From 542e5aed37b817b19dfa17433031432ff759b3c5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Anna Wiggins <>
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2012 15:27:07 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Miscellaneous cleanup

 lib/ | 111 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 1 file changed, 61 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index e3488b1..e2a569f 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -17,28 +17,6 @@ except ImportError:
-class board_state(Structure):
-    _fields_ = [
-        ('board_size', c_int),
-        ('board', c_char * BOARDSIZE),
-        ('board_ko_pos', c_int),
-        ('black_captured', c_int),
-        ('white_captured', c_int),
-        ('initial_board', c_char * BOARDSIZE),
-        ('initial_board_ko_pos', c_int),
-        ('initial_white_captured', c_int),
-        ('initial_black_captured', c_int),
-        ('move_history_color', c_int * MAX_MOVE_HISTORY),
-        ('move_history_pos', c_int * MAX_MOVE_HISTORY),
-        ('move_history_pointer', c_int),
-        ('komi', c_float),
-        ('move_number', c_int)
-        ]
 class SGFTree(Structure):
     _fields_ = [
         ('root', c_void_p), # SGFNode *root;
@@ -46,6 +24,28 @@ class SGFTree(Structure):
+# class board_state(Structure):
+#     _fields_ = [
+#         ('board_size', c_int),
+#         ('board', c_char * BOARDSIZE),
+#         ('board_ko_pos', c_int),
+#         ('black_captured', c_int),
+#         ('white_captured', c_int),
+#         ('initial_board', c_char * BOARDSIZE),
+#         ('initial_board_ko_pos', c_int),
+#         ('initial_white_captured', c_int),
+#         ('initial_black_captured', c_int),
+#         ('move_history_color', c_int * MAX_MOVE_HISTORY),
+#         ('move_history_pos', c_int * MAX_MOVE_HISTORY),
+#         ('move_history_pointer', c_int),
+#         ('komi', c_float),
+#         ('move_number', c_int)
+#         ]
 # class Gameinfo(Structure):
 #     _fields_ = [
 #         ('handicap', c_int),
@@ -60,16 +60,19 @@ class SGFTree(Structure):
 class Goban:
     # This is our dynamic interface to the gnugo libraries
-    libboard = None
-    BLACK = 2
-    WHITE = 1
+    lib = None
     EMPTY = 0
+    WHITE = 1
+    BLACK = 2
     def __init__(self):
-        if not Goban.libboard:
-            Goban.libboard = CDLL('lib/')
+        if not Goban.lib:
+            Goban.lib = CDLL('lib/')
-        Goban.libboard.clear_board()
+        # self.ginfo = Gameinfo()
+        Goban.lib.clear_board()
         self.to_move = Goban.BLACK
         self.hover = None
@@ -77,13 +80,20 @@ class Goban:
     def play_move(self, pos, color=None):
         """Make a move."""
+        # i,j = pos
+        # if color is None:
+        #     color = self.ginfo.to_move
+        # return Goban.lib.gameinfo_play_move(self.ginfo, i, j, color)
         realpos = _real_pos(pos)
         if color is None:
             color = self.to_move
-        if Goban.libboard.is_legal(realpos, color):
-            Goban.libboard.play_move(realpos, color)
+        if Goban.lib.is_legal(realpos, color):
+            Goban.lib.play_move(realpos, color)
             self.to_move = self.OTHER_COLOR(self.to_move)
             return True
@@ -93,7 +103,7 @@ class Goban:
     def undo_move(self, n):
         """Undo n moves. Return True on success, False on failure. On failure, no moves are removed."""
-        return Goban.libboard.undo_move(n)
+        return Goban.lib.undo_move(n)
     def set_hover(self, pos):
@@ -105,7 +115,7 @@ class Goban:
         if self.hover == realpos:
-        if Goban.libboard.is_legal(realpos):
+        if Goban.lib.is_legal(realpos):
             self.hover = realpos
@@ -136,27 +146,28 @@ class Goban:
         inc = size / 19
         p = c_int * 421
-        board = p.in_dll(Goban.libboard, 'board')
+        board = p.in_dll(Goban.lib, 'board')
-        for pos in range(421):
-            if _i(pos) < 0 or _i(pos) > 18 or _j(pos) < 0 or _j(pos) > 18:
-                continue
+        for i in range(19):
+            for j in range(19):
+                pos = _real_pos((i,j))
-            code = self._get_draw_code(pos, board[pos])
-            if code == 'e':
-                continue
+                code = self._get_draw_code(pos, board[pos])
+                if code == 'e':
+                    continue
-            s = img_res[code]
-            s = pygame.transform.scale(s, (inc, inc))
-            ret.blit(s, (_i(pos)*inc, _j(pos)*inc))
+                s = img_res[code]
+                s = pygame.transform.scale(s, (inc, inc))
+                ret.blit(s, (_i(pos)*inc, _j(pos)*inc))
-            if self.hover == pos:
-                c = img_res['bH']
-                if self.to_move == Goban.WHITE:
-                    c = img_res['wH']
+                if self.hover == pos:
+                    c = img_res['bH']
+                    # if self.ginfo.to_move == Goban.WHITE:
+                    if self.to_move == Goban.WHITE:
+                        c = img_res['wH']
-                c = pygame.transform.scale(c, (inc, inc))
-                ret.blit(c, (_i(pos)*inc, _j(pos)*inc))
+                    c = pygame.transform.scale(c, (inc, inc))
+                    ret.blit(c, (_i(pos)*inc, _j(pos)*inc))
         return ret.convert_alpha()
@@ -215,8 +226,8 @@ class Goban:
 # This is equivalent to gnugo's POS macro
 def _real_pos(pos):
-    x,y = pos
-    return 21 + x * 20 + y
+    i,j = pos
+    return 21 + i * 20 + j
 def _i(pos):