title: "Statement of Intent"
author: "Anna"
date: "2019-09-13"
  - "introduction"
  - "meta"

East Coast Thing 2019 was a transformative experience for me. In the wake of that, I felt inspired to start writing down some of my thoughts about the gods, community, my beliefs, and belief and religion more generally. This is where I will do that.

Who I am: Anna, a 30-something Freyjaswoman living in Upstate New York with my weird little polyamorous family. I've been Heathen since 2008, and have had a particularly close connection with Freyja for most of that time.

What this blog will be: a journal of many things. Heathen epistemology, musings on the lore and myths, theoretical and practical discussions of Heathen worship and magic, personal anecdotes, personal gnosis, crises of faith, book reviews. I sometimes do amateur translations of various texts from a religious context - expect to see some of that here as well.

What this blog will NOT be: a haven for bigotry. Politically speaking, this is an explicitly leftist space. So-called "folkish" Heathenry has no place here. I stand behind [Declaration 127](http://declaration127.com/). Bigotry, in this context, extends (but is not limited) to racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and ableism. Comments will be moderated with a heavy hand toward these issues. I welcome diverse viewpoints and ideas, even strong disagreement, but I do not welcome hate.

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