## Poketypes Poketypes is a fairly simple tool for players of the Pokémon video game series. It allows you to simply list a set of types that are present on your team, like so: $ ./poketypes.py dragon grass ghost poison fire ice It will then treat these types as an aggregate, and let you know types your theoretical team is capable of being strong against both offensively and defensively. This is to help you spot potentially weaknesses when building a team. For example, the above command will output: ``` Attack ====== Strong Normal Weak Immune ------ ------ ---- ------ water normal grass fire ice electric ground fighting flying poison psychic dark bug rock ghost dragon steel Defend ====== Strong Normal Weak Immune ------ ------ ---- ------ steel flying normal electric psychic fighting fire rock ice ghost water dragon poison dark grass bug ground ``` You can also use it as a quick-reference for a single type's strengths and weaknesses by listing just that type. ### Todo Currently the tool assumes you can switch to any of the listed types separately. At some point, I'll try to handle dual types in a sensible way.