# General
- id: read_more
  translation: "Read more…"

- id: menu_label
  translation: "Menu"

- id: sidemenu_title
  translation: "Menu"

# Post meta
- id: meta_lastmod
  translation: "Last Modified"

- id: meta_translations
  translation: "Translations"

# Table of Contents
- id: toc_title
  translation: "Page content"

# Post nav
- id: post_nav_prev
  translation: "Previous"

- id: post_nav_next
  translation: "Next"

# Authorbox
- id: authorbox_name
  translation: "About {{ .Name }}"

# Sidebar
- id: sidebar_warning
  translation: "WARNING"

- id: sidebar_recommendation
  translation: "Please activate at least one sidebar widget."

# Search widget
- id: search_placeholder
  translation: "SEARCH…"

# Languages widget
- id: languages_title
  translation: "Languages"

# Categories widget
- id: categories_title
  translation: "Categories"

# Recent Posts widget
- id: recent_title
  translation: "Recent Posts"

# Social widget
- id: social_title
  translation: "Social"

# Tags List widget
- id: tags_title
  translation: "Tags"

# Footer
- id: footer_credits
    "Generated with <a href=\"https://gohugo.io/\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Hugo</a> and \
    <a href=\"https://github.com/Vimux/Mainroad/\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Mainroad</a> theme."

# 404
- id: 404_title
  translation: "404. Page not found"

- id: 404_text
    "The page you were looking for appears to have been moved, deleted or does not exist. Please, use search or go to"

- id: 404_linktext
  translation: "main page"

# No posts empty state
- id: noposts_warning_title
  translation: "You don't have any posts yet!"

- id: noposts_warning_description
    "Once you post something in any folder (section) under the <b>content</b> directory, it will appear here. Only one \
    section (with the most posts) will be displayed on the main page by default."

- id: noposts_warning_tip
    "<b>Tip:</b> You can show as many sections as you like with \
    <b><a href=\"https://gohugo.io/functions/where/#mainsections\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\" target=\"_blank\">mainSections</a></b> \
    config parameter."