#!/usr/bin/python # # battleman.py - RPG Battle Manager # # A table-top RPG battle flow manager # Tuned pretty specifically to D&D 4e for now... need a templatized system # to do anything fancier... may develop that at some point. # # future features: # * keep a pickled file or a shelve db of the current state, and add a --resume option # for resuming a battle later # * an option for passing in multiple files that contain combatant definitions # * down combatants go into a separate list from dice import Dice import cPickle as pickle import sys import os.path class CombatGroup(): # What we're mostly getting here is a definition of the *members* # of the group... then we build them all and stick them in # the group @classmethod def from_input(cls): name = input_str("name") hp = input_int('hp') init_mod = input_int('init mod', 0) ap = input_int('action points', 0) surges = input_int('healing surges', 0) recharges = [] while True: data = [] data = input_str("recharge", default='').split(',') if len(data) == 2: recharge = {} recharge['name'] = data[0] recharge['value'] = int(data[1]) recharge['used'] = False recharges.append(recharge) else: break count = input_int('count', 1) # Now make the combatants... members = [] for i in range(count): members.append(Combatant(name, hp, pc=False, surges=surges, ap=ap, sw=0, recharges=recharges)) if count > 1: name = name + 's' return CombatGroup(name, members, init_mod) def __init__(self, name, members, init_mod=0): self.name = name self.members = members self.init_mod = init_mod self.init = 0 def roll_init(self): d = Dice.from_str('1d20+{}'.format(self.init_mod)) self.set_init(d.roll()['total']) def set_init(self, init): self.init = init def add_member(self, c): self.members.append(c) def is_solo_group(self): return len(self.members) == 1 def begin_turn(self): print '{} {} initiative.'.format(self.name, ['has', 'have'][len(self.members) != 1]) for c in self.members: c.begin_turn() def end_turn(self): for c in self.members: c.end_turn() class Combatant(): next_index = 0 def __init__(self, name, hp, pc=False, init_mod=0, surges=0, ap=0, sw=0, recharges=[]): self.name = name self.max_hp = hp self.hp = self.max_hp self.temp_hp = 0 self.pc = pc self.surges = surges self.ap = ap self.sw = sw self.conditions = {} self.index = Combatant.next_index self.next_condition_index = 0 Combatant.next_index += 1 self.recharges = {} recharge_index = 0 for r in recharges: r['index'] = recharge_index r['just_used'] = False self.recharges[recharge_index] = r recharge_index += 1 def __str__(self): return "{}: {} ({})".format(self.index, self.name, self.format_health_summary()) # cond_type can be 's' or 't', for 'save' or 'timed'. If it is 't', condition expires at the end of the players turn # 'duration' rounds from now def add_condition(self, name, cond_type, duration=None, end_type='e'): condition = {} condition['name'] = name condition['cond_type'] = cond_type condition['duration'] = duration condition['end_type'] = end_type condition['index'] = self.next_condition_index if cond_type == 'timed' and duration == None: print 'Error: specified a timed condition with no duration.' return self.conditions[self.next_condition_index] = condition self.next_condition_index += 1 # Removes a condition, prints a message about it, and returns a copy of the condition def remove_condition(self, index): if index not in self.conditions: print "Error: invalid condition index." return None c = self.conditions.pop(index) print '{} is no longer affected by {}.'.format(self, c['name']) return c def choose_condition(self): if not len(self.conditions): print '{} has no conditions.'.format(self) return None print self.format_condition_summary() index = input_int('choice') if index not in self.conditions: print 'Error: {} is not a valid index'.format(index) return self.choose_condition() return self.conditions[index] def tick_conditions(self): for c in self.conditions.values(): if c['cond_type'] == 't': c['duration'] -= 1 def begin_turn(self): for c in self.conditions.values(): if c['cond_type'] == 't' and c['end_type'] == 's': if c['duration'] <= 0: self.remove_condition(c['index']) else: print '{} is still affected by {} ({} round{} left).'.format(self, c['name'], c['duration'], 's'[c['duration']==1:]) def end_turn(self): for c in self.conditions.values(): if c['cond_type'] == 's': r = None if self.pc: print '{}: save against {}.'.format(self, c['name']) r = input_int('saving throw') else: save_die = Dice.from_str('1d20') r = save_die.roll()['total'] if r >= 10: self.remove_condition(c['index']) print '{} successfully saved against {}.'.format(self, c['name']) else: print '{} failed a save against {}.'.format(self, c['name']) elif c['cond_type'] == 't' and c['end_type'] == 'e': if c['duration'] <= 0: self.remove_condition(c['index']) else: print '{} is still affected by {} ({} round{} left).'.format(self, c['name'], c['duration'], 's'[c['duration']==1:]) for r in self.recharges.values(): if r['used']: if r['just_used']: r['just_used'] = False continue # Roll to recharge d = Dice.from_str('1d6') n = d.roll()['total'] if n >= r['value']: r['used'] = False print '{} can use {} again!'.format(self, r['name']) def damage(self, amount): was_bloodied = self.is_bloodied() if self.temp_hp > 0: self.temp_hp -= amount if self.temp_hp < 0: amount = abs(self.temp_hp) self.temp_hp = 0 self.hp -= amount print '{} took {} points of damage.'.format(self, amount) if self.is_down(): print '{} is down!'.format(self) elif self.is_bloodied() and not was_bloodied: print '{} is bloodied!'.format(self) def heal(self, amount): was_down = self.is_down() was_bloodied = self.is_bloodied() if self.hp < 0: self.hp = 0 amount_healed = amount if self.hp + amount_healed > self.max_hp: amount_healed = self.max_hp - self.hp self.hp += amount_healed if was_down: print '{} regains consciousness.'.format(self) print '{} regained {} hit points.'.format(self, amount_healed) if was_bloodied and not self.is_bloodied(): print '{} is no longer bloodied.'.format(self) elif was_bloodied and self.is_bloodied(): print '{} is still bloodied.'.format(self) def add_temp_hp(self, amount): self.temp_hp += amount print '{} gained {} temporary hit points.'.format(self, amount) def use_surge(self, heal=True): if self.surges <= 0: print '{} has no healing surges.'.format(self) return self.surges -= 1 noheal = '' if not heal: noheal = " (but didn't regain hit points)" print '{} spent a healing surge{}.'.format(self, noheal) if heal: self.heal(self.max_hp / 4) def use_second_wind(self): if self.sw <= 0: print "{} doesn't have a second wind.".format(self) return self.surges -= 1 print '{} got their second wind!'.format(self) # Now the actual effects of the SW self.use_surge() self.add_condition('Second Wind (+2 all def)', 't', 1) def use_recharge_power(self, index): if index not in self.recharges: print "Error: Invalid recharge index" return self.recharges[index]['used'] = True self.recharges[index]['just_used'] = True def choose_recharge_power(self): if not len(self.recharges): print '{} has no rechargable powers.'.format(self) return None print self.format_recharge_summary() index = input_int('choice') if index not in self.recharges: print 'Error: {} is not a valid index'.format(index) return self.choose_recharge_power() return self.recharges[index] def is_bloodied(self): return self.hp <= self.max_hp / 2 def is_down(self): return self.hp <= 0 def format_full_info(self): return """{name} {separator} index: {index} hp: {hp}/{max_hp} temp hp: {temp_hp} surges: {surge} ap: {ap} sw: {sw} conditions: {conditions} recharge powers: {recharge}""".format(index=self.index, name=self.name, hp=self.hp, max_hp=self.max_hp, temp_hp=self.temp_hp, surge=self.surges, ap=self.ap, sw=self.sw, conditions=self.format_condition_summary(' '), recharge=self.format_recharge_summary(' '), separator='='*len(self.name)) def format_health_summary(self): bloodied = '' temp_info = '' if self.is_bloodied(): bloodied = ', bloodied' if len(self.conditions): bloodied = bloodied + ', ' if self.temp_hp > 0: temp_info = ', {} temp hp'.format(self.temp_hp) return '{} hp{}{}{}'.format(self.hp, temp_info, bloodied, ', '.join([x['name'] for x in self.conditions.values()])) def format_condition_summary(self, initial=''): summary = '' for (index, c) in self.conditions.items(): type_string = '' if c['cond_type'] == 's': type_string = 'Save Ends' elif c['cond_type'] == 't': type_string = '{} Round{}'.format(c['duration'], 's'[ c['duration']==1: ] ) summary = summary + '{}{}: {} ({})\n'.format(initial, index, c['name'], type_string) return summary.rstrip() def format_recharge_summary(self, initial): summary = '' for (index, r) in self.recharges.items(): summary = summary + '{}{}: {} (Recharge: {}, Available: {})\n'.format(initial, index, r['name'], r['value'], ['Yes', 'No'][ r['used'] ]) return summary.rstrip() # data about the battle - includes combatant list, etc class Battle(): def __init__(self): self.combatant_hash = {} self.groups = [] self.current = None self.round = None def __str__(self): ret = '' if self.is_started(): ret = 'Battle underway, currently on round {}\n\n'.format(self.round) else: ret = 'Battle not yet started\n\n' ret = ret + 'Combatants\n==========\n' ret = ret + self.format_combatants() return ret def is_started(self): return self.current != None def add_group(self, group): # If battle is already going, need to know # where in the init order the new mooks go if battle.is_started(): if group.is_solo_group() and group.members[0].pc: group.set_init(input_int('Initiative for {}'.format(group.name))) else: group.roll_init() added = False for i in range(len(self.groups)): if group.init > self.groups[i].init: self.groups.insert(i, group) added = True break if not added: self.groups.append(group) else: self.groups.append(group) for c in group.members: self.combatant_hash[c.index] = c def get_current_group(self): if self.current != -1: return self.groups[self.current] else: return None def get_combatant(self, index): if index in self.combatant_hash: return self.combatant_hash[index] else: return None def choose_combatant(self): print self.format_combatants() index = input_int('choose combatant') if index not in self.combatant_hash: print 'Error: {} is not a valid index'.format(index) return self.choose_combatant() return self.combatant_hash[index] def begin(self): if self.is_started(): print "Error: battle is already running" for g in self.groups: if g.is_solo_group() and g.members[0].pc: g.set_init(input_int('Initiative for {}'.format(g.name))) else: g.roll_init() self.groups.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda group: group.init) self.current = 0 print '\nInitiative Roster:\n' for g in self.groups: print '{} ({})'.format(g.name, g.init) print '' self.next_round() self.get_current_group().begin_turn() # Returns a formatted string with all of the combatants def format_combatants(self): ret = '' for g in self.groups: if g.is_solo_group(): ret = ret + '{}\n'.format(g.members[0]) else: ret = ret + '{}:\n'.format(g.name) for c in g.members: ret = ret + ' {}\n'.format(c) return ret.rstrip() # Returns a formatted string with just the current group def format_current_group(self): if self.validate_started(): return self.validate_started() g = self.groups[self.current] if g.is_solo_group(): return '{}'.format(g.members[0].format_full_info()) else: ret = '{}\n'.format(g.name) for c in g.members: ret = ret + ' {}\n'.format(c) return ret.rstrip() def next_combatant(self): if self.validate_started(): print self.validate_started() return g = self.get_current_group() g.end_turn() self.current += 1 if self.current >= len(self.groups): self.current = 0 self.next_round() g = self.get_current_group() g.begin_turn() def next_round(self): if self.round == None: self.round = 1 else: self.round += 1 # Decrement all timed conditions for c in self.combatant_hash.values(): c.tick_conditions() print 'Beginning round {}'.format(self.round) def validate_started(self): if not self.is_started(): return 'Error: you can only run this command after starting the battle' return None battle = Battle() ### This is the pickling jar battle_pickle = None bp_io_failed = False BP_FILE = os.path.expanduser('~/.config/4etools/battleman/battle.pickle') ### def main(): # Make sure config directory exists if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(BP_FILE)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(BP_FILE)) # hard-coding test cases for now. # Eventually, use a state-saving text file that's easy to edit battle.add_group(CombatGroup("Adele", [Combatant("Adele", hp=26, pc=True, surges=8, sw=1)], 2)) battle.add_group(CombatGroup("Aristaire", [Combatant("Aristaire", hp=20, pc=True, surges=6, sw=1)], 0)) battle.add_group(CombatGroup("Foobolds", [Combatant("Foobold", hp=50), Combatant("Foobold", hp=50), Combatant("Foobold", hp=50), Combatant("Foobold", hp=50), Combatant("Foobold", hp=50)], 20)) battle.add_group(CombatGroup("Barglins", [Combatant("Barglin", hp=1), Combatant("Barglin", hp=1)], 3)) battle.add_group(CombatGroup("Orcs of Baz", [Combatant("Orc", hp=32), Combatant("Orc", hp=32)], 1)) print "Welcome to 4e Battle Manager.\n" print battle while True: do_prompt() # fixme - change input behavior. If an action has a sensible default, do that when no args are passed - require args to change default behavior def do_prompt(): print '' (comm, rdata) = input_str('', default='?', show_default=False, prompt_str='>').partition(' ')[::2] data = rdata.split(' ') if data == ['']: data = [] if comm == '?': do_help() elif comm == 'a': do_add_combatants(data) elif comm == 'p': do_print_combatant_info(data) elif comm == 'l': print battle.format_combatants() elif comm == 'b': battle.begin() elif comm == 'd': do_damage(data) elif comm == 'h': do_heal(data) elif comm == 't': do_add_temp_hp(data) elif comm == 'T': do_remove_temp_hp(data) elif comm == 's': do_surge(data) elif comm == 'so': do_surge(data, heal=False) elif comm == 'sw': do_second_wind(data) elif comm == 'c': do_add_condition(data) elif comm == 'C': do_remove_condition(data) elif comm == 'n': battle.next_combatant() elif comm == 'r': do_use_recharge_power(data) elif comm == 'w': do_wait(data) elif comm == 'W': do_unwait(data) elif comm == 'x': do_stub() elif comm == 'q': sys.exit(0) # Re-pickle and write if changed after every query. It's cheap # and we only have to run at user-speed anyway global battle_pickle old_bp = battle_pickle battle_pickle = pickle.dumps(battle) if old_bp != battle_pickle: try: with open(BP_FILE, 'w') as f: f.write(battle_pickle) except: if not bp_io_failed: print("Warning: can't write the battle pickle. Resuming later will fail.") bp_io_failed = True def do_help(): print("""Possible commands: ? - print this help menu (yay, you already figured that one out) a - add more combatants (works during battle) b - begin the battle l - list combatants p - print info for combatant/group with initiative d - deal damage to someone h - heal someone t - add temporary hit points T - remove temporary hit points [stub] s - use a healing surge so - use a healing surge, but don't regain hit points sw - use a second wind c/C - apply / remove a condition r - use a rechargable power n - next (end the current combat group's turn) w/W - wait / unwait (remove a combatant from the initiative order and into a separate pool, then put them back) [stub] x - force save the progress to the current battle cache (for use with --resume) [stub] q - quit""") def do_add_combatants(data): ngroups = input_int('number of groups') for i in range(1, ngroups+1): print "Adding group {}".format(i) battle.add_group(CombatGroup.from_input()) def do_print_combatant_info(data): if len(data) >= 1: c = battle.get_combatant(int(data[0])) if not c: print('Error: Invalid combatant index.') else: print c.format_full_info() else: print battle.format_current_group() def do_damage(data): if len(data) >= 1: c = battle.get_combatant(int(data[0])) if not c: print ('Error: Invalid combatant index.') return else: c = battle.choose_combatant() if len(data) >= 2: amount = int(data[1]) else: amount = input_int('damage') c.damage(amount) def do_heal(data): if len(data) >= 1: c = battle.get_combatant(int(data[0])) if not c: print ('Error: Invalid combatant index.') return else: c = battle.choose_combatant() if len(data) >= 2: amount = int(data[1]) else: amount = input_int('amount') c.heal(amount) def do_add_temp_hp(data): if len(data) >= 1: c = battle.get_combatant(int(data[0])) if not c: print ('Error: Invalid combatant index.') return else: c = battle.choose_combatant() if len(data) >= 2: amount = int(data[1]) else: amount = input_int('amount') c.add_temp_hp(amount) def do_remove_temp_hp(data): do_stub() def do_surge(data, heal=True): if len(data) >= 1: c = battle.get_combatant(int(data[0])) if not c: print ('Error: Invalid combatant index.') return else: c = battle.choose_combatant() c.use_surge(heal) def do_second_wind(data): if len(data) >= 1: c = battle.get_combatant(int(data[0])) if not c: print ('Error: Invalid combatant index.') return else: c = battle.choose_combatant() c.use_second_wind() def do_add_condition(data): duration = None end_type = 'e' if len(data) >= 1: c = battle.get_combatant(int(data[0])) else: c = battle.choose_combatant() if len(data) >= 2: name = data[1] else: name = input_str('condition name') if len(data) >= 3: ctype = data[2] else: ctype = input_str('condition type', default='s', show_default=True) if ctype == 't': if len(data) >= 4: duration = int(data[3]) else: duration = input_int('duration') if len(data) >= 5: end_type = data[4] else: end_type = input_str('(s)tart|(e)nd', default='e', show_default=True) c.add_condition(name, ctype, duration, end_type) def do_remove_condition(data): if len(data) >= 1: c = battle.get_combatant(int(data[0])) if not c: print ('Error: Invalid combatant index.') return else: c = battle.choose_combatant() if len(data) >= 2: index = int(data[1]) else: cond = c.choose_condition() index = None if cond: index = cond['index'] if index != None: c.remove_condition(index) def do_use_recharge_power(data): if len(data) >= 1: c = battle.get_combatant(int(data[0])) if not c: print ('Error: Invalid combatant index.') return else: c = battle.choose_combatant() if len(data) >= 2: index = int(data[1]) else: r = c.choose_recharge_power() index = None if r: index = r['index'] if index != None: c.use_recharge_power(index) def do_wait(data): do_stub() def do_unwait(data): do_stub() def do_stub(): print "Sorry, this is a stub function" def input_str(prompt, default=None, show_default=False, prompt_str=':'): full_prompt = prompt if default != None and show_default: full_prompt = full_prompt + ' [{}]'.format(default) full_prompt = full_prompt + '{} '.format(prompt_str) data = raw_input(full_prompt) if not data: if default == None: print 'Error: you must provide a value!' return input_str(prompt, default, show_default, prompt_str) else: return default else: return data def input_int(prompt, default=None, show_default=True, prompt_str=':'): return int(input_str(prompt, default, show_default)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()