This is a list of things that still need doing.  It includes short-, medium-, and long-term goals.


* Make all the buttons prettier
* Add a graphical options menu
* Support some kind of 'conversation' view for in-reply-to chains, instead of the standard single-tweet
* Come up with a better bloody name
* Status bar icon
* Support viewing a list of friends and unfollowing them
* Support creating new lists and adding users to it (as well as removing users and deleting lists)
* Need a new way to post failed tweet retrieval to the status bar


* Direct Messages have no names, only screen names (may not be fixable without
  considerable tweaks to python-twitter)
* Can't always kill tabs - open tab list not always correctly populated?
* Follow/Unfollow and Verified don't get set on current tab when it first appears... need a signal to come back from the TweetPane.