package main

import (


func main() {
	data := util.ReadInputInts()
	root := day08.BuildTree(data)

func generateChecksum(node *day08.Node) int {
	// If a node has no child nodes, its value is the sum of its metadata entries.
	if len(node.Children) == 0 {
		return node.SumMetadata()

	// if a node does have child nodes, the metadata entries become (1-indexed) indexes
	// which refer to those child nodes.
	// The value of the node is the sum of the values of its children.
	value := 0
	for _, md := range node.Metadata {
		// Skip invalid metadata entries
		if md == 0 || md > len(node.Children) {

		value += generateChecksum(node.Children[md-1])

	return value