// This script assumes you have bound collective (aka deploy angle) to main throttle. runoncepath("/debug/vecrender"). // debug // SAS off. // debug: re-enable when adjusting heading local pitchPID is PIDLoop(0.01, 0.001, 0.001, -45, 45). set pitchPID:SETPOINT to 0. local rollPID is PIDLoop(0.01, 0.001, 0.001, -70, 70). set rollPID:SETPOINT to 0. local collectivePID is PIDLoop(0.1, 0.1, 0.001, 0, 1). set collectivePID:SETPOINT to 0. // local x is 0. lock x to SHIP:FACING:FOREVECTOR * SHIP:VELOCITY:SURFACE. // local y is 0. lock y to (SHIP:UP:FOREVECTOR * SHIP:VELOCITY:SURFACE) / (SHIP:VELOCITY:SURFACE:MAG * cos(VectorAngle(SHIP:UP:FOREVECTOR, SHIP:VELOCITY:SURFACE))). // local z is 0. lock z to SHIP:FACING:RIGHTVECTOR * SHIP:VELOCITY:SURFACE. // local spd is 0. lock spd to SHIP:VELOCITY:SURFACE:MAG. local done is false. on AG9 { set done to true. } until done { // local newPitch is pitchPID:Update(TIME:SECONDS, spd). // was x // local newRoll is rollPid:Update(TIME:SECONDS, spd). // was z local newThrot is collectivePID:Update(TIME:SECONDS, SHIP:VELOCITY:SURFACE:Y). // was y // debug print "Yaw = " + mod(360 - SHIP:BEARING, 360). print "Pitch = " + newPitch. print "Roll = " + newRoll. print "Throt = " + newThrot. print "Vertical Speed = " + SHIP:VELOCITY:SURFACE:Y. DrawVectorWithComponents(SHIP:VELOCITY:SURFACE). set SHIP:CONTROL:PILOTMAINTHROTTLE to newThrot. // lock STEERING to Heading( // mod(360 - SHIP:BEARING, 360), // newPitch, // newRoll // ). wait 0.001. } // Because helicopters can hover stably, once we achieve a hover we should be able to turn SAS on and call it good. unlock STEERING. SAS on. print "Hover operation canceled. Returning control.".