// Functions for calculating thrust values. @lazyglobal off. local G is 9.81. lock G to SHIP:BODY:MU / ((SHIP:BODY:RADIUS+SHIP:ALTITUDE)^2). // Returns the throttle value you should use to achieve the // target TWR. If TWR can't be achieved, returns 1.0. (full throttle) function ThrottleToTWR { parameter targetTWR is 1.5. local m is SHIP:MASS. return min((targetTWR*m*G)/SHIP:AVAILABLETHRUST, 1.0). } // Calculates the ship's current TWR. function TWR { local m is ship:mass. local t is THROTTLE * SHIP:AVAILABLETHRUST. return t/(m*G). } // Calculate the time required to burn a given dV at a given altitude. // Must be called while in the same SOI as the burn itself. function BurnTime { parameter dV, a, m is SHIP:MASS, s is STAGE:NUMBER. local Gb is SHIP:BODY:MU / ((SHIP:BODY:RADIUS+a)^2). local f is stageThrust(). // Engine Thrust (kg * m/s²) local Isp is stageISP(). // Engine ISP (s) // debug print "Calculating burn time.". print "dV = " + dV. print "f = " + f. print "m = " + m. print "e = " + e. print "Isp = " + Isp. print "Gb = " + Gb. // end debug if dV > SHIP:STAGEDELTAV(s) { local t is burnTimeCalc(SHIP:STAGEDELTAV(s), m, Gb, Isp, f). local parts is list(). for part in parts { if part:DECOUPLEDIN = s - 1 { set m to m - part:MASS. } } return t + BurnTime(dV - SHIP:STAGEDELTAV(s), a, m, s - 1). } return burnTimeCalc(dV, m, Gb, Isp, f). } // Convenience function to wrap the actual calculation for burn time. function burnTimeCalc { parameter dV, m, Gb, Isp, f. if f = 0 { print "WARNING: Tried to calculate burn time with a thrust of 0. Returning 0. Your calculations are probably wrong.". return 0. } // TODO: this formula differs from the following: // t = ((M0 - Mf) * Isp * G) / f // which is suggested at https://www.reddit.com/r/Kos/comments/lev9pw/getting_burntime_from_next_stage/gmig0hl/?context=8&depth=9 // are they equivalent? Is one better than the other? This one doesn't require // knowing final mass, which is nice. return Gb * m * Isp * (1 - CONSTANT():E^(-dV/(Gb*Isp))) / f. } // Calculate the ISP for a given stage. // Defaults to current stage. Assumes your ship is designed so that // engines are discarded immediately when they flame out. function stageISP { parameter s is STAGE:NUMBER. local en is list(). list ENGINES in en. local ispSum is 0. local eCount is 0. for e in en { if e:STAGE = s or e:STAGE > s and e:DECOUPLEDIN < s { set ispSum to ispSum + e:ISP. set eCount to eCount + 1. } } if eCount = 0 { return 0. } return ispSum / eCount. } // Calculates the total thrust for the given stage, in kN. // Defaults to current stage. Assumes your ship is designed so that // engines are discarded immediately when they flame out. function stageThrust { parameter s is STAGE:NUMBER. local en is list(). list ENGINES in en. local sum is 0. for e in en { if e:STAGE = s or e:STAGE > s and e:DECOUPLEDIN < s { set sum to sum + e:POSSIBLETHRUST. } } return sum. }