-- unavoidable table lookups used by multiple files are stored here. -- nothing in here should -- be changed at runtime. -- -- also has commented "fake constants" that are replaced by actual values, for -- reference. -- -- see index_map.md for more "constant" values function init_constants() -- block_size = 64 -- biome_size = 128 -- the indices here are sprite numbers. object_interaction_map = { -- bush [3] = { replacement = 17, sfx = 13, drop = 69 }, -- tree [4] = { replacement = 14, sfx = 11, drop = 65 }, -- big mushroom [8] = { replacement = 16, sfx = 12, drop = 66 }, -- cactus w/ flower [10] = { replacement = 15, sfx = 12, drop = 68 }, -- cactus [13] = { replacement = 15, sfx = 12, drop = 67 } } end