"""Tests for playoffs.py""" from __future__ import with_statement from textwrap import dedent import cPickle as pickle from gomill import competitions from gomill import playoffs from gomill.gtp_games import Game_result from gomill.game_jobs import Game_job, Game_job_result from gomill.competitions import ( Player_config, NoGameAvailable, CompetitionError, ControlFileError) from gomill.playoffs import Matchup_config from gomill_tests import competition_test_support from gomill_tests import gomill_test_support from gomill_tests import test_framework from gomill_tests.competition_test_support import ( fake_response, check_screen_report) def make_tests(suite): suite.addTests(gomill_test_support.make_simple_tests(globals())) def check_short_report(tc, comp, expected_matchups, expected_players, competition_name="testcomp"): """Check that a playoff's short report is as expected.""" expected = ("playoff: %s\n\n%s\n%s\n" % (competition_name, expected_matchups, expected_players)) tc.assertMultiLineEqual(competition_test_support.get_short_report(comp), expected) expected_fake_players = dedent("""\ player t1: t1 engine testdescription player t2: t2 engine:v1.2.3 """) class Playoff_fixture(test_framework.Fixture): """Fixture setting up a Playoff. attributes: comp -- Playoff """ def __init__(self, tc, config=None): if config is None: config = default_config() self.tc = tc self.comp = playoffs.Playoff('testcomp') self.comp.initialise_from_control_file(config) self.comp.set_clean_status() def check_screen_report(self, expected): """Check that the screen report is as expected.""" check_screen_report(self.tc, self.comp, expected) def check_short_report(self, *args, **kwargs): """Check that the short report is as expected.""" check_short_report(self.tc, self.comp, *args, **kwargs) def default_config(): return { 'players' : { 't1' : Player_config("test1"), 't2' : Player_config("test2"), }, 'board_size' : 13, 'komi' : 7.5, 'matchups' : [ Matchup_config('t1', 't2', alternating=True), ], } def test_basic_config(tc): comp = playoffs.Playoff('test') config = default_config() config['description'] = "default\nconfig" config['matchups'] = [ Matchup_config( 't1', 't2', board_size=9, komi=0.5, alternating=True, handicap=6, handicap_style='free', move_limit=50, scorer="internal", internal_scorer_handicap_compensation='no', number_of_games=20), Matchup_config('t2', 't1', id='m1'), Matchup_config('t1', 't2'), ] comp.initialise_from_control_file(config) tc.assertEqual(comp.description, "default\nconfig") comp.set_clean_status() tr = comp.get_tournament_results() m0 = tr.get_matchup('0') m1 = tr.get_matchup('m1') m2 = tr.get_matchup('2') tc.assertListEqual(tr.get_matchup_ids(), ['0', 'm1', '2']) tc.assertDictEqual(tr.get_matchups(), {'0' : m0, 'm1' : m1, '2' : m2}) tc.assertEqual(m0.player_1, 't1') tc.assertEqual(m0.player_2, 't2') tc.assertEqual(m0.board_size, 9) tc.assertEqual(m0.komi, 0.5) tc.assertIs(m0.alternating, True) tc.assertEqual(m0.handicap, 6) tc.assertEqual(m0.handicap_style, 'free') tc.assertEqual(m0.move_limit, 50) tc.assertEqual(m0.scorer, 'internal') tc.assertEqual(m0.internal_scorer_handicap_compensation, 'no') tc.assertEqual(m0.number_of_games, 20) tc.assertEqual(m1.player_1, 't2') tc.assertEqual(m1.player_2, 't1') tc.assertEqual(m1.board_size, 13) tc.assertEqual(m1.komi, 7.5) tc.assertIs(m1.alternating, False) tc.assertEqual(m1.handicap, None) tc.assertEqual(m1.handicap_style, 'fixed') tc.assertEqual(m1.move_limit, 1000) tc.assertEqual(m1.scorer, 'players') tc.assertEqual(m1.internal_scorer_handicap_compensation, 'full') tc.assertEqual(m1.number_of_games, None) def test_nonsense_matchup_config(tc): comp = playoffs.Playoff('test') config = default_config() config['matchups'].append(99) with tc.assertRaises(ControlFileError) as ar: comp.initialise_from_control_file(config) tc.assertMultiLineEqual(str(ar.exception), dedent("""\ 'matchups': item 1: not a Matchup""")) def test_bad_matchup_config(tc): comp = playoffs.Playoff('test') config = default_config() config['matchups'].append(Matchup_config()) with tc.assertRaises(ControlFileError) as ar: comp.initialise_from_control_file(config) tc.assertMultiLineEqual(str(ar.exception), dedent("""\ matchup 1: not enough arguments""")) def test_bad_matchup_config_bad_id(tc): comp = playoffs.Playoff('test') config = default_config() config['matchups'].append(Matchup_config('t1', 't2', id=99)) with tc.assertRaises(ControlFileError) as ar: comp.initialise_from_control_file(config) tc.assertMultiLineEqual(str(ar.exception), dedent("""\ matchup 1: 'id': not a string""")) def test_bad_matchup_config_bad_setting(tc): comp = playoffs.Playoff('test') config = default_config() config['matchups'].append(Matchup_config('t1', 't2', board_size="X")) with tc.assertRaises(ControlFileError) as ar: comp.initialise_from_control_file(config) tc.assertMultiLineEqual(str(ar.exception), dedent("""\ matchup 1: 'board_size': invalid integer""")) def test_bad_matchup_config_unknown_player(tc): comp = playoffs.Playoff('test') config = default_config() config['matchups'].append(Matchup_config('t1', 'nonex')) with tc.assertRaises(ControlFileError) as ar: comp.initialise_from_control_file(config) tc.assertMultiLineEqual(str(ar.exception), dedent("""\ matchup 1: unknown player nonex""")) def test_bad_matchup_config_no_board_size(tc): comp = playoffs.Playoff('test') config = default_config() del config['board_size'] with tc.assertRaises(ControlFileError) as ar: comp.initialise_from_control_file(config) tc.assertMultiLineEqual(str(ar.exception), dedent("""\ matchup 0: 'board_size' not specified""")) def test_bad_matchup_config_bad_handicap(tc): comp = playoffs.Playoff('test') config = default_config() config['matchups'].append(Matchup_config('t1', 't2', handicap=10)) with tc.assertRaises(ControlFileError) as ar: comp.initialise_from_control_file(config) tc.assertMultiLineEqual(str(ar.exception), dedent("""\ matchup 1: fixed handicap out of range for board size 13""")) def test_matchup_config_board_size_in_matchup_only(tc): comp = playoffs.Playoff('test') config = default_config() del config['board_size'] config['matchups'] = [Matchup_config('t1', 't2', alternating=True, board_size=9)] comp.initialise_from_control_file(config) comp.set_clean_status() tr = comp.get_tournament_results() m0 = tr.get_matchup('0') tc.assertEqual(m0.board_size, 9) def test_matchup_name(tc): comp = playoffs.Playoff('test') config = default_config() config['matchups'] = [Matchup_config('t1', 't2', name="asd")] comp.initialise_from_control_file(config) comp.set_clean_status() tr = comp.get_tournament_results() m0 = tr.get_matchup('0') tc.assertEqual(m0.name, "asd") def test_global_handicap_validation(tc): comp = playoffs.Playoff('testcomp') config = default_config() config['board_size'] = 12 config['handicap'] = 6 with tc.assertRaises(ControlFileError) as ar: comp.initialise_from_control_file(config) tc.assertEqual(str(ar.exception), "default fixed handicap out of range for board size 12") def test_game_id_format(tc): config = default_config() config['matchups'][0] = Matchup_config('t1', 't2', number_of_games=1000) fx = Playoff_fixture(tc, config) tc.assertEqual(fx.comp.get_game().game_id, '0_000') def test_get_player_checks(tc): comp = playoffs.Playoff('testcomp') config = default_config() config['players']['t3'] = Player_config("test3") config['matchups'].append( Matchup_config('t1', 't3', number_of_games=0), ), comp.initialise_from_control_file(config) checks = comp.get_player_checks() tc.assertEqual(len(checks), 2) tc.assertEqual(checks[0].board_size, 13) tc.assertEqual(checks[0].komi, 7.5) tc.assertEqual(checks[0].player.code, "t1") tc.assertEqual(checks[0].player.cmd_args, ['test1']) tc.assertEqual(checks[1].player.code, "t2") tc.assertEqual(checks[1].player.cmd_args, ['test2']) def test_play(tc): fx = Playoff_fixture(tc) tc.assertIsNone(fx.comp.description) job1 = fx.comp.get_game() tc.assertIsInstance(job1, Game_job) tc.assertEqual(job1.game_id, '0_0') tc.assertEqual(job1.player_b.code, 't1') tc.assertEqual(job1.player_w.code, 't2') tc.assertEqual(job1.board_size, 13) tc.assertEqual(job1.komi, 7.5) tc.assertEqual(job1.move_limit, 1000) tc.assertIs(job1.use_internal_scorer, False) tc.assertEqual(job1.internal_scorer_handicap_compensation, 'full') tc.assertEqual(job1.game_data, ('0', 0)) tc.assertIsNone(job1.sgf_filename) tc.assertIsNone(job1.sgf_dirname) tc.assertIsNone(job1.void_sgf_dirname) tc.assertEqual(job1.sgf_event, 'testcomp') tc.assertIsNone(job1.gtp_log_pathname) job2 = fx.comp.get_game() tc.assertIsInstance(job2, Game_job) tc.assertEqual(job2.game_id, '0_1') tc.assertEqual(job2.player_b.code, 't2') tc.assertEqual(job2.player_w.code, 't1') result1 = Game_result({'b' : 't1', 'w' : 't2'}, 'b') result1.sgf_result = "B+8.5" response1 = Game_job_result() response1.game_id = job1.game_id response1.game_result = result1 response1.engine_names = { 't1' : 't1 engine:v1.2.3', 't2' : 't2 engine', } response1.engine_descriptions = { 't1' : 't1 engine:v1.2.3', 't2' : 't2 engine\ntest \xc2\xa3description', } response1.game_data = job1.game_data fx.comp.process_game_result(response1) expected_report = dedent("""\ t1 v t2 (1 games) board size: 13 komi: 7.5 wins t1 1 100.00% (black) t2 0 0.00% (white) """) expected_players = dedent("""\ player t1: t1 engine:v1.2.3 player t2: t2 engine test \xc2\xa3description """) fx.check_screen_report(expected_report) fx.check_short_report(expected_report, expected_players) tc.assertListEqual( fx.comp.get_tournament_results().get_matchup_results('0'), [result1]) def test_play_many(tc): fx = Playoff_fixture(tc) jobs = [fx.comp.get_game() for _ in range(8)] for i in [0, 3]: response = fake_response(jobs[i], 'b') fx.comp.process_game_result(response) jobs += [fx.comp.get_game() for _ in range(3)] for i in [4, 2, 6, 7]: response = fake_response(jobs[i], 'w') fx.comp.process_game_result(response) fx.check_screen_report(dedent("""\ t1 v t2 (6 games) board size: 13 komi: 7.5 wins black white t1 2 33.33% 1 25.00% 1 50.00% t2 4 66.67% 1 50.00% 3 75.00% 2 33.33% 4 66.67% """)) tc.assertEqual( len(fx.comp.get_tournament_results().get_matchup_results('0')), 6) #tc.assertEqual(fx.comp.scheduler.allocators['0'].issued, 11) #tc.assertEqual(fx.comp.scheduler.allocators['0'].fixed, 6) comp2 = competition_test_support.check_round_trip( tc, fx.comp, default_config()) #tc.assertEqual(comp2.scheduler.allocators['0'].issued, 6) #tc.assertEqual(comp2.scheduler.allocators['0'].fixed, 6) jobs2 = [comp2.get_game() for _ in range(4)] tc.assertListEqual([job.game_id for job in jobs2], ['0_1', '0_5', '0_8', '0_9']) tr = comp2.get_tournament_results() tc.assertEqual(len(tr.get_matchup_results('0')), 6) ms = tr.get_matchup_stats('0') tc.assertEqual(ms.total, 6) tc.assertEqual(ms.wins_1, 2) tc.assertEqual(ms.wins_b, 2) def test_jigo_reporting(tc): fx = Playoff_fixture(tc) def winner(i): if i in (0, 3): return 'b' elif i in (2, 4): return 'w' else: return None jobs = [fx.comp.get_game() for _ in range(8)] for i in range(6): response = fake_response(jobs[i], winner(i)) fx.comp.process_game_result(response) fx.check_screen_report(dedent("""\ t1 v t2 (6 games) board size: 13 komi: 7.5 wins black white t1 2 33.33% 2 66.67% 1 33.33% t2 4 66.67% 2 66.67% 3 100.00% 3 50.00% 3 50.00% """)) response = fake_response(jobs[6], None) fx.comp.process_game_result(response) fx.check_screen_report(dedent("""\ t1 v t2 (7 games) board size: 13 komi: 7.5 wins black white t1 2.5 35.71% 2.5 62.50% 1.5 50.00% t2 4.5 64.29% 2.5 83.33% 3.5 87.50% 3.5 50.00% 3.5 50.00% """)) def test_unknown_result_reporting(tc): fx = Playoff_fixture(tc) def winner(i): if i in (0, 3): return 'b' elif i in (2, 4): return 'w' else: return 'unknown' jobs = [fx.comp.get_game() for _ in range(8)] for i in range(6): response = fake_response(jobs[i], winner(i)) fx.comp.process_game_result(response) fx.check_screen_report(dedent("""\ t1 v t2 (6 games) unknown results: 2 33.33% board size: 13 komi: 7.5 wins black white t1 1 16.67% 1 33.33% 0 0.00% t2 3 50.00% 1 33.33% 2 66.67% 2 33.33% 2 33.33% """)) def test_self_play(tc): config = default_config() config['matchups'] = [ Matchup_config('t1', 't1', alternating=True), Matchup_config('t1', 't1', alternating=False), ] fx = Playoff_fixture(tc, config) jobs = [fx.comp.get_game() for _ in range(20)] for i, job in enumerate(jobs): response = fake_response(job, 'b' if i < 9 else 'w') fx.comp.process_game_result(response) fx.check_screen_report(dedent("""\ t1 v t1#2 (10 games) board size: 13 komi: 7.5 wins black white t1 6 60.00% 3 60.00% 3 60.00% t1#2 4 40.00% 2 40.00% 2 40.00% 5 50.00% 5 50.00% t1 v t1#2 (10 games) board size: 13 komi: 7.5 wins t1 4 40.00% (black) t1#2 6 60.00% (white) """)) competition_test_support.check_round_trip(tc, fx.comp, config) def test_bad_state(tc): fx = Playoff_fixture(tc) bad_status = fx.comp.get_status() del bad_status['scheduler'] comp2 = playoffs.Playoff('testcomp') comp2.initialise_from_control_file(default_config()) tc.assertRaises(KeyError, comp2.set_status, bad_status) def test_matchup_change(tc): fx = Playoff_fixture(tc) jobs = [fx.comp.get_game() for _ in range(8)] for i in [0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7]: response = fake_response(jobs[i], ('b' if i in (0, 3) else 'w')) fx.comp.process_game_result(response) fx.check_screen_report(dedent("""\ t1 v t2 (6 games) board size: 13 komi: 7.5 wins black white t1 2 33.33% 1 25.00% 1 50.00% t2 4 66.67% 1 50.00% 3 75.00% 2 33.33% 4 66.67% """)) config2 = default_config() config2['players']['t3'] = Player_config("test3") config2['matchups'][0] = Matchup_config('t1', 't3', alternating=True) comp2 = playoffs.Playoff('testcomp') comp2.initialise_from_control_file(config2) status = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(fx.comp.get_status())) with tc.assertRaises(CompetitionError) as ar: comp2.set_status(status) tc.assertEqual( str(ar.exception), "existing results for matchup 0 are inconsistent with control file:\n" "result players are t1,t2;\n" "control file players are t1,t3") def test_matchup_reappearance(tc): # Test that if a matchup is removed and added again, we remember the game # number. Test that we report the 'ghost' matchup in the short report (but # not the screen report). config1 = default_config() config1['matchups'].append(Matchup_config('t2', 't1')) config2 = default_config() config3 = default_config() config3['matchups'].append(Matchup_config('t2', 't1')) comp1 = playoffs.Playoff('testcomp') comp1.initialise_from_control_file(config1) comp1.set_clean_status() jobs1 = [comp1.get_game() for _ in range(8)] for job in jobs1: comp1.process_game_result(fake_response(job, 'b')) tc.assertListEqual( [job.game_id for job in jobs1], ['0_0', '1_0', '0_1', '1_1', '0_2', '1_2', '0_3', '1_3']) expected_matchups_1 = dedent("""\ t1 v t2 (4 games) board size: 13 komi: 7.5 wins black white t1 2 50.00% 2 100.00% 0 0.00% t2 2 50.00% 2 100.00% 0 0.00% 4 100.00% 0 0.00% t2 v t1 (4 games) board size: 13 komi: 7.5 wins t2 4 100.00% (black) t1 0 0.00% (white) """) check_screen_report(tc, comp1, expected_matchups_1) check_short_report(tc, comp1, expected_matchups_1, expected_fake_players) comp2 = playoffs.Playoff('testcomp') comp2.initialise_from_control_file(config2) comp2.set_status(pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(comp1.get_status()))) jobs2 = [comp2.get_game() for _ in range(4)] tc.assertListEqual( [job.game_id for job in jobs2], ['0_4', '0_5', '0_6', '0_7']) for job in jobs2: comp2.process_game_result(fake_response(job, 'b')) expected_matchups_2 = dedent("""\ t1 v t2 (8 games) board size: 13 komi: 7.5 wins black white t1 4 50.00% 4 100.00% 0 0.00% t2 4 50.00% 4 100.00% 0 0.00% 8 100.00% 0 0.00% """) check_screen_report(tc, comp2, expected_matchups_2) expected_matchups_2b = dedent("""\ t2 v t1 (4 games) ?? (missing from control file) wins t2 4 100.00% (black) t1 0 0.00% (white) """) check_short_report( tc, comp2, expected_matchups_2 + "\n" + expected_matchups_2b, expected_fake_players) comp3 = playoffs.Playoff('testcomp') comp3.initialise_from_control_file(config3) comp3.set_status(pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(comp2.get_status()))) jobs3 = [comp3.get_game() for _ in range(8)] tc.assertListEqual( [job.game_id for job in jobs3], ['1_4', '1_5', '1_6', '1_7', '0_8', '1_8', '0_9', '1_9']) expected_matchups_3 = dedent("""\ t1 v t2 (8 games) board size: 13 komi: 7.5 wins black white t1 4 50.00% 4 100.00% 0 0.00% t2 4 50.00% 4 100.00% 0 0.00% 8 100.00% 0 0.00% t2 v t1 (4 games) board size: 13 komi: 7.5 wins t2 4 100.00% (black) t1 0 0.00% (white) """) check_screen_report(tc, comp3, expected_matchups_3) check_short_report(tc, comp3, expected_matchups_3, expected_fake_players)