// Run this program on a staged multi-satellite deploy mission. (e.g. using a fairing with interstage nodes and stack separators) To use: // // 1. Make sure the next stage will decouple a satellite and activate its engines. // 2. Pull up the PAW for the satellite's probe core and "Control from Here". // 3. Run this program from that satellite's computer. // // This program will decouple the satellite and circularize its orbit. Ideally done on a resonant satellite injection orbit. @lazyglobal off. parameter name is "New Satellite". runoncepath("/lib/navigation"). runoncepath("/lib/node"). stage. PANELS on. set SHIP:NAME to name. CreateCircularizationNode(TIME + 2). ExecNode(). for p in SHIP:PARTS { if p:MODULES:Find("ModuleRTAntenna") > -1 { p:GetModule("ModuleRTAntenna"):DoEvent("ACTIVATE"). } }