--- Procedural generation methods function init_mapgen() uid_seed = 1229 -- arbitrarily chosen number block_size = 128 -- Sprite ratios for different biomes, of the form { "biome_name": {frequency, sprite index} ... } } -- frequencies don't have to add up to 100, but they should by convention -- -- Sprites are: -- * 2 - grass -- * 3 - bush -- * 4 - tree -- * 5 - red flowers -- * 6 - pink flowers -- * 7 - mushrooms biomes = { grassland = { {40, 2}, {28, 5}, {28, 6}, {3, 3}, {1, 4} }, forest = { {40, 2}, {50, 4}, {5, 3}, {4, 5}, {1, 7} } } build_biome("forest") end -- use biome1 function build_biome(biome1, biome2, mix) if mix == true then else frequencies = biomes[biome1] end -- global variable used for lookup during mapgen biome_lookup = {} for i=1,#frequencies do local tuple=frequencies[i] for j=1,tuple[1] do add(biome_lookup, tuple[2]) end end end -- generates a unique identifier for a position -- uses srand() and rand() to get an unpredictable value (is this too slow?) function generate_uid(pos) srand((pos[1] + uid_seed) * (pos[2] + (uid_seed^2))) return flr(rnd(-1)) end -- determine what sprite to render for a given position function get_tile(pos) return biome_lookup[(generate_uid(pos) % #biome_lookup) + 1] end -- generate the map and writes to the map area from 0 - block_size, -- assuming 'start' as the top-left corner of the map area to generate. -- writes block_size x block_size tiles -- after a call to generate_map you should always center the camera/player over the map, i.e. -- camera at { (block_size / 2) - 8, (block_size / 2) - 8 } function generate_map(start) for x=0,block_size-1 do for y=0,block_size-1 do mset(x, y, get_tile({start[1]+x, start[2]+y})) end end end