k; for (k = -1; k < tree->num_ordered_moves; k++) { if (k == -1 && best_uct_value > 0.0) continue; else if (k == -1) pos = mc_generate_random_move(&tree->game); else pos = tree->move_ordering[k]; if (node->untested.bits[pos / 32] & (1 << (pos % 32))) { int r; int proper_small_eye = 1; struct mc_board *mc = &tree->game.mc; *move = pos; node->untested.bits[*move / 32] &= ~(1 << *move % 32); for (r = 0; r < 4; r++) { if (mc->board[pos + delta[r]] == EMPTY || mc->board[pos + delta[r]] == OTHER_COLOR(tree->game.color_to_move)) { proper_small_eye = 0; break; } } if (proper_small_eye) { int diagonal_value = 0; for (r = 4; r < 8; r++) { int pos2 = pos + delta[r]; if (!MC_ON_BOARD(pos2)) diagonal_value++; else if (mc->board[pos2] == OTHER_COLOR(tree->game.color_to_move)) diagonal_value += 2; } if (diagonal_value > 3) proper_small_eye = 0; } if (!proper_small_eye && mc_play_random_move(&tree->game, *move)) return uct_find_node(tree, node, *move); } } } if (!next_arc) { mc_play_random_move(&tree->game, PASS_MOVE); *move = PASS_MOVE; return uct_find_node(tree, node, PASS_MOVE); } *move = next_arc->move; mc_play_random_move(&tree->game, next_arc->move); return next_arc->node; } static float uct_traverse_tree(struct uct_tree *tree, struct uct_node *node, float alpha, float beta) { int color = tree->game.color_to_move; int num_passes = tree->game.consecutive_passes; float result; float gamma; int move = PASS_MOVE; /* FIXME: Unify these. */ if (num_passes == 3 || tree->game.depth >= UCT_MAX_SEARCH_DEPTH || (node->games == 0 && node != tree->nodes)) result = uct_finish_and_score_game(&tree->game); else { struct uct_node *next_node; next_node = uct_play_move(tree, node, alpha, &gamma, &move); gamma += 0.00; if (gamma > 0.8) gamma = 0.8; result = uct_traverse_tree(tree, next_node, beta, gamma); } node->games++; if ((result > 0) ^ (color == WHITE)) { node->wins++; if (move != PASS_MOVE) uct_update_move_ordering(tree, move); } node->sum_scores += result; node->sum_scores2 += result * result; return result; } static int uct_find_best_children(struct uct_node *node, struct uct_arc **children, int n) { struct uct_arc *child_arc; float best_score; struct uct_arc *best_child; int found_moves[BOARDMAX]; int k; memset(found_moves, 0, sizeof(found_moves)); for (k = 0; k < n; k++) { best_score = 0.0; best_child = NULL; for (child_arc = node->child; child_arc; child_arc = child_arc->next) { struct uct_node *child_node = child_arc->node; if (!found_moves[child_arc->move] && best_score * child_node->games < child_node->wins) { best_child = child_arc; best_score = (float) child_node->wins / child_node->games; } } if (!best_child) break; children[k] = best_child; found_moves[best_child->move] = 1; } return k; } static void uct_dump_tree_recursive(struct uct_node *node, SGFTree *sgf_tree, int color, int cutoff, int depth) { struct uct_arc *child_arc; char buf[100]; if (depth > 50) return; for (child_arc = node->child; child_arc; child_arc = child_arc->next) { struct uct_node *child_node = child_arc->node; sgftreeAddPlayLast(sgf_tree, color, I(child_arc->move), J(child_arc->move)); gg_snprintf(buf, 100, "%d/%d (%5.3f)", child_node->wins, child_node->games, (float) child_node->wins / child_node->games); sgftreeAddComment(sgf_tree, buf); if (child_node->games >= cutoff) uct_dump_tree_recursive(child_node, sgf_tree, OTHER_COLOR(color), cutoff, depth + 1); sgf_tree->lastnode = sgf_tree->lastnode->parent; } } static void uct_dump_tree(struct uct_tree *tree, const char *filename, int color, int cutoff) { SGFTree sgf_tree; sgftree_clear(&sgf_tree); sgftreeCreateHeaderNode(&sgf_tree, board_size, komi, 0); sgffile_printboard(&sgf_tree); uct_dump_tree_recursive(&tree->nodes[0], &sgf_tree, color, cutoff, 0); writesgf(sgf_tree.root, filename); sgfFreeNode(sgf_tree.root); } void uct_genmove(int color, int *move, int *forbidden_moves, int *allowed_moves, int nodes, float *move_values, int *move_frequencies) { struct uct_tree tree; float best_score; struct uct_arc *arc; struct uct_node *node; struct mc_game starting_position; int most_games; struct uct_node *most_games_node; struct uct_arc *most_games_arc; int pos; mc_init_board_from_global_board(&starting_position.mc); mc_init_move_values(&starting_position.mc); starting_position.color_to_move = color; /* FIXME: Fill in correct information. */ starting_position.consecutive_passes = 0; starting_position.consecutive_ko_captures = 0; starting_position.last_move = get_last_move(); starting_position.depth = 0; for (pos = BOARDMIN; pos < BOARDMAX; pos++) starting_position.settled[pos] = forbidden_moves[pos]; tree.game = starting_position; /* FIXME: Don't reallocate between moves. */ tree.nodes = malloc(nodes * sizeof(*tree.nodes)); gg_assert(tree.nodes); tree.arcs = malloc(nodes * sizeof(*tree.arcs)); gg_assert(tree.arcs); tree.hashtable_size = nodes; tree.hashtable_odd = calloc(tree.hashtable_size, sizeof(*tree.hashtable_odd)); tree.hashtable_even = calloc(tree.hashtable_size, sizeof(*tree.hashtable_even)); gg_assert(tree.hashtable_odd); gg_assert(tree.hashtable_even); tree.num_nodes = nodes; tree.num_arcs = nodes; tree.num_used_nodes = 0; tree.num_used_arcs = 0; tree.forbidden_moves = forbidden_moves; uct_init_node(&tree, allowed_moves); uct_init_move_ordering(&tree); /* Play simulations. FIXME: Terribly dirty fix. */ while (tree.num_used_arcs < tree.num_arcs - 10) { int last_used_arcs = tree.num_used_arcs; tree.game = starting_position; uct_traverse_tree(&tree, &tree.nodes[0], 1.0, 0.9); /* FIXME: Ugly workaround for solved positions before running out * of nodes. */ if (tree.num_used_arcs == last_used_arcs) break; } /* Identify the best move on the top level. */ best_score = 0.0; *move = PASS_MOVE; for (arc = tree.nodes[0].child; arc; arc = arc->next) { node = arc->node; move_frequencies[arc->move] = node->games; move_values[arc->move] = (float) node->wins / node->games; if (best_score * node->games < node->wins) { *move = arc->move; best_score = (float) node->wins / node->games; } } /* Dump sgf tree of the significant part of the search tree. */ if (0) uct_dump_tree(&tree, "/tmp/ucttree.sgf", color, 50); /* Print information about the search tree. */ if (mc_debug) { while (1) { float mean; float std; most_games = 0; most_games_node = NULL; most_games_arc = NULL; for (arc = tree.nodes[0].child; arc; arc = arc->next) { node = arc->node; if (most_games < node->games) { most_games = node->games; most_games_node = node; most_games_arc = arc; } } if (most_games == 0) break; mean = most_games_node->sum_scores / most_games_node->games; std = sqrt((most_games_node->sum_scores2 - most_games_node->sum_scores * mean) / (most_games_node->games - 1)); gprintf("%1m ", most_games_arc->move); fprintf(stderr, "%6d %6d %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f\n", most_games_node->wins, most_games_node->games, (float) most_games_node->wins / most_games_node->games, mean, std, mean / (std + 0.001)); most_games_node->games = -most_games_node->games; } for (arc = tree.nodes[0].child; arc; arc = arc->next) arc->node->games = -arc->node->games; { int n; struct uct_arc *arcs[7]; int depth = 0; n = uct_find_best_children(&tree.nodes[0], arcs, 7); gprintf("Principal variation:\n"); while (n > 0 && depth < 80) { int k; gprintf("%C ", color); for (k = 0; k < n; k++) { node = arcs[k]->node; gprintf("%1m ", arcs[k]->move); fprintf(stderr, "%5.3f", (float) node->wins / node->games); if (k == 0) gprintf(" (%d games)", node->games); if (k < n - 1) gprintf(", "); } gprintf("\n"); color = OTHER_COLOR(color); n = uct_find_best_children(arcs[0]->node, arcs, 7); depth++; } gprintf("\n"); } } free(tree.nodes); free(tree.arcs); free(tree.hashtable_odd); free(tree.hashtable_even); } /* * Local Variables: * tab-width: 8 * c-basic-offset: 2 * End: */