function init_movement() camera_pos = {0, 0} -- [1] is vertical facing, [2] is horizontal, -1 is up/left, 0 is neutral, -- and 1 is down/right facing = {1, 0} -- this is a constant for looking up player sprites by facing player_lookup = { [0] = { [0] = -1, -- error state [-1] = 122, -- left [1] = 123, -- right }, [-1] = { [0] = 120, -- up [-1] = 124, -- up-left [1] = 125, -- up-right }, [1] = { [0] = 121, -- down [-1] = 126, -- down-left [1] = 127, -- down-right }, } end function handle_input() local new_pos = {camera_pos[1], camera_pos[2]} if btnp(0) or btnp(1) or btnp(2) or btnp(3) then if btnp(0) then new_pos[1] -= 1 -- move left facing[2] = -1 end if btnp(1) then new_pos[1] += 1 -- move right facing[2] = 1 end if not (btnp(0) or btnp(1)) then facing[2] = 0 end if btnp(2) then new_pos[2] -= 1 -- move up facing[1] = -1 end if btnp(3) then new_pos[2] += 1 -- move down facing[1] = 1 end if not (btnp(2) or btnp(3)) then facing[1] = 0 end end if legal_move(new_pos) then camera_pos = new_pos end -- todo: determine whether we need to regen map and what that means end function draw_player() spr(player_lookup[facing[1]][facing[2]], 64, 64) -- todo: animate the character on move end -- pos is camera position, meaning the player position is -- pos + {8, 8}. function legal_move(pos) return not fget(mget(pos[1]+8, pos[2]+8), 0) end