// "Readers" represent different methods for reading the state of a pin.
// They also include debouncing logic using the Bounce2 library, when appropriate.

#ifndef _READER_H_
#define _READER_H_

#include <Bounce2.h>
#include <Mux.h>

// The abstract base class - a very simple interface
class Reader {
  Reader(bool inverted);

  virtual bool Update() = 0; // should return true if the state of the pin has changed
  bool On();

  uint8_t getMode(bool pullup);

  Bounce bouncer;
  bool inverted;

// A standard reader; the button is connected directly to a switch
class DirectReader {
  DirectReader(uint8_t pin, bool inverted = true);
  bool Update();
  bool On();

// The button is connected to a Multiplexer channel
class MuxReader {
  MuxReader(uint8_t channel, Mux* mux, bool inverted = true);
  bool Update();
  bool On();

  Mux * mux;

// The button is connected via a scan matrix
// "row" should always be the input, with "col" the selecter.
class MatrixReader {
  MatrixReader(uint8_t row, uint8_t col, bool inverted = true);
  bool Update();
  bool On();

  uint8_t col;
